Daily routines were often events that ended with either one of two options, either the usual expected or on the other end of the spectrum the unusual. Unfortunately the porcelain masked individual was not a seer and could not foretell the events of the day to unfold. As to why his current location of patrol had been the academy, the reasoning was quite simplistic. Due to the recent events of a new Tsuchikage the academy was a prime area to have a ruckus for a multitude of reasons. In short he was ensuring there were no foul intentions revolving around the upbringing center.
Fortunately his presence wasn’t minded as he made it quite clear of his where a bout’s, settling upon the infrastructures wall; offside from the occasional gesturing towards his stoic posturing from the passing by academy students. His figure crouching, frozen tundra gaze scanning diligently and giving his best appearance if a threat wished to engage upon the unsuspecting it was wiser to do otherwise upon this day.
As the day continued the male would find himself wishing to enjoy the taste of a meal, his hand dipping into his robing to remove a rice ball, not that it looked particularly tasty due to his lack of the culinary arts; in fact the poorly shaped sphere resembled a block more than anything. Silently the males hand would shift the mask ever so slightly to expose his mask and to begin his indulgence.
Much to his dismay the meal was unsatisfactory and would be met with a distinctive sigh at his foul luck, perhaps his ingredients were not ideal. Never the least he would shift his mask downwards, clutching the remainder of the half eaten right ball to be eaten at a later point; though more than likely not as one could quite easily spot the poor structure from a league away.
". . . . ."