Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

The Champion Rumble! [Open] [B-mod challenge!]

Apr 19, 2018
Riku stared outward at the forming crowd, the people having caught notice of Riku shouting outward for almost a good half hour now, it was encouraging that it was catching so much attention. This stunt may just have a shot.

Riku had set up a small crate to serve as his podium within the academy courtyard. He’d been rallying the students, and he thought he noticed a few teachers to the courtyard. His friend, Nitish had brought up wanting to get a decent spar in, and Riku knew he wasn’t going to be the one to add the ‘decent’ part in. He could certainly make a profit helping his friend find one though.

“Come one, come all,” Riku shouted out to the crowd from atop the crate, “Do you think you got what it takes to become a Genin? Think your training under the view of the teachers has achieved anything …. Then proved it!”

Riku leaped from the wooden crate and landed with a thud, pulling from his brand new vibrant green robes, a small stack of paper and ink which he placed carefully on the crate. He then retrieved from his robe a small wad of yen, which he made a performance out of showing to the crowd, then slamming onto the makeshift table.

“Think you got a chance? Beat my champion, Nitish, a legendary Uchiha, and you get the cash price,” Riku shouted to the excited crowd, “Still want to be involved? Donate to the cash pool, place your bets on the winner and you might just get lucky with the winner!”

With that, Riku set up the bundles of paper and ink proper before looking towards Nitish with a reassuring grin.

“Should be fine,” He whispered to the Uchiha with a wink, “You’ll get a proper fight, and we’ll make some profit.”

The young white hair boy then threw his arms outward, beckoning the crowds chatter to near silence as Riku finished his speech,

“Now, proud women and men who dare to dream of becoming a shinobi …” Riku announced, slamming his hand on the wooden crate with a thud, “Come and sign up to face the champ!”

(OOC: This is pretty simple! Want a chance to test out the battle mechanics, this is your chance! First fight is against, Nitish Uchiha! We might see some future fights afterwards depending on how this goes. Just come down and give it a shot, no harm in loss and some reputation if you win!)
Nitish was waiting with Riku so he can get someone with his equal power to fight someone in the academy. And then he sees Riku was shouting out rumors that He was the champion and any one can fight me to win the bundle of Yen. And then Riku says to Nitish “Should be fine, you’ll get a proper fight, and we’ll make some profit.” And then Riku once again starts shouting “Now, proud women and men who dare to dream of becoming a shinobi …” Riku slams his hand on the wooden craft with a thud and says “Come and sign up to face the champ!” Well Nitish was feeling a little weird about what Riku is saying about him.

And then Nitish thinks “I wish I can get a good fight with someone who can fill that decant in his fight.” Nitish feels if someone can give him an equal fight and make him into the corner and make him use his CURSE SEAL OF DARKNESS to defeat the one who is going to fill that ‘decant' place. But Nitish wants to fight one of his friends but they aren’t ready to fight him but Nitish wants to know why they don’t want to fight him. And then he start waiting for someone to come and join the fight with him.

[OCC: FIGHT ME............PLEASE]
Then in the crowd,a masked figure watches the kid who was speaking on the box about the fight,and as he heard that he can fight by signing up,he then walks to the one with the paper and ink and snags his pen off,writing his name of Kiramaru Inuzuka,after that he stares as Riku and says.

"Shhhhhhh..don't tell anyone"

He said to him,as he wants to suprise people that it was him,and also wants to keep them puzzled to who is he,as if he loses,he won't get embarassed,and as the mask offers a bit of protection to his face then,as he finished writing and winked at Riku,then standing uo and staring at Nitish.

Oh I'll give you a good fight,Nitish Uchiha,He said in his mind as he stared at him,as he he thought that mastering all E-Ranked Elemental Jutsu and TaiJutsu would be a help to him,while watching,he also puts a hand on his chin,scratching it,wondering how this will turn out
Riku blinked.

There wasn’t much else to really say as he glanced down at the name, Inuzuka Kiramaru. He looked back at the masked figure with a nod, a grin growing on the boys face. He wasn’t entirely sure why he wanted to give this a shot, but he wouldn’t be the one to let the crowd down.

“And we have our first challenger,” Riku declared, “It’s time for the battle to begin!”

With that, Riku nodded towards the masked man and Nitish, leading them through the crowd, grabbing hold of the twos arms and holding them up, trying to cause some cheers. As they reached the centre of the crowd, Riku let go of the two contestant’s hands and began pushing the crowd backward.

