Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Forced Entry The Devil's Work III - "Small stone, big river..."

This thread is marked as containing someone forcefully attempting to enter the village.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
~~ Continued from here -> ~~

The not quite full moon shone brightly down over the great forests of Konoha, the ancient trees causing the moonbeams to streak through the dense leafage. Night creatures squawked, chirped, croaked and sang in the symphony of the witching hour. The Armoured Shinobi moved like a predator, the creatures around him bearing him no notice as he moved silently beneath their leafy world. As the gates of Konoha came into view an unseen smile came over Yong's concealed face, he quickly counted those present at the partially closed gates into the village proper, five visible at the entrance, one openly ANBU wearing a stylised cat mask and the traditional black ANBU robes denoting his rank and four armed Shinobi behind him.

The black clad ANBU noticed Yong's slow approach first though the features of his armour still concealed by distance and shadow, quickly drawing the other four immediately present Shinobi's attention towards the slowly approaching silhouette in the shadows Yong could see the ANBU's muscles tense momentarily beneath his robes before stepping forward, reaching one hand in behind him to signal to the others present with an unspoken signal to be prepared. He then held his other hand forward, palm outwards in the universal sign of 'stop'. The shadowed figure now about 20 feet away moved his hands out by his sides, palms forward in another universally recognised symbolism, this one indicating that the wilder was in fact unarmed with hands apart to hinder traditional handseal usage...

"Halt and Identify yourself!"

The ANBU's voice was strong and confident, doing a good job of hiding the overwhelming sense of impending trouble hidden behind his unfaltering command. Yong responded immediately, the voice modulator incorporated within his mask distorting his voice into a deep tritone, in music theory the pattern was called the devil's interval and it's harmonic was not coincidence.


In a blur of supernatural speed Yong sliced time around himself, covering the ground to the ANBU faster than the human eyes could follow, only regaining focus of his Yong as he stopped moving, their masks now only inches apart from one another, Yong's eyes clearly visible behind his mask. The ANBU felt his body seize as if held in place by the will of the monster before him, chakra bound and helpless (master rank Tree Bind genjutsu).

The Armoured Shinobi flickered once more, as one of the Shinobi reached for his headset he felt the impact before he saw it, Yong's armoured knee sinking into his chest with rib shattering force, the headset broadcasting the Shinobi's expulsion of air and blood before the momentary broadcast cut off. Yong flickering again as the badly injured man slumped to the ground gasping for air, the second Shinobi had time to reach for the large blade slung across his back before the Armoured Shinobi appeared in a blur above him, metal guarded shin slamming down in a sharp spinning ark from above into the crook of his shoulder and neck with a sickeningly wet crack. To the third Shinobi's credit she was able to not only draw her weapon but swing it with killer intent, the sharp blade sinking deep into Yong's chest. He looked down at the wound before flickering backwards with a strange vibration that would hurt the mind to observe as the very laws of relativity were broken at the sages will (Temporal Strider - Rewind). The Kunoichi had a moment to notice that the hole in Yong's armour was gone and the recently bloodied blade she still held now reflecting unblemished in the moonlight. Faster than she could react now, Yong had moved to within her guard, his unarmoured hand wrapping around her forearm before twisting with intense speed, the hyper rotation of the limb spiralling through tendons, muscle and bone as it coiled up her arm and violently spun her shoulder from its socket with a muffled pop, the Kunoichi's scream cut short as Yong's armoured shin impacted beneath her sternum bone with enough force to throw her into to slowly responding fourth Shinobi, seemingly much younger than the other three Shinobi and solitary ANBU perhaps he was not ready for such an escalation in violence from what had been a peaceful night only seconds before, only having time to lift both his hands impotently as the propelled Kunoichi slammed him into the wall behind, his head hitting hard against the wall behind him as they both fell unconcious to the ground.

"...Please... stop..."

The words came from the still bound ANBU behind him, unable to turn his genjutsu paralyzed face away from the empty forest in front of him despite the sounds of violence behind him, unable to watch his comrades fall. He had shown significant willpower in being able to speak through the genjutsu that affected his mind, Yong could feel his hold slipping. Raising his right hand without turning to face the frozen ANBU in an esoteric handseal Yong shattered the Genjutsu, the executed ANBU slumped to his knees limply, his head slumping forward against his chest, quickly clouding eyes still staring into the forest in front of his lifeless gaze.

Suddenly the area was bathed in a bright green light as a signal flair whistled loudly into the air above the gates. Yong looked up into the sky as a second and third flair took flight from different positions along the high wall.

Yong chuckled lightly as the flairs seemed to hang in the air above. So there were more Shinobi above, they would perhaps be wise enough to wait for backup before attempting to engage with the obviously dangerous individual. Despite appearances though, all four of the guards around him still lived, for how long was up for debate as each had been badly injured by the blitz attack. No, they would live for now. They were not the prey, they were live bait...

The same could not be said for the quickly cooling ANBU...

All warfare is deception...

[Ooc: 30 minute run time (half time card in inventory)
Four guards unconscious and injured, faceless ANBU dead... Like way dead...
Catch me :)]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Shusuke was on the night duty when he saw a large bright green light coming from a section of the border of the village. He knew this meant an intruder. Extening his hand the young boy would create his scythe and began to dart in the direction of the lights. The young boy could begin to see the scene unfold, and as he wouldn't stand a chance by himself, he would touch the side of his head and activate his Head Set. Corvus-Sensei, we have a situation at the gates! I am sending my location." As he finished speaking he would designate where he was as he began to dart towards the scene where his seniors laid motionless on the ground.

Landing maybe fifty feet from the intruder Shusuke began to assess where he was standing and the threat level he faced. He assumed he would not be strong enough to delay this person for long, but he had to try. "In the name of the Konohagakure Corporation, you are under arrest. Place your hands behind your head and surrender quietly."

[Caught - Stopped from entering Village]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Nao was walking through the place before he would report for the gates, he wanted to help out the main branch as they still were suffering from the losses in the past.
"I am here, please get home and get some rest." He spoke with a warm tune as he had placed his hand on a shoulder. This guard shinobi didnt let those words slip by. He gave a deep bow as Nao took his hand back and smiled.

With that guard done he stood there and simply helped with letting people throigh... that was u til he had gone to grab stuff and came back to a ravage.

"You stop right there..." he said with a low tune

Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Ishi landed on the ground in front of the gates blocking the path into the village in front of him, it was clear that he was not in the mood to talk but right now had seen the appearance of the Sennin as well, and he would, of course, leave it down to him to do the talking but stood ready, this man was wanted and after his last time here, he had no reason or right to be back in this village. Ishi understood and accepted that as he waited watching the scene unfold his eyes never moving from his target.

[Topic Entered]

Admin edit: This entry is voided so I have spoilered it - Metsu
Last edited by a moderator:
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Up, down, up, down.

Gate duty could get really dull sometimes. Clad in his ANBU uniform, a Wolf-like mask obscuring his face, Keiyaku took his only comfort during such a long shift in his ability to smell the forest's beckoning scent just beyond the village's border. Pacing back and forth along the village entrance was becoming monotonous. Even Morutobu, Keiyaku's ninken, seemed agitated and restless, being a chaotic nexus of loud, frantic urges in the shape of a Shiba puppy.

"Not long now, buddy. Couple of hours and we'll be able to grab some dinner and head to bed, okay?" Keiyaku said, momentarily kneeling down to give his 'little brother' a little bit of attention, before standing back up again. He had to say, he was glad Moru had taken so quickly to wearing his vest, allowing him to carry extra supplies for the both of them should they be needed. The masked Inuzuka boy resumed his pacing along the gate, almost willing something interesting to happen to make the trainee-level wages he was receving feel worth it.

Being so lost in his own thoughts, Keiyaku failed to notice was had just started to unfold below. The sound of a faultering gasp exploded in his ear, shaking him from his reverie. His gaze peered downward to the ground below from his perch atop the gates. Something was going down, and there was a new scent he definitely did not recognise. Moru went first, shortly followed by the Inuzuka boy, the latter taking in the sight of the shattered, wounded ANBU officers, a cloaked, masked figure standing amidst them. His eyes widened, and his mouth went very dry. Maybe.... they would be okay! Maybe some of them were still going to make it! But this.... thing... he was almost overwhelmed by the scent of his Chakra. His eyes narrowed, slit-pupils staring out from beyond his Wolf-like ANBU mask, anger centrered on the mysterious stranger who had just massacred half a battalion of his fellows. Frantically, he called on his headset, hoping someone would hear them. But just in case.... maybe he could slow the guy down long enough for someone to help...


Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
She sat perched on the gate. Glaring down hawk-like at the area below. Her temper was up. She could feel his cold pull inside her telling her so. It took all her control to keep him at bay. To stop him from taking over. She took a deep breath, but it did not produce the desired effect.

"He was stupid for letting them into your home. You knew this would happen. His foolishness has led to yet more death." Mizuke's insidious whisper echoed within Yuki's mind. She couldn't deny it, the demon was right. There was a bustle of activity below sparking her to leap into action. From her perch just jumped down to join the group.

[Forced Stopped]
[Topic Entered]

Admin edit: This post is now void so i have spoilered it - Metsu
Last edited by a moderator:

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
With the commotion at the gate, it seemed that there was a very quick need for support, as he heard the noises and blurts coming his way, he allowed himself to look out the window before sighing, standing up from behind the desk he moved quickly and grabbed his robes in those few seconds and headed straight for the office door, making his way down the streets he finally made his way to stand before the gate and look at the crowd that was in front of him. Sighing slightly he moved to the front of the crowd he glanced at the man that seemed to have tried to make a blunder of a sneaky entrance.

"So back already?"

[Force Stopped]

Admin Edit: Due to sub account rule violation, this account is no longer an active participant.
Yong has agreed to him being an observer instead, if any objections to this please inform me.
Fukushu Ishi is Takeshi's sub account.
- Keiji

Admin edit 2: This is no longer void - Metsu

Admin edit 3: This is back to void. Sorry about the confusion - Metsu
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha was walking around when she found a group of people. Great! This will be a great social exercise for her! As she got closer, she saw red... Her body started to tremble, but she took a deep breath and focused herself.

A minute has passed.... Two... She opened her eyes and walked into the fray, doing her part to be quiet and drag the unconscious to safety and be some sort of support.

(Stopped/ even though kinda not necessary)


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong smiled behind his mask as the true prey flocked to the scene, like mice to a carcass then fallen Shinobi's numbers were quickly replenished. Some faces he recognised, other, mostly young faces were new to him. Some had the courage to speak, others remained silent though all eyes were focused on the Armoured Shinobi standing amongst the carnage, his path now blocked by many bright souls, it would be glorious.

Yong raised in unarmoured hand, index and middle finger extended pointing towards Takeshi specifically, his words again tritone due to his masks modulator.

"You will be last..."

The gods, old and new turned to watch the ritual that was about to begin... The world was changing... And this was only the beginning!

[Ooc: calling b-mod]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Battle Moderator Opening Post and Guidelines​
Your bmod request has been picked up by myself, as such please read the below carefully as it will state the rules that the fight will follow and the expectation of both combatants for this mod.

  • Send, in a PM on NC, not discord, your actions, and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.
    • When sending this information, I would prefer it if you can hyperlink your information. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as we do have the link straight away instead of searching around.
    • Do NOT just send a link to your profile, you will be asked to send the above information again.
  • Rolls are completed in Discord -> Private Bmod-rolling or bmod-rolling
  • UBR rules do apply: meaning you have 48 hours to post and send actions.
Please be clear on your actions and conditionals, remember to include everything relevant to the round.

Example: Actions said:
Hyperlinked Justu name | Rank use | Special action
If this fight has multiple combatants, you will need to specify who are your allies and who are your enemies in your opening actions.

Please remember that if your actions are unclear, or you haven't specified targets where appropriate, this will leave us having to either do guesswork or randomizing targets. So be careful and be sure with the actions you send in.
Let's have a fun fight, please remember that any questions about the round when posted can be directed to me via discord or via a conversation on the site. I will be slow, and probably be able to do the mod once a week.

Ishi and entry has been voided due to having no profile, Takeshi is now a valid entry. You may update your actions accordingly. Scratch that, Takeshi and Ishi's profiles are both FUBAR or AWOL so both are void and no longer in the thread, feel free to update/change you actions accordingly.

Edit upon further review: Yuki's profile is also out of date where the weapons have the wrong augments and kinjutsu doesn't have an alignment, instead of forcing Yuki to fight without them, they are also voided. Nao, Yong and Shusuke's contracts are not up to date in their profiles, they will not have them during the fight. (Nao and Yong still have one contract)

Another edit: I've removed the OOC posts from this thread and spoilered the invalid RPs
Last edited:

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
In truth, Mitsuha wanted to hide away. Like this was all just a dream to her. But... What she had hoped to make use of an unknown situation to work on her social training, turned into one hell of a nightmare. She steadied her breathing as she dared look at the armored shinobi where his eye sockets were. Yes, she is definitely not a people person, but... Even as an academy student she knows that in the future, she'll need to help people in need. She knows right now as it stands, she can't face such an adversary on terms to truly fight with her own allies. Which means... There would have to be some way to support them on the side lines... She only hopes that she won't get in the way and be a hindrance to the others.

(Actions sent)
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Ishi watched as others turned up, it seemed this man had got quite a welcome community, but that was to be expected of someone who was trying to break into the village, everyone was here to make sure he didn't get in, that was the life of a Shinobi, even if the man in front of him lacked the understanding or honor that being part of something bigger gave one, he was still a threat to the village, as Ishi looked he noticed that three of them were students, this was not a great situation that he found himself in, especially for a combat situation.

"You keep choosing this path, I pity someone who lives life with so much hatred, and never knowing joy, as an outcast, and so warped they only think about themselves. If this is what your choice is so be it."

With that he moved so the students were behind him, making sure to keep them protected as much as he could given this situation, he glanced at Yuki and Nao, both experienced and both battle ready, and he wondered just how much he could rely on them to also keep the students safe after all this was not a situation that they wanted to be in, but it was one that was brought upon them instead.

"Keep safe, stay behind us, and remember that you are now serving on the front lines of Konoha, do not do us an injustice here, instead do the village proud and you will come out of it alive."

[MFT: 258]
[Actions Sent]

Admin edit: spoilered voided RP - Metsu

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shusuke grinned under his Anbu mask and cloak as he sensed the presence of Keiyaku arrive to the scene along with the new ANBU Captain and a few others he didn’t know. Stepping behind the masked captain the young Yamanaka would nod and place his hands in a ready position.

”Don’t worry Captain, this is what we have been training for. We’ve got your six, isn’t that right Jackal.“

[Actions Sent]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
The female could feel her blood boiling. She knew the others around her, she just didn't care. She was hyper-focused on the mask in front of her. Even though his face was hidden behind that mask she knew him. In fact, she knew that mask better than the face it hid. She was determined to make him pay for what he had done. Yuki was normally reasonable. Logical to a fault. Her actions were carefully considered and measured. Every move. Every plan. Every word. Not this time. She was tired of being reasonable. It was reason that let this snake into her garden. Reason that got Nobu killed. Reason that has led to so much blood being spilt needlessly. This time she refused to be reasonable. She would end this now.

Yuki watched as the man raised his finger towards Takeshi. Another wave of rage hit her. She would die a thousand times before Yong touched him. She felt Mizuke twist inside her. Feeding on her anger, and hate. All the emotions she normally kept in check to keep him at bay.

"I should have killed you the last time we met, Yong. However, I did my duty to treat you with courtesy as you were a guest in my home. You are no longer my guest and you no longer have the luxury of my courtesy." Her words dripped with venom. She felt cold hands embracing her under her skin.

Stop fighting me Yuki, let me help you end this. The demon's voice purred in her brain. She surrendered as the veil between them break.

"I'm going to enjoy this." The voice wasn't entirely hers.

[Actions Sent]

Admin edit: spoilered voided RP - Metsu

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He placed the drinks and everything on a table near the gates, before looking to the anbu. A part of him was sad when he saw what had transpired around him, once more there was death and decay at the gates. Once more he had to tell the families that loved ones had died.
It was quick that others started to gather around the gates. This time he felt a bit more supported than the last few times that he had been there.

Now that others were gathering, he noticed that some of them weren't that tall... ' They may be very likely to be not even teenage years, making them genin or less...' He already thought of multiple ways in an attempt to keep those kids safe. Knowing very much that once they were helping to stop this guy... There was no going back and they could most likely die.

Nao in the meanwhile steered all the people away, even the civilians, and looked out for the smaller ones.

"You will be last..."

"Maybe you will be the first..." Nao spoke with a hint of sadness in his voice. He had hoped things never turned the way they did, especially with a guy who seemed to be collected at the dinner they have had. "You only live once... but if you do it right, once is enough." He spoke as a small encouragement to himself to stand present in this formation.

[Actions send]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Feeling both his Captain and his colleague at his side, he too, grinned. He looked to Morutobu who gave a determined back and lept to the Captain's left side, Keiyaku remaining on the right as he dropped to all fours into his battle stance, getting ready to mount an attack at the first sign of danger. Smirking, he returned Shu's proclamation of teamwork.

"Heh, right, Reaper! Captain, we've got your six, nine and three, sir!"

[Actions sent]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku wasted no time in getting into battle ready position, dropping to all fours alongside Morutobu, slit pupilled eyes trained on the mysterious intruder from behind his Wolf Mask. He knew he could count on his allies here but the absence of the Captain had worried him slightly; he thought he heard Shusuke radio for them. He turned to the Yamanaka, sounding both excited for a battle but somewhat apprehensive. He spoke decisively and with authority.

"Reaper, see if you can call up some backup. Moru and I are on the offensive alongside the others. See whatchya can do about taking this guy down a peg with those crazy illusions of yours! If we mount a good first strike, we can slow him down!"

His eyes trained back on Yong now, the little Shiba puppy beside him growling in earnest, ready to support his big brother in this fight. Keiyaku was growing more restless by the minute, the feeling of the hunt welling up inside him, pushing his bloodlust over the limit, almost making him salivate.

"I don't care who you are... Get the hell away from my village!!"

[I'll just consider my previous post void in that case]
[New actions sent]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
HP: 30,000 - 240 = 29760
CP: 42,000 - 2200 - 3030 - 70 - 3030 = 33,670
AP: 10 - 10 = 0
AP next round: 10
Status: Bleed Rank 1, Poisoned with Plexistim
HP: 42,600 - 3850 - 4620 - 90 - 4840 = 29,200
CP: 39,000 - 9750(Sage Mode) = 29250
Natural Energy: 11700 + 9750 = 21450
AP: 10 - 7.8 = 2.2
AP next round: 11
Status: Sage Mode.
HP: 10,400 - 4235 - 4620 - 4840 + 672 = -2623
CP: 15,600 = N/a
AP: n/a
AP next round: N/a
Status: KOed and Bound
HP: 2,350 - 0 = 2,350
CP: 2,350 - 330 - 375 - 215 - 80 = 1350
AP: 10 - 10 = 0
AP next round: 10
Status: In Danger, On Fire, MVP
HP: 1,600 - 0 = 1,600
CP: 1,600 - 90 - 300 = 1210
AP: 2.5 - = 0
AP next round: 2.5
Status: Turtle Power
HP: 14, 945 - 3850 - 4620 - 4840 = 1,635
CP: 11,475 - 735 = 10740
AP: 10 - 9.75 = 10.25
AP next round: 10.25
Status: Bound
HP: 6,992 = 6,992
Status: Looking like Keiyaku

Round One
0.00 Yong channels his inner Dio, and uses World Standstill for 2 seconds
0.00 Yong starts to cast something within his own bubble of time
0.00 Nao whips out a weapon, Sanctuary Gloves and equips them using Initiative.
0.00 Nao uses the same Initiative to enter Combat Medic Style
0.00 Nao enters Sage Mode with their Kami Contract. Everyone is better at resisting Genjutsu now.
0.00 Shusuke activates his Genetic Implant, Sharingan tomoe’s start to form in his eyes.
0.00 Shusuke equips his Illusory Razor Petals
0.50 Shusuke enters into Phantosmia Chakra Style
0.50 Shusuke applies a poison to his weapon.
1.00 Shusuke’s Sharingan take form
1.00 Yong finishes casting Perfected Rasengan: Odama Rasengan against Nao, Shusuke and Keiyaku
  • Against Nao
  • Hits!
  • Failed Non-Elemental Chance
  • Suppresses Nao for 0.5 AP
  • Against Shusuke
  • Hits!
  • Non-Elemental goes off
  • Fails to suppress
  • Against Keiyaku
  • Hits!
  • Failed Non-Elemental Chance
  • Suppresses Keiyaku for 0.5 AP
1.00 Yong combo’s into Newton’s Apple
  • Against Nao
  • Hits!
  • Nao has Paralysis(10% to auto-fail a single action)
  • Against Shusuke
  • Hits!
  • Failed to apply Paralysis
  • Against Keiyaku
  • Hits!
  • Keiyaku has Paralysis(10% to auto-fail a single action)
1.00 Yong uses his Yamanaka’s cantrip ability to cast Warfare (Deception) against Nao
  • Against Nao
  • Hits!
    • Stealth check against Nao
  • Nao loses track of Yong
  • Stealth check against Shusuke
[*]Shusuke loses track of Yong[/list]
  • Stealth check against Keiyaku
  • Keiyaku loses track of Yong
  • Stealth check against Mitsuha
  • Mitsuha loses track of Yong (Rolled Crit though)
1.00 Mitsuha summons Crush and gains 37.5 Temp HP, which is lost at the end of the round.
1.75 Shusuke wants to use 4 hit combo against Yong but doesn't know where he is.
  • Blind shot check
  • Yong is critically stealthy, and cannot be found.
1.75 Shusuke wants to use Trembling music against Yong, but still doesn’t know where he is
  • Genjutsus against a stealthed target are skipped
2.25 Keiyaku uses Human Beast clone
2.50 Mitsuha sets themself on fire using Immolation Armour
2.75 Shusuke wants to use Lethargy music against Yong, but alas still doesn’t know where he is.
  • Genjutsus against a stealthed target are skipped
2.75 Keiyaku goes wild, entering Feral Shift
3.00 Nao has had enough, uses Updraft against Yong
  • Nao makes a Blind Shot check vs Yong
  • Yong is a sneaky sneaky Missing Nin, Nao cannot find him
3.00 Mitsuha equips her Rapier
3.75 Shusuke wants to join in using Warfare (Deception) against Yong, but the Missing Nin’s experience stops him from doing so.
  • Genjutsus against a stealthed target are skipped
3.75 Mitsuha is a bold one, wants to use Grip against Yong
  • Mitsuha makes a Blind Shot check vs Yong
  • Yong continues to elude everyone
4.00 Yong appears, and does a Sneak attack against Nao,Shusuke and Keiyaku using Gate of Enma
  • Against Nao
  • Hits!
  • Failed Non-Elemental Chance
  • Fails to Bind
  • Against Shusuke
  • Hits!
  • Failed Non-Elemental Chance
  • Shusuke is bound
  • Shusuke has succumbed to his wounds and is KO’d
  • Against Keiyaku
  • Hits!
  • Failed Non-Elemental Chance
  • Keiyaku is bound
4.00 Crush attempts to use Pressurised Mist against Yong
  • Against
  • Misses, but Yong feels the spray of water (Crush got a crit)
4.25 Mitsuha enters into Dance of the Willow
5.50 Mitsuha uses Dynamic Pierce against Yong
  • 8 Misses in a row (with 3 crits by Mitsuha no less)
6.25 Mitsuha is not phased by a S-Class Missing Nin and uses Multi-Impale against him.
  • Mitsuha channels her inner Leonidas
  • 1 Miss and a CRIT!
  • Bleed Success! Yong is now Bleed Rank 1
6.30 Nao uses Vaporization against Yong
  • Yong sends it 20 seconds into the future using Chronostasis
  • Vaporization will reappear in round 3 at 6.3 seconds.
6.75 Keiyaku is bound, but wants to use Executioner.
  • Fails to break bind
7.00 Mitsuha keeps trying, using a Basic Strike against Yong
  • Yong with a newfound respect for the young-ling, keeps out of the way. Miss.
7.75 Mitsuha keeps trying, using a Basic Strike against Yong
  • Yong moves out of the way. Miss
8.50 Mitsuha keeps trying, using a Basic Strike against Yong
  • Yong didn’t even notice this was happening. Miss
9.25 Mitsuha keeps trying, using a Basic Strike against Yong
  • Miss again
10.00 Mitsuha keeps trying, using a Basic Strike against Yong
  • Another Miss
10.00 Crush uses Mystical Hand on Shusuke as he is the most hurt.
Round Ends

Mod Notes:
  • Keiyaku all your remaining AP was used up trying to break the bind.
  • Nao ran out of AP and couldn't perform your last action..
  • If you have any questions, my Discord is always open, as are my PMs on Ninpocho.
  • I still need to finish updating the Chakra and whatnot.
  • Edit: Missed the Gate of Enma damage on Nao
  • Edit: Added the missing doggo
Last edited:


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
A wolf like grin spread over the Sage of Time's concealed face as time subtly distorted around him like a ripple in the surface of reality. His eyes visible behind the open eye holes of his mask moved rapidly from person to person taking in as much information as he could about the small group of defenders. First Sazuki Nao, Sennin of Konoha and one of the brightest souls the Sage had ever met. Next the one identified as Reaper, the small Shinobi's youthfulness obvious in the timbre of their words, though their mock ANBU raiment hid their exact age. Then Jackal and the puppy standing stoically beside him in its armoured and equipped vest, Inuzuka definitely, and, unlike the younger, this one wore the armour of the Konohagakure ANBU Corps though still incredibly young, no older than fourteen or fifteen. The last though, a young girl was the most intriguing, her soul was not bright like the others when she had first arrived but something had changed in her, Yong could sense the will of fire given spark in her soul, something had changed in her in that moment of choosing to join in the defence of her world. Like the others she was now a bright soul of Konoha. Five (including the puppy!) bright souls together! The gods would surely be watching the gates of Konoha tonight!

"Sennin Nao... Reaper... Jackal... You are standing too close together!"

With a flicker of speed and a flash of esoteric hand seals Yong made his move. Time folded around the Sage as he watched his opponents ready themselves, in truth they were much faster than Yong had expected... But speed didn't matter when time itself was your ally...

"Juryoku Rasengan!"

It only took a second to weave his seals, seeming to catch all three within the blast off guard, the orb of chakra bursting into existence violently between the three Konohan Shinobi, a surge of intense gravity would slam down like the weight of the world. Yong closed his fists to end the sequence of strange hand seals, in that instant the Sage flickered away, fading out of sync with the relative perceptions that even the trained and gifted eyes of present Shinobi could follow though he could see by their movements that they could sense that he was still there (ooc: speed stealth?). It would not take long though to confirm those suspicions as the Armoured Sage flickered back into sync, his hands forming the last seal in a complex unseen sequence, cursed chakra rapidly coalescing behind Yong in a sinister silhouette before pushing through his back and out his chest with a physical jolt forward. The cursed chakra lashed out towards the three already injured Shinobi, the touch of the shinigami pierced through flesh to freeze the soul beneath it. Shifting slightly to the right the Sage avoided an attack from a small contract creature summoned by the newly born bright soul, the movement did not interrupt the cursed chakra connection binding her two allies.

Yong gave another unseen grin as he felt consciousness slip from the youngest of Konoha's defenders, Reaper, their muscles going limp as they slipped into unconsciousness though eyes unclosed. They were not permitted to fall, hanging as if pinned by the cursed tendril piercing flesh and binding them in place in the air. Likewise the shinigami's grip held firm the one codenamed Jackal, the cursed chakra piercing flesh and holding him bound despite his struggling. Yong would turn to Nao, the Sennin already in pain though he may not be showing it, the Sage could tell that his attacks had landed cleanly.

"Takeshi had said that Konoha's defences are ready..."

The young bright soul lunged forwards towards him, her weapon moved as if an extension of her body, strong for one only just come to the light. Impressive and ineffective, the slightest of red spreading across the small puncture in his armour. Yong looked down at the small wound for a moment, feeling a cold flush come through the area as a black liquid seemed to bleed from the wound like oil in the blood. 'Plexistim... Clever girl...'

Nao had taken the moment of respite to his advantage, completing hand seals in rapid succession, a vicious jutsu flew towards Yong with unerring accuracy and empowered by the Sage-Chakra now obviously flowing through the Sennin's body. Yong had not sensed this power in him the first time they had met. As the powerful technique would come close the Sage of time would flicker strangely once more, the attack seeming to flicker in unison and disappear before hitting it's target, in truth merely displaced forward in time.

Yong flickered backward again, the young Kaguya girl stabbing through air where Yong had been though meeting with no further success. Coming to a stop Yong locked his focus on Nao, circling him like a wolf circling an injured deer. The Sennin's movements slowed as his enemies seemed to be speeding up...

"Call for backup Nao..."

Crows began to gather in the trees behind the Konoha gates. The Sage of Time was true to his words...

There would be a feast... and Time was not on Konoha's side...

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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
It seemed so surreal to the young Kaguya. The still bodies on the ground... Her mind flash back to when she first had awakened to her bloodline... She seen her father's bloodied face, she wanted to do something, anything to stop the person that kidnapped her from hurting her parents. Her outstretched hand felt quick pain, but soon the man had screamed out in agony, gripping his hand... She shook her head and snapped back to reality. An explosion of chakra near her as she let out a quick shriek, before she flipped through hand seals and placed her palm on the ground, summoning Crush.

The Turtle came into existence as a poof of smoke dissipated, "Yo! Mitsuha! Wassup! What kind of Adventure are we off to today? Or is it night?"

"No time Crush! We need support!" She pointed over at Yong, who was currently attacking the others defending the gates, "We have to stop him!"

"Yeah, now this is right up my ally! COME AT ME BRO!" Crush would yell out at Yong.

The girl would ignore her turtle Contract acting all crazy and flip through more handseals, flames erupting all around her. Bringing out her Rapier, she tried to get a good grip of her weapon... but... just who is this person?

Her eyes widened as black tendrils pierced through her allies. One of them now unmoving... So I have one what would you guys do if you had to pick between catching a high profile criminal or tending to your ally's deep wounds. She turned around to see who was talking, but... No one was there. But then she started to remember. Her own thoughts, fear, adrenaline, sadness, anger all mixing together, but for some reason, making her remember certain events. She remembered that day very well now. It would have been the first day of her social training. The others, they all knew what they wanted to do. Mitsuha would often wonder about the question itself, but always just coming to the conclusion that she doesn't know since she has no friends.

Water would spray out at Yong, but there would be no effect on the man. She entered into one of her dances, bones formed all around her body, making a sleek and agile appearance, perfect for closing in for aimed attacks. She performed the Dynamic pierce technique, eight attacks all aimed at the attacker of the gates. But before her blade would even reach him, another voice would ring out to her. This time, her own. "I don't know you." . This would be from her interaction with a certain boy at Red Oak District. The boy was helping her out and all she wanted was to be left alone, especially after being covered in food. He only wanted to be her friend, but she pushed him away... Why? Well... she doesn't really know. Maybe she should find the boy and apologize to him if she ever lives through this.

She would snap back to reality and fire of another attack on the masked man, one miss and one... Her memories flooded her as she jumped in front of an attack that would have hit a boy and a dog in the Forest of Death. She didn't know why she decided to do such a thing, putting her life on the line for someone she barely even knows. Maybe... So I have one what would you guys do if you had to pick between catching a high profile criminal or tending to your ally's deep wounds. Maybe... "I don't know you." Her mind focused, she steeled her mind and gripped her weapon hard and followed through with the attack.

To her surprise, she had got a hit on the masked stranger, she was glad that she had prepared her weapon in case she did get into a fight. The poison that had coated the weapon was to prevent people from using their chakra too much. But this is a full blown killer that she is now facing. That little fact, had shook her enough for her to lose her edge and do a flurry of attacks hoping to hit, but only hit air.

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(To lighten the mood, Crush sounds like Will Ferrell)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
