Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Temporal Strider

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Temporal Strider said:

Temporal Strider
Temporal Striders are born seemingly apart from the world at large, some form of anomaly in the framework, unknown to ordinary existence. While they grow and age as human standards dictate, they are capable of seeing a tear in space and time and interact with those tears to distort and manipulate the flow of time to their whims. While they cannot play with time on a greater scale, mere seconds are all they need to gain an upper hand in combat and once they do learn to control their unique power, they can do more than just play with time.

Kinjutsu Table
Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots

- The user's Temporal Strider skills have priority over any other action occuring at that same time.
- The user may not lose more than 2 AP in a round due to the effects of others (e.g: Suppression, Max AP reduction and such)
- The user can carry over up to 2 AP that has not been used from the previous round. You cannot start a round with more than 12 AP and any excess AP are loss.
- At any point in a round, you can spend either 1 or 2 AP to trigger an Epoch. You can only choose one Epoch each round and whenever you activate one, you regain the spent AP for the following round as if it has not been used.

Epochs - Mastery over time allows a Temporal Strider to utilize their given time to produce a wide variety of law-defying effects and brief, but momentous events.
  • Haste - Grants you or a target of your choice +3 Dodge/Save and 10% Auto-Dodge for 2 seconds for every 1 AP spent. (minimum of 2 seconds).
  • Slow - Grants you or a target of your choice -3 Dodge/Save for 2 seconds for every 1 AP spent. (minimum of 2 seconds).
  • Flow - For every 1 AP spent, you can reflexively force an action to be modded as normal timing.

World Standstill - Kinjutsu Ability

Perhaps the most frightening ability of a Temporal Strider is their capability of halting time for very short periods. To the unknowing, it could even appear as if the Temporal Strider is conjuring attacks from from thin air, or warping from one space to another, unaware of them moving very regularly in a time seen only by themselves. Though exhausting to the user, even the briefest of extra moments can offer a momentous advantage during battle.

Prerequisites: Temporal Strider

Effects: The user may stop time, which acts as a "round-within-a-round" occuring at that point. The duration of this sub-round may last 1, 2 or 3 seconds (user's choice). While time is stopped, only a Temporal Strider may perform actions, while all others are "paused" and immune to all actions which hit them in a sub-round (harmful and beneficial). Once this sub-round ends, the round continues from where it left off, uninterrupted.

Cost: 1 AP, and 1.5% Max CP x seconds stopped

- World Standstill may only be used once per round, regardless of how many Temporal Strider are present in battle. The user has a 15 second cooldown before they may reuse it again.
- Actions may begin inside the sub-round and carry over into the real round. Example; performing a 2.5 second action within a 1 second sub-round, will cause it to complete 1.5 seconds after the sub-round ends.
- The stopped time sub-round has no effect toward any duration/cooldowns.
- Paused targets are only immune within this sub-round of stopped time; if the user delays a jutsu to resolve after the sub-round ends, it may affect the target.

Chronostasis - Kinjutsu Ability

Time being like so much liquid to a Strider, then can easily throw their chakra forwards in it to form into its essence later--even controlling where and when it appears.

Prerequisites: Temporal Strider

Effect: Once per round, the user may reflexive delay any attack for between 10 to 20 seconds, or until the user delays a different attack through Chronostasis.

- Can be used reflexively against a different target's attack, or be used directly to their own attack.
- Delaying a target's attack is automatic, even if an enemy.
- All costs are paid as normal at the time of casting. Any maintenance costs do not begin until after the jutsu occurs.

Rewind - Independent Special Action

One of the notable abilities of a Temporal Strider is to forcibly push back an object or a person to a certain point in the past, rendering it or them to their state as before. Normally seen as an ace for Temporal Striders when dire situations are presented to them, but often times can be used offensively by means of putting someone back in a dangerous situation where they may previously escaped or avoided.

Prerequisites: Temporal Strider, B-Rank

Rank 1: Negates the effects of the last jutsu to hit the user. This treats the jutsu as if it had never affected the user (removes damage, effects, and etc).
Mastered: Can target others.