“Bets will commence in a moment,” Riku declared, moving the crowd to form a circle, “Get your yen ready and your cheers loud, our battle is going to begin!”

With the crowd forming a circle, a way to help define a limit to the arena it made it certain, there wasn’t any cover in this arena it was a straight up academy brawl, the crowds love them. Riku led the contestants to their sides of the circle, patting each of them once on the shoulder with a reassuring nod. The white-haired boy then walked towards the centre of the circle, throwing his arms upward to gain the crowds attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow shinobi,” Riku announced, “Welcome to the first fight of the day! On my left.”

Riku pointed towards Nitish, the older academy student was experienced, he’d been around longer then quite a few of the academy students.

“Nitish Uchiha! That’s right folks, a member of the legendary Uchiha clan here to prove to you, that he is the best! Our current champion and one of the best fighters you’ll have the luck to see! And his unfortunate foe to the right of me …”

Riku threw his hand outward towards the masked figure, the man wanted to keep his identity hidden, more for the drama that the crowds oh so love.

“The masked figure, the challenger to our Uchiha champion! The one who’s name is only whispered, with a determination to prove he is what a shinobi is made from. Let’s all give a hand to our brave challenger, the masked stranger!”

With that, Riku looked to both sides, giving a confirming nod to both sides to prepare themselves.

“On my count, we commence …” Riku said, delaying his next words so that the crowd may silence, “Three …. Two …. One … FIGHT!”

Riku ran towards the side of the arena, moving towards his makeshift betting table. It was time for them to get some attention.

(OOC: The battle has commenced! A spectator’s thread will be made, please don’t attempt to spectate from within this thread! More fights may happen afterwards!)

[Battle moderator has been called!]
Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​

As the battle begin with the Riku count “three….two….one……FIGHT” Nitish starts staring and the movements of the Masked figure who get ready to fight this battle with Nitish and then after a little pause Nitish says “Let’s have a good and fair fight.”

And then Nitish starts with the taijutsu so he can manage to understand his movement as with his ability of Startegist to read all his movements and then after a little pause Nitish does some hand seals and summons his sword BLACK DRAGON SWORD UNLEASHED and then he starts running towards that masked kid so he can do a little damage that kid and doesn’t end up hurting him or her much. And then after a little while later Nitish uses his Fire style jutsu INFERNAL EMBER and then after a little while later he pauses himself there and says “Why don’t ya try a free attack?” and Nitish know what he is doing he want to test that kids ability using himself as a decoy and then waits for the kid to attack on him with his all might with an intention of hurting him.
Then as he hears the countdown,he simply watches his hands,and after he does a number of handsigns,he then lifts his palms and points at it him,then after seeing he casted a sword with his juts,he then backs off a few feet,then as he realized it was a diversion as he noticed a fiery form of attack,he then quickly uses his E-Rank Water Style Jutsu:The Water Gun,then firing off his Water Gun at the fiery form of his attack at the almost nearing fireball he threw then fading off as steam as it died,as a reaction,after doing that,he then comments about his way of attacking.

"Hmmm unleashing a different jutsu as a diversion and using yet a different one to confuse the defences of your opponent,nice"

The masked kid pauses and watches him but not on the eye,but on the forehead,as he cannot risk being caught under a genjutsu,as his opponent is an Uchiha,and Uchihas are known to have a great skill in casting potent genjutsus to their enemies,and because of that,he tries his best to avoid eye contact.
HP: 1521
CP: 1521 - 135 = 1386
Ap: 1ap - 1 = 1ap next round


HP: 6370 - 370 = 6000
CP: 5200 - 120 = 5080
Ap: 4ap - 1.5 = 5ap Next round

Round 1:

Nitish equips Black Dragon Sword Unleashed = 1.25 Seconds

Nitish uses Infernal Ember against Kiramaru = 3.75 Seconds [Miss]

Kiramaru uses Water Gun against Nitish = 10 Seconds [Hits]

Well Nitish feels like he has checked his power and thinks “He has so much power and worth of being my opponent.” So, after thinking this for a little while Nitish awakes his Sharingan to see through his movements and can copy his jutsu’s. And then after a little pause Nitish uses his lightning jutsu STORM BOLT and then just after sending that electron Nitish starts running towards the masked kid and then with his sword just after that lightning jutsu hits he hits the masked kid with his sword. And then after a little while later he uses his most powerful Fire style jutsu DRAGON FIRE. And then just doing after this Nitish says “Have one more free hit one.” But this time he has his sharingan awake so he know that he have two choices and they are to dodge his attack or copy his attack and hits his opponents jutsu to stop and then waits for his opponent to hit him with all his might once again.
After the actions,he then stares back to him,and after Nitish had awoken his Sharingan,hus pupils dilate in suprise to how early in the battle he activated it,"Crap!....he already activated his Sharingan!..I'm done!" he screamed in his mind,as he thought,an activation of a Sharingan would be his worst nightmare in this battle,and it was.

After Nitish performed the lightning style,he reacted with yet another Water Gun Jutsu,then after that,he had no more jutsus left in store,he then soaks in the strike of the lighting,the swing of his sword,and the wave of flames at him,after that he kneels down,his body steaming,and his eyes slowly closing,as he can no longer soak in the effects if the attack,he passes out,instantly giving Nitish,an instant win.
HP: 1521 - 1770 = KO'd
CP: 1386
Ap: Ko'd


HP: 6000
CP: 5080
Ap: 5ap Next round

Round 2:

Nitish activates Sharingan = 1 Second

Nitish uses Storm Bolt against Kiramaru = 3 Seconds [Miss]

NItish uses Dragon fire against Kiramaru = 7 Seconds [Hits]
- Kiramaru is Ko'd

Nitish has won the battle and then he sees that his opponent has lost his consciousness and then Nitish runs towards him and he calls out Riku “Hey, Riku help me a little we have to take this kid out of the ring.” And thinks “Looks like I have getting excited.” And then takes the kid off the ground and then Nitish once again goes up to the ground and then celebrates on winning the ground and taunt and says “Anyone want to fight me!!!!” and then waits for someone to come to the arena to fight him but before he waits for Riku to come and announce him as the winner of the fight.
Shinzo looked on from his office window, down below in the courtyard there were questionable goings on. A crowd of students had gathered and in the middle of them stood two students challenging one and other. As to what the challenge was for, Shinzo did not know, but what he did know was that this was going to end badly. A sigh escaped his lips as he turned around to his filing cabinet in search of the specific folders for each of the two students that were taking part. It took a few moments for his eyes to land on the correct series of paper but soon he had them in hand, ready to identify the two potential brawlers. Nitish was the only one that wasn’t hiding his identity but still there was another, no news of any rivalry had met his ears and as such the situation at hand was slightly concerning.

The head Jounin opened each of the files to skim through the information he had available on his walk back towards the window. Maybe one of the teachers was staging a spar, it was unconventional to do so without first informing him but maybe that’s why the teacher was late in arrival. As Shinzo reached his office window he paused for a moment, half expecting a knock at the door from a member of staff, but there was nothing. His brow furrowed before the green of the Seikon’s eyes raised above the peaks of the folders in his hands. The furrowed brow soon turned into a frown. Teeth ground together inside his mouth as the sight of one knocked out student became present in his field of view. Both folders dropped to the ground but before they could reach the floor, Shinzo had disappeared.

A harsh gust of wind blew through the courtyard for a moment before Shinzo’s presence whipped into being in the middle of the group with an astounding crack as reality itself splintered for a brief second. “What on earth is this?!” He bellowed upon his arrival. “Unsupervised fighting is strictly forbidden in the academy, how dare you so openly disregard that!” His vision snapped between the competitors as well as those gathered, specifically the boy that sat behind a makeshift table seemingly organising the event. Never before had Shinzo seemed so furious, such wrath had never been openly present within the Head Jounin.

Images of the shinobi began to appear around the group, occasionally vanishing from existence but still giving an omnipresent atmosphere. “All of you, get inside. Now.” His two index fingers shot out to point at Nitish and Riku. “I will deal with you both later. But for now, go inside with everyone else.” Disappointment was clear in his voice as he spoke once more. “This is over.”

Another sigh crept from Shinzo’s mouth as he waited for the students to move. He knelt down next to the masked boy, swiftly unfastening that which was hiding his identity. The green eyed Head Jounin cast the mask off to one side in order to make sure the boy could still breathe properly. He turned the boy over onto his side, swiftly moving him into the recovery position. From there Shinzo waited to see any signs that the boy would regain consciousness any time soon. For now, he was left to his thoughts, how could the students have so openly disrespected the rules of the academy? How could they have so openly disrespected him? There were many questions and many more answers to be had, but that would have to wait for another time.

WC: 601
Riku watched Kiramaru go down with a small flinch, that was a little too fast on Nitish’s part and that final blow did not sound pleasant. He glanced at the crowd with a smile as he moved to make the announcement of the fights winner and remaining champion. As he moved through the crowd, he noticed the chattering and cheering had begun to silence … he peered through the crowd and noticed with concern, the head jounin was here. With a smooth motion, Riku grabbed the yen and equipment, moving it into his robes with a tinge of concern.

I think I’m cursed, Riku thought to himself as the jounin made the crowd disperse. He looked towards Nitish with a shrug before following the crowd into the academy. Once they were inside, he looked towards Nitish with a small grin. He walked towards the Uchiha through the crowd, moving to whisper in his ear.

“You might’ve hit him a little too hard too early,” Riku whispered, “Might make it hard to convince people to challenge you.”

He then gave a small laugh, patting Nitish on the back, giving a wink. He wasn’t entirely sure if he knew Kiramaru was the person under the mask, how hard he hit him might be a bit of hint of his cluelessness. He decided to avoid mentioning it for now, glancing behind his back towards the academy courtyard, Kiramaru was out of sight now.

“We’ll have to get a story set up,” Riku said with a sigh, “I’ll think of some details later. For now, the basics are that it was just an ordinary spar that got a little heated, nothing malicious. Keep to the story, alright?”

With that, Riku gave a final smirk to Nitish before departing from him, the white-haired boy leaving into the academy in search of his new class, trying to keep within the crowds of students.

“What a mess …” Riku muttered to himself.
Well Nitish won the battle and Riku announced that Nitish was the winner. And then Head jounin shows up and Nitish thinks “why Head Jounin’s office is in academy. And why did he showed up.” And then he sends everyone in the academy back and says to Nitish and Riku “I will deal with you both later. But for now, go inside with everyone else. This is over.” And then Nitish goes with everyone inside the academy and then Riku comes by cutting the and then after arriving near Nitish he says to him “You might’ve hit him a little too hard too early, Might make it hard to convince people to challenge you.” And then Nitish answered him “yeah…I think I got a little excited while battling him.” And then Nitish sees Riku laughing and then he starts patting on his back. And while he was patting Nitish was thinking “How will we convince that head jounin to apologise us.” And then he asks to Riku “How will we convince that head jounin Riku to apologise us.” And then Riku answered “We’ll have to get a story set up, I’ll think of some details later. For now, the basics are that it was just an ordinary spar that got a little heated, nothing malicious. Keep to the story, alright?” And then Nitish answers Riku “Okey… you think of a story and I will stick with the plan.” And then Nitish sees Riku once again going in the crowds and then Nitish whispers to himself “What a mess I did and now the head jounin get involved into this mess.” And then Nitish starts finding a new class and a new story to get out of the mess.
Then as the head jounin sat beside and took off the boy's mask,it reveals the face of the boy and it also seems that the boy is one of the Inuzuka,as shown on the fang symbols on each of his cheeks,but the question now is,where is his dog?

The last question would then be answered as his dog,Katsu,slowly emerged from the bushes,supposedly position for a suprise attack,but failed,as the one the boy fought,had jutsus that quickly struck him off to sleep,then as his dog was now near,it would make some noises showing that it's worried about the state of his human kin,then after just a few more moments,his human kin awakens,slowly looking around then seeing the unrecognized head jounin,as he did so,he then asks.


Between every word he says was a grunt,a grunt in pain because of the attack performed on him,it was simply overpowering,for a student like him against another student that is more experienced than him,after he finishes speaking,he starts to pant instead of normal breathing.
A sigh escaped Shinzo’s lips as he looked down to the injured boy, it was evident that he was in pain still. An unfortunate situation for sure, but it was something that needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later. “Try to conserve your strength for now,” Shinzo spoke with an authoritative tone yet it still held a slight hint of gentleness for the sake of Kiramaru in his current state. “I’m the village’s Head Jounin. It appears you were engaging in an unauthorised fight, but for now instead of punishment it would be wiser to take you to seek medical attention.” He moved to wrap his arm under Kiramaru’s shoulders in order to pick him up. “Come on now, let’s get you out of here and we’ll find a medical ninja to give you a quick look over.”

“As for those in the academy, I will be sure to sort them out later.” With this said, Shinzo stood, ready to accompany Kiramaru to the hospital. Today would not be a fun day.

[Topic left]
[Sorry for short post, needed to leave the topic]

Current Ninpocho Time:
