Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Disquiet

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Nakamura Kazuhiro
The Lawyer


A carriage driven by a team of sandrunners came to a halt before the doors of the Toraono Dojo. It was an arduous journey, the wind and the sand and the ever-shifting terrain. They would arrive a day early, or at least a day earlier than their employer. The pieces were already falling into place. The ever-silent bodyguard was the first to escape the carriage. His glasses shielded his eye from the maelstrom's assault. His meaty hand wrapped around the massive handle of the dojo door and with a heave he pulled it open against the wrath of the gale's current. The team of sandrunners marched in, shaking their coats free of the debris that had collected during the course of their journey. They chattered as sandrunners would, some making obnoxious squawks while others chattered quietly as they groomed their feathers. Once within the confines of this 'safe haven' the lawyer escaped the carriage, but there was a member of their party strangely absent. They had returned without Aburabuta Hirotomi.

"Hello!" Mister Nakamura yelled into the dojo. "Hello, I need some HELP!" He repeated into the corridor. He knew full-well that now that this entryway was well-known to the populous that it would be frequented by travelers and that it would be better guarded. Their departure, an easy enough task to explain considering their haste and the proximity to near fall of Sunagakure to those infernal anarchists. "Our boss has been kidnapped and we need help!"<i></i> He called out, knowing full well that someone was likely already en-route to their location as he spoke. The purpose was to make noise and to shuffle the blame onto the right men. There would be some collateral damages, that much was certain but those who are hurt or killed during this seize would not be missed.
[Attempting to Enter]​


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
It was dam near impossible to get any sleep in the Toraono Dojo these days. Shiori wondered when a hole in the ground became a tourist attraction. The wail of the wild ripped her from her sweet dreams, she was walking up a mountain following Sousuke. He was wearing leather pants and nothing else, it was a good dream. Shiori let out a groan and tried to roll over, she had found a tidy little corner down the hall that she had taken as her own. She was far from homeless, she had her own apartment in the village but to facilitate a lie she was living with Sousuke. There were inherent difficulties in sharing a household with your future husband, the most notable being the fact that her sense of hearing was so keen every muttering statement... every snore... every snort... every fucking fart he made, she could hear with crystal clarity. She was going to go back to sleep, they opened the door. That was the hard part, pulling open the door when the battering winds forcibly kept the door closed.

Then they started yelling. There was no reason to make so much noise, some people are trying to sleep. Shiori whined and cupped her hands over her ears. She did not care. It was not her problem whatever it was. But they kept on making noise. Shiori rolled out of her makeshift bed which was basically a pillow and a sleeping bag. In fact, she did not even get out of the sleeping bag, she somewhat hopped into sight with it still around her legs.
"I need to sleep, can't you just take it up inside the village?"<i></i> Shiori's voice was peturbed, her long red hair a frizzy mess. She let out a yawn and hopped back towards her corner for a nap. "Also, my cousin Sousuke should be in a place with books by this hour,"<i></i> Shiori added.


Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Nakamura Kazuhiro
The Lawyer


He was hoping for someone or something with a more official capacity would have greeted them upon their return. What was this village coming to, it reminded him of a third world refugee camp instead of a future empire. He truly did not share Aburabuta-sama's vision, but he also did not have his deep pockets either. Rich men tend to be eccentric, but even so there had to be a trace of sanity beneath it all for that wealth to be maintained. The instructions were explicit, but there was always an opportunity to play things by ear. Aburabuta wanted general noise, he did not specify a target but the higher the ranking audience, the better publicity they would receive. That was why he had a job he supposed, because he used his noodle and he was not just some mook that would last a few episodes and then disappear. "Good-day then," Kazuhiro called to the woman who had already left his direct line of sight. She was probably homeless or displaced like half of this god-forsaken town. She was probably not related to the Kazekage either, surely if she was he would not have his kin sleeping on the metaphorical streets but the woman of questionable sanity and pedigree had brought up an idea: involving the shinobi forces directly.
[Topic Left]​


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Whatever was happening was of no particular interest to Shiori, over the past few days she has had no more than two hours of sleep. Shy of an issue of national security, she was not going to get out of her sleeping bag for the remainder of the day.

Good night Sunagakure...

She rolled over and went back to sleep. Hopefully there would be no additional visitors on this day.

Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
