Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Dark One has Arrived [Requesting Entrance]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012

The large, land and sea encompassing wall surrounding both inner Maruishi and Iwagakure below. Named after the large inlet to cliff face that naturally protects those behind it, the wall that protects the land entrance gate host two towering masked warrior statue, called "The Brothers", with sword and shield held taught to their bodies. The seaport entrance boast two equally awe-inspiring maidens , called "The Sisters", seemingly rising from out of the waves with arms outstretched before those sailing in. With precious stones and metals in abundance, the wall seems to glow even at night due to the many colorfully reflective surfaces present within the hardened rock.

Nothing stood out about the Uchiha, he was of average height and weight. The experienced shinobi could obviously tell from his aura that he had been through a lot of blood shed throughout the years. An aura of darkness lingered to develop, but had not reached its potential by any means.

"What a magnificent structure." Anatsu was thoroughly impressed. He arrived to the location wearing his black traveling cloak, it protected his body from the punishing traveling conditions and his hood covered enough of his eyes to hide the fact that he was an Uchiha shinobi. He arrived at the gates, remaining quiet, observing the terrain. This was far different than Konohagakure and Kumogakure. Anatsu was fortunate enough to visit some of the world and this might have been the mightiest of them all. These gates could not be breached by a thousand soldiers perhaps. The villages name, Iwagakure, fit it well. Here he was, Iwagakure, it was time, to make history.

[Requesting Entrance]

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Another day and another dol- yen. The doctor, finding herself stuck for time and doing her hospital work while on guard duty, sat at the edge of a small crevasse that hid itself against the grand structure that prevented any from entering. She dotted down her thoughts, the details of her patients conditions and symptoms; evaluating the condition and advising a certain perception medication to combat the affliction. Koa sat in her chuunin attire, the red and brown flak jacket with complimenting red cloth flattered any figure. She sat back, sighing for a moment, as the pen dropped from the dizzying heights of the crevasse and all the way down to the bottom. She winched, leaning forward with a strained expression, but at that moment clocking onto the stranger wrapped in black cloth.

She tilted her head, brunette strands being pushed into the wind wherever possible. If it weren't for her pen dropping, the doctor wouldn't have even noticed the stranger - well, that was an over exaggeration but the point is that it might've taken her a while to notice him. Or her. Koa slid her paperwork from her lap and onto the rock beside her, and with one large breath, took a mighty plunge from the heaven's. The doctor would fall through the air like a rock, until she hit the ground with a crunch, a small cloud of debris gathered around her feet before being ravaged by the powerful winds. "Hey there, stranger." She would approach the cloaked figure, un-majestically spitting out the brown strands from her mouth and adjusting her hair to avoid such an inconvenience again.

"What can I do you for?" She would smile, hair flapping and all.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Infamous, a name used for most people. Some would live by the legacy of what remained and some would go on to make a new legacy. Souji was beginning to get a hang of himself, and with everything in him he knew that he was going to feel certain things whilst becoming more apparent with the nature of his life these days. Something was stirring within him. Something that could not be contained and with every moments passing he woudl manage to fins himself deeper in a continous spiral of doubt in his heart. However, this was slowly changing. He had to stop feeling horrible for himself, his prayers had gotten his father released from the Clinic and now safely home. This man that sat on gate duty today seemed to be one of heightened vigor. Someone that through all things would come out on top.

Seeing someone appear below he'd jump from his perch and smirk, landing behind the medic that appeared, "Heh, Aye aye. It is marvelous isnt it? But as the misses has said, what can we do ya for?"


Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
The Uchiha Has Arrived

"War." said the Uchiha loudly as he smiled. There was a pause. A pause that felt like a century, even though it was only about a few seconds long. The wind blew gently through the Uchiha's cloak as he looked at the two. He then pulled back his hood, looking at the girl. "War is breaching your walls and your people must be warned. Your Kage, the damn fool, must be warned!" shouted the Uchiha loudly. His piercing red eyes were so hard not to gaze right into. Unless it was an extremely experienced shinobi, must did. He raised his hands by his sides and then shifted his fingers, pointing at his eyes. "With these eyes, I can see all! I can see what cannot be seen. I have eternal vision!" roared the Uchiha, almost heroically.

"I have come to save your village, and lead your people to victory. Let me in, or your people will suffer."

