Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Assessment [Sunaku Harupia]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
You have answered Sunagakure's summons, "arrive at the Ranger Tracking Grounds Main Office at 11 o'clock in the morning for your assessment." The note was vague but addressed to you in the same typed script. It did not even mention what or why you were being assessed. It was likely that you considered the reason why, you expressed interest in participating in the World martial Arts Tournament next year but the message and the messenger seemed to have few words of advice or encouragement to share. Of course, it would be cheating or unfair for someone to give a potential fighter the advantage in a fight, in this study every shinobi served as a control. There were personal favorites under consideration but if they could not blaze their own way then they would never make it to the tournament.

You were favored among some because you had friends who cared about you. Powerful friends. However, your absence for protracted periods of time might have left you weak. Incapable of enduring the onslaught. Hopefully you would prove those concerns unfounded.

The Tracking Grounds was a Ranger-only center that took up several acres of land. It was an impressive, albeit plain-looking structure with a dome shape and an earth-colored hue. The tracking grounds themselves were open to shinobis in good standing with Sunagakure for the purposes of training but thus far they were underutilized. Since Shouki's final stand in this very center, the Tracking Grounds has been closed while the Ranger's headquarter's security was being reviewed. Presently closed to the public unless one has a specific invitation, you would be among the first shinobi to enter this structure in months.

The entrance would be simple, guarded by a pair of well-armed and intimidating men. Both looked more like the sort of men that would grapple a bull, beat it and then eat it raw for their morning meal. Their eyes would flash a moment of recognition, yes they knew you were coming and what you looked like, with a grunt and a nod they would allow you entry. Of course, if someone was foolhardy enough to disrespect them, the door would slam closed and you would be faced with combat before you even reached the training ground. Yes, you were probably 'stronger' than them, despite their intimidating presence because if they were indeed more capable it would be them answering this invitation and not you.

The entrance would lead to a long, narrow hall. The walls were made of some sort of metal. It would be Takahashi Steel. On either side there was also a thick wall of glass that separated their reinforcement beams. To the right, through the glass you would see a frozen wasteland that might remind some of Kirigakure. This is a place of perpetual cold, the area is nothing but rocks and ice and the elements alone are enough to risk one's life. Both quite disparate from what you are used to. The shade and the greenery versus the absence of warmth entirely. If you press your hand against the glass of the frozen tundra you would feel the chill, it would be almost painful. Strange. To your left you would see another curious scene, something you might have only seen along the shoreline or if you had traveled abroad -- water. Lots of water. Water, the rarest and most precious resource in Wind Country and it can be found here in abundance. It is said that this water was obtained from the Undersea beneath the Toraono Dojo. This is a large body of water that is approximately 100 feet deep and one mile in diameter. You would be able to see the bottom, distant and dark. You would also be able to see the far wall, it would serve as your horizon but it was terribly far away. The glass would feel cold, in fact the glass would even sweat some water that you would be able to feel on the palm of your hand.

This place was one of the things that made the Ranger's unique, they were trained hunters. They spent their idle time preparing as survivalists and they did not hunt "small game." Rangers were one of the few that actively sought dangerous S-Class beasts as well as creatures and monsters of dubious origin. In truth, Rangers were the Monster Hunters of Wind Country but they did too good of a job. With a lack of dangerous game, need for the Rangers as a whole diminished until the Rangers finally dispersed as a unit entirely. Their way lost and forgotten by most as families moved on. There were a few, a mere sprinkling here and there that still knew the old ways. That was how this structure was erected but Rangers are notoriously fickle and that particular Ranger had not been seen in some time. Some have come to believe that she was lost or killed while seeking game, it was a common cause of death for Rangers who live short and brutal lives.

This hallway would prove to be quite long, in fact you would walk for over a mile before you would reach your destination -- a door. No, not THE DOOR, simply a door. It would be unlocked and you would leave the glass encased hallway and enter an office. The office would be neat and rather small given the distance you traveled to reach this central hub. There would be a desk and a man sitting behind the desk, one could only assume that he was a Ranger. He would not address, you rather a young woman who would take a few steps towards you as you entered the room. She was dressed like a fifteen year old gothic boy, not a representative for one of the largest tournaments in the world. There was a simple reason for this -- she did not represent the tournament, she represented Sunagakure's interests.

"Are you Sunaku Harupia?"

She would wait for you to confirm who you were. Behind her you might notice a pair of Medics with a stretcher. They appeared tired, frazzled in fact. Wordlessly they would heave the stretcher up and make their exit. One of the two announcing to you, 'be careful... try to keep yourself intact... we are... running out of bandages.'

"Excellent, sign here." She would have you a scroll. Once unfurled it would be a liability statement claiming that you are aware and affirm that you are about to enter into a dangerous situation. That death, disfigurement and even potential disability may result from participation. "I am sure they filled you in," she would announce while she waited for your signature. "Of course they wouldn't, would they?" She sighed, the project was not public yet. Well, she better explain. "You are about to enter a simulated combat experience unlike anything you have ever seen before. This will assess you in a 'safe'"</B><i></i> she made quotation marks with her fingers "...environment. You will still suffer the damage of powerful attacks, determined by the setting dial on the machine. I have you and the others set for Level 8. Yes, there are higher levels but those are intended for group combat experience and we felt that it would be unnecessary." She would press a button on the Ranger's desk and the walls would open up. There would be several doors, well more specifically 5. Each would be labeled simply: desert, grassland, forest, tundra, water.

"Pick a biome and enter when you are ready. We have added security measures to the door. Returning will be difficult to say the least. you have thirty seconds to return through the door. Do your best." She would give him an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. As he enters she would add an additional query, "Do you have any next of kin, medical issues, excreta that I will need to be aware of when I---" The door would slam between you an her, trapping you inside whichever biome you have chosen to enter. She gave you the instructions -- you have 30 seconds to return through the door you just left. It sounds simple, but it truly is not. The door would hum to life,hidden gears would start to whirl as an unknown power-source empowered the massive mechanical structure.

It was go time!

<B>Intruder Targeted!
  • You are NOT in combat on your first post. You will be in combat in your second post.
  • The doors actions will be randomly determined using a roll chart so there is no way for you to know what they will do, but THE DOOR is not to be taken lightly. It has stats that exceed that of the average S Rank player.
  • You will not know the Doors' stats or HP totals but you will know what percent THE DOOR has left.
  • This is a no-kill mini event. Roleplay, I will be seeking compensation (in terms of Solo Modded Mission rewards) for those that participate. This means that you will need to complete the requirements in terms of posts and word count.
  • Each round is 10 seconds, meaning you will need to survive 3 modded rounds or defeat the door within those three rounds.
  • You can RP a reply at any time.
  • You can send your stats and information now or when the mod is called in the next post.
  • This follows all the ROE.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia hummed to himself as he made his way to the location he was summoned to the "assessment" It was specific about what he was being used on...but given what he volunteered himself for, he had a good idea it was for the decision who un Suna would represent them in the tournament. A fairly laconic invitation...probably they didn't mean to reveal too much about it. had to be all secretive and surprising...not that they would have much told on their opponents. His attire was fairly simple, a sleeveless black shirt, a pair of golden bracelets he used as a conduit for his fighting braces, and a pair of white pants. His Forehead protector tired around his neck, and a belt contains some smaller miscellaneous items, medications, ranged weapons. Not something he used often, but he wanted to have them just in case... hard to say what he was going to encounter in the whole test.

He could help but feel a slight sense of anxiety. This was slightly uncharacteristic to for him to say the least, his family was quite confused by the decision. It wasn't that he was looking for another reason to get far away from the village...while there was much to do in the village, the gauntlet was thrown out. The meeting of different values, in a controlled manner but still, would happen, and the best would need to show what their village was capable of. To show they weren't going to hide n a hole in the ground, but they would come out, and face the challenges in front of them head-on. something he may have struggled with himslef...and now neede to change that. And, as much s his new found abilities made him worry...he had them. And he could feel their power...he needed to find some way to put them to the test. And this was probably the best way to do it... excluding a bigger scale conflict.

