Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Testing the waters [Tutor]

May 7, 2017
It had been some time since the Uchiha had done something like this sitting in the field he looked out over the area wondering what the new blood of leaf would have to offer. He seemed rather relaxed all things considered having taken the time to find some peace of mind before coming here sleeve flowing freely in the wind, he had taken a moment to let Chinatsu go to sleep the last thing he wanted was questions about his goo formed arm preferring to feel a bit more natural finding such things to bring a clear mind to the table.

The same could be said about his choice of location deciding the best course of action to have lessons outside of the academy the open air giving all involved more room to breath and allow him to be a lot more open in his teaching methods and that was just how he liked things to be the whisper of his companion echoing through the cloak. "So you've decided to test the new generation, I do wonder what they will bring us." There was a moment of pause from the man as a slight smile crossed his face. "I just wish to see what will come after me, and what the new generation has to offer in their own unique ways."

[WC: 220]
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It was the middle of the day. The sun shines upon the village hidden in the leaves as Akuma steps out of his house. He is sporting his usual attire along with a good. It was the middle of the day and Akuma preferred to draw the least amount of attention as possible. The good was baggy, covering is face as well as his horn. A light breeze blows some leaves in front of him as he walks. He knew where he was supposed to go, but he didn’t know who he was supposed to meet, only his name: Uchiha Yukio. So he made his way over in an average pace.

There is fear in your grip and doubt in your heart.

Thee voice stops Akuma in his tracks as he looks around. He does not see anyone, but he’s certain he heard someone speak to him just now. After moments of just standing there looking around, he decides to continue walking towards his destination. He did not want to be late for whatever he was being summoned for, so he chalks the voice up to his imagination and presses forward.

Upon arriving to his destination, he sees a man with white hair and white clothing sitting in the middle of the field. Akuma approaches the man and removes his hood. His piercing blue eyes and horn visible along with his blue markings around his eyes. He stares at the man for a moment before speaking. “Are you Uchiha Yukio?”

[WC: 249]
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Mikizu loved the outdoors and could always be found roaming around the leaf village with her beloved sword. It was extremely rare to see here be anywhere without this katana as It was her most prized possession. Approaching the designated area she saw a man standing there he looked to be quite a bit older than her and very much taller than her. Being taught to always respect her elders she approached him with a smile on her face assuming that this was the man who summoned her. Upon closer inspection however he seems to be looking onward towards another man who was sitting down in the exact middle of the field is it were.

Looking at the both of them she smiled brightly before politely bowing to both of them and staring at the one in the middle his white hair flowing in the wind alongside his white clothing that seemed to blow in the same fashion as his hair. She looked back and forth between the two men noticing the horn and other demonic features of the other man. His hair flowed with the wind as well with his blue eyes and blue horn visible. There were markings around his eyes that intrigued her a lot as she had never seen markings like this in her life. "Hello I am Mikizu and I'm guessing one of you might be named Uchiha Yukio? It is a pleasure to meet both of you!" Speaking in an excited tone she may have been a bit overly excited to meet new people.

[WC: 260]
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Yukio did not expect the two to arrive so soon quickly hushing his hidden companion before rising to his feet eyes carefully taking a moment to take in the features of the young Ninja before him taking a moment to gauge their personalities and as far as first impressions went they both seemed rather well mannered a much more peaceful dynamic compared to the last pair of students he taught all those years ago. "To answer you both in one go, Yes, I am Uchiha Yukio and if you are wondering why I summoned you both here to this field. Well I prefer things to be out in the open both literally and metaphorically."

Rising to his feet the man took a moment to adjust his coat to remove it with his one remaining hand as the Sennin stamped his foot into the ground a pillar of rock rising next to him as he removed it hanging the coat from its new perch. "So now that we are freshened up, I will ask you two questions what is it you think it means to be a Ninja of the leaf village. Second of all what do you to know at this moment in time, feel free to ask any questions you may have on your minds this is open both ways after all." Taking his coat off was not a random act to enjoy the breeze that much would be obvious in his own mind attention fixed on the two that stood before him.

His body could be described as a mangled mess two deep puncture scars crossing his center and lower torso with a third shaped like thunder crawling down from his neck, where a left arm should be simply ended beneath the shoulder while his right arm has a gauntlet burned into the flesh just beneath the elbow. He wished to gauge their reactions to what could happen in the life they chose and to see how ready they were to accept such risks best to get such things out the way early and remove any lingering thoughts of a happy go lucky life while he could.

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[WC: 579/1500]
A short while after Akuma arriving himself, another person walked up to the two looking for the same person he was. Akuma was not aware of the reasoning for his summons, let alone the fact that there would be another person besides himself. The little girl introduces herself as Miziku. Before the young demon can answer, Yukio begins to speak. Akuma watches as The Sennin introduces himself. He liked the idea of being out in the open, especially if there weren’t any people around.

The Sennin stands up and removes his coat, hanging it on a pillar of rock that he created. This doesn’t really surprise Akuma because he figured the Sennin had a vast amount of jutsu in his arsenal. Akuma took notice of the man’s many battle scars. Though he was only thirteen, Akuma knew that this world had the capacity of cruelty that is sometimes unimaginable. Having seen his mother and baby brother burn to life for something everyone believes to be his own doing did a lot to prepare Akuma for that exact cruelty.

The Sennin asks 2 questions. First he wants to know what it means to be a ninja and second, The Sennin wished to know what the two had learned up until this point. Being that Akuma had arrived first, he took the liberty of being the first the answer The Sennin’s question.

”For me, being a ninja means providing a service. Ninja are the one’s who keep the people safe. They’re the one’s that shoulder this world’s cruelty so that the average villager doesn’t have to. Because of my past, most people have a prejudice against me of being a psychopathic demon who murdered his family in could blood. It doesn’t matter that that’s not what actually happened because that’s what people believe. I am to provide that service. I want to shoulder some more of this world’s cruelty so that the people may see me as a hero and not a demon.”

Akuma pauses for a moment. ”As for what I’m capable of... I can can perform various different low level Genjutsu as well as some generic jutsu like the body switch and things of the like. I am capable of ninjutsu as well.” Akuma looks at Mikizu and then back at Yukio. ”My name is Akuma, by the way. Nice to meet you both.”

[WC: 390]
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Current Ninpocho Time:
