Shin's golden glazed eyes looked through people as he adjusted the black suit he was wearing. A grin would stretch across his face as he began to watch those around him recognize who he was and what that meant for them. Without even having to introduce himself or ask those around him to move he made his way uninterrupted to the bar, not a single word spoken to him.
"Hello, mighty fine day we are having, isn't it?"
Shin's words went unanswered. He let out a sigh. The smell of rotting flesh filled the air. A few of the thugs began to grow tense. Though many probably heard that the 12th Kazekage was assassinated, there had been rumors of a foul creature that roamed the desert wearing his face willing to slaught anyone who got in his way.
"Not in the mood for chatting? Shame. "
Shin snapped his fingers and the bartender before him began to foam at the mouth and convulse as he fell to the ground. The man would look at someone nearby before raising an eyebrow.
"You there, I hope you aren't as stupid as you look. Make yourself useful and poor me a drink while I wait for some entertainment tonight. "