Special Action: Rather than the usual effect, the user may choose to re-apply the last effect that had been affecting the target, but had been removed early. (Such as successfully resisting a Genjutsu, or a Poison, or escaping an Arena or Bind, etc).

Cost: AP equal to the negated Jutsu (minimum of 1 AP). Re-applying an effect costs 1 AP.

- Each individual target (to include the user), has a 15 second cooldown before they may be reaffected by Rewind again.
- For the special action, choosing to re-apply an effect must be an effect that has affected them and they removed it. This does not include if the effect is a jutsu that is being maintained by another player and has been disrupted/dropped, causing the player to drop the jutsu affecting your target.

Fast Forward - B-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

Many consider time as a mere concept, a made-up to keep track of things as the day progresses. For a Temporal Strider, time is something tangible and a force to reckon with and when things are set in motion, they can turn the flow of time against it, speeding up their destruction and quickly passing their time to which none may benefit it's presence in the present.

Prerequisites: Temporal Strider, B-Rank

Rank 1: Strikes a target at +2 accuracy, dealing 1800 damage and inflicting Wither to a jutsu or effect of your choice afflicted to the target or being maintained by the target.
Mastered: Strikes a target at +3 accuracy, dealing 2250 damage and inflicting Wither to a jutsu or effect of your choice afflicted to the target or being maintained by the target.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 CP
Mastered Cost: 910 CP

- A target may only be affected once per round.
- May use any Accuracy of your choice (e.g: Ranged, Gen. DC, Ninjutsu, etc).
- May not choose Bleeding as an option.
- Wither treats the selected Jutsu as if 10 seconds had passed, also triggering any associated effects which would have occurred during that time (for example, maintain costs, resistance checks, DoT, etc). All costs/damages are immediately paid.
- In addition to the above note, Wither affecting jutsus that has HP (Creations or Clones) is reduced by 20% and jutsus that restores HP over time only restores 60% of the usual amount.

Favor of Time - A-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

There are ways to cheat time. Temporal Striders are able to step into the currents of causality and hop "between" strands of probability... and drag their opponents along with them. This means that any time an opponent would choose to face a Temporal Strider with the proper mix of cunning and strength they do so with the forces of fate itself working against them.

Prerequisites: Temporal Strider, A-Rank

Rank 1: For 15 seconds, the user may reflexively select any two actions which require a roll, granting the action either Advantage or Disadvantage of your choice.
Mastered: For 15 seconds, the user may reflexively select any four actions which require a roll, granting the action either Advantage or Disadvantage of your choice.

Cost: 3 AP and 2000 CP

- Has a 10 second cooldown between uses.
- Selecting an action only needs to be declared and likewise is modded as instantaneous as a result. Casting Favor of Time still takes time as normal however. Can choose actions from other players.
- Advantage causes the action to roll twice, taking the result which favors the caster more and discarding the other.
- Disadvantage causes the action to roll twice, taking the result which disfavors the target more and discarding the other.
- If the action has multiple rolls involved, you may specify which part(s) of the action you would like to impart this jutsu's effect on. Each roll you choose to apply this effect on a single action is considered as another action.
- If Favor of Time is used on an action, it removes any other effects that would allow the action to be re-rolled.

Broken Timeline - S-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu

While time traveling is something that can be done with extreme precaution, a Temporal Strider will take that risk to do such thing. The ability to break the time itself, risking themselves as they call upon consumed time into the present, their own self that has yet to experience what is to come. These versions of yourself tend to appear distorted and gray, lack of colors as they are out of their own time and even so, they present danger to those around them and to the present self as the lack of communication prevents either past and present from exchanging information, although some find ways to order or prevent themselves from doing something in the past.

Prerequisites: Temporal Strider, S-Rank

Effect: Summons a version of yourself, a Time Echo, from one of the last 3 rounds. Lasts 10 seconds.
  • Has secondaries equal to user's.
  • It will perform all actions and conditionals performed by the user during that round, choosing the same targets as before.
  • You can cancel or re-direct any actions your version would had performed during the round. You cannot order your version to perform new actions.
Cost: 4.5 AP and 4,620 CP.

