Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Red Monk stops for a refill [Requesting Entrance]

Atsushi Nakamura

New Member
Oct 24, 2012
Ao had spent almost two weeks aboard a small merchant ship, with little to no opportunities for Ao to stretch his legs whilst traveling. So it was understandable for him to want to enjoy the time on his feet and travel by foot from Soon’s Haven to Sunagakure. His path up to the Toraono Dojo took much longer than most of the other people presumably heading in the same direction. This was mainly due to Ao constantly stopping to take in the scenery and the individuals that lived in the land of Wind. Eventually Ao decided that he had spent enough time wandering around and made his way up to the gates.

Ao was quite impressed with the beautiful standards that adorned the gates to Sunagakure. He had to move his red-hair out of the way to get a better look at them. One of the banners was clearly the symbol for the Hidden Sand Village, but the other standard Ao was not familiar with. Eventually he found himself in front of the gates to the city. Ao knew better than to try and just walk in, so he reached into his robe and pulled a metallic-looking, fist-sized, ball out of a pocket and began bouncing it off of the ground. He also took the time to bring the jug that hung from his waist to his mouth; only to find out that he was going to run out of his preferred beverage soon.

"Ah man, this is going to be a LONG day, I can feel it..." He said to himself as he finished off what little alcohol remained in the container.
Please allow Akujin to post first


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

Basic Knowledge:
Birth/Real Name: Kanemoto Akujin
Adopted Name: Byakko Kyūji
Alias: Mikisugi Kyūji, Mikisugi Akujin
Physical Age: 25
Actual Age: Older than 25, probably early 30's
Height: 6 feet tall
Weight: Wouldn't You Like to Know
Gender: Male
Day of Birth: October 5th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Village: Sunagakure/House Byakko, Formerly Iwagakure
Alignment: Lawful Neutral or Is He?
Rank/Jobs: Tenured Medical Chief/Jounin
Medics Taught: Three(Azusa, Kumoni and Uziuke)
Religion: Celestial Winds
Languages: English(Site Generalized Language), Runic Terran(Suna Language)
Skin tone: Well he was white but now he is darker like all of Kuro's clan apparently. He is not black, but has a tan I would say.
Eyes: Golden(They glow yellow in some situations) and they are feline-like eyes
Glasses: Not anymore, corrected visions through taking the Byakko Oath
Hair: Straight and white. Refer to my face claim.
Hands and feet: He has normal feet, but his one hand resembles cat-like claws for the fingertips.
Ablation of Body Parts: His right arm; has nothing below the shoulder joint
Markings/Tattoos: Silver-white markings formed around his left hand and forearm; also Byakko Tenshi seal is on his back; Black-marking around right shoulder/neck to seal away his physical strength
Other Notable Features: Neko-ears
Relationship: Married to Lady Yanshi in the Eyes of Byakko/Betrothed to the Head of the Byakko Clan in Normal Eyes
Children: Kyushiko(Daughter) and Yanjirou(Son)
Looks Like: Avenger from Fate Grand Order

It had been a relatively quiet day for the descendant of Byakko thus far. He had merely been going through his estate making sure everything was in place and all the children were doing what they were supposed to be doing and his guards were watching over who they needed to by his orders. Everything was going well, but a noise would be heard outside of his home near the entrance of the entire Toraono Clan's home and he would walk quickly up the entrance waving in the individual to the entryway of the entire clan's home and the entrance to the village. He would mere grin at the foreigner to him and simple say the following: "Welcome to Wind Country and the Toraono Clan's home which is the entryway to the village. I am Byakko Kyuji and I will take care of you today. First, what is your name, age, village affiliation, blood type, and reasoning for seeking entry into the village? Also, do you have a passport and if everything checks out, do you have a place to stay in the village? Lastly, do you know how long you are expecting to stay?"

He was going to try to make this as quick and painless as possible given the man didn't try anything funny and would cooperate with him. He had no worries though since the man appeared like a reasonable individual.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The descendant of Byakko would wait patiently on the man's response. Unfortunately, there was never anything that came out of the man's lips and Kyuji was left with an issue on foot. He didn't want to give access to the man without any information, but he decided against his best judgment; he would just need to get the information at a later date from the man and that would be simply enough. Nodding for no apparent reason, he would shrug his shoulders and say these words: "I am going to allow you to enter the village. But, I would like to speak with you at a later date for the information that I requested. However, you are free to go. Just make sure to seek me out in the next few days. The name is Byakko Kyuji again and you will want to go down that corridor and it will lead you right to the village."

He would then smile, give a slight bow and head off back into his family's portion of the Dojo. Hopefully, the man wouldn't disappoint him and cause trouble.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped. I expect another topic where we truly roleplay together sometime soon haha! Yamada Ao is allowed into the village.]

Atsushi Nakamura

New Member
Oct 24, 2012
Shortly after Ao arrived to the entrance of the dojo, he noticed a man start to approach him. Ao figured this man was a guard, and that he was going to have questions about why he was here, and where he was from. All of these were questions Ao did not feel like answering at the moment. He had been traveling for several weeks straight, and all he wanted to do was find a nice and comfortable place to pass out.

Ao began to fantasize about all of the amazing inns that must be waiting for him inside Sunagakure. They probably had large beds, with crisp and clean white sheets. They may even have a sauna or hot springs nearby or in the inn itself! These places were also likely to have some of the finest spirits that this exotic land has to offer. For a second Ao could even smell the aroma of a rich, earthy wine, he could even see it for a second. And the nice man who was pouring it for him had straight white hair, but was in no way old, and had strange almost cat-like eyes as well.

It as at that moment that Ao realized that the man who he had day-dreamed as his waiter, was actually standing right in-front of Ao. And he was waiting for something. Had this man asked Ao a question? How long had he been standing there? Who was he? Ao was about to ask the man before him the following questions when the stranger spoke up.

"I am going to allow you to enter the village. But, I would like to speak with you at a later date for the information that I requested. However, you are free to go. Just make sure to seek me out in the next few days. The name is Byakko Kyuji again and you will want to go down that corridor and it will lead you right to the village." The man named Byakko Kyuji then bowed, and walked away.

Well that was a lot easier than I expected; no complaints here though.<i></i> Ao thought to himself. He waited where he stood for a few minutes before walking into the dojo and moving into Sunagakure.

[Village entered]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
