Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Oracle's notes [Part 1/Open] [Event]

Arashi Hisame

New Member
Jan 13, 2017

Kugutsu Kumomi

The steady steps of the kunoichi echoed through the library. It had been sometime since she was here last but it appeared as though nothing had really changed. The halls were filled with bookshelves and journals from the Oracles past. This place made her feel enlightened and inspired. The table where the original meeting had taken place was still there and she decided to start there. She wasn't sure if the other Oracles had kept up their promises to record the history of the village but she had her own mission. She was to study the land of Wind itself and leave detailed descriptions if what she had found. It had been over a year since she was here last, but it still felt the same.

Upon arriving at the table she slowly raised her hands and from underneath her shrowded clocks came forth thousands of Nano-Mosquitos which were created with her Art of the Micro Puppet: Clockwork Jutsu. As they came forth they scattered throughout the library grabbing empty books and scrolls. She smiled as the table began to fill the empty prices of parchment. Pulling her blue crystal enjeweled bag from her side the nano puppets came forth and grabbed and placed a single crystal per parchment. Hundred of these crystals existed but she could probably only lay out fifty at a time. Take a deep breath she began her work.

Arashi Hisame

New Member
Jan 13, 2017
Re: The Oracle's notes [Part 1/Open]

And with her job done she left. Her mind still roaming about all that she had done over the past months. She needed to know more, she needed to find more. With a handseal on her right hand millions of tiny metallic mosquitoes would scatter through the library and out into the village. She needed to know more.

[Topic left]

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Re: The Oracle's notes [Part 1/Open]

The young woman would not initially notice but that is because it takes some time for the dead to give off a scent. The library was deadly silent, even when the murder took place. That was the queerest thing about the library, the fact that the harshest sound heard in these hallowed halls was that of turning pages. The dead woman was hidden somewhat well and it was likely she would have remained that way for a few more days if gravity did not win out. Her lifeless form was left seated in a chair in the back of the library, a pair of sunglasses covered her dead, lifeless eyes and a book was propped in front of her face. Death from afar was not always easy to identify, there was the tell-tale sallow hue that many who have been around death for some time could easily recognize but Sunagakure was a strange place where both the dead and living mingled. While taboo to some, it was still practiced by some sages, the resurrection of the fallen to accomplish some sort of grand task. This woman was not resurrected, a scarf wrapped around her neck and a brimmed hat on her head further hid her from an audience. Such is the way she would stay if she did not finally tip over onto the floor, her body still limp. She had only very recently died.

Still someone took great care in arranging her remains. To remain unnoticed, at least for a little while. The book in front of her was titled Historical Accounts of the First Men -- a real snooze-fest. The book was open to a page that described the Orders, specifically the Ranger Order. On top of the page, written in rough letters was a question posed in ink: "What is the tragic arrangement in Mr Rude?"

This is the second of 4 threads, each thread I will be posting in every Thursday (excluding this one) so feel free to join a thread. These Event threads are all connected, I have no qualms with players joining multiple threads if they want to use their noodles to solve these crimes. These threads are all a part of one event but if you feel that you will not be able to keep up, limit yourself to the thread(s) you feel you can manage. This will be a very short adventure because it is really the start of a terrible game.

Please note: this does not mean that players can surpass their slot maximum -- these threads (less the first one) would be considered normal RP threads, the first would be considered an event thread. Additionally, while I will be posting once per week in these threads with findings and information, feel free to post multiple times with the participants. No need to slow things down because I am a slow-poke.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
***Event entered***

Chouryoukou Kuro hereto now known as Song Kuro had been listening and seeking any sings of the Daimyo's bastard son, he was hoping to beat Sousuke to the punch so to speak. A brief check on the resurrected site for the Order of Oracles revealed that the Jashinist had already been here as well. He was on a killing spree it seemed. It would end soon enough. Song Kuro quietly replaced all the books the librarian would have in her normal activities as he reverently checked for any and all evidence that would help him track the madman he found little. With the Library set in order in mere moments Song Kuro with great care and affection that might be afforded a long lost lover picked up the body of his clanswoman and used his link with Mouko Kuro (Black Mad Tiger) to teleport back to the dojo where he placed her body within the laboratory so that she might be examined by Dr. Daibatsu, after her autopsy Lady Hyou Minmei's family would be informed of her death facing an enemy of Sunagakure and she would be given proper rites with Kuro's sworn blood oath of ETERNAL VENGEANCE. A tear was shed not in remorse or sadness but in frustration and rage that he had not been able to prevent this being from attacking so many times. A tear of demonic blood, dark, crimson, nearly black in its consistency, and full of hatred. A seed had taken root in Kuro's hearts and he would never be the same. There were souls to collect and punish for all eternity, the dark rage was upon him and even his newly apportioned Ancient side was feeding it. With a nod to her after setting her in a preservation tube and closing her eyes. Song Kuro hit the seal to alert Doctor Daibatsu that work and trouble were afoot. Kyojin Kuro had went to stand the gates, Mouko Kuro was monitoring the interior, Healer Kuro had already received the reports from the hospital. Akuma Kuro was maintaining vigil. So two sides of Kuro vectored off in search, warp seals activated around the remains of the uncovered city as Kuro searched in a calculated pattern hopping from areas of high activity to areas of low activity. He would face the Demonbeast this day, there was no escape not that Shouki was trying to escape, no madness needed no escape, it only needed to learn fear and soon when his soul was ripped from his immortal body and his flesh mounted on a pike as an eternal reminder of what awaits those whom harm Suna he would know fear eternal.
***Topic Left to continue the event elsewhere and join others in the hunt***

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

[col]The Oracles were a lost Order. They were scribes meant to chronicle the days past and potentially predict the things that will come from the patterns they see in the world around them. Many erroneously liken Oracles to glorified librarians and that is exactly what they had done here,. The Library here had a grand display of knowledge but it was only the product of effort and in and of itself it was not the enduring trials of an Oracle. An Oracle foregoes what they are and what they might become and instead becomes a watcher. Still, in the hopes of becoming such a celebrated intellectual the library has become a Mecca of sorts for those thinking that proximity to knowledge would grant them an intellectual boon perhaps through diffusion. Foolish people.

The dead woman sitting in the chair looked peaceful until one say her expression, it was one that was filled with dread. This was again one of Shouki's many games, a puzzle that was intended to be solved and the victim was a setting-piece. There was blood on the floor, drawn in a circle on the carpet that had already dried, The dead women was carefully posed post mortem, the scarf concealed her bruises - she was strangled. Her sunglasses hid her terrible, fearful, bloodshot gaze.

The books returned would be a book titled Historical Accounts of the First Men bound in heavy leather with gilded pages. The book itself was opened to the very center of the book, it was in the middle of a story called the one-way door. The words written on these pages were roughly drawn with a harsh hand and made a query of the reader: "What is the tragic arrangement in Mr Rude?" The book was clapped closed and placed away, the legacy of this question left unanswered. The book was a warning, this woman was the first to die, the only one among them that the killer made any effort in concealing. She was the guide, the killer's version of an Oracle and the answer to her riddle would have served as a warning for the tragic arrangement of Mr Rude is murder. As for the parable of the one-way door, that is something Journeymen hopefuls would soon discover.|
[Inside the Book]

In my house there be many many rooms and I go now to prepare one for you. Your room will have a door that seems out of place and out of time. With heavy wooden panels and a thick oaken frame. Carvings of a time long ago past and a weighted copper knob that had turned green with time and age but none the less still lovely.

One day you will find yourself in one of my great many halls and you would find one of my rooms. Would you become overcome with curiosity or suspicion as I warned you that it would one day be there and I had also given you a word of caution: traveler BEWARE for this is a ONE WAY door! Would you find the sentiment laughable? I warn you know dear reader, I am a great many things but a liar is not among them.

So I implore you reader, test the mettle of my door, you will find it is unlocked. In fact I might have left it ajar. The door would swing outward towards you with ease and inside you would see nothing but pitch black. Not the light from the hall or your torch will show you anything but a dark abyss waiting for you on the other side and I will warn you a final time that this is a ONE WAY DOOR.

So step on through that door despite my warning. When you do you might ---

[The next page is missing]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