- Has a 20 second cooldown from the time the Time Echo disperses.
- Any HP/CP damage taken by the Time Echo would be dealt to you instead.
- The Time Echo does not have any AP; it will attempt to perform the same actions, with the same amount of time passing between them as they were originally used. It's actions may be spill over between rounds (example; it performing a 2-second action at 9 seconds into round 3, will cause the action to occur 1 second into round 4.)
- The Time Echo is not treated as a Clone or Creation. This does not allow you to bypass any limitations such as barriers, creations, clones, etc.
- Both "Once per round" actions and those having a cooldown, when performed by the Time Echo, do not count toward the user performing them in the current round. This only applies to these kinds of actions (not once per battle ones, or things target may only be affected by once per round).
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[quote="Temporal Strider"]
[U][B]Temporal Strider[/B][/U]
Temporal Striders are born seemingly apart from the world at large, some form of anomaly in the framework, unknown to ordinary existence. While they grow and age as human standards dictate, they are capable of seeing a tear in space and time and interact with those tears to distort and manipulate the flow of time to their whims. While they cannot play with time on a greater scale, mere seconds are all they need to gain an upper hand in combat and once they do learn to control their unique power, they can do more than just play with time.

[U][B]Kinjutsu Table[/B][/U]
[*][URL='']World Standstill[/URL] (Ability)
[*][URL='']Chronostasis[/URL] (Ability)
[*][URL='']Rewind[/URL] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][URL='']Fast Forward[/URL] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][URL='']Favor of Time[/URL] (A-Rank Technique)
[*][URL='']Broken Timeline[/URL] (S-Rank Technique)
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots

- The user's [I]Temporal Strider[/I] skills have priority over any other action occuring at that same time.
- The user may not lose more than 2 AP in a round due to the effects of others [I](e.g: Suppression, Max AP reduction and such)[/I]
- The user can carry over up to 2 AP that has not been used from the previous round. You cannot start a round with more than 12 AP and any excess AP are loss.
- At any point in a round, you can spend either 1 or 2 AP to trigger an [I]Epoch[/I]. You can only choose one [I]Epoch[/I] each round and whenever you activate one, you regain the spent AP for the following round as if it has not been used.

[B]Epochs[/B] - [I]Mastery over time allows a Temporal Strider to utilize their given time to produce a wide variety of law-defying effects and brief, but momentous events.[/I]
[*][B]Haste[/B] - Grants you or a target of your choice +3 Dodge/Save and 10% Auto-Dodge for 2 seconds for every 1 AP spent. ([I]minimum of 2 seconds[/I]).
[*][B]Slow[/B] - Grants you or a target of your choice -3 Dodge/Save for 2 seconds for every 1 AP spent. ([I]minimum of 2 seconds[/I]).
[*][B]Flow[/B] - For every 1 AP spent, you can reflexively force an action to be modded as normal timing.[/list]

[quote][anchor=Ab1][u][b]World Standstill - [i]Kinjutsu Ability[/i][/b][/u][/anchor]
Perhaps the most frightening ability of a Temporal Strider is their capability of halting time for very short periods. To the unknowing, it could even appear as if the [i]Temporal Strider[/i] is conjuring attacks from from thin air, or warping from one space to another, unaware of them moving very regularly in a time seen only by themselves.  Though exhausting to the user, even the briefest of extra moments can offer a momentous advantage during battle. 

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Temporal Strider

[b]Effects:[/b] The user may stop time, which acts as a [i]"round-within-a-round"[/i] occuring at that point. The duration of this sub-round may last 1, 2 or 3 seconds [i](user's choice)[/i].  While time is stopped, only a [i]Temporal Strider[/i] may perform actions, while all others are [i]"paused"[/i] and immune to all actions which hit them in a sub-round [i](harmful and beneficial)[/i].  Once this sub-round ends, the round continues from where it left off, uninterrupted. 