He was musing for most of the way till he reached the Ranger Order. He did hear of the recent incidents...seemed they were recovering quite well. He did try to learn about this order, though ti didn't resonate with him as much. he would imagine his father would have loved to be a part of it...he always likes telling stories off fending of massive that one Mission with Sosuke and Kuro's father... His internal monologue stopped as he came to the guarded gates. Quite the intimidating security detail...though luckily enough they were expecting him, it seemed. He returned the nods as they grunted in approval, moving deeper into the complex.

The treck through the hall was an...suprisngly enthralling one. He looked to the sides, seeing the vastly different areas closed behind the thick layers of steel and glass...though apparently not thick enough to contain the temperature. As much as it puzzled him how it was possible, he couldn't help but marvel a bit at the surroundings...the beauty of nature, in all its ferocity, kept right under the noses of the Sunan people. H took his time going through the long hallway, marveling at the water land, the frozen wasteland, the serene forest. The Rangers sure had a lot of land under their command...quite a varied selection indeed...was it perhaps or training purposes? Perhaps they would find some other use today as well.

Eventually, he would reach another barrier, this time not guarded against the outside. he entered through, reaching a rather neat, if small office. A man was sat at the desk, though he was approached by someone else. Hmm...either she was someone from the outside, or the dress coder of the rangers was fairly lax. Regardless he flashed a bit of a smile as he said "That would be me yes. I hope I haven't come to...late" noticing the contestant being tended to bt the medics. Trying to keep his cool, he simply nodded to the medic... though he couldn't make any promises

His attention was soon reverted back to the women, who gave him a scroll to sign. Of course, he had to confirm he was taking responsibility for himself. He raised a brow at the question as he signed his name in saying "To be honest, though as usual, I was expecting the worse...I guess I'm not too far of eh?" before she started explaining a bit more about the situation. After the explanation, she flicked a switch, revealing five doors.

"So that's the whole thing? get back through the door after dealing with whatever tries to stop me? Sounds simple enough... Which means you probably are growing sandworms there huh?" he asked jokingly (in part) before deciding on his battleground, returning the encouragement with a goofy grin of his own. The dessert seemed too obvious, and h felt trying to fight in a less obvious environment could net a few points... though he didn't feel like fighting in the frozen Tundra, if only because he didn't feel that would be what the area would be like. He decided to go with the grassland area...a lot of open space, fairly solid ground...seemed the most similar to what an official area for a tournament would be like.

Before he could answer the abdominal question the door slammed shut. And so there it was...the barrier he had to face. The mechanical clacking and sounds of turning gears spinning in the background. Within himself, gears started to turn and muscles started to tense...he only assumed the door wouldn't budge if he knocked on it. Unless he knocked really, really hard.

Wc= 963


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"That would be me yes. I hope I haven't come to...late"

"On time as expected," she replied without any discernible emotion, affirming at the very least that he had not missed his chance to shine. She eyed the medics and gave them a disgruntled look. They needed to get the previous assessment subject out of here before they started to pile up. "Hurry up guys, we have a long day," she announced without looking at the medic duo. She was looking at you as if you were the only thing that mattered. You were dressed well, you did not realize it but those with money pick nice lounge-wear, be it a brand name or a high thread count. The shadow of a frown would eclipse her face, it was silent concern that disappeared as quickly and silently as it had come as she handed you the scroll.
EVENT DATE: Month: October Date: 26
PROMOTERS NAME: Hideyoshi Raijuta EVENT NAME: World Martial Arts Preassessment
NAME OF VENUE: Ranger Order - Tracking Grounds
PHYSICAL EVENT LOCATION: ___________________________________________________________________
This RELEASE of Liability is a Legal Contract binding upon You, Sunagakure, The Promoter named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff related to the event named above. You hereby consent and agree to completely accept alone any and all risks of injury or death, and You verify and confirm all of the below statements by placing your initials at each numbered item as well as signing your full name below.
1. ________ - Voluntary Application. I, the undersigned, acknowledge and state that I have ACCEPTED to compete in the EVENT NAMED ABOVE on the DATE NAMED ABOVE.
2. ________ - Assumption of risk. I am aware and understand that this assessment is a dangerous and hazardous activity, and in particular. I am voluntarily and of my own free will submitting an application to compete in this event with full knowledge
and understanding of the hazards involved.
3. ________ - Release. In consideration for (a) being accepted as a competitor of the EVENT NAMED ABOVE on the DATE NAMED ABOVE, (b) being entitled to participate in activities Sanctioned by the ISCF (International Sport Combat Federation) and Promoted by the PROMOTER
named above and (c) being permitted to use facilities and equipment, whether owned or leased by The Ranger Order, Sunagakure and or the PROMOTER named above and all associates, officials, employees, staff and fellow participants and trainers/teachers/mentors/assessors. I
hereby agree that I, my heirs, distributees, guardians, successors in interest and legal representatives (collectively referred to as "Releasor") will not make a claim or file an action or suit against, sue, or attach the property of (a) the EVENT NAMED ABOVE on the DATE NAMED ABOVE
which would include The ISCF (International Sport Combat Federation) and the PROMOTER named above or any and all of their officials, affiliated organizations, and/or their directors, officers, employees, agents or managers, fellow participants, trainers, and (b) any or all
manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, suppliers and/or retailers of the facilities and equipment I will use in connection with any and all activities Sanctioned by Sunagakure and or Promoted by the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these
companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees, inventors and staff (collectively referred to as the "suppliers" as well as those involved in the The Bishamonten Project), (Sunagakure and the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff, and the Suppliers shall collectively be referred to as "Releasees), for damages, injury, emotional distress claims, bodily injury claims, and punitive damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or not, due to or resulting from the acts, conduct, negligence, or misfeasance of, or omissions or failures to act by, the Releasees, or any of them.
4. ________ - Application of Wind Country Law. In further consideration of (a) being accepted as a competitor in the EVENT NAMED ABOVE on the DATE NAMED ABOVE., (b) being entitled to participate in activities conducted and Sanctioned by Sunagakure, The Bishamonten Project
or Promoted by the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff, and (c) being permitted to use facilities and equipment, whether owned or leased by Ranger Order, presently called the "Tracking Grounds," the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff, I hereby agree that this Release from Liability shall be interpreted under and construed in accordance with the laws of only Sunagakure as named above, without the benefit of and fully disregarding all conflicts of the laws provisions of Wind Country as named above, so that any and all disputes, contentions, disagreements or controversies arising from or related to (a) this Release from Liability, (b) the
application for acceptance into the Challenge, or (c) my participation in any and all activities sanctioned by Sunagakure and Promoted by the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff, shall be interpreted under and in accordance with only the laws of Sunagakure regardless of my domicile or residency; and that the only court in which an action or suit may be brought in connection with the foregoing shall be the court of original jurisdiction of Sunagakure. Further, I waive any right I may have to assert the doctrine of forum non conveniens or similar doctrine or to object to venue with respect to any proceeding brought in accordance with this Release, and I stipulate that the courts of Sunagakure shall have in personam jurisdiction and venue over me for the purpose of litigation any dispute, controversy, or proceeding arising out of or related to this Release, Sunagakure and the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff.
5. ________ - Health Advisory and Condition. I hereby acknowledge and understand that participating in this event involves extremely strenuous physical activity and heavy physical contact, and that I have been advised to consult a Medic before commencing and undertaking such activity. I hereby represent that, to the best of my knowledge, I am in good physical health and condition, sufficient to undertake this dangerous and hazardous competition.
6. ________ - Knowing and Voluntary Execution. I hereby declare that I have read this Release from Liability, and that I fully understand the meaning and importance of its contents. I acknowledge that this Release is a binding contract among Sunagakure and the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff and myself, and that under this contract I am releasing The ISCF (International Sport Combat Federation) and the PROMOTER named above and any and all of these companies, federations or organizations associates, officials, employees and staff from all liability for claims I may have against them. I further declare and represent that I am at least 18 years of age, that I have full legal capacity to be bound by this contract,
and that I am signing this contract of my own free will and accord.

Executed in Sunagakure on the ________ day of the month of ____________________ , in the year PP____.
Signature: __________________________________ Print Name: _________________

Yes, it was a lot of needless jargon to basically say - don't cry to us when you get hurt.

To be honest, though as usual, I was expecting the worse...I guess I'm not too far of eh?"

She nodded an affirmation. The punk-rocker held her fingers up into the shape of a square and she looked through her fingers. A bright flash of light went off that might have temporarily blinded you. "A before picture," she explained. She did not do this with everyone, only the ones that she felt were important enough to remember. Contracts in the end were meaningless pieces of paper that only proved one thing -- that a promise or agreement existed between two parties. The rich or the 'important' seemed to have different rules that applied. She knew this all too well from her time in Soons Haven. Admittedly it had been fine here thus far but with the title of World Martial Arts Champion on the table it was likely that someone, somewhere would buy their way in. If someone came to this assessment undeserving, it is likely that they would be dead.

You are not undeserving but over time you have certainly been forgotten as a shinobi fixture. Time moves on despite circumstance and heroic act. All you have at this present time is your name, your pretty clothes and your pretty face. You are being judged on both. Your name represents one of the most venerated families in Sunagakure. The Sunaku, believed to have a touch of Suna's desert authority in their veins they tried in vain to calm the storm for years. Attuned to the desert and the earth, most of these families can trace their heritage back to the first men. Time has been kind to your clan, you have become important for merely 'being.' Your name has allowed you to pursue your interests, passions and flights of fancy. Your face has allowed you to be loved as a friend and as so much more. But life for you, one can only assume, has been terribly superficial. Sometimes it can be lonesome even in a crowded room. You can hear laughter and chatter, you might even had a woman on the crook of your arm but your alone because there is no substance. There is no life beyond the pretty trappings and the galas. These days would become a haze, one dripping into the next. Time would pass in the blink of an eye -- years in fact. And there you are in the same room, alone despite being surrounded by your beautiful peers.

You were intended for so much more, weren't you?

You were never intended to be alone. Interesting

"So that's the whole thing? get back through the door after dealing with whatever tries to stop me? Sounds simple enough... Which means you probably are growing sandworms there huh?"

"No Sandworms Mister Sunaku, Sandworms are not dangerous enough," she announced as she opened a small vanilla file folder and dropped your form into its confines. She had a great deal of confidence in this mechanical door, whatever it might be. it was quite a thing to boast that she felt this was more effective. Of course it was also safe to say that the door would only be in use for a very limited period of time and it was not on its highest setting.

You picked the grasslands. The grasslands were quite lovely, except for the disturbing bloodied area on the ground and a streak of burned grass. The air was cool and the sun was bright and lovely. There was a cool breeze, the sort of breeze you would only feel if you traveled abroad. There were no animals near the door but over the crest of the hill you would see a pair of fluffy white ears and a pair of little red eyes. It was a dune hare that seemed to be watching you. It had no interest in approaching, it already knew what the door was. You were not the first lunatic to enter this space.

The door would slam behind you and you would see evidence of use. Indentations that looked remarkedly similar to fists graced the doors once pristine finish. You could wonder how that other shinobi fared. After-all it would be embarrassing to admit that you were beat up by a door but also unsettling to know that such technology exists. Steam was released from a series of hidden valves about the seam the the door. from the recesses of the frame came several implements, some of them came with gore still attached. You were not going to have a lot of time to enjoy this scenery.
["B MOD Called."]​

  • This follows ROE.
  • All of the moderation will be done in a shared forum area so that you can see and understand the rolls. The more you see the more you will understand about your build and your potential.
  • Send your stats and update your profiles if they have not been updated already.
  • Refer to the UBR for more information regarding conditionals.
  • Your actions are already posted so I will be moderating this round after the rest of my posts are caught up.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The women seemed mostly focused on him for the moment, shooing away the medic nin and the other competitor...while normally he would feel flattered, he couldn't help but feel something was...of with how she looked at him. With interested, but it seemed more...clinical. As if he was a bit of a test subject to whatever he was going to face beyond here. And for some reason he felt... he wasn't sure how to describe it, but it felt like someone was judging him quite directly and quite harshly. He couldn't help but glance at the other man int he room...though maybe it as simply his anxiety trying to get the best of him. If he had to be honest, if someone were to come and do a balance of his life at this point, it probably wouldn't be too glamorous. Time sure did fly...but he was still alive, and for all intents and purposes, he was stronger than ever before. If he kept doubting himself or letting his worried dominate him, he'd end up a mess like he did the months past...and he couldn't afford that. Not now

He blinked a bit as the girl apparently took a photo of him. Hmm... he was aware certain Shinobi had the jutsu allowing them to capture a frame of time in a picture in their mind...though as far as he knew, the technique was more closely tied to the Anbu corpse. then again, he knew the Medi-nin of the village offered to teach at least base healing abilities to anyone...perhaps some of the Anbu were gracious enough to share their knowledge as well.

His question about the sandworms was met with a denial...apparently what was beyond was much worse. Oh, Joy. At least the site of his untimely demise was quite scenic, a lovely medow...if not for the stains of blood and charred earth behind him...and it seemed he had at least one spectator for fo...though he could bet it wasn't an actual live thing but rather some kind of contraption to observe him while he was inside.

At this point, none of this really matters anymore. The Door shut tight, and soon the gears started turning. The massive frame of the objects shifted, steam coming out of it. Building some distance, he felt the ground under his feet break and sand shift around him. He felt the golden bands around them seemingly expanded, covering his hands with hard sturdy hand guards. He released the power pooling inside of him, the air around him shifting as an aura of chakra and sand enveloped him while creating a distraction on the side, a clone from sand, and sending a preliminary attack, testing the sturdiness of his target. This was it...for better or worse.
MFT, WC= 481

General Battle Info
Agility: 600/600
Stamina: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600

::Stat Average:: 600
::power Level:: 3,600/3,600
::Character Level:: 15/15
::OOC Rank:: S

::Health Points:: 45,000
::Chakra Points:: 33,000
::Action Points:: 10

Custom Class
Sand Artisan
HP: (60+lvl15)
CP: (40+lvl15)
Class Bonus: 5% Sand Jutsu damage,
High: Ninjutsu Accuracy
Average: Taijutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu Resist, Evasion
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu Difficulty

Free Major Affinity: Fire
Free Minor Affinity: Water
Major Affinities: Fire, Non-Elemental, Water, Earth, Wind, Paper, Ice, Wood
Minor Affinities: Lightning, Crystal
AEs: Crystal, Paper, Woof, Ice

0.Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu with Nin Accuracy
0. Main Branch - Instructor
1. Jutsu Mastery
2. Jutsu Expansion
3. Earth Style Chakra
4. Elemental Aura
5. Insight
6. Elementalist
7. Acrobatics
8. Duelist
9. Clarity
10. Kinjutsu - Jinjuriki
[/url]11. Kinjutsu - Jinjuriki
12. Kinjutsu - Jinjuriki


Black Sand Guards

Slot 1: Headset
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 4: Health Pill X3
Slot 5: Black Sand Guards

Name: Black Sand Guards
Weapon Type: Arm and Shin Guards
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed
Bonuses: -1 Acc/ +5% Damage
Augment: Vanguard, Lucky Dodge, Riot Shield.

