How long had it been since he had graduated? The Steward had to think. Over a decade and a half now? Close to two decades? Sousuke as a child didn't really enjoy school. Mainly due to the fact that he was subjected to bullying by one Inuzuka Shizune. Granted in today's world ... most children had considerable backbone, if one were to use Okibi as a standard. Sousuke still wasn't a socialite by any means, but his father suggested that he go teaching some children. It would do him good to go out and examine the future of Suna. Yes. What his father said was true. This could not be argued, and thus the Steward took time out of his always cramped schedule to teach a lesson.
Sousuke wheeled himself into the room upon his wheelchair. The Steward looked about the room. Was... was this the room he had his classes in those many years ago? Yes. It looked the same. Yes. By the ancestors, even the teacher's desk was still the same. How... disappointing. The Steward stopped moving about and allowed his form to become armoured. Once fully encased in black plate Sousuke made some changes to the room. He removed the usual five by five desk structure, and even removed the teacher's desk. He rolled out a floor mat and placed it on the floor. From there he simply took a seat. His metallic plates receding as he took his seat. For a moment Sousuke stood up on his knees. A few cracks were heard, but at the very least he knew his legs were still recovering from his mishap from a few months ago.
And now he simply waited. To have time pass by he began to work with some imaginary numbers, and some metal theorems to play with. His armour designs were always capable of further improvement.
Sousuke wheeled himself into the room upon his wheelchair. The Steward looked about the room. Was... was this the room he had his classes in those many years ago? Yes. It looked the same. Yes. By the ancestors, even the teacher's desk was still the same. How... disappointing. The Steward stopped moving about and allowed his form to become armoured. Once fully encased in black plate Sousuke made some changes to the room. He removed the usual five by five desk structure, and even removed the teacher's desk. He rolled out a floor mat and placed it on the floor. From there he simply took a seat. His metallic plates receding as he took his seat. For a moment Sousuke stood up on his knees. A few cracks were heard, but at the very least he knew his legs were still recovering from his mishap from a few months ago.
And now he simply waited. To have time pass by he began to work with some imaginary numbers, and some metal theorems to play with. His armour designs were always capable of further improvement.