Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Devil You Know [Req. Entrance]


Feb 25, 2013
The robed sage approached a familiar sight, making sure to keep his hands visible as he walked. It had been a long time, but he knew Sunagakure like the back of his hand. Or...well, for the most part. Again, it had been a long time...

Part of him hoped that he would miraculously be given free entry and no questions would be asked, but he knew that was a pointless hope. Walls existed for a reason, and the laws were the laws. Though he didn't depart in violence or destruction, the fact was that he departed. Approaching the designated area, the sage would bow politely and speak in a soft, melodic voice, "Onamuji, Rikudo Sennin. I wish to enter the village and visit with the people for a short while, if you'd permit. I'm willing to undergo a search, if necessary. I have nothing to hide, I simply wish to spend some time in the village amongst the people, if that is acceptable."

Though he was entirely calm, his mind wondered at what would come next.

[Requesting Entry into Sunagakure]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeyashi really shouldn't have been here again. After his meeting with the Senju Overlord after he'd let someone into the gates last time, he knew he was in some deep shit. But this time, he thankfully wasn't impersonating an ANBU. So at least if he screwed up, it wouldn't be because of that. Takeyashi stood there, his six arms prominently visible and his dark blue hair rustling slightly in the breeze. His clothes were thin and neutral colored, perfectly tailored for the desert's heat. It seemed, however, that someone didn't get the memo about what you should be wearing in a desert. A man wearing what appeared to be a thick robe had just appeared in the distance, and seemed to be heading towards the gates. The young man sighed to himself, ready to go through this procedure again. This time, he'd do it much better. Waiting for the man to reach him, Takeyashi would immediately start with a confident and authoritative voice. "Passport and name, please." The man introduced himself as Onamuji, and as a Rikudo Sennin. The young man hadn't taken notice before, but once that was mentioned his eyes darted up to the rippled iris of the traveler. So, the legends were indeed true — there were some, supposedly blessed by Mother Suna herself, who had been given the gift of the Rinnegan. It was a legendary dojutsu, said to grant its possessor immense power. Beyond that, however, Takeyashi knew very little. "Indeed, I will need to search you and your possessions." It wasn't his favorite part of working at the gates, but visitors needed to be inspected for anything deemed dangerous to the village. Shinobi were everywhere, and you never knew when one was trying to sneak into the village under one guise or another.

Takeyashi searched the man, but didn't seem to find anything particularly dangerous. However, the eyes were still very off-putting. Should he let the man in, or call for assistance? After his lesson from last time, he figured that he should probably call someone more experienced to handle the situation. Turning on his headset communicator, Takeyashi tuned into a frequency that most gate guards used and sent out a message. "I have a visitor to the village, named Onamuji with no visible affiliation to any known village. His search turned up clean, but he possesses the Rinnegan. Please advise." Takeyashi removed his finger from the microphone button, and then turned to the visitor. "Give it just a moment, sir. Someone should get back to us soon."

[ooc: Hey Onamuji, it's me Ayatsuri Ginjiro! I'll have you through in a second, I'm just not sure if I IC have clearance to let you through. I'll have somebody do a quick post giving either the go-ahead or they can jump into the topic if they'd like.]


Feb 25, 2013
Muji went through with the search peacefully, doing all he could to make it clear he wasn't here to start trouble. The young man before him wasn't familiar. A new gate guardian, perhaps. It was interesting to see a Hachiashi, though. In his travels, the sage couldn't recall ever meeting one in person. Their six arms were intriguing, and his Rinnegan eyes saw the chakra flow through each one as freely as if he had only two arms. It was fascinating, in its own way.

"I appreciate the assistance, my friend,"<i></i> the Rikudo Sennin replied, "I have no problem waiting as long as necessary."<i></i>

It seemed almost as if he would fly in under the radar. Muji still felt nervous, given his experience with gate guardians. In some situations, it was a simple process. In others, what should be a peaceful check at the gates devolved into a standoff. The sage wasn't fond of those, and he certainly wasn't here to harm anyone. If he was allowed to pass, he would do so with gratitude. If questions were asked or he was asked to come quietly, he would do the exact same...

[OOC: Ginjiro! Glad to see you're still around. Muji is originally from Sand, but he's probably presumed dead at this point. If anyone wants to arrest him or question him, they can. If not, I'll slide on through and be a respectful visitor :p]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
He was doing regular patrols of the entrance to the village now, preparing to leave he liked to make sure the area through which he was going to have force his way through. Making sure that what he was doing was going to be the easiest, and most importantly, safest method.

Today however he happened to be passing by when some guy was meeting another guy at the gates. Junan could hear from his distance what was going on, what was spoken into the headset through the abilities of his clan, the Hashigaki. Perhaps this could be an opportunity to test some things out regarding their security...

So he would.

Summoning himself an ANBU mask he entered the scene.

Just because someone has the Rinnegan doesn't make him a threat. If you're performing this duty you should know that. He said to Takeyashi, authority in his voice, his amusement being hidden behind the mask.

Onamuji is it? No affiliation to a village, but clearly a shinobi. Are you one of the wanderers from fallen Leaf or Mist by chance? He asked as he walked up to stand beside Takeyashi, as one would beside their countryman and ally. His mask pointed in the missing nin's direction.

How long would this farce be allowed to be played out...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Fortunately for the two men at the entrance to the Toraono Clan's home and the entrance of the village, they wouldn't have to wait too long as the call went to the gate guard communication channel and the descendant of Lord Byakko would pick up the call. "This is Kyuji of the Byakko Clan. Please allow him to enter, but warn him to be on his best behavior. I assume that you can guide him into the village if he needs it. I have already written his name down in the records that I have stored in the Toraono Estate. Thank you for the call, I am out. Contact me again if you need me, Sir." A click would be heard from the Byakko's side as he placed the headset on his desk and jotted down the name of Onamuji in a record book for the village.

Once that task was finished, he would sit and wait to see if there was any more communications from the other end. If there was, he would answer them as needed; if not, he would go about his day. He was not aware of a third party in the area; he was merely helping a lower-ranked shinobi with gate duties.

[OOC: Did not enter thread, merely answering Takeyashi. Permission given. This kind of post was allowed when letting out Yanjirou so if it is invalid, let me know.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A response came flickering in through the headset, giving the young man an "all clear" to allow the mystery man through the gates. That was good enough for Takeyashi, but it seemed karma had other plans for the young gate guard. A masked figure approached them, chiding the young guard for his mismanagement of procedure. Takeyashi instantly stood up straighter, his last encounter with an ANBU still brightly burned into his memory. "Of course, sir. I'm a little new to the whole procedure. I've just been given permission to allow him in." The young spiderling turned back to the visitor, handing him back his passport in the process. "You're free to enter, sir. Make sure to respect the rules of the village, and have a good stay." With that, the young guard stepped to the side to allow the Rikudo Sennin to enter. Takeyashi maintained his straight posture for as long as his "ANBU superior" was there, not wanting to look bad in front of him.

Takeyashi would allow them to pass, and answer any other questions the two might have. Unless there was any signs of trouble, this interaction would be mostly filled with pleasantries from here on out.

[ooc: Letting Onamuji enter. Waiting to leave the topic until everyone else does as well, in case I'm needed for anything.]


Feb 25, 2013
Turning to the newcomer, Onamuji replied, "No. But I am a wanderer."<i></i>

He left it at that, though his purple eyes were still fixed on the man. Something seemed off about him. Something unfamiliar. Then again, the Sunan gate guardian wasn't familiar, either. The newcomer's chakra seemed active, pulsing almost.

Speaking openly, the sage asked, "You speak of the Rinnegan as if you were familiar with it. How many others have you seen, personally, with these eyes?"<i></i>

In his time, he had only met one other descended from the Great Sage. But that one was weak-minded, bearer of the Rinnegan by luck rather than destiny. It was unfortunate that the one other Rikudo Sennin he found was so...unimpressive.

He knew that it would've been wise to simply offer a bow and continue on his way, but he wasn't able to ignore the remark. It was just as likely neither had ever seen the Rinnegan in person, but if they had, he was curious to know.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Well he had learned what he needed to know as he overheard the call being made by someone else through the Sand shinobi's headset. Interesting. So Sand was the type of village which, without second guessing the purpose of a visitor who was clearly strong in the shinobi arts, would simply allow people in. It was almost sad for Junan, he'd had to slaughter a group of merchants after blackmailing them to smuggle him in to get inside. All he'd needed to do was simply walk up to the gates, claim he didn't have a visa, and he'd have been let in without any worries.

A little body search, which seeing as most of the interesting possessions he carried were inside his abdomen, would reveal nothing and he would have been able to come in with whatever name he'd decided to conjure up.

This villages security was pathetic.

Maybe he wouldn't bother sneaking out. He'd just walk out.

Yes, I heard the call as well. Junan said They've taken down his name in the book, he's free to enter. This was all way too easy. With this he would confirm for the pathetically useless security that he was who he pretended to be, and all would be good.

However the mystical missing nin of no-where land decided to ask him a question to do with the Rinnegan.

Junan had only met one other with it, and by all accounts that man was very much a threat. The Sennin of Cloud's ANBU. Stories of his tearing through Cloud, killing the previous ANBU Sennin and two ANBU guards, before rendering another ANBU unconcious ripped through the rumor mill in Kumogakure's underworld. They had all watched, waiting to see if yet another Raikage would be murdered, of course there were the fanatical Shinbatsu followers who wanted him hunted down before he could attempt it to protect their precious lord, Akira Saito, the spiritual son of Shinbatsu.

Still it had all ended without result. The Raikage made the man who had made Junan's blood boil with excitement at the prospect of chaos and murder bow before him. It was with how easily, without even conflict, that he'd done it which surprised the village. Some were appalled that such a man could be made ANBU Sennin. A non-Cloudy, a man from Mist, but for Junan it was more disappointment in how this man who was so close to being a hero in Junan's mind had decided so quickly to prostrate himself before the Raikage and lick his boots. Perhaps it said more about the man, or perhaps the fanatics were right, the god that Akira was. But Junan didn't believe in gods.

Only a few. They are not a common sight in this world. He said, lying from behind the mask. Lying was however something he did very very well. Without a heartbeat to give him away to those who knew how to, or could feel it in some way, he had very few tells which people could read. And if he did have any they were likely hidden behind his mask.

Still, this man could come in useful.

I am sure your journey through the desert was dehydrating. Perhaps we should find a bar should you wish to have a more detailed conversation?


Feb 25, 2013
"Not at all," Onamuji replied, amethyst eyes unblinking, "I'm accustomed to the desert, and came prepared. The open ocean was more concerning than the desert sands."<i></i>

He still wasn't sure what to make of the man. Something was off about him. Of course, it could've just been the uneasiness of being in public again, but the Rikudo Sennin wasn't sure.

"I'll have to pass, I'm afraid. No offense meant, of course, it's just that...I don't drink, and I have some business to attend to before I can relax in any sense of the word. Forgive me, please,"<i></i> the sage offered, placing a hand on his chest and bowing in polite apology.

It was true, he did have a lot on his mind, and he hadn't been much of a drinker since...well, since he was a different person. Something about it seemed to bring up bad memories, and given all the focus it took to keep the nightmares and visions at bay, a bar would be the worst possible place for him to be. No, he needed meditation and peace. There was once a time when he would've been the first to socialize and drink until he passed out, but that was another time.

Giving a pleasant smile, Onamuji said, "Gentlemen, I thank you for your assistance, and I assure you I'll be on my best behavior. May the elements find you well, and may your shifts be uneventful."<i></i>

And with that, the young sage gave another bow. His eyes scanned the shinobi before him once more, still unsure of how to feel in the situation, but ready to move on. He hadn't seen Sunagakure in years, and though he was a wanderer with no home now, it was the only familiar place he knew. A part of him was nervous, but mostly, he was relieved to be back in Sunagakure - even if only temporarily.

[Topic Left, if allowed.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeyashi went back to his usual post and allowed the two of them to be on their way. The traveler and the other gate guard exchanged a few words, but beyond that it seemed that everyone was going to be on their way to somewhere. Takeyashi wasn't involved any more, so he simply sat back and left them all to their own devices. He shuffled a few pieces of paper, reorganized a few folders, and handled all the other little nitty-gritty tasks that needed doing around the place. The rest of the young man's day would be quite uneventful, indeed.

[ooc: Onamuji is through. Topic Left.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
It had been an interesting visit to the gates. And he could see just how lacking the defenses were here.

Maybe simply leaving through the front door would be the easiest thing he could do.

He smiled and walked into the city. Perhaps he would go about creating one more puppet before he left.

One more for the road.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