Bloodline Ability: Sunaku

ASP Purchases
Class Points
Ability Slot
RP slot
RP slot

Jutsu List:

Sand Jutsu
Sand Stars (Mastered)
Sandstorm Veil (Mastered)
Cluster Attack (Mastered)
Desert Deflection (Mastered)
Sand Missile (Mastered)
Sand Clone (Mastered)
Sand Shower (Mastered)
Sand Coffin (Mastered)
Desert Tendril Unleash (Mastered)
Terror of the Dunes (Mastered)
Sand Tsunami (Mastered)
Desertification (Mastered)
Earth jutsu
Stone Bullet (Mastered)
Gravel Shift (Mastered)
Earth Flow River (Mastered)
Sinkhole Fist (Mastered)
Mud Clone (Mastered)
Inner Earth Reflection Lure (Mastered)
Earth Flow Wave (Mastered)
Rock Golem (Mastered)
Earthen Coating (Mastered)
Bedrock Coffin (Mastered)
Weighted Rock Technique (Mastered)
Earth Spiker (Mastered)
Antlion Sinkhole (Mastered)
Fist of Gaia (Mastered)
Earthen Magnitude (Mastered)
Earthslide (Mastered)
Petrification (Mastered)
Wind Jutsu
Wind Slash (Mastered)
Pressure Burst (Mastered)
Whirlwind Spin (Mastered)
Air Bullet (Mastered)
Shredding Touch (Mastered)
Wind Scythe (Mastered)
Tempest (Mastered)
Gale Force (Mastered)
Wind Release (Mastered)
Great Wind Scythe (Mastered)
Wind Scar (Mastered)
Vacuum Sphere (Mastered)
Cyclone Movement (Mastered)
Tatsumaki (Mastered)
Hurricane (Mastered)
Ambiance of the Forbidden (Mastered)
Zephyr's Grace
Fire Jutsu
Infernal Ember (Mastered)
Thermal Maw (Mastered
Fireball (Mastered)
Water Jutsu
Pressurized Mist (Mastered)
Water Gun (Mastered)
Water Whip (Mastered)
Rinse Off (Mastered)
Grand Waterfall (Mastered)
Impaling Hydro Jet (Mastered)
Water Prison (Mastered)
Rain Dance (Mastered)
Torrential Vortex (Mastered)
Water Shark Bomb (Mastered)
Hydro Tidal Shockwave (Mastered)
Mystical Pond (Mastered)
Grand Hydra Excavation (Mastered)
Water Dragon Bullet (Mastered)
Scorn of Aquarius (Mastered)
Supreme Aqua Realm (Mastered)
Ligthning Jutsu
D Rank
Storm Bolt (Mastered)
Thunderfist (Mastered)
Thunderclap (Mastered)
C-Rank - 3250
Zeus Flash
Lightning Torrent
Volt Charge

B-Rank - 7500
Gigavolt Cannon
Lightning Beast
Amp Field

A-Rank - 12500
Raijin's Vengeance
Chidori Control
C-Rank - 3250
Topaz Tempest (Mastered)
Fluorite Spikes (Mastered)
Emerald Emitter (Mastered)
Ruby Rain (Mastered)

B-Rank - 7500
Goldstone Clutch (Mastered)
Moonstone Shower (Mastered)
Sapphire Storm (Mastered)
Amethyst Casing (Mastered)

A-Rank - 12500
Diamond Cutter
Obsidian Dragon (Mastered)
Amber Beacon (Mastered)
Crystalline Passage (Mastered)
C-Rank - 3250
Ice Shards
Frigid Ice Blast (Mastered)
Hypothermic Touch (Mastered)
Arctic Aether (Mastered)

B-Rank - 7500
Ice Transmutation (Mastered)
Snowflake Shuriken (Mastered)
Crystallize (Mastered)
Ice Prison (Mastered)

A-Rank - 12500
Hailstorm (Mastered)
Koorikan (Mastered)
Falling Snow (Mastered)
Subzero Purge (Mastered)
C-Rank - 3250
Vine Tangle (Mastered)
Armor of Thorns (Mastered)
Ingrain (Mastered)
Wood Hammer (Mastered)

B-Rank - 7500
Piercing Timber (Mastered)
Pit of Crimson Tears (Mastered)
Evergreen Thicket (Mastered)
Glow Moss (Mastered)

A-Rank - 12500
Frenzy Plant (Mastered)
Sleeping Forest (Mastered)
Wrath of Nature (Mastered)
Grand Gaia Impalement (Mastered)
C-Rank - 3250
Folded Shuriken (Mastered)
Paper Clone (Mastered)
Burst of Confetti (Mastered)
Origami Shower (Mastered)

B-Rank - 7500
Cocoon Sheets (Mastered)
Paper Blade (Mastered)
Streaming Cloak (Mastered)
Loose-leaf Wall (Mastered)

A-Rank - 12500
Shredding Torrent (Mastered)
Shredding Tsunami (Mastered)
Torn Downpour (Mastered)
Maelstrom Document (Mastered)
Kinetic Genjutsu:
E-Rank - 450
Hot Weapon
1000 Years of Pain Kai

D-Rank - 1200
Drunken Stupor

C-Rank - 3250
Mist of Deceit
Silly Fingers
Crossed Wires

B-Rank - 7500
Phoenix's Embrace
Lingering Spark
Crush Depth
Puppet Betrayal

A-Rank - 12500
Curse of the Leper
Hemorrhagic Fever
Delayed Agony
Parasitic Infestation
Tree Binding
Shared Torment
None Elemental Jutsu
Transformation (Mastered)
Bodyswitch (Mastered)
Basic Summoning (Mastered)
Combination Transformation (Mastered)
Crystal Eye (Mastered)
Cancel (Mastered)
Contract Summoning (Mastered)
Spirit Lantern (Mastered)
Jutsu Sealing (Mastered)
Stunt Double (Mastered)
One Element Sealing (Mastered)
Elemental Negation
Elemental Clone (Mastered)
Barrier (Mastered)
Energy Transfer(Mastered)
Leech Seal (Mastered)
Chakra Shield (Mastered)
Chakra Blast(Mastered)
Rasengan (Mastered)
Perfected Rasengan (Mastered)
Five Element Seal (Mastered)
Morality Sealing (Mastered)

Unarmed Taijutsu:
E-Rank - 450
The One-Two
Low Sweep
Uncalled For Shot
D-Rank - 1200
4-Hit Combo
Spinning Wind
Dynamic Entry
Dynamic Finish
Nut Buster
C-Rank - 3250
Dragon Assault
Tiger Hook
Step-In Flash
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku
Roaring Combination
B-Rank - 7500
Primary Lotus
Shadow Step Strike
Seismic Toss
Spear Hand
16-Hit Combo
A-Rank - 12500
Falcon Punch
Eagle Drop
Dance of the Waxing Moon
Fist of Virtue
Fist of Sin

Buffing Taijutsu:
E-Rank - 450
D-Rank - 1200
Shadow Play
Eagle Vision
Muscle Control
Basic Safeguard
C-Rank - 3250
Dynamic Art
Chakra Extension
Shadow Dance
Chakra Absorption
B-Rank - 7500
Anabolic Frenzy
Concealed Steps
Focused Assault
A-Rank - 12500
Insatiable Hunger
Devastating Aura
Limit Break
Jinjuriki Jutsu:
Demon Cloak Alpha - C-Rank 2500 (Mastered)
Demonic Burst - C-Rank 4000 (Mastered)
Demonic Howl - C-Rank 4000 (Mastered)
Destructive Shield - B-Rank 7500 (Mastered)
Demon Cloak Omega - B-Rank 7500 (Mastered)
Demon's Edict - A-Rank 12500 (Mastered)
Menacing Blast - A-Rank 12500 (Mastered)
Poisonous Chakra - S-Rank 22500 (Mastered)

Actions As Follow's:
Set my 'Duelist' ability to target The Door, choosing ninjutsu accuracy.
Equip Black Sand Guards (0.5 AP)
Enter Earth Style,: Craggy Exterior (0.5 Ap)
Use Demon Cloak Alpha (2 ap, Master Rank)
Use Sand Clone (2.5 ap, Using Control Affinity Move, Master Rank)
Use Streaming Cloak (2.0 ap due to Elemental Aura, Using Control Affinity Move, Master Rank)
Use Sand Stars ( Using Jutsu Expansion to bump it to B rank, making it 2.5 ap. Using Relevant Sunaku Buffs: Sand mastery, Blood Diamonds, Iron Sand. Using Overcharge and Feint Affinity moves due to Elementalist Ability, Master Rank)


Use Stunt Double (Master Rank) With Sand Clone (Master Rank) if Targeted by a move with a move based on the Fire Element


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
[col]Sunaku Harupia
HP: 45000 [-14375] 30625
CP: 33000 [+990 Demon Cloak] [-3942] 30048
AP: 10 [-10] 0
Maintains: Demon Cloak Alpha

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Taijutsu Accuracy: 23 ==> 27 + 2 (Jinchi) + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
All melee attacks made by the Jinchuuriki use their chosen element's Ninjutsu Accuracy, receiving the chosen element's Damage and Cp buffs and replacing the Melee accuracy/damage buffs.
Genjutsu Resist: 23
Evasion: 23 + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha) + 1 (Streaming Cloak)
Ranged Accuracy: 19 + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Genjutsu Difficulty: 19 + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Damage: +5% Sand (Class); + 15% (Sand Mastery) + 10% (Demon Cloak Alpha)
DR: - 5% (Vanguard); 60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands); +10% Streaming Cloak.
CP: Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu with Nin Accuracy
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
Elemental Aura: Chakra Armor cost .5 Ap less than usual, and gain +1 to overall round limitation. While Chakra Armor is active, any Secondary Effect chances of the same element used by or against the user are treated +/- 10% in the user's favor. This only applies to the effect's chance of activating, not the actual effect itself.
Insight: Hidden Actions are revealed to the user through PM. This does not apply to Genjutsu.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Acrobatics: The user is capable of performing one additional Activated Auto-Dodge per round.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Sand Mastery: +15% Sand Damage
Sand Manipulation: May convert Earth and Wind Jutsu into Sand at no extra cost.
Blood Diamonds: Sand and Bloodline jutsu Jutsu Levels 1-8 can cause bleeding ranks 1-4.
Protection of the Sands: Sand has a 60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage.
Jinchuriki: All melee attacks made by the Jinchuuriki use their chosen element's Ninjutsu Accuracy, receiving the chosen element's Damage and Cp buffs and replacing the Melee accuracy/damage buffs.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Inventory"]Weapon: Black Sand Guards
Slot 1: Headset
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 4: Health Pill X3
Slot 5: Black Sand Guards

Name: Black Sand Guards
Weapon Type: Arm and Shin Guards
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed
Bonuses: -1 Acc/ +5% Damage
Augment: Vanguard, Lucky Dodge, Riot Shield.[/spoilername]|The Door

HP: ??? [-4420] [Bleed II]
HP: 500,000 ==> 495580
CP: ???
AP: ???
Accuracy/Genjutsu DC: +32
Evasion/Genjutsu Save: +28
Other: +2 capped
DR: 25%
Maintains: Cylinder of Magic

Environmental Modifications: Grass
  • No Special effect, Grasslands are BORING!

What Happened???</COLOR><i></i>
0.00 Seconds | Harupia uses his 'Duelist' ability to target The Door, choosing ninjutsu accuracy.
  • +2 Accuracy/DC and +10% damage towards a single target. User must choose target at beginning of battle. Should the target be KO, or no longer in the battle, the user may choose another target. Targeting any other opponent (excluding clones) from the initial target will nullify this ability for the remainder of the battle. +10% chance to auto-dodge the targets attacks. -2 Dodge/Save to any other opponents targeting the user.
0.00 Seconds | The Door releases a trap. The "Disruption" Secondary Effect is automatically activated on the challenger.
  • There is nothing to Disrupt
0.00 Seconds | The Door arms a Cylinder of Magic (Master Rank) Puppet Trap which is triggered by the first attack which is directed at it.
  • No attack has been made against The Door as of yet</SIZE>
0.50 Seconds | Harupia equips Black Sand Guards.
  • Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed <COLOR color="red">This has no weapon bonus on this, such as a chance for suppression or the ability to use this with handseals.
    Bonuses: -1 Acc/ +5% Damage
    • Augments:
      Vanguard: +5% Damage Reduction while this weapon is equipped. While in Defensive Stance, this amount is increased to +10% Damage Reduction.
      Lucky Dodge: While equipped the user gains +5% Auto-Dodge.
      Riot Shield: There is no Riot Shield Item anymore, that was removed in the last patch.
1.00 Seconds | Harupia enters Earth Style,: Craggy Exterior.
  • Melee Contact against the user has 15% chance of inflicting Suppression against the attacker.
2.50 Seconds | The Door attacks Harupia with a Puppet (ranged accuracy) attack. 5,000 Physical damage that also causes one instance of Suppression.
  • Attack (Door) 6 50% Hit
    Evasion (Harupia) 15
    • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 41 Failed
      10% Chance to auto-dodge. (Duelist) 52 Failed
      60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 59 Success!
3.00 Seconds | Harupia casts Demon Cloak Alpha (Master Rank).
  • +2 Acc/Dodge, +10% Chosen Element damage; User gains +3% Max CP at the start of every round.
5.00 Seconds | The Door casts a Water (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Water damage that also causes the target to have a 28% chance to Auto-Fail each action for two rounds.
  • Attack (Door) 8 Hit
    Evasion (Harupia) 5
    • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 13 Failed
      10% Chance to auto-dodge. (Duelist) 93 Failed
      60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 38 Success!
5.50 Seconds | Harupia casts Sand Clone (Master Rank) using the Control Affinity Move.
  • 28% chance to Auto-Fail. Roll: 2 Success, this action did not go off.
7.50 Seconds | Harupia casts Streaming Cloak (Master Rank) using the Control Affinity Move.
  • The user gains 10% Damage reduction and +1 Dodge.
    2.0 ap due to Elemental Aura

    28% chance to Auto-Fail. Roll: 92 Failed, this action goes off as per normal.
7.50 Seconds | The Door attacks Harupia with a Bludgeoning (melee accuracy) attack. 5,000 Physical damage that also elevates the Called Shot level of a random limb by 1 level.
  • Attack (Door) 15 Hit
    Evasion (Harupia) 1
    • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 55 Failed
      10% Chance to autododge (Duelist). 60 Failed
      60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 66 Failed
      Random Limb: 1 arm; 2 legs; 3 arms; 4 hands; 5 feet; 6 neck; 7 heart; 8 weapon. Roll: 3 (Arms)
      15% chance of Suppression (Craggy Exterior). Roll: 35 Failed
10.0 Seconds | Harupia casts Sand Stars (Master Rank) using Jutsu Expansion to bump it to B rank and using Overcharge and Feint Affinity moves due to Elementalist Ability.
  • 28% chance to Auto-Fail. Roll: 62 Failed
    Funny Note: 5% chance of causing Bleeding and Suppression on each hit with no stated limit on how many times this jutsu can make you bleed per attack..
    Attack (Harupia) 14 25% Hit
    Evasion (Door) 17
    Attack (Harupia) 3 Miss
    Evasion (Door) 17
    Attack (Harupia) 8 Hit
    Evasion (Door) 2
    • 5% ==> Increased by 15% due to jutsu expansion ===> Increased by Iron Sand by 5%: 25% Chance to cause bleed. 16 Success! BLEED I
    Attack (Harupia) 18 Hit
    Evasion (Door) 16
    • 5% ==> Increased by 15% due to jutsu expansion ===> Increased by Iron Sand by 5%: 25% Chance to cause bleed. 99 Failure
    Attack (Harupia) 11 Miss
    Evasion (Door) 16
    Attack (Harupia) 9 Hit
    Evasion (Door) 4
    • 5% ==> Increased by 15% due to jutsu expansion ===> Increased by Iron Sand by 5%: 25% Chance to cause bleed. 60 Failure
    Attack (Harupia) 20 CRIT!
    Evasion (Door) 14
    • 5% ==> Increased by 15% due to jutsu expansion ===> Increased by Iron Sand by 5% ====> increased by 15% due to natural Crit of 20: 40% chance to cause bleed. 27 Success BLEED II
10.0 Seconds | The Door attacks Harupia with a Non-elemental (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Non-elemental damage that can't be reduced.
  • Attack (Door) 8
    Evasion 2
    • 10% auto-dodge. (Duelist) Roll: 36 Failed
      5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 9 Failed

<SIZE size="150">Narrative

You would find yourself in a comfortable space. The air was calm and smelled like rain. It would have been a nice place to go for a picnic if it was not for the fact that you would feel like you were being watched, because you were. Through a small glass lens, one of several build into the door you were being watched, measured and assessed. The inner workings of the door were coming to life, pulling you back to the dark reality of the situation. This was not the time nor the place to relax because something was coming.

