Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Silver Blade Rests In the Sand [SSM]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The descendant of Byakko would pant quite heavily after an enduring swordfight with Nanjiro Shiroganenotsubasa also known as the Silver Blade. Both combatants had been throwing their life on the line to defeat the other, but the victor in this contest today would be our hero, Kyuji, as he drove his sword into the chest of his downed foe ending his life and keeping the country safer after his deed. However, his hands were becoming more and more stained in red which was troubling the Medical Chief as he was taking too many lives when he should be saving more of them in the Hospital. It hadn’t become a problem yet, but it was something that he would have to keep himself in check with. But for now, he would sheath his sword and walk away for his payment after placing the swordsman’s sword on his chest with his arms wrapped around it.

A few days earlier, the descendant of Byakko had picked up another Bingo Book entry that was a B-ranked threat known as Nanjiro Shiroganenotsubasa who was charged with murder almost five years ago. The exact reason for his murder was allegedly he killed a man at the village’s gates who was just merely doing his job and had become snarky and presented a poor attitude towards Shiro. While Kyuji could understand how a poor attitude and being snarky could make someone annoyed to the point that they wanted to shut the annoyance up, there was a better method of handling a situation than drawing one’s sword and murdering someone. In any case, an updated description of the man stated that he was in his 50’s now and had long grey hair that showed his age along with his eyes that could tell a story more than the rest of his body. He also stood at nearly seven feet tall and dressed quite elegantly which would make him stick out like a sore thumb when Kyuji would go to find him.

However, the descendant of Byakko felt differently about this man than he had for anyone else that he had hunted before. He could tell that the man had seen a lot in his life from his eyes in the photograph attached to the entry and merely eliminating him wouldn’t be as rewarding as a true fight between him. So to his surprise, he actually wrote a letter to his target explaining that he wished to have a duel with him in three days from now on the outskirts of the village near the Toraono Dojo. They would fight one on one with no trickery and merely their respective swords and their own bodies until one of them could not continue anymore allowing the victor to decide the fact of the loser. As we already know, Kyuji would choose to eliminate a target if he had the chance and this was no exception; but, he had no idea if Shiro would try to eliminate him or if he would just bow in respect and go about his day or even something else. In all honesty, he had no idea if his target would even show up but he was giving the respect that the man did deserve as a fellow swordsman even if Kyuji was still a novice when it came to it and was potentially putting his life on the line to be “fair”. As we all know though, Kyuji wasn’t exactly the brightest bulb all the time and this was one of those times.

Three days later, or today, the descendant would wait outside of the Toraono Dojo for his opponent who showed up ready to fight with his sword unsheathed and dressed in his elegant clothing just like Kyuji. But before the descendant would fight, he would raise his only hand and want to speak with the individual before they continued. He would begin with the following: “So you are the infamous Silver Blade also known as Nanjiro Shiroganebasa whose name is hard to pronounce and spell. Very well. We both know why we are here and I won’t keep you for too long, but I want to ask why you murdered that man five years ago. You could’ve just walked away and we wouldn’t be here right now about to clash with one another.”

“My decision was the right decision at the time as the man had it coming to him. I am not proud of the decision that I made, but I will not go back on my actions now, Byakko Kyuga,” he would respond to the descendant as he butchered Kyuji’s name in the process possibly because our hero had butchered his. In any case, the man was growing tired of the stalling as he brought his sword up to his face as it began to glow a blueish color before he dashed at the descendant ready to begin their fight with one another. Of course, Kyuji would easily block a simple attack like the one that Shiro gave as it was merely engaging Kyuji’s skills especially with his lack of an arm.

The real fun would begin a few seconds later as the two of them would clash swords matching one another’s movements almost precisely. Unfortunately, luck can only continue for so long as the descendant would fail to block one of the swings and the sword would cut into his chest leaving a gashing wound as he felt part of his chakra sapped away from him. It would seem the blue aura coming from the sword before was some secret technique or skill built into the sword to drain chakra from the opponent making their attacks, regardless of range and level, weaker or even fail to work simply due to a lack of chakra. This was a good information however to be gained as the descendant’s chest would begin to seep blood onto the soft grains of sand below his feet. Of course, Shiro would stop momentarily to comment on his attack: “I managed to land the first blow in our duel, but we are far from done, Byakko Kyakin. Let’s continue before the thrill of the fight ends and one of us is slain in this desert!”

As soon as he was finished speaking, he would dash again at Kyuji with a quickened pace. Our little descendant would put up his sword and they would begin to have another stalemate between them as the clashing of their swords had begun to gather the attention of other members of the village especially family from their Dojo who would look on from the distant pondering what would happen while discussing the fight amongst themselves. As soon as Kyuji saw that a small crowd had gathered, he knew that he had to break this struggle between them before more people would gather and more lives could be put into danger if Shiro decided to change his target and went into assassination mode if he was capable of doing that. In either case, the Medical Chief did not want to know as he mustered up the strength to break through the defense of his opponent and land a clean blow on his chest leaving a small pool of blood in the sand. It was Kyuji’s time to get in a quick jab at Shiro: “You are a master swordsman, but you left yourself open right there from a less experienced one. I think that makes us even though as we are both bleeding out now slowly. But don’t worry, Long Name opponent, I will not allow this to continue on for much longer for both of our sakes and the safety of my village! Prepare yourself!”

He would then dash at Shiro like the swordsman had done before to him and proceeded to swing wildly letting himself wide open for an attack. Fortunately for him, his unorthodox swings were leaving his opponent confused and shaking his head slightly as he tried to match blades. Within a few moments, Kyuji would land another blow to the chest and then another and another. He was starting to get on a roll against Shiro, but that would not last long at all as it appeared that he was starting to get more serious as blood was starting to come out of his mouth in small coughs and spilling more of his life essence onto the sand. His demeanor had shifted dramatically as he was probably coming to the realization that Kyuji was no pushover when it came to combat even if his dominant style was not physically anymore. But while he was holding his own, Kyuji was tiring quickly as anyone that was looking from the crowd could tell as he began to pant more and more heavily with each passing minute that this fight went on. This could spell trouble for our dearest descendant as his body was slowly getting heavier on him while his opponent seemed to be getting prepared for the real action now. Bless Kyuji’s soul, Lord Byakko that he would make it through this.

Fortunately for Kyuji, the wounds that Shiro sustained from his blade were slowing him down. But, our hero knew that a skilled swordsman like his opponent was not going to be some slouch and give up easily after being beaten up a little bit. No, he was going to make this fight a hard-uphill battle still with Kyuji as the man gripped his blade and ran right towards Kyuji once more trying to injure the descendant below the belt so he couldn’t evade as easily. But, his move would prove to be a mistake as while he aimed low, Kyuji would aim high and both of them would feel the sweet blade of each other’s swords sink into their flesh and more blood would spill as the crowd that gathered increased more.

However, Shiro wouldn’t be finished as he would bring his blade up and try to cut the right arm of Kyuji. Unfortunately for him, he would meet nothing but fabric being cut as Kyuji would kick the man in the chest to get him away and charge at him aiming for the face once more. He actually would pierce the chest once again only missing the vital organs by mere inches as Shiro’s head would follow to his chest as his blood, and Kyuji’s, continued to trickle out of them sustaining the hot sands below them. It was at this point that Kyuji made some comments directly towards Shiro: “You were wise to go for my leg to make it difficult for me to evade. However, you have been pierced once again because you failed to realize from the beginning of our duel that I lack a right arm which is why my clothing dangles as it does from my right side. But, your blade into my leg is going to have a lasting effect on me for sure as my chakra was sapped yet again. But, it is time for us to end this as you and I are both running out of energy and we don’t want to keep the crowd waiting.”

He would then pull his blade from the chest of Shiro as the man collapsed onto the ground coughing up blood in the process. This fight would’ve been over if he couldn’t get to his feet, but he managed and Kyuji would pierce his chest again with his blade having more of the man’s life essence spill to the ground. Sadly, the man continually got back up and Kyuji would continue to pierce his chest making sure to not hit a