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Koa narrowed her eyes and darted them to the cloaked figure but nothing could mask her heart sinking. The numb sensation of adrenaline ran through her body, effecting mostly her arms and causing them to shake somewhat. But this was not the time to feel fear, if that is indeed what riddled her, but rather to solidify her stance against strangers who fragrantly spoke of war as if it was nothing but an obvious elephant in the room. Koa was almost so absorbed by the stranger that she had not even noticed the other person joining her side; Souji. She didn't say hello or anything, it kinda of felt out place given the tense stranger.


"War has breached our walls?" The doctor would shoot the man an awkward,s trained expression, just confused by what he meant. The village was doing great, its people were doing great; they had the guardians and powerful shinobi to protect them. Maybe he wasn't being literal, maybe he was an idiot. Koa would avert her eyes solely away from the cloaked figure's head area, almost immediately, after he referred to himself having 'eternal vision'. She had all too well about Uchiha and their Sharingan prowess and really didn't fancy falling prey to their genjutsu with a silly glance. "If you know anything, it is that you do not disrespect our lord Kage, but I'm willing to forgive and forget that." The people of Iwagakure were stupidly loyal, unwavering and Koa was just one of those people; she loved her village and those superior to her.

"You can see all? I bet you can't see being denied entry into the village. You're going to need to tell us a bit more than vagueness, I'm afraid. That's even if you have the required travel documents..." Koa didn't know where this would go, hopefully nowhere messy, but you never knew with strangers dressed in mischievous looking cloaks. Yep.


Inuzuka Junko

New Member
Jun 20, 2013
[legend="Welcome to the Masquerade"]
It was just one of those days, she’d been away from work for a while with medical issues and honestly it had made her a little lazy. As such she was now late for gate duty which was one of her favourite things oddly enough. “I hope Lightning isn’t around or my ass is toast.” She’d complain to herself in her head as she roof hopped through the village decked out in her ANBU gear; one of the few who actually wore a mask in fact. Her sentinel armour was black and grey and covered all but her head and arms, if she could get away with wearing it all the time she would, it was hella comfortable.

As she approached the gates, she spotted three figures, one she instantly recognised as Souji but the other two were a mystery. She’d get in close and be happy to see that one of the other two was a Stone shinobi, she did so enjoy when her comrades did their work seriously, perhaps the girl was a trainee under his tutorage? Stranger things have happened. She hopped down to and landed next to the female so she now had someone either side of her, just in case and with a hand on her hip she’d glance over to Souji. “Sorry if I’m a little late. Everything okay over here?” She would say with a grin, not that anyone could see it beneath the canine shaped mask.

[Topic Entered]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Ah, right on time. Proclamation of war, to a Warring nation. A Nation full of people who lived for war, lived for war to prove their worth. This man, seemed not to know a thing about them, but he would soon find out. As Souji listened to him, he had already made up his mind. Though, he would not want to out the woman who was not of his branch, that he knew of. Shaking his head he'd glance at Koa, the woman seemed stand-offish with him around but little did he know he was going to be helping to protect her or maybe it would be vice versa. "Hm.", the spouting of such foolish words still fresh in Souji's mind. Funnily enough... the words kept playing in his head as he analyzed everything the man was saying. "War is breaching your walls and your people must be warned.", Souji repeated over and over in his head. Along with and accompanied by, "Let me in, or your people will suffer.", it wasnt what he said it was how he heroically spoke, shouting as to get someone's attention... Then Junko would land.

'Heh. Reinforcements, if not a forerunner.' Souji would smirk as he and Junko glanced at one another nearly simultaneously, "Proclamation of war. If we dont let him in. How ever, what he failed to realize, is that Tsuchi No Kuni, Iwagakure, and the people of this country, do not take kindly to threats of war upon our livelihoods.", turning his head back to the man. Those damned eyes, similar to the Rinnegan, those he hated so. "If there is a war coming to us. It'll come. We're not going to bow nor be shaken by some threats... but maybe we need to finally make a statement.", Souji's eyes flashed a emerald hue for a moment as he shook his head and sighed, "Yes, I think we shall... Well Let us of Iwagakure show the world that we do not take lightly to idle threats, if there will be war lets meet it head first and take the life of its first casualty.", nodding his head and he'd allow the shadows around him to swirl up aggressively.

"Miss, you dont have to attack if you dont wish to, but if you could simply help that would be fine... I dont want War to breach our home. I have a family and there are more families here to deal with. But I will not take threats.", with a sigh he'd take a deep breath and begin this fight.
[Calling Bmod]​


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Locking this for the moment as it is relevant to an admin discussion. I will PM you all as soon as the topic is unlocked.

Topic now unlocked, continue as normal.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
It was a furious, ferocious response by what appeared to be a very skilled ANBU of the Stone village. Anatsu had lost a few screws in his head, but he wasn't an idiot. Sometimes , when fear kicked in, he was able to act normal. The intimidating Stone ANBU made him think over his choice of words. Unless he was charismatic, and intelligent, he would more than likely fail his journey, and die immediately. Therefor, it was time to slow himself down. He lowered his shoulders, showing signs of submission and less hostility.

"Now now! You misunderstood me! It is not I who brings war to your village. I simply mean to alert you of the outside world. Sunagakure has closed its gates. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. Kumogakure does not allow foreign shinobi from the alive villages to enter their gates. I have seen them allow Kirigakure shinobi into their gates. I have even heard from some mercenaries that Kirigakure and Kumogakure are going to team up to invade Sunagakure, I tried to investigate this matter at Sunagakure but I could not go near them!..." began the Uchiha. He then continued.

"Listen. You can kill me here, but you won't be making a statement to anybody. I am a no name man of a fallen village, killing me is the equivalent of killing a goat. But I may have some abilities and services to offer your village and kage, I am hungry after all. My name is Uchiha Anatsu, survivor and Rogue of the Village that once hid in the Leafs... I have no family, no friends, and certainly no place to go or be of any use"

Perhaps they would show mercy after he explained himself. And perhaps, he would die here. It all depended on what the senior shinobi wanted. In the end of the day, he needed to eat and work. Kumogakure had not panned out well for him, so he needed to direct his attention to a new place to find refugee. Who knew, perhaps he could be of terrific use to this village.


Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="'Alright...Alright...'"]Souji paused, pulling back from his shadowy wsips and frowning deeply. Looking to Junko and then Koa the Medic, he'd shake his head allowing his aura to die down. "Fine, but dont think for a second you'll be entering the village. What you want and need can be potentially done here. So if its a state of emergency I can contact the Tsuchikage and have him direct his attention here." 'What good that'd do, Endo's been absent a while. I wonder what he's been up to... then again Kage's are called Kage's because they are the ultimate shadow to the village. Most of their work being done behind the scenes.' ugh that thought process, even then giving the man the benefit of doubt with no merit to have warranted such nice thoughts. Souji respected the man, but he didnt much like his way of doing things.

"Junko, Miss, Stand down. We'll let the man speak his peace for now.", but there was something stinging in the back of his mind. 'If this man is from the hidden leaf... and he said war was breaching their walls. What would that mean about the other Leaf comers, those refugees, that came over.' "You say you're from the Hidden leaf?", tilting his head Souji was direly concerned about Kamaru, Kazuki, and several others that seemed to stir the pot in his mind. Were they the ones behind the odd occurrences around the village? Maybe so but Souji knew that Kazuki had the power to potentially screw things over in terms of the Powers of the Gods to return life to those after their deaths. To give the visions of death around them... Tapping his headset he'd call the Spire, but Lightning would also be made aware of this particular line of conference calling Souji was using. "~//~We have a man from the Hidden Leaf here, requesting Tsuchikage Endo or The Guardian of Lightning for approval of Entry.~//~"

"...You may have my provisions.", pulling his satchel out and handing them man the meat he had with him. Enriched with Honey and basted once more after grilling. With a flask of purified water. Still chilled. "Here, until the Kage gets here. But while we wait we can talk a bit more.", nodding he'd look to Junko and then Koa with a smirk. Half smile at best he didnt have any devious plans he was just assuring them he was under control if all else failed.

[Calling off the Bmod for now.]

Inuzuka Junko

New Member
Jun 20, 2013
[legend="My Veins Itch!"]
No sooner had the girl arrived than a declaration of war was waved around and fighting seemed imminent and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t happy about it. The best part of being her mother’s daughter was her hot bloodedness and she was more than ready to fight, she was glad she hadn’t turned up any later than she did.

Well, that was what she was thinking when Souji first explained things to her, alas it wasn’t too last as the stranger started to explain what he’d meant. “Perhaps it would be wise to go into such details in the first place? It avoids unnecessary promises of bloodshed.” It couldn’t be heard in her voice, she was at least professional enough to keep her voice monotone when on duty but Souji may be able to guess since Junko was known for fighting first and questioning later, if they survived. Junko would step back slightly and place a hand on the other womans shoulder that didn’t seem to be a part of the regular gate patrol or even an ANBU for that matter. “Perhaps it best you head back inside. I and shadow can hold down the fort, especially with the Tsuchikage or Miss Lightning coming.” She would give the woman a pat on the bottom if she turned to leave and would then turn her attention to the stranger.

“I have to admit, I am in agreement with Shadow on this. Even if your country is no more, you’ve admitted to being a criminal. In my experience people who are bad don’t change and I wouldn’t trust a criminal inside of the walls.” She would shrug apologetically. She appreciated the warning but was still a little salty over the fact that a fight hadn’t broken out, it’s been to long since she’d had a real fight, seemed the sanctum would be losing a few prisoners later on.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
There really wasn't much to say or do for that matter. This situation was that didn't concern a med-nin, and it didn't require one at that. It would be a different story if either party needed to be stitched up or just healed, whatever, but they didn't. It had felt like a long passing of inactivity on the woman's part, where the two strangers took control of the situation; they were obviously Guardians or Anbu. She would take the female's advice, turning from the scene without saying anything but only offering a bow of her head, but a smack on the but let her yelp in surprise. And with that, the woman was now gone - a smile on her face due to the butt-tapping, but that was for another day.

[Topic left]



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="The Cold One Lurks"]
His arrival although silent was not something that was absolutely untrackable as the subtle sound associated with rapid movements filled the air. Resting at the base of the nearby statue of the brothers, guardian sentinels to Iwagakure the cloaked Anbu figure did not make another movement or sound. He remained completely still, a testament to the level of training the village instilled within their ranks as far as protocol and how to engage in scenarios went. Peering through the eye holes of his mask, Kanki's eyes remained narrowed calmly assessing the situation as it played out but equally recognizing the level of superiority in the ranks that were gathered. The markings on the female Anbu's mask and the notoriety of the Shadow Guardian was well known among the black ops regiment. Resting his palm into his chest while his forearm was supported by his knee the Anbu's fingertip made a single motion. Nothing changed as a result of the handseal as it was not something that had a visible or interaction with anyone else other than himself.

For now he remained quiet and out of the way, though his mind was recording the details of everything which would happen after he had arrived.

[Snapshot Used, Thread being recorded]
[Topic Entered]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Bats . . . they came in droves. Filling what available airspace that there was, they seemed to choke out the light and the air itself as the swarming mass of them finally materialized into the nigh legendary Tsuchikage. Walking out the blackened cloud like one owning the earth itself, the bats seemed to funnel away in just the same fashion as they had appeared. To be fair, Endo wasn't one for randomly showing up at the gates, he had trusted shinobi for that. However, when Souji called him to the gates, Endo knew that that could only mean that somebody was trying to be famous and Endo loved making people famous. Dressed in his typical all too green cloak, his earthen skin tone stood out against the equally green of his eyes. Adjusting his wire framed glasses a bit he looked at those assembled and matter of factly walked right up to where the proposed guest and Souji stood. Not afraid to look the stranger in the eyes, Endo nodded towards Souji in a silent way of saying thanks as he addressed the man. "Leaf you say, to what do we owe the pleasure? Normally refugees from the Fire Country don't exactly cause this much of a sensational stir unless they come bearing gifts . . ." He let the last part hang in the air as he assessed the situation with the stylish grace of one befitting of his rank.

OOC: Topic Entered

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
The Hand Is Here

"What!? There's only one???"

What a let down if I don't say so myself. A request for the Tsuchikage at the gate meant things were bad or so I thought or rather hoped. Nope, just a visitor requesting whatever he was requesting. He drew not only the attention of many of our anbu but also me and the Tsuchikage. It was my job to make sure no harm came to him and so I find myself tagging along to the requesting of his presence. Now, what could they possibly need of him? One guy... several anbu... huh... Anywho, I found my self approaching the scene with full apathy as my flashy companion showed in a most theatrical way. It was like before when Koyoko was beating on Sarunish and that other one from Cloud. Unfinished business but not for long. I had no flashy entrance of my own, hadn't really put much thought into it but perhaps I'd give it some later. Got to give my enemies something to remember me by... or would the bruises suffice? Giving head nods to the masked anbu present, I walked on by to where the Tsuchikage stood before sizing the dark cloaked man. He was of average height and weight... nothing special at first glance but... He housed a rather eerie aura that seemed to linger in his wake. Horrid vibes this one gave me and so it was made clear why the Anbu made such suspicion of him.

"Um there is defiantly something off about him, he gives me bad vibes like a... like a... *takes a moment to think* Ah! Like a pe·do·phile or titty fucker or one of those types to have weird foot fetishes or something! Yo, you alright in the head over there weird guy? You not here to touch on the local kids or anything right?"


Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
A mere smirk arrived on the Uchiha's face. His aura, full of genius and darkness, tainted his shadows. Surrounded by numerous lethal ANBU, yet he kept his calm, Above all that, he was now in the presence of the pillar of all pillars, the boulder among pebbles, the Tsuchikage. He could tell immediately that he was the Kage among the group, from his grace, elegance, and the way he carried himself. Everyone else around him ceased to matter from here on our. It was now time to address the only character that he needed to address. This was not the first time Anatsu had ever been surrounded and most certainly would not be the last. This was the life that he had gotten used to over the years. It was not a simple one by any means, but it was the life that had chosen Anatsu and he adapted rather quickly. His black traveling cloak blew in the wind as he continued to look at the man he was about to address.

"Lord Tsuchikage-sama.... Sunagakure's doors do not open. Kumogakure does not allow anyone in. Both of their securities have heightened. From the hostility and news in the woods that I have gathered, these nations mean to go to war. I, Uchiha Anatsu from the fallen Konohagakure, offer you my services in this time of which I believe the shinobi struggles may spill over to these parts of the lands. It is not safe out there. The world is growing darker and hungrier for blood."

said the Uchiha to the Kage. He wanted to be as respectful as possible, while informing him of what he believed to be true. His piercing red eyes focused on the Kage.

[OOC: Assuming Im supposed to know you're the kage. if not pm me ill edit]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
If green meant go and red meant stop, then for a most certain fact, Endo's piercing green eyes were phased by those of the former Konoha loyal shinobi. Being a fair man though, Endo could agree that the man spoke a good game but his timing was all sorts of bad. The truth of the matter was that there was no cut and dry easy way to clean this up other than to do what most would consider unconventional. Going against the grain, Endo issued his judgement on the matter. "While I know your words to be true, I cannot simply allow you within these walls without testing you. Fortunately or rather . . . unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I was chosen to be Tsuchikage based on my prowess as a warrior." Saying this, Endo now looked at those assembled and gave a look, or more importantly, the look. It meant to fall back and let him do his own politicking. It also proved to be a warning for those who would dare to try and go against him on this matter. No doubt the Uchiha caught it all, but . . . well . . . having been born one, Endo knew all too well what an Uchiha was capable of. "You offer your services, and I'm willing to talk business with you, but first you must prove that your fist are as declarative as your lips have proven to be, wars can't be won by weaklings you know. I propose a spar, right here and right now. My brothers and sisters won't break it up, and we'll spar on good faith in the other. Your thoughts?" The whole time, Endo's hands never lifted above his waist and at this point they were clasped behind his back. The Uchiha had a choice, how he chose to go from there was all up to him.

OOC: If Anatsu agrees, then we'll start a new topic at the gates and anybody else joining before the bmod is called or trying to enter the battle once it begins (basically doing anything but being a spectator) will be considered collateral damage. :/

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[legend="'Alright...Alright...'"]Shaking his head he would step forward and shake his head even further, "As much as I would love to see you 'tear it up' with this -war bringer- I am going to have to say no.", shaking his head even more he wasnt going to have the Kage fight with himself there, and a Kage Guard there. It was just not going to happen. "Excuse me if this is rude. I dnot think you should be fighting anyone Inu-sama. So hear me out. Nodding he would heave a deep breath before looking to Kyoko and smirking, Souji wanted to get his excess rage out. And it was Kyoko's right to do so.", nodding he would look on. Then back to Endo.

"I propose if you must have a warrior's attitude, then let the warriors fight for you. Myself or Kyoko. Unless you will use that 'iron fist' of your's and tell me no." holding his hand out to the Kage's chest. He'd look the man directly where his eyes would normally be located. This was just not something that Souji wanted to happen on his watch. Not like this. Then again what power did he-... and right there he would stop and pause in his mind. Why did he always resort back to the notions of what he wasnt or what he didnt have the power to do. What did that matter, what did it accomplish. Nothing. It didnt do anything for him and it only led to more and more self doubt. Souji didnt doubt his ability where he was... but he always tended to think less of himself because he didnt get the recognition he felt he deserved. Which made him feel like he was a whining baby-back-bitch. Why though... maybe it was coupled with the fact that at every turn he was being held back for something. To his face or indirectly.

"Its your call Tsuchikage-sama... but I do not agree with it. Nor does it mean I agree with it. However, if this is what you want. You will stand as a Warrior in front of us all and take a win or loss like a Warrior. And if should die. You shall have the burial of a Warrior. That is my promise to you.", with that he would raise his hand to his belt pouch taking a bit of the dust he ahd on him a special mixture of lullaby powder and dusted diamonds. Taking that with a bit of specially blessed water in the same pouch and mixing them together in a special concoction his father made for him to ward off evil emotions and negative spirits. "Mocí Starých bohů, žehnám tobě se silou a jasností. Táhni duchové noci. To je dokončena.", and with that Souji channeled chakra into the bottle after mixing them together and it would release an aroma of peaches and strawberries before he handed it to Endo, "Remember. I'm the son of a Shaman. And a man of my word.", nodding he'd step aside wondering what the man would choose. The drink if he took it would reverse the effects of the lullaby powder effects causing him to feel more alert, (Just an RP thing) and with that Souji himself would wait.

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
The Hand Is Here

Wow Souji, just wow! If he keeps up this lito tough guy act, I just might have to steal him from Mikana Hahaahaa! It was, how they say, cute. Such a gentlemen to offer me a slice of fight, he certainly knew his way to a woman's heart or rather a Ryujin's heart. I couldn't help but to return a smile at said gesture. Rudeness toward lord Tsuchikage is debatable however I did see Souji's under tone point. If the lord Tsuchikage were to lose, become badly injured, or otherwise killed due to malicious intent, it would be more than a bad look on us as shinobi of Iwagakure. That we can be beaten so easily. Dishonor on our entire village and it's clan's men and woman. That includes me and my family. That included Souji and his... With all of this hanging in the balance, how could Souji or I set by. Me being the the Tsuchikage's hand will be of the most disgrace for allowing harm to him. Surely Inu knows this so why would he suggest such a thing? I drew my sword with the quickness and aimed it straight at Souji...

"Save those beautiful prayers for the dead Guardian... No one stops the Lord Tsuchikage-sama's brawl! Believe me I know how you feel. My blood is boiling to fight this man and I know the risk in letting our Kage fight this one on his own. If Lord Tsuchikage-sama loses, we will be without leadership, or village will be disgraced, Me and my sister's charged with his safety will have our reputation forever tarnished and the hill tribes will come from all over to take advantage of the chaos... Lord Tsuchikage-sama knows this better than the rest of us. Who shoulders broader than the one who carries this weight everywhere he goes, the one rumored to be the strongest in all of Iwagakure. Still, he is here willing and ready to risk it all... a gamble to prove to his people and foreigners alike why he is the only one in this world who holds the title Tsuchikage. Tell me, does that not make for an exciting battle!? Risking everything, what better way is there to spend one's days."

With that I would jab my sword into the ground smiling. No offense to Souji in flexing my muscles but I was a Kage guard now, surely he would understand. I would then nod to the Inu to proceed with his dealings. If anyone where to attempt to interfere well... Wouldn't that be some fun. As I always say, "Death and pain are just a small price to pay for the enjoyment of battle... Have a lito faith Guardian, even our students can handle pedophiles like this haahaaaa."</B><i></i>

[ooc: wondering if Kanki and Junko are going to repond but yeah sry for skipping if so.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
