Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Return of an Oracle [NPC introduction/Requesting Entrance]

Arashi Hisame

New Member
Jan 13, 2017

Kugutsu Kumomi​

The village has changed. The difference could be felt in the air. Letting out a sigh the shrowded woman slowly made her way to the village gates. Covering herself from head to toe in loose black fabric, all that could be seen were her piercing green eyes that were adorned with golden shadows. Slow yet steady a pace was made as small dark mechanical insects could be seen flying in and out from under her garments. These strange machines seemed to land on everything near them, emit a chakra blue light before fluttering back to their master. Resting on her side was a bag that seemed to be adorned with soft blue crystals, but if further inspection was taken one would see small Chakra blue ribbons of writing wrapping around a hidden core. A claw would reach out from their tops to latch the self to the fabric of the bag. Hundreds of these crystals rested in and on the bag each with their own secret.

Upon arriving at the gate Kumomi would stop and look around. It had been a long while since the Mednin was in the village. She wondered if her sensei was still doing, Akujin was a busy man after all. Letting out a sigh she lifted hand to her mouth to call out to the nearby guard.

"مرحبا، أنا واحد من أوراكل. لقد عدت من رحلة طويلة للمعرفة وأطالب ممر آمن إلى بيتي."<i></i>
[spoilername="Runic Terran"]Hello, I am one of the Oracles. I have returned from a long journey for knowledge and I am requesting safe passage back to my home.[/spoilername]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin Kuro stood at seven feet and weighed in at four hundred and fifty pounds. He wore a sand camouflage pattern heavy armor made of Takahashi fire-forged steel with matte-black transformation seals allowing it to switch from desert colors to pitch black dependent on Kuro’s vocal command or four tap sonic patterned code along his right thigh plate. Kyojin Kuro wore a matching belt and sheath around his waist where he had sheathed a pair of blade attachments for his battle gauntlets. Kyojin Kuro wore his battle pouch atop the belt it was a simple lizard leather pouch but easily camouflaged by rubbing it with sand or crushed stone if ever necessary just above his right hip. Kyojin Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his left armored thigh just atop his silk gi shorts. A convenient slot in the multi-folded steel of his left thigh armor allowed Kyojin Kuro full access to his items without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his Takahashi forged battle guards and lower leggings were Kyojin Kuro’s enhanced runic terran sealed leather wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. Kyojin Kuro had wrapped his armored tail around his belt making it appear that Kuro wore a belt of armor resembling hand-sized reinforced double blades. Kyojin Kuro wore his mane of silver hair in tight war braids in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced but also making him look like a serious battle veteran, massive chakra gems implanted into his flesh and endoskeletal structure stood out on the back of his hands. The chakra gem in his left hand was emerald green with a spiral of a star in its center, if you looked at it closely and long enough one could see where it interfaced with the flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. The chakra gem in his right hand was ruby red with a six point star in its center, this one also interfaced with his flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. These carmot stones allowed Kyojin Kuro to dramatically pulse chakra throughout this body which was now one of the keys to his defensive capabilities. It also allowed him to control his metabolic rate at a degree he had never believed was possible. His dark flesh was runed with runic terran seals and tattoos. His horns looked as if they were part of his armor along with his gems but the discerning eye would know that they were part of this giant warrior's body.

Having been on guard for any attacks he was happy to see the return of a valuable ally and an endless source of intrigue.
Taking a knee and regarding her with violet and gold eyes the giant form of Kuro known to others only as Kyojin addressed the young Oracle. "Welcome home, It is good you are safe. Please enter in peace and safety and know that all we have available in our personal libraries and family journals is open to your purview and study for copies and posterity."

Entry Granted

Arashi Hisame

New Member
Jan 13, 2017
A familiar aura filled the air. The Border Sennin was near and within seconds he appeared. The beast of man granted her not only permission to once again come home but also access to the clans library. This pleased her. She smiled and nodded towards him while giving him a courtesy bow of her torso. She looked to him once more before speaking.

"شكرا مدافع عظيم من الحدود. ولا بد لي من مواصلة رحلتي إلى مكتبة كبيرة لكتابة دراستي."<i></i>

And with that she would walk into the village and on her way to the Hall of the Oracles.
[Village entered topic left unless stopped]
[spoilername="Runic Terran"]Thank you Great Defender of the Border. I must continue my journey to the great library to transcribe my studies.[/spoilername]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
