Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Journey Begins (Requesting Exit)

Nov 25, 2014
It was finally time.

Finally time to leave the village he'd called home for so many years, time to live, learn, and experience the lives of other villages, people, and places around the world so that he can better himself physically, mentally, and spiritually (a new one for the boy). Though it would be difficult to tell for anyone else, Yanjirou could hardly contain himself as he walked proudly through the Toraono dojo, yet ironically concealing his ears and half of his face with his hood. Silly habits! His coat now bore the symbol of his Byakko clan, and was colored black and gold to represent their colors. Tetsuyaiba was currently awakened and worn by the boy, as it only seemed fitting to wear such a gift as him during such an important step of his life.

As usual, the dojo was filled with people from all wakes of life. Foreigners, merchants, residents, anyone and everyone could be found here, but today the boy was only worried about himself. He approached the large doors where many people entered and exited for a plethora of reasons, but today his was rather simple. A journey. The young Byakko took a moment to admire the structure, taking it all in so he could remember this moment for eternity. Or at least for the duration of his trip...

Once he got in line to have his passport checks, there were two very important things that he'd forgotten... Firstly, he was meant to meet with his new Sennin before passing through the gates. Secondly, he completely forgot to even get his passport. With all of the things that he was occupied with, gathering food, clothing, and any other supplies he would need for the first stretch of his journey had him too occupied to get that done, yet it was arguably the most important thing on his to-do list! Yet still less stressful than it would have been if the other two which were meant to accompany him had come as well...

First things first, he would need to break it to his leader. It was going to be a painful thing to say - mostly mentally, but it wouldn't surprise him if it ended up hurting physically as well - but he would simply have to get it done! The boy was already on the lookout for a strange masked man in a black cloak, assuming that would be the attire he wore, and the moment the two were face to face, he would lead with a disappointed, "So.. It seems I entirely forgot to get my passport." Suddenly, his posture would seem far less proud as he spoke.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Well, it was a woman beneath those robes but considering her height and the billowy fit, it would be easy enough to make such a mistake. Her limbs were wrapped in bandages the same way that they were when she first met 'Kaza.' Her body had long ago since formed, however there was a paranoid facet to the former Queen as she chose to hide in plain sight among those who wanted her dead or worse. The ANBU was her back-up plan, a group that did not know her real name. She gave a moniker to Kaze, not knowing that he would be soon elevated to the rank of Sennin or his friendship with the Kazekage. He had no interest in her as a student, as a person or as a woman, if he had she would have likely transcended her current rank and be able to leave doorlady.

She recognized the regalia that the young man worn, it belonged to one of the showier families in the village that was associated with the Toraono. Byakuya? ...Byakugan? Ah, Byakko. He admitted to not having a passport. The concept of a passport was somewhat archaic so a simple matter to contend with. A passport was more important to ensure that they were not harboring a foreign criminal, if they cared to prevent an international incident. As for leaving, it did serve as a source of identification for the person leaving Sunagakure, something that can be supplemented with a quick check to be sure that someone is who they say they are. "Not a problem," Shiori replied. "Can I have a full name?" She turned on her headset and awaited for the mention of the Toraono or Byakko name before she made a call. When the name was shared she would make a call to either the Toraono or Byakko family and await their verification. She would verbally describe him to whomever answered the call, giving a name and a visual description. Taken from OCR: Yanji is a small child, standing at only 4’6” and weighing 70 pounds, and maybe even looking a tad smaller than he weighs. His face has fairly soft features for a boy, likely because of the feline traits inherited from his mother and father. His hair is white, and forms what could be viewed as cat ears on top, while his eyes are golden like the sands of the desert. Embarassed of the ears atop his head, the boy often wears a light, red jacket and covers them with a hood. The rest of his outfit consists of a worn pair of pants and leather sandals. (alter in your response post to whatever you look like presently)

Assuming that the other end gave confirmation (will request that Akujin reply to the call if possible) she would ask two additional questions. "Where do you plan to go and how long do you plan to be away?" These were basic additional questions that she would need to record in case he failed to return. A person's clan suffers for the trespasses and betrayals of their own kind, moreover it would be likely that his own clan would hunt him down or search for his remains if he failed to return in a timely manner. (OC 3 mo= 1 year, so I am guessing probably 2 years to be 'safe.') "I just need one thing from you. Something that is on your person consistently or a part of you that needs to stay here. Some blood, a lock of hair, preferably not something of sentimental value." The reason was simple and one that a fellow AiT would likely understand, it was used for chakra sense in case he needed to be tracked. She would not be keeping the item he relinquished but rather she would pass it on to Captain Tenken along with her records.

Again assuming (more for speed) that all of these things came to pass without incident including confirmation, she would step aside and let Yanjiro leave.
[Departure tentatively granted]​


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It was a nice day outside and little Yanjirou had left the house again today, but this time to leave the village without his father's knowledge. He would not be aware of his son trying to leave the village until his headset would go off with a feminine voice on the other side telling him about his son's name and description asking to leave the village. He would listen to each detail from the woman to confirm that this fellow trying to leave the village was definitely his son before he would respond: "That is my son, Yanjirou. I was not aware that he was asking to leave the village, but he may go if he wants. He is more than able to defend himself and I will take responsibility for anything that he does while he is traveling." He would then wait to see if there was anything else the woman on the other end would ask or say to him before the call between them would end and he would place his headset down in his office and lean back in his chair. A deep sigh would leave his body as he shrugged his shoulders. How would he break it to his wife or his daughter that Yanjirou was leaving the village? He had no answer to that question for now.

[Permission and info given. Did not enter thread, merely answering Shiori.]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Best of Luck'| ANBU Corps Arc said:
[col]He would not respond to the call, but would listen in on the response from the father of the boy. Slowly the figure of the ANBU would appear as exhaust would exude from the ends of his metallic mask. The glowing red eyes would pierce onward towards both the boy and Neophyte. The tall man, towering over the two before him would approach the ANBU member on the scene first before making his way to Yanjirou.

"Neophyte, correct? There was an error on behalf of the one who was supposed to be overseeing you. Please meet with me back at the Headquarters once you've had time to determine a name for yourself. We need you to mature within our ranks, no need to keep you waiting. My code is Tenken."

He wasn't sure if all the information had made its way throughout the ranks just yet, about the removal of the Sennin title from himself and Reaper in the ANBU ranks. Either way, uttering his name would definitely get the attention of those within the ranks. The red eyes would cut to the boy. Once more he would calmly approach, the pace being almost an unnerving slow one. The ANBU member would place his left hand onto the shoulder of the boy.

"Safe travels, young one. I wish to test your skill once more when you return from your journeys."

He would scan around a bit before speaking once more.

"I thought your friend was going to be accompanying you... either way, take this as a reminder to not die while you are out there."

From his right hand, he would produce a sealed piece of paper and a passport. Once the piece of paper was opened it would reveal a message;

The sites and sounds of the world are meant to be absorbed and ingrained. Every location has its highs and lows, take advantage of such natural wonders. Embrace the locale, see every inch of each new place you enter, always remember your time outside our gates and within their's. You are a representative of the village as you are out in the world, never forget that and keep your original face on... it is the best face at all. If you find the nights to be preferable for searching the wonders of the outside, never forget the gift you were given back home from my hand.

Safe travels, safe return. We will be waiting to hear about all your adventures.


With that, Tenken would wait to ultimately see the boy off, or if the boy had any final questions or parting comments.
MFT- 292; sorry about the delay but as long as you are willing to be patient we can keep on playing!

Rank ANBU Sennin
Epithet: Heavenly Punishment
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Blood Type: O Negative
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedWiPMood MusicWiPMISC X

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Looming foreshadowing:

Unbeknowst to those leaving the gates Toraono Kuro was also planning to travel outside the village ever so briefly. He would rendevous with his fellow Sennin and his student at a later date. He did not want to interfere with their personal efforts. He was going to have a heart to heart with Roku however while he went about a search.
Nov 25, 2014
Yanjirou initially accepted this person's identity as Tenken, but soon questioned his assumption when she began to speak. Far less distorted and masculine than when they originally met, is this what it meant to judge a book by its cover? Was the man that brought him into the ANBU actually a woman the whole time? Regardless, she didn't seem to be the one, he had full access to his information, and would not need any reasons or places. It may seem suspicious for him to just walk away however...

"Byakko Yanjirou." He answered, feeling less ashamed than he used to at the mention of his surname. That training with Kuro really gave him a new-found respect for his clan as a whole. He listened to the woman's report, making sure all information given was accurate, and nodded as she asked some follow-up questions. "Of course," The young Byakko began, "My destination, not even I know to be honest. I simply plan to explore for the time being. As for how long I'll be away? I suppose that depends on the events that unfold, but I will estimate one to two years at least. Any longer and I'll be sure to send word to the village." Hopefully this explanation would suffice, as it was the best one he was capable of giving.

Just as the woman stepped aside, after his father had given his consent to let him leave, a familiar voice sounded from behind him. A similarly dressed man approached the woman, saying something about her maturing within their ranks. So she was ANBU as well? Not too surprising, but it appeared she was a bit of a special case as well. Yanjirou would bow as his captain approached, nodding after his initial statement.

"He was meant to, but it seems things came up. The journey may be a tad more challenging alone, but I feel confident I will make it through without too much trouble." From the countless novels he'd read, saying something like that could only lead to trouble in the future. But for now, the only thing the boy had was his confidence. There would be no one else for him to rely-

"Do not forgot you have me now, boy." Suno reminded him, it was strange having a weapon speak to him... What would happen if he removed her? That would surely be something he'd have to try later.

The young Byakko accepted the items Tenken offered, first checking the passport and nodding as he realized it was his, then moving on to the letter. Already, the boy had to try and understand what it meant. Clearly it was meant to hide his association with the ANBU, but still being new to the corps, wording like this was so foreign. Yanji neatly folded the paper and placed it in his jacket's pocket, confident that he understood its message.

"Thank you, Tenken..." It was surprising to realize that this was the first time he'd actually heard the man's code name. They were not properly introduced in ANBU headquarters, but that didn't matter too much. He would simply have to remember it throughout his journey, and keep his eyes set on the goal. Despite there being multiple... Once everything was said and done, Yanjirou would leave the two with a bow and be on his way. Stopping one last time at the threshold of the village and the world outside.

This was a first for him, in several ways. The first time he'd leave the village on his own, the first real mission he's been assigned, the first time he'll be able to truly develop himself. This was a special moment, and the first step he took outside of the village's gate brought up a feeling that could very easily only be felt once. Perhaps that's why he didn't have a word to describe it... Something would undoubtedly come to him, there was plenty of time to think about it after all.

وداع الرمال، وسوف نرى بعضنا البعض مرة أخرى قريبا بما فيه الكفاية. سواء كان ذلك في وفاة أو في الحياة.

He uttered his final words as he passed out of the dojo, his final - mildly depressing - farewell before he left all of these familiar surroundings behind.

It was finally time...
[spoilername="Translation"]Farewell sand, we will see eachother again soon enough. Whether it be in death or in life.[/spoilername]


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
