The room had no lights aside from the array of monitors on the wall; the monitors displayed camera feeds, information, and other details for whatever was needed at the time. The screens all cast their eerie glow upon the individuals inside of the room. A large chair sat in the middle, back facing the door. The two who had recently entered were taking a prolonged bow, facing the chair, unsure of whether the one sitting in it knew of their presence. Aside from this, there was nothing else present in the room.
"Tori and Hato reporting in sir."

"I know. From what I gathered, you have had success with the first two targets?"
"Yes sir. We now have a connection to the third, and are still acquiring intelligence on the fourth."
"You are making good progress. I'd like a written report in four hours. If you find any complications, you are free to use any means to accomplish your goals. I will take care of any legal matters should any arise. You are dismissed."
"Yes sir." Hato said and stood straight up along with Tori, making their exit quickly. The female let out a sigh of deep relief and rubbed her arms. Her hair was standing on end. "What's wrong, still nervous to see him?" Hato asked with a grin, one of few he ever let cross his face. "Shut it, let's just get a bite to eat. I'm starved." Tori retorted and made her way to a door on her left.
[Topic Entered/Left]
[NPC Run-time: 1 hour]