You were a Sunaku, a member of a proud and prestigious family that could not only manipulate sand but were rumored to be a distant relation to the celebrated and in some circles revered Sunahoshi Primus. It was an impossible standard of course, trying to live up to a legend when you were never much of a fighter. It was not that you could not but you had a privileged life and did not have to. Perhaps this made you feel inferior or inadequate, was that why you decided to try your luck here? Were you trying to prove something? You probably were.

You would draw from something deep and old from within you, it was your true power, something you had only recently discovered. You were faster and stronger than you ever were before due to this borrowed or stolen power. It might be 'wrong' but it might also help you win. Help you survive. The first attack was launched, it was a puppet or at the very least part of one that shot out at you and attempted to clobber you. It did not hit its mark, not entirely. You were fast enough to avoid the brunt of the attack but you would feel the sting. The door was not gentle. No, this was a real fight. A fight that you would lose if you did not try your very best.

The door was continue to barrage you with attacks and you would fortify yourself. A blast of water attempted to wash away the candy carapace your sands had formed around you to protect you from the machine's heartless assault but it would prove to not be enough. Woozy from the impact you would find it harder to cast. in fact you tried and you were simply incapable of making those earthen clones. Had you forgotten? No, you had done that jutsu likely hundreds of times before. The door did not falter, it would try again to strike you down with a blunt object. you would try to cast again, this time successful. You would hurl a hailstorm of sandstars at the door, some missing but most of them would embed deeply into the steel door. Oil would trickle from the door where the stars dug deepest. As a chakra cannon lowered... you would realize that what you had done, while impressive hardly even slowed the door down!

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
For the few brief moments of calm, he had, he really did appreciate his surroundings and ponder just how in the world they managed to do something like this. The air felt was fresh and cool, the scenery was so pleasing, something is rarely seen in the desert outside of the Oasis one could find, or other countries...he would probably be able to visit such when the time was right. Though this was no time to consider such things as the machinations of the door clacked and clattered. The onslaught was to begin.

And what an onslaught it was. It seemed the door was capable of all forms of attack, first striking with a different contraption which came in straight for the jugular. He wasn't fast enough to avoid it, but his shields of sand managed to dampen the Blow if only a little. At least the natural protection of his sand was something he could depend on. The next attack came as a stream of water, the sand also defending him, but the strike was so hard as to confuse him slightly, making it so he wasn't able to cast his just properly. Though quickly enough he managed to shake it off, and soon found himself covered in an additional layer of protection, chakra induced paper wrapping around his body almost like a bandage. Something that could be deceptively effective.

And it could come a moment too soon as the next trike, a pummeling mace hid him right on at the arm. And it hurt like hell, though he managed to launch his own assault soon afterward. The sand Shuuriken embeds themselves int he machinery, causing slightly leaks of oil and slight damage...though it didn't stop the contraption from moving along.

There he was... a Shinobi fending for his life, against an enemy much more powerful then himslef...feeling the stares of others through the hidden cameras around him. He could recall the slightly judgemental feeling he got when talking with the punk-styled lady...were the judging him as well. There he was, the son and heir of one of Suna's clans, a pretty boy, a airheaded artist who prefers to doodles then do Shinobi work...a coward who ran from his village for selfish reasons... He didn't have anything to prove, yet here he was, trying to please the masses in front of him... people evaluating his will to survive, his strength to win,while they alone sit back all day and count on the Shinobi in front of them to defend their weak, worthless bodies...he would show them a power that transcends flesh...

There was quite a turmoil inside of Harupia's mind, the stress of the fight, the inner doubt, and the overwhelming power in him surging through his veins and body...expending beyond. His left hand, human-like before, would deteriorate in a shifting, expanding form similar to an arm, but not quite the same, his entire body covered in the brown-gold aura of his chakra and the sand swirling around him, his features seeming humanoid but lacking any definition, as if a mirage in the sand strom...the only clear thing were his eyes, shining with a distinct, strong hue of gold.

As this shift of from completed itself, he would be again on the move, more nimble than before. To test the Doors defenses, he would throw a squicks trick, his arm extending in a quick swipe at the machinery. After that was performed, the arm would retract, a surge of chakra floating from his body, seemingly expanding the arm before he slammed it into the ground, causing a vicious tremor, cracking the ground under the door and causing rock protrusions come out and rocks to start flying, attempting to damage the machine. A single attack perhaps, but this was not a series of sand projectiles...he was putting his all into this one. He was leaving his option open, leaving himself a window to dodge any incoming attack, or if able, throw in a few of his Shuriken for a bit of extra pain. He let loose with his newly obtained powers...something he didn't plan on doing...but when the chance arose, the powers within him weren't able to contain themselves from bursting out. And If anything, this was a grand time to let loose.

Mft, WC= 713

Maintaining All possible maintainable Skills unless stated otherwise
All Jutsu Cast at Master Rank Unless stated otherwise

Using Demon Clock Omega (1ap due to entering Alpha previously)
Using a Basic Strike on the Door (0.75 AP)
Shifting Earth Style to After Quake (0.5 AP)
Use Sand Clone (2.5 ap, Using Control Affinity Move, Master Rank)
Use Perfect Rasengan Ability (3ap, Using Relevant Sunaku Buffs: Sand mastery, Blood Diamonds, Iron Sand, Special Actions As Follows: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Single target, +5% Base damage, -1 acc, +10% Chakra cost, Gain +1 Critical by lowering secondary effect chance by -10% Elemental Infusion into Rasen-Tremor (Earth), Focus and Feint affinity moves due to Elementalist, Using After Quake from Earth Style on this Attack as well)
Use Sand Stars (Using Relevant Sunaku Buffs: Sand mastery, Blood Diamonds, Iron Sand. Using Overcharge and Control Affinity moves due to Elementalist Ability, Master Rank)

Once, when targeted by any non-fire attack, dodge using Burst of Confetti (2 AP).
If Bound, use as much AP as needed to release self.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
[col]Sunaku Harupia
HP: 30625 [-9150] 21475
CP: 30048 [+990 Demon Cloak] [-3609] 26439
AP: 10 [-8.25] 1.75
Maintains: Demon Cloak Alpha

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Taijutsu Accuracy: 23 ==> 27 + 2 (Jinchi) + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
All melee attacks made by the Jinchuuriki use their chosen element's Ninjutsu Accuracy, receiving the chosen element's Damage and Cp buffs and replacing the Melee accuracy/damage buffs.
Genjutsu Resist: 23
Evasion: 23 + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha) + 1 (Streaming Cloak)
Ranged Accuracy: 19 + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Genjutsu Difficulty: 19 + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Damage: +5% Sand (Class); + 15% (Sand Mastery) + 10% (Demon Cloak Alpha)
DR: - 5% (Vanguard); 60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands); +10% Streaming Cloak.
CP: Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu with Nin Accuracy
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
Elemental Aura: Chakra Armor cost .5 Ap less than usual, and gain +1 to overall round limitation. While Chakra Armor is active, any Secondary Effect chances of the same element used by or against the user are treated +/- 10% in the user's favor. This only applies to the effect's chance of activating, not the actual effect itself.
Insight: Hidden Actions are revealed to the user through PM. This does not apply to Genjutsu.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Acrobatics: The user is capable of performing one additional Activated Auto-Dodge per round.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Sand Mastery: +15% Sand Damage
Sand Manipulation: May convert Earth and Wind Jutsu into Sand at no extra cost.
Blood Diamonds: Sand and Bloodline jutsu Jutsu Levels 1-8 can cause bleeding ranks 1-4.
Protection of the Sands: Sand has a 60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage.
Jinchuriki: All melee attacks made by the Jinchuuriki use their chosen element's Ninjutsu Accuracy, receiving the chosen element's Damage and Cp buffs and replacing the Melee accuracy/damage buffs.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Inventory"]Weapon: Black Sand Guards
Slot 1: Headset
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 4: Health Pill X3
Slot 5: Black Sand Guards

Name: Black Sand Guards
Weapon Type: Arm and Shin Guards
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed
Bonuses: -1 Acc/ +5% Damage
Augment: Vanguard, Lucky Dodge, Riot Shield.[/spoilername]|The Door

HP: ??? [-593] [Bleed II]
HP: 495580 ==> 484987
CP: ???
AP: ???
Accuracy/Genjutsu DC: +32
Evasion/Genjutsu Save: +28
Other: +2 capped
DR: 25%
Maintains: Cylinder of Magic

Environmental Modifications: Grass
  • No Special effect, Grasslands are BORING!

[col]Harupia's CloneHP: 9900
CP: 9900 [-5000] 4900
AP: 3|[/col]

What Happened???<i></i>

0.00 seconds | Harupia maintains Demon Cloak Alpha (Master Rank) and Streaming Cloak (Mastered).
1.00 Seconds | Harupia enters Demon Clock Omega.
1.75 Seconds | Harupia uses a Basic Strike on the Door.
  • Attack (Harupia) 19 Hit
    Evasion (Door) 10
    • Melee Contact against the user has 15% chance of inflicting Suppression against the attacker. 35 Failed
2.25 Seconds | Harupia utilizes Shifting Earth Style to After Quake.
  • This causes Harupia to drop Earth Style,: Craggy Exterior.
2.50 Seconds | The Door performs an Earth (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Earth damage that also binds the target for one round with a 40% base chance to escape per 2 AP spent.
  • 2.50 Seconds | Harupia casts Burst of Confetti (Mastered).
    • 18% chance of bleeding. 42 Failed
5.00 Seconds | The Door uses an Earth (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Earth damage that also binds the target for one round with a 40% base chance to escape per 2 AP spent.-
  • Attack (Door) 3
    Evasion (Harupia) 5
    • The attack binds Harupia!
      • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 29 Failed
        10% Chance to autododge (Duelist). 54 Failed
        60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 29 Success
5.75 Seconds | Harupia attempts to escape from the bind.
  • 40% chance to escape. 47 Failed
7.50 Seconds | The Door uses a Non-elemental (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Non-elemental damage that can't be reduced.
  • Attack (Door) 2
    Evasion (Harupia) 4
    • Harupia is no longer bound.
      • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 63 Failed
        10% Chance to autododge (Duelist). 55 Failed
8.25 Seconds | Harupia casts Sand Clone (Master Rank) using the Control Affinity move.
  • Awareness (Door) 11
    Stealth (Harupia) 18 The door does not know which is the real Harupia.
10.0 Seconds | The door casts a Fire (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Fire damage that also sets the target "afire" dealing 1,000 damage each round for two rounds.
  • Random target: 1- Harupia; 2 - Clone. Roll: 2
    Attack (Door) 11 Hit!
    Evasion (Harupia Clone) 9
    • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 46 Failed
      10% Chance to autododge (Duelist). 5 Success, this attack has been auto-dodged!
      60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 97 Failed

There was something... something powerful inside of you and it was bubbling just beneath the surface. It made you faster. More powerful. It was uncanny to witness. You were faster than your athletic frame would have suggested. A massive boulder was lobbed in your direction but you saw it upon its arching descent. A cloud of colorful confetti obscured the impact. You had moved out of the way just in time and the stone embedded itself into the ground. The soft, grassy knoll upon which it had landed hugged the grey boulder but that would not be the last. A second boulder would be flung in your direction but you were not prepared for a second earthen assault. The sands tried to protect you. They would push and they would shield but the weight of the rock would crush the sands and push you to the ground.

You would find yourself pinned to the ground. This would have been better if it was a beautiful woman and not a two-ton stone this might have been a pleasant experience but alas it felt as if your pelvic was shattered. You would push against the stone but it would be a futile effort and the stone would refuse to roll away. A chakra cannon would be lowered, aimed at your wiggling and trapped form. With a powerful heaving motion would would roll from beneath the stone as it was shattered by that chakra cannon. You would try to dash away through the hailstorm of gravel but the chakra cannon's blast would cut through! You would feel the burn in the small of your back as it burned through your clothes.

You had to think. You had to plan! Your hands would run through an array of handseals and a second shinobi would appear. He looked just like you. Handsome chap. The door thought so too. A stream of fire would shoot out from the heart of the door and inundate your creation. Cripsy yes, your clone creation still stood tall but he was worse for the wear. Still, it saved you.

Ten more seconds to go...


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Gave Haru some extra days even though I should not have. =( with no sent actions, finishing this mod.
[col]Sunaku Harupia
HP: 21475 [-9350] 12125
CP: 26439 [+990 Demon Cloak] [-810] 26619
AP: 10.75 [-0.5] 10.25
Maintains: Demon Cloak Alpha

[spoilername="Stats"]Ninjutsu Accuracy: 27 + 2 (Duelist) + 2 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Taijutsu Accuracy: 23 ==> 27 + 2 (Jinchi) + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
All melee attacks made by the Jinchuuriki use their chosen element's Ninjutsu Accuracy, receiving the chosen element's Damage and Cp buffs and replacing the Melee accuracy/damage buffs.
Genjutsu Resist: 23
Evasion: 23 + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha) + 1 (Streaming Cloak)
Ranged Accuracy: 19 + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Genjutsu Difficulty: 19 + 4 (Demon Cloak Alpha)
Damage: +5% Sand (Class); + 15% (Sand Mastery) + 10% (Demon Cloak Alpha)
DR: - 5% (Vanguard); 60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands); +10% Streaming Cloak.
CP: Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Passives"]Shinobi 101 - Kinetic Genjutsu with Nin Accuracy
Jutsu Mastery: All Jutsu cost -10% Chakra, this includes Maintains. All Chakra cost penalties from choosing to use 'Special Actions' are halved.
Elemental Aura: Chakra Armor cost .5 Ap less than usual, and gain +1 to overall round limitation. While Chakra Armor is active, any Secondary Effect chances of the same element used by or against the user are treated +/- 10% in the user's favor. This only applies to the effect's chance of activating, not the actual effect itself.
Insight: Hidden Actions are revealed to the user through PM. This does not apply to Genjutsu.
Elementalist: The user may now use a Major Affinity Move and a Minor Affinity move upon a single Jutsu (Up to B Rank) Both affinity moves must be different, and the user must have a Major Affinity in the Element.
Acrobatics: The user is capable of performing one additional Activated Auto-Dodge per round.
Clarity: The user is given a resistance check every round against Genjutsu as opposed to the normal round wait time. The user is always aware that they are in a Genjutsu unless the Genjutsu was treated as a Sneak Attack.
Sand Mastery: +15% Sand Damage
Sand Manipulation: May convert Earth and Wind Jutsu into Sand at no extra cost.
Blood Diamonds: Sand and Bloodline jutsu Jutsu Levels 1-8 can cause bleeding ranks 1-4.
Protection of the Sands: Sand has a 60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage.
Jinchuriki: All melee attacks made by the Jinchuuriki use their chosen element's Ninjutsu Accuracy, receiving the chosen element's Damage and Cp buffs and replacing the Melee accuracy/damage buffs.[/spoilername]

[spoilername="Inventory"]Weapon: Black Sand Guards
Slot 1: Headset
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 2: Energy Drink X3
Slot 4: Health Pill X3
Slot 5: Black Sand Guards

Name: Black Sand Guards
Weapon Type: Arm and Shin Guards
Weapon Damage Type: Unarmed
Bonuses: -1 Acc/ +5% Damage
Augment: Vanguard, Lucky Dodge, Riot Shield.[/spoilername]|The Door

HP: ??? [Bleed II]
HP: 484987
CP: ???
AP: ???
Accuracy/Genjutsu DC: +32
Evasion/Genjutsu Save: +28
Other: +2 capped
DR: 25%
Maintains: Cylinder of Magic

Environmental Modifications: Grass
  • No Special effect, Grasslands are BORING!

What Happened???</COLOR><i></i>
0.00 seconds | Harupia maintains Demon Cloak Omega (Master Rank) and Streaming Cloak (Mastered).
0.00 Seconds | The Door arms a Cylinder of Magic (Master Rank) Puppet Trap which is triggered by the first attack which is directed at it.
0.50 Seconds | Harupia enters Defensive Stance.
2.50 Seconds |The Door attacks Harupia with a Water (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Water damage that also causes the target to have a 28% chance to Auto-Fail each action for two rounds.</B>
  • Attack (Door) 14 + 32 = 46 Miss!
    Evasion (Harupia) 19 + 29 = 48
5.00 Seconds |The Door attacks Harupia with a Puppet (ranged accuracy) attack. 5,000 Physical damage that also causes one instance of Suppression.
  • Attack (Door) 2 + 32 = 34 Miss!
    Evasion (Harupia) 15 + 29 = 44
7.50 Seconds |The Door attacks Harupia with a Non-elemental (spell accuracy) attack. 5,000 Non-elemental damage that can't be reduced.
  • Attack (Door) 19 + 32 = 51 HIT!
    Evasion (Harupia) 2 + 29 = 31
    • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 80 Failed
      10% Chance to autododge (Duelist). 20 Failed
      60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 41 Success! Negated by type of attack.
10.0 Seconds |The Door attacks Harupia with a Bludgeoning (melee accuracy) attack. 5,000 Physical damage that also elevates the Called Shot level of a random limb by 1 level.
  • Attack (Door) 5 + 32 = 37 Hit
    Evasion (Harupia) 2 + 29 = 31
    • 5% Chance to auto-dodge (Lucky Dodge) 70 Failure
      10% Chance to autododge (Duelist). 41 Failure
      60% chance to reduce an oncoming attack by 20% damage (Protection of the Sands). 42 Success
      Random Limb: 1 arm; 2 legs; 3 arms; 4 hands; 5 feet; 6 neck; 7 heart; 8 weapon. Roll: 4 (Hands)

<COLOR color="steelblue">Narration

You stopped fighting. Why would you do that?

The Door did not cease its unrelenting assault, neither would your opponents in the World Martial Arts Tournament. You were fast and you were durable, moreso than your peers. If you only attempted to fight back and do more than endure you could have went places. There is a reason that the Sunaku Clan is such a celebrated bloodline. You were like the desert, you were not going anywhere. The Door did its worst and while your clothes might have been worse for the wear you were in relatively good condition and more importantly you were still standing.

Thirty seconds total have elapsed and the Door would cease functioning. A whine could be heard and the internal gears would slow to an ultimate halt. A resounding click would break the brief silence and the door would swing open. Inside the proctor would be waiting, a sheet of paper in hand. "Impressive sir, I suppose I was worried over nothing." She would hand you the folded slip of paper, "submit this to your superior." She would of course also be sending a copy. She had copies of everyone's assessment. This would serve to determine who would represent Sunagakure. "I guess you made a point," she added as she relinquished her grip on the paper's edge. It was not something they wanted in a tournament fight -- inaction but perhaps it was never your desire to fight but rather to show you could. You came from a wealthy and well-known family, surely there were some that do not respect you or your family because their honor is old honor that was inherited rather than earned. You were tough, tougher than you looked or your attire suggested.

She would give you a bow and point you the way out. unlike so many others you could walk away.
The Readout said:
<B>Assessment: Sunaku Harupia

Elemental Caster (Advanced Element: Sand) versus S Class Door Level 8 -- 30 Second Assessment Period
  • Door is at 91% Integrity.
  • Harupia caused over 25013 damage to the Door.
  • Harupia's percentile integrity damaging effects on the Door caused a majority of the damage he inflicted.

Harupia never reached terminal failure.
  • Harupia withstood a total of 32875 damage.
  • Harupia is exceedingly durable between his sand barrier, his defensive stance and other passive effects.
  • The Door had the potential to damage Harupia for 60,000 damage, however a little more than half had effected Harupia.

  • Present rate of chakra lost, it is anticipated that Harupia would run out of chakra by 70 seconds, longer than the average shinobi.
  • Chakra use exceeds longevity, it is estimated that Harupia would reach terminal failure within 44 seconds.
  • Harupia did not use his offensive skillset to its fullest so we are unable to assess his capacity to damage an opponent.

Final Assessment:
  • Harupia has greater endurance than the average shinobi. He is very durable.
  • Harupia would need to take offensive action to win the tournament. It is hypothesized that he would do well if he took offensive action.
  • Would like to see Harupia perform another assessment in the future to determine his offensive capacity.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The battle was intense. Even after he prepared to dodge the first attack, the second boulder smashed against him, though the sands and against his flesh. And it wasn't just some fancy chakra manifestation or anything like that...the thing was shooting Giant, solid boulders. And the one which hit him pinned him to the ground, harshly, making him lose focus for any other attack. Nor move, in spite of him trying to free himself. He was a sitting duck, which got hit with a direct strike from the contraption, this time it was pure, focused Chakra. It hurt like hell...but he was still alive, and kicking. And was growing even angrier.

The insolent door interrupting his display of power...the constructors of it watching him like a little lab rat… the people of the village who rather than appreciate the protection he and his fellow in offered rather elt in a group of terrorist in their midst...a group of self-righteous psychopaths hurting his people, making him feel like trash, pushing him, underestimating him… As the Clone Took the brunt of the firey blaze, he could feel a fire churn inside of his mind...wreck the damn contraption, the people behind it, the ones who caused all this strife...bury them deep under the glorious sand, bury the world in sand…

Then a bit of clarity hit him...all these thoughts racing through his head. The insecurities, the anger, and confusion...he wouldn't blame it on anything else, he knows he felt those things...but he knew they were signs of frustration and sadness, and not true. But the force in him, it tried to feed on this emotion of self-rightness and pride, push him to use more fo the power...lose himself in it, as he almost did the first time. So he resisted the drive to destroy...which probably wasn't a grand idea given the oncoming barrage.

But in the same vein, it seemed his from also empowered him when he put his mind to defending himself. He could feel lighter, moving through the grounds doing some fo the incoming barrage. And the hits he took, he felt pushing through his sandy clock and instinctive defenses...he couldn't defend himself from it fully, but he minimized the damage.

And so, while it felt like hours to him, the seconds of the text had finally ended, the whirring and clacking of the Doors mechanisms ceasing. The Sand user took deep breaths, dissipating his sand clock...making sure any of his previous wound wasn't showing. Just the fresh cuts, bruises and tattered clothing. He would approach the door slowly as it stops its attack, the entry opening soon after. Trying to catch his breath still, he would accept the slip saying „T-thank you...I have to say, I can see how most of the contestants had to be carried out… quite the machine you built” sincerity clear in his voice. An impressive machine...hopefully not one he would find turned against him. After her other comment, he blinked a bit, though he understood what she could have meant. He wasn't sure he fully agreed...most likely the fact he didn't actually damage the door significantly dashed his chances of joining the team. The boulder pinning him down also didn't help.

Yet still...he felt if he had a chance to strike, or chose to strike, he could put a dent in the thing. But in spite of his impulses, he was able to control himself, and choose not to strike. And in the ends, he was standing tall, when others left broken. With a smile, a bit bigger then any he had on that day, he returned the respectful bow saying „I guess so… and I haven't even shown all my tricks yet” winking with a slight mischevious glint as he walked off. Not that he came into the test intending to hide anything… but he wouldn't mind having others think he did.

Mft, Wc= 678, total WC in topic = 2835

Topic Exit

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