[b]Cost:[/b] 1 AP, and 1.5% Max CP x seconds stopped

- [i]World Standstill[/i] may only be used once per round, regardless of how many Temporal Strider are present in battle. The user has a 15 second cooldown before they may reuse it again.
- Actions may begin inside the sub-round and carry over into the real round.  Example; performing a 2.5 second action within a 1 second sub-round, will cause it to complete 1.5 seconds after the sub-round ends. 
- The stopped time sub-round has no effect toward any duration/cooldowns.
- Paused targets are only immune within this sub-round of stopped time; if the user delays a jutsu to resolve after the sub-round ends, it may affect the target.[/quote]

[quote][anchor=Ab2][u][b]Chronostasis - [i]Kinjutsu Ability[/i][/b][/u][/anchor]
Time being like so much liquid to a Strider, then can easily throw their chakra forwards in it to form into its essence later--even controlling where and when it appears.
[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Temporal Strider
[b]Effect:[/b] Once per round, the user may [i]reflexive[/i] delay any attack for between 10 to 20 seconds, or until the user delays a different attack through [i]Chronostasis[/i].

- Can be used [i]reflexively[/i] against a different target's attack, or be used directly to their own attack.
- Delaying a target's attack is automatic, even if an enemy.
- All costs are paid as normal at the time of casting. Any maintenance costs do not begin until after the jutsu occurs.[/quote]

[quote][anchor=B1][u][b]Rewind - [i]Independent Special Action[/i][/b][/u][/anchor]
One of the notable abilities of a Temporal Strider is to forcibly push back an object or a person to a certain point in the past, rendering it or them to their state as before. Normally seen as an ace for Temporal Striders when dire situations are presented to them, but often times can be used offensively by means of putting someone back in a dangerous situation where they may previously escaped or avoided.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Temporal Strider, B-Rank

[b]Rank 1:[/b] Negates the effects of the last jutsu to hit the user. This treats the jutsu as if it had never affected the user [i](removes damage, effects, and etc)[/i].
[b]Mastered:[/b] Can target others.

[i]Special Action:[/i] Rather than the usual effect, the user may choose to re-apply the last effect that had been affecting the target, but had been removed early. ([i]Such as successfully resisting a Genjutsu, or a Poison, or escaping an Arena or Bind, etc[/i]).

[b]Cost:[/b] AP equal to the negated Jutsu ([i]minimum of 1 AP[/i]). Re-applying an effect costs 1 AP.

- Each individual target [i](to include the user)[/i], has a 15 second cooldown before they may be reaffected by [i]Rewind[/i] again.
- For the special action, choosing to re-apply an effect must be an effect that has affected them and they removed it. This does not include if the effect is a jutsu that is being maintained by another player and has been disrupted/dropped, causing the player to drop the jutsu affecting your target.

[quote][anchor=B2][u][b]Fast Forward - [i]B-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u][/anchor]
Many consider time as a mere concept, a made-up to keep track of things as the day progresses. For a Temporal Strider, time is something tangible and a force to reckon with and when things are set in motion, they can turn the flow of time against it, speeding up their destruction and quickly passing their time to which none may benefit it's presence in the present.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Temporal Strider, B-Rank

[b]Rank 1:[/b] Strikes a target at +2 accuracy, dealing 1800 damage and inflicting [i]Wither[/i] to a jutsu or effect of your choice afflicted to the target or being maintained by the target.
[b]Mastered:[/b] Strikes a target at +3 accuracy, dealing 2250 damage and inflicting [i]Wither[/i] to a jutsu or effect of your choice afflicted to the target or being maintained by the target.

[b]Rank 1 Cost:[/b] 730 CP
[b]Mastered Cost:[/b] 910 CP
- A target may only be affected once per round.
- May use any Accuracy of your choice ([i]e.g: Ranged, Gen. DC, Ninjutsu, etc[/i]).
- May not choose [i]Bleeding[/i] as an option.
- [i]Wither[/i] treats the selected Jutsu as if 10 seconds had passed, also triggering any associated effects which would have occurred during that time [i](for example, maintain costs, resistance checks, DoT, etc)[/i]. All costs/damages are immediately paid.
- In addition to the above note, [i]Wither[/i] affecting jutsus that has HP ([i]Creations or Clones[/i]) is reduced by 20% and jutsus that restores HP over time only restores 60% of the usual amount.[/quote]

[quote][anchor=A1][u][b]Favor of Time - [i]A-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u][/anchor]
There are ways to [i]cheat[/i] time.  Temporal Striders are able to step into the currents of causality and hop "between" strands of probability... and drag their opponents along with them.  This means that any time an opponent would choose to face a Temporal Strider with the proper mix of cunning and strength they do so with the forces of fate itself working against them.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Temporal Strider, A-Rank

[b]Rank 1:[/b] For 15 seconds, the user may reflexively select any two actions which require a roll, granting the action either [i]Advantage[/i] or [i]Disadvantage[/i] of your choice.
[b]Mastered:[/b] For 15 seconds, the user may reflexively select any four actions which require a roll, granting the action either [i]Advantage[/i] or [i]Disadvantage[/i] of your choice.

[b]Cost:[/b] 3 AP and 2000 CP

- Has a 10 second cooldown between uses.
- Selecting an action only needs to be declared and likewise is modded as instantaneous as a result. Casting Favor of Time still takes time as normal however. Can choose actions from other players.
- [i]Advantage[/i] causes the action to roll twice, taking the result which favors the caster more and discarding the other.
- [i]Disadvantage[/i] causes the action to roll twice, taking the result which disfavors the target more and discarding the other.
- If the action has multiple rolls involved, you may specify which part(s) of the action you would like to impart this jutsu's effect on. Each roll you choose to apply this effect on a single action is considered as another action.
- If [i]Favor of Time[/i] is used on an action, it removes any other effects that would allow the action to be re-rolled.[/quote]

[quote][anchor=S1][u][b]Broken Timeline - [i]S-Rank Non-Elemental Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u][/anchor]
While time traveling is something that can be done with extreme precaution, a Temporal Strider will take that risk to do such thing. The ability to break the time itself, risking themselves as they call upon consumed time into the present, their own self that has yet to experience what is to come. These versions of yourself tend to appear distorted and gray, lack of colors as they are out of their own time and even so, they present danger to those around them and to the present self as the lack of communication prevents either past and present from exchanging information, although some find ways to order or prevent themselves from doing something in the past.
[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Temporal Strider, S-Rank
[b]Effect:[/b] Summons a version of yourself, a [i]Time Echo[/i], from one of the last 3 rounds. Lasts 10 seconds.
[list][*]Has secondaries equal to user's.
[*]It will perform all actions and conditionals performed by the user during that round, choosing the same targets as before.
[*]You can cancel or re-direct any actions your version would had performed during the round. You cannot order your version to perform new actions.[/list][b]Cost:[/b] 4.5 AP and 4,620 CP.

- Has a 20 second cooldown from the time the [i]Time Echo[/i] disperses.
- Any HP/CP damage taken by the [i]Time Echo[/i] would be dealt to you instead.
- The [i]Time Echo[/i] does not have any AP; it will attempt to perform the same actions, with the same amount of time passing between them as they were originally used. It's actions may be spill over between rounds [i](example; it performing a 2-second action at 9 seconds into round 3, will cause the action to occur 1 second into round 4.)[/i]
- The [i]Time Echo[/i] is not treated as a [i]Clone[/i] or [i]Creation[/i]. This does not allow you to bypass any limitations such as barriers, creations, clones, etc.
- Both [i]"Once per round"[/i] actions and those having a cooldown, when performed by the [i]Time Echo[/i], do not count toward the user performing them in the current round. This only applies to these kinds of actions [i](not once per battle ones, or things target may only be affected by once per round)[/i].
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Current Ninpocho Time:
