Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private The Birth of Protagonists [Genin Exam]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin followed the path being carved out a head of him by Kayaku down the steps being grown by Kohana. The Chikamatsu and his five Inner Court Members were making their way, carving a spiraling staircase from the Toraono Dojo, down to the Undersea. He had made contact with one of the ANBU Captains and this exam was going to be a joint effort from the two branches to not only help these six academy students graduate to Genin, but offer a few of them placement withing the Medical or ANBU branches to further train and hone their skills. The stairwell that the Chikamatsu crafter would be located in the training grounds of the Toraono Dojo but the entrance would be concealed where Kohana had stood when she summoned clones in their class not too long ago.

Chikamatsu Ayame, Chikamatsu Toyoko, and Hayate Tadashi had been randomly selected to participate in this exam as Squad 35. Amaterasu Hina, Chikamatsu Sora, and Toraono Toji had been randomly selected to participate in this exam as Squad 77. While this exam wasn't directly a competition between the squads it would serve as a great drive to encourage the youth to outperform their friends.

Each student had been delivered a letter with the following note within:
note said:

You have been selected from the Sunagakure no Sato's current Academy Student Body to be put under trials and observations, also known as the Genin Exams! You will need to head to the Toraono Dojo and find your way through the training yard down to the exam's location. The path it's self is the first trial! You may work as a team to find the way down to the exam's location. Anyone unable to find their way to the examination site will be marked as a failed participatant.

As a friendly reminder with most things in this line of work, coming to the Genin Exams means you are understanding that you will be putting not only your life on the line, but the lives of your classmates will be resting in your hands as well. If you do not wish to take the exams at this time you may chose not to come, marking you as a failed participant.

I am excited to see you all soon!

The students where given a time to arrive, which would be the day after receiving this letter at eight o'clock in the morning. He was curious how early some of the students would be waking up in an attempt to arrive on time. If he had to estimate the time now, it was probably no later than half past four. He had a lot of work to do and he didn't like to leave it for the last minute.

Arriving at the Undersea Shin would smile as Kohana went to work. Now that her body had been restored her Senju blood was as active as ever, allowing her to summon form a beautiful wooden dock to take the students from the shore line a handful of meters into the lake itself. She also began crafting two small boats that would be lowered into the water from the dock with the help of Maho and Saikatsu. It was nice having all six of the Inner Court Members working together again now that his seal had been fixed.

"I guess it is time for us to wait now until the students and the other proctor arrives." Shin would say with a smile towards his family.

((OoC: Shin's speech, Maho's speech, Seishinko's speech, Kayaku's speech, Kohana's speech, Seikatsu's speech))

Welcome to the Genin Exams!

This is a Roleplay exam that will help us know if you are ready for an In Character Promotion! There will be no right or wrong way to do this so please enjoy yourself! For the duration of this exam to help keep a thread of this large going we will have to include a strike system. After one of the two proctors post Shin or @Uziuke post each student will have 4 days of 96 hours to respond. If you miss this window you will gain 1 strike. 1 strike on its own means nothing to the thread, but once you get 3 strikes you will be marked as a failed participant and will have to wait 2 out of character weeks before attempting another exam. There is no word requirements so even if you don't have time to do a large post please hop in for a quick response within the frame, as the minimum word count for a post is only fifty words. At the end of this exam if either of the proctors offer you a position in their branch you may skip being a Genin and request for the Medic-in-Training or an ANBU-in-Training Banner! If neither proctor offers you a spot but you did not fail the exam you may request a Genin Banner! Good luck everyone!

This will be a progress bar on how well the Proctors are seeing you perform! once it is full you will have graduated!
Amaterasu Hina​
Chikamatsu Ayame​
Chikamatsu Sora​
Chikamatsu Toyoko​
Hayate Tadashi​
Toraono Toji​

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko stared down at the letter in her hand as she prepared herself for bed, wondering what exactly was going to happen during the exams. She hadn't realized that she was ready for advancement already, and felt the stirrings of both pride and anxiety in her gut. Her parents, had they lived to see this day, would be proud of her for how quickly she had advanced. As it was, Shin seemed to be rather gleeful in their interactions as of late. Surely he knew what was going on, seeing as he'd been her instructor at the Toraono Dojo on two separate occasions. It seemed that she was one step closer to becoming a med-nin, furthering her position in the Chikamatsu Clan and bringing her begrudgingly closer to what Shin sought for her. Rolling her eyes, she put on her pajamas and crawled into bed, clutching Teddy to her chest as her eyes filled with tears. She truly wished that her parents were here to cheer her on and congratulate her when she achieved graduation. Maybe she shouldn't be so hard on Shin...

Hours later, the young girl opens her eyes and rubs the sleep from them, staring around the room in confusion. It was still dark out, so why was she awake? "Come on sleepy head! The early dragon gets the bird, hurry up! Let's get going already!" Grumbling to herself and rolling over, Toyoko pulls her pillow over her head and tries to ignore the dragon spirit that had taken to appearing at the most inconvenient times lately. Kiyohime had no sense of personal space, and would show up when least expected. It drove the girl crazy, and the spirit seemed to think it to be some sort of game. "You're going to be late! You need to get up, get something to eat, and get on down to the Dojo as quickly as possible! You never know when the others are going to show up, and you don't want to be the last one there. Besides, the sooner you leave the less people you are going to encounter on your way."

Sighing heavily, Toyoko sat up and rubbed at her eyes again. As much as she hated to admit it, the dragon was right. She wasn't really fond of crowds, and if she needed to, she could find a quiet place at the Dojo to take a quick nap while waiting for the others. Getting out of bed, she quickly went through her morning routine and stopped by the kitchen to snag a few pieces of bread and some jam for breakfast. Stepping outside, she could see some light on the horizon as the sun began to rise. Yawning, Toyoko leisurely made her way to the Toraono Dojo as the note entailed; along the way she kept her eyes and ears open for any signs of anything amiss. She wasn't naïve enough to believe that the exam hadn't already begun. Surely they were already being tested, and so she arrived at the training yard around 7:30 in the morning and awaited the arrival of the other students.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Not really requiring sleep, Sora was ready for this exam. She had spent most of her night in the Arboretum trying to master her recently unlocked Advanced Element. She realized that her elemental affinities aligned in such a way that she could produce Ice Release. With a series of recently studied hand seals she was able to produce the basics of Ice Release, and while they were basic in the terms of the Advanced Element, they were still the most powerful jutsu she could produce.

With a newfound source of confidence, not that Sora needed any more reason to be prideful, the young girl would begin to make her way to the Toraono Dojo with a her large warm coat and hat on. she didn't care very many ninja tools and she had no visible weapons on her. She wasn't the type that needed to carry around toys like her immature sister that still played with teddy bears. She was strong enough to create her weapons with her very own chakra threads in a fraction of a second. How sad it must be to rely on physical things to be useful in a fight.

"Oh? I see father has decided that you deserve a chance to graduate, how kind of him." She would say with a jeering jab at her sister. Looking around the training field it was obvious that this was their first task in the exam. Find where the true exam was being placed. "Have you made any progress on finding the passage?" She would begin to snoop around, looking under shrubs and knocking on trees to see if they were hallow.


Toraono Toji

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Toji got up early. His mother was almost more excited then he was about the exam. "Remember Toji expect the unexpected. There is no way of knowing what shin has planned for you" Kiko had made a huge breakfast for him. "Eat as much as you can. You will need your strength at its best if you are going to crush this exam" Her words where stern but motherly. between big mouthfuls of food Toji said. "Don't worry mom I'm going to make you proud" Kiko looked down at her son placing one huge hand on his head the sounds of his chewing stopped for a minute as she said. "you are a member of the great Toraono clan. and even more then that you are my son" She would wrap one huge arm around Toji in a hug not something she did often which made the times she did all the more special. "I have been hard on you Toji. From the day you were born I have strived to teach you all I know about mastering your body in order to make you the strongest weapon the sand has ever seen" She would pause for a moment as for the first time in a very long time Kiko's eyes would start to well up with tears "But somewhere along the line that goal changed" She got down on her knees putting both enormous hands on Toji's shoulders. "I realized that all I truly wanted was for you to be safe. the only way I know how to make that happen is to make you stronger until there is no one that can hurt you" She would then hug Toji and start to stand making her way to the mantal in the living room. "I have done what I can to make you strong Toji and I think its time your father did his part" She would come back with an elaborate blade the hilt made of polished and lacquered brilliant black horn wrapped in a leather cord from a distant land. The ebony blade itself made from metal forged from a falling star. the style was very different from most of the swords Toji had ever seen. it stood eight feet tall with a double grip and a full tang. a thick cross guard was the only real ornamentation to the blade it self. "you're father gave me this and told me to give it to you when I thought you where ready" She would take his finger and run it across the pommel of the sword reveling a star shaped mark carved into it that could be felt but not seen. "This is your fathers mark" She would then do the same to the cross guard reveling what felt like letters invisible to the eye. "and this is the name of the sword he made for you" the swords name translated to 'bastion breaker' Toji's eyes overflowed with tears as he hugged his mother thanking her for everything she has done for him. Kiko hugged her son and than pulled him back with one hand to face her "Now then take you're fathers sword and you're mothers pride and forge the future you have always dreamed of' Toji took the sword it felt heavy in his hands but also very comforting Toji looked up at his mother and said with tears still streaming down his face. "I promise you won't regret it" he would then run to the dojo to see what the future had in store for him.

Amaterasu Hina

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Hina was in the arboretum when the letter arrived. She would stop tending to her plants just long enough to read the note. I was selected to do an exam? Do they really think I am that good yet? Our lives are on the line??? Hina was normally a very nervous and shy girl. She still was, but lately she had been embracing the path in front of her. Well ok...If Sensei thinks I am ready I must be ready. I can't let my clan down, and I can't let my friends down either! They are my friends right?
Hina remained surprisingly calm, instead strategizing for the test ahead. She finished up her work on the plants around her and headed back to her home to practice some of her Just. She had been focusing on her poison affinity lately and now was good a time as ever to get some practice in. After a few hours of practicing, Hina made herself a pot of tea and some eggs with rice. After eating she headed straight to bed. After reading a book she found a sound sleep.
It was normal for Hina to wake up early, and today was no different. It was about 5am, and the sun was just peaking through her window as she awoke. Not in a hurry, Hina made herself a pot of tea and watch the sun begin to rise. She put a piece of bread and some cheese in her pocket, then made her way out. She would stop by the Arboretum to check on the Yurei Orchid before she would head to the Dojo. She sat with the flower for 15-20min. Tending to it, making sure it was healthy, procrastinating on leaving. The word of the letter played in Hina's head. you will be putting not only your life on the line, but the lives of your classmates will be resting in your hands as well.

Hina couldn't help but think about who would care for the orchid if she was gone. Hina was not afraid of death. She was afraid of what she would leave behind, and who she would fail. Her parents took care of the Orchid her life, and left her in charge when it was gone. Shin guided Hina, and trusted her to take care of the Orchid. Her clan needed the Orchid to survive. Hina would be letting down so many people if she did not succeed. Hina gave the Orchid one last look before she turned to leave.
I will not let anybody down today. I will succeed.

Hina silently made her way to the Dojo. It was about 6:30 when she arrived. She knew she was early, but being early means being prepared. Hina searched around the empty dojo for a while before noticing something peculiar in the training grounds. She could sense an abundance of Chakra but everything looked just as normal as it had in class. Hina walked up right to the spot where Kohana been teaching them before.This was definitely the source of the power she felt. Hina was almost certain this would be the entrance.
Hina made herself comfortable in the training grounds, waiting for the other students to arrive. It was about an hour later that she could overhear Sora talking to somebody. I see father has decided that you deserve a chance to graduate, how kind of him. Sora must be taunting her adopted sibling again. Hina knew that siblings normally argued but she could help but feel bad for the both of them. They were both so mean to each other. Hina approached, at first gingerly but then straightening her shoulders, remembering what Sora would always say to her about representing the clan.

"Um...I think I..." Hina started to mumble before catching herself, "I found something in the training grounds. I was waiting for more of us to arrive before doing anything..." Hina would wait for the others to respond before showing them and any others who would arrive to the spot she found.

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Laying in bed Ayame stared up at the ceiling, with the letter laying on the bedside table beside her. You have been selected ... Why? She didn't feel ready, she didn't feel confident. She had no clue what to expect during the exam. The only thing she knew for sure was that she was scared. She liked to think that she could perform well under pressure, but... she was worried this would be too much. I just need to believe I can.. She turns to look out of her window, staring at the moon as it's white light shines down on her. When did she start losing confidence in herself? Why was she suddenly thinking she wasn't going to be good enough? But after thinking for some time, she realizes it's probably due to her last failed attacks against the boar that left her feeling useless, and all the pressure that's on her now. Her eyes started to get glossy, and she whispers "..I just want to make you proud.."

The next morning she gets up and her body feels stiff. She was up tossing and turning most of the night, it must be the nerves she thinks as she does some stretches. After getting ready for the day, she grabs a piece of fruit and heads out the door.

When arriving to the meeting area she seems to be one of the last to arrive. She nods her head as she approaches them, not in the headspace to talk much. She noticed it was mostly everyone from her class, but noticed they were missing Kozuma and Tadashi. Were they not chosen as well? she wondered

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Hayate Tadashi

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Laying on his bed the night before, Tadashi stares at the ceiling in disbelief. In his hand he held an invitation to the genin exams. How could he sleep?? His dreams were finally coming true and his hard work was paying off. Now he just had to pass and he would be a real life ninja! He couldn't be late to this no matter what! He carefully sets his invitation letter onto his nightstand and forces himself to sleep.

Abruptly waking up the day of the exam from the sunlight coming into his room, Tadashi bolts upright and checks the time. The clock reads: 7:45 "Oh crap!! I'm gonna be late! And on a day like today!" He goes to sprint out the bedroom door and then once in the hallway of his home he realizes... He's not wearing any clothes... "Oh man I'm gonna be so late.." Rushing back into his room he gets dressed quickly and falls on his butt getting his pants on too fast. "Ok! Ready! Let's do this!" He says bye to his parents as he sprints out the doors to the streets of Suna and makes a beeline to the Dojo.

Arriving at around 7:55 am Tadashi sees his classmates and waves to everyone and walks up to his squad who he had taken down a rampaging boar with. "Hey Toyoko, Ayame. I guess we're on a team together again. You guys ready to do this?" The once beaming, ball of joy Tadashi has reverted back to his melancholy and indifferent demeanor. Things had been weird between him and Ayame and he wasn't really looking forward to how awkward this whole exam would be with her as a squad-mate...
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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
In Shin's opinion the hidden passage was extremely noticeable as the sand that covered the trap door was made of slightly larger grains as it was constructed by Kayaku's earth release. Hina seemed to be the first one to find the edges of the wooden plank underneath the layer of sand. If she were to open it she would find the recently grown wooden staircase that led the students down into the darkness below.

If they weren't careful this could be the end of the line for them. Any sensible shinobi would keep an eye out for traps, especially since multiple of the students come down for the exam were users of the Puppet Master Jutsu which often relied on the use of hidden traps and mechanisms to work. A series of trip lines and the occasional false explosive note within view may cause the students to be slowed, but as the time went on the cut off for entering this exam was closing in quickly.

Shin would check the time, the students had little less than an hour to find this entrance, and navigate through the series of traps before Shin would seal the passage entirely preventing them from entering.

"I wonder how many of them will actually make it."

"I would hope at least three make it down here, if not more."

"My money is on all of them! Just because they areyoung that doesn't mean that they are weak." The fifteen year old proclimed.

"Give them time, they all have something to prove." Shin would grin. Toji needed to prove that he was more than a strong body, Hina needed to show that she had the skills to lead, Sora needed to learn to be humble enough to ask for help, Toyoko needed to have trust in others, Tadashi needed to prove that he could harness the potential hidden within him, and Ayame needed to build the confidence in herself to find her truest strength. These were his students and in such a short time each of them have proven to him that they had the potential to be something great, but it was up to them to live up to that standard.

This will be a progress bar on how well the Proctors are seeing you perform! once it is full you will have graduated!
Amaterasu Hina​
Chikamatsu Ayame​
Chikamatsu Sora​
Chikamatsu Toyoko​
Hayate Tadashi​
Toraono Toji​

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko's head shoots up as Hina mentions that she had found something in the training grounds, heading over and kicking at the ground until she heard a hollow noise beneath her feet. Brushing off the sand from the trap door, she would swing it open and pull out her shark puppet, using the Searchlight jutsu to illuminate the passage below. Taking a step down, she would glance around and take in the stairway leading down. Moving her light back and forth, the young Chikamatsu girl would search for any traps that might be in place. "Is there anyone here that has a steady hand or good aim? I see a trip wire here, and where there's one there is usually more. I can keep up the light if someone else could come disarm these traps along the way. I think they want us to work together right now, at least until we get to the bottom of wherever these stairs lead."

OOC: Using Searchlight to provide a light for the other students to identify the traps along the path.


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013
Arriving on his own timing, Uzi of the guard stopped in. Shin, the one he ran into on the village streets with the foreign-nin, gave him word of the exam that was coming up. In all essence, he saw it as an opportunity to scout for upcoming talent. He left the gates, where he usually looked for volunteers to help with gate duty. If he could also push the message that learning of gate duty wasn't a problem, maybe they would show up and give a helping hand. It sounded that Shin knew the examinees better, but Shin gave Uzi a quick description of each.

The guard wore an ANBU Mask that resembled a bear's face. At his waist were black pants, a black T-shirt at his top. His gray ANBU vest was snug over his shirt. Gray shinobi boots were at his feet. He approached Shin, finding the waters to be calming. He was quite acquainted with the element, despite his natural Affinity to fire. "You okay if I intervene in the exam?" Uzi asked, his voice a bit muffled from behind his mask. He spectated the participants' current performance. He gave a quick nod to the members that were along with Shin. His white hair was a bit damp from the moisture of the waters.

Amaterasu Hina

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Hina was proud of herself for finding the door. Well, at least mostly finding it. Toyoko was the one bold enough to actually dig through the sand to find it, but at least Hina pointed her in the right direction, that must look good to her superiors watching, right? Hina was hyper-aware of the fact that people would be watching her right now. Hina was admittedly a bit distracted when Toyoko spoke, but she snapped back to reality at the mention of traps. Hina was relatively familiar with the idea of traps and trap setting, it was something she was beginning to study, but by no means a master yet.
“I have a pretty steady hand, I could help disarm the traps. But its gonna be dangerous, one wrong move and I might set it off. Ayame and Tadashi, you have pretty good control over elements right? And Sora, we all know you are a great healer. You guys stay back and be prepared if something goes wrong. You guys can use you’re elemtal jutsu to play defense and sora can heal anybody if they get hurt. Toji, wanna come up with me? You’re really resilient. I could use your help disarming the traps and if anything does happen, hopefully you can help get me out of there before anything happens!”
Hina was pretty proud of her plan, but looking around the group she immediately started to feel nervous.
“Only if you guys want to! I mean, if somebody else has a plan we could do that too, thats just kinda what I was thinking…”
Hina knew the plan was a decent one but this was a team effort. She hoped she wasnt stepping on anybodies toes by posing a plan…and maybe somebody had a better one! Hina just wanted to make it through these exams being a good team member, hopefully she was showing that.

OOC: Hina will follow her plan, disarming traps along the way unless somebody poses a different idea.
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Toraono Toji

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
"Great job Hina!" Toji said with a huge smile. "So that's part of the test to hu?" Toji eyed the hole in the ground. Who knew what kind of traps or dolls Shin sensi had down there. He saw Toyoko pull out a shark puppet and turn on a light. "Oh wow that's awesome Toyoko!" Toji would start to walk over to the hole until he heard Hina start to speak. 'Wow' Toji thought to him self 'Hina is so smart!' Having someone like her here was going to make this exam a cake walk. He listened carefully and then said. 'Thats a great plan Hina' He would then hear her second guess herself and say “Only if you guys want to! I mean, if somebody else has a plan we could do that too, thats just kinda what I was thinking…” He would then approach Hina and attempt to put his hand on her shoulder saying. 'I think its a great plan Hina and remember we are your friends we believe in you' He would then turn brandishing his sword in front of him to the hole in the ground. 'Lets get down there and make Shin sensi proud'

OOC: Toji would fallow Hina's plan doing his best to help her with traps and putting himself in-between his friends and any danger.

Chikamatsu Ayame

New Member
Aug 20, 2023
Ayame would see Tadashi join the rest of the crowd shortly after she did. She'd give him a simple head bow to greet him as he approached her and Toyoko. It's been a little while since she's been around him ever since she started declining his invitations and avoiding him when possible. She could sense Tadashi was not the same since then, but now was not the time to get caught up in his feelings, especially not today. Not long after, Toyoko and Hina seemed to have found the hidden entrance and, thankful for the chance to not stand awkwardly in front of Tadashi, Ayame left to follow them.

After hearing Hina's great plan she agreed, "Great thinking Hina. I can back Sora up as well if both you and Toji get hurt and need healing, or anyone else, but let's hope we don't get to that point okay? We can do this!" she lets out a little chuckle. She did believe in her classmates, but did she really think she could do it as well?

Hayate Tadashi

New Member
Aug 3, 2022
Tadashi stood to the back of the group with his hands in his pockets listening to the plan. He didn't have any problems with it so he kept quiet for now. He waits with patience for the first trap to get disarmed, then the next, and the next. By the forth he realizes that his patience is growing thinner as he finds his foot tapping and their progress minimal. "Let's not keep the proctors waiting, for all we know part of the exam is speed too. Step aside for a sec ok?" He steps to the front of the group after the fourth trap is disarmed and cocks his arms back and starts to channel wind chakra into his hands. "Get ready! Be on guard!" A second later he unleashes a huge gust of slicing wind down the stairwell cutting tripwires and slicing the walls with deep cuts. Hopefully the force of the wind would be enough to also trigger any pressure plate traps along the path as well. Immediately after sending the gust down the stairs Tadashi gets into a defensive stance and prepares a wind jutsu to block any Incoming projectiles.

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Sora be responsible for healing? Of course why wouldn't she be? She was after all the best medic in the generation so it would only make sense for her to take the job. "Easily done." The party would take some time slowly moving forward and as they did so Sora would grow more and more impatient. Fortunately for her she wasn't the only one ready to speed this up.

As Tadashi sent out a torrent of wind blades down the path she would respond in turn. "Of course, let's get through this Tadashi!" The temperature would begin to drop rapidly in the pathway. "Water Style: Ice Release... Hypothermic Touch." Finishing a series of handseals she would place her palms on the wooden staircase as frost would quickly fill the linings of the walls with a thin layer of ice. Any traps that would require an opening of a slot or the pull of a cord would be blocked. This would pair well with Tadashi's work of cutting and breaking the triggers of the various traps.

With an arrogant grin she would flip her hair and make her way down pass the rest of the group. "Good job Tadashi, I told you that you'd make for a wonderful henchman. Keep up the good work." She would cover her mouth and chuckle to her self as she would walk with the rest of the student the rest of the way down to the opening where the proctors would be waiting for them.

"Father, I am surprised that first test was so easy. Toyoko could probably have managed that herself." She side eyed her sister.


Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"Oh, but of course. I would love to have you in attendance, Captain." He smiled at the arrival of the ANBU Captain. It wasn't very often that Shin got the chance to work with those outside of his branch in the Sunagakure Shinobi Forces, so even if just for an exam Shin would take this opportunity to try and build better relations between the branches. The two branches were about as far apart as they could be while still both technically falling under the Shinobi umbrella.

It was about this time that his students would begin to emerge from the path that they had carved out. As Shin would turn and smile at his students the five other members of the Inner Court would simply dart out and vanish into the Undersea. "That's enough Sora, I am glad you all made it, and it was within the time permitted as well. Welcome to your Genin Exams. Unlike in the past where most of our exams have been written and followed with a small practical display, the exam that has been provided for you today consists of a more hands on task." Shin would turn and gesture to the newly formed dock and the two boats behind him.

"Before you, there are two vessels that have been provided." Shin would gesture to the one of the left side of the dock. "Teams have been randomly decided, and the first three of you to use this boat are Ayame, Tadashi, and Toyoko." He would then gesture to the other. "Which would mean this one is for Hina, Sora, and Toji."

Shin would wait for a moment after announcing the two teams. "For your first assignment, you will be doing a mock mission where you are to guard an employer as you travel across unfamiliar territory. Each team as a wooden crate in their ship that will be the stand in for the employer. You will be taking this vessel out a kilometer before finding the small island that is within in the Undesea. Your job is to get the crate there quickly and without any damage occurring to it."

Shin would gesture for the students to take to their boats and he would wait until they would all get themselves in and ready to start the task for their mission. "For the time being, until this portion of the exam has finished, Ayame and Toji are the mission leaders. The next portion of the exam will be explained once you all arrive at the island. Until then, good luck."

Shin too would dart off, simply vanishing from the view of the students as he would move to watch the exam from a hidden distance.


This will be a progress bar on how well the Proctors are seeing you perform! once it is full you will have graduated!

Amaterasu Hina​
Chikamatsu Ayame​
Chikamatsu Sora​
Chikamatsu Toyoko​
Hayate Tadashi​
Toraono Toji​

Chikamatsu Suisen

New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
With a smile across her face she raised her hand to cover her mouth before stepping closer to Toyoko. "Oh ho ho, what is this my dearest sister? We get the pleasure of competing? Fortunately for you, if the ship needs a sail they can use that tacky dress you are wearing. It's not doing anyone any other favours." She chuckled to herself again before darting towards her ship and sitting on the wooden crate. The ship wasn't large, and the word ship was drastically innacurate. This boat was no longer than a canoe but maybe as wide as a rowboat. It could probably hold six or so people.

"Well Captain, my captain, what's your first call? I am excited to see how this goes, we don't have to worry about the competition, it's not like they have much skills." She chuckled to herself again.

She would await for any commands, but she was hesitant to follow any of them. She would raise her hand and summon forth her chakra threads which would weave themselves into two fluttering falcons that would soar over their ship and try and offer some aerial support for their vessel. After a few minutes on the ship she would lean over to Hina.

"If need be, I could sink their ship so that we are the only team to complete the mission." She whispered.

Chikamatsu Toyoko

New Member
May 24, 2023
OOC Rank
Toyoko would glare at her sister as she rushed over to her teams boat, settling into whatever position Ayame told her to take. Pulling out her puppets, she would lift them both up using her chakra strings and use Searchlight so that their path was illuminated across the water. "I'm ready for whatever comes our way. I can use my puppets to deflect whatever Sensei throws at us. It doesn't seem like there is anything out there right now, but that could just be them attempting to deceive us. Nothing about this task is likely going to be as simple as it appears. So let's hurry and get our 'employer' to the other side safely as quick as we can."

Toraono Toji

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Toji had never been in charge of something like this before. After hearing that he and Ayame are supposed to be the leaders before heading over to his ship he would walk over to Ayame. Holding out his hand he would say. 'Good luck be carful' Toji would then rush over to his ship and start to lay out his plan. 'Sora if you can I need you to use your birds to help pull the boat' Toji would grab onto two oars with his large powerful hands and say 'I do this all the time for strength training at home and I'm pretty good at it. With any luck that and the birds should give us the upper hand when it comes to speed' Toji would then turn to look at Hina and say. 'Hina you are amazing with plants are there any poison water plants that you could surround the boats underside with? I have a feeling that there will be something in the water and it will be much less likely to go for us if we are poison to it. If not then I'm counting on you and sora to patch up the ship with ice and earth if we get in trouble and protect the employer while I row' Toji would then turn to the create bow and say 'Sir please keep your head down and remain in the ship at all times. Me and my team will get you safely to your destination as quickly and comfortably as possible. Thank you for this opportunity' Toji would then give a deep bow before setting the ship to sail pouring years of hard training determination and passion into making his friends his sensi and his clan proud to be a part of Toraono Tojis life.

OOC: Toji uses jutsu muscle control to row the boat as quickly and efficiently as possible.
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Amaterasu Hina

New Member
Jul 28, 2023
Hina followed the rest of the group silently. She thought she had a decent plan, but apparently Tadashi didn't think so. Maybe they were moving too slow…. Either way Hina could not doubt herself now. It was time for the next part of the exam. Toji was incharge for this one. Hina couldnt help but be a little worried. Toji was a great guy and an amazing friend, but she wasn't sure of his leadership capabilities. To her surprise, Toji took charge easily. He had a plan, that seemed like a great one to Hina, and dealt with every team member smoothly. He even addressed the crate as if it was a real person! Hina never would have thought about that…. Maybe she could learn a thing of two from Toji.
Now to think….could Hina grow a toxic plant under water? Hina thought long and hard, going through all of the abilities she had and thinking of what plants she knew. Hina would climb to the front of the boat and hover her hand above the water. Normally when she would summon her weapon, bright blue/purple flowers would grown from the ground and their toxic petals would dance in the air, slicing and poisoning all who would come near. This time as she summoned her weapon, thick vines of Cicuta Maculata, otherwise know as water hemlock, would grow just below the boat. “This should do the trick Toji!” Hina would stay at the front of the boat, keeping a sharp eye out for anything that looked suspicious, ready to use her weapon if she needed to.

Ooc: Hina would use her Yachi Tarikabuto's Dance weapon underneath the boat creating an area of toxic plant life. She would also keep a sharp eye out for anything approaching the boat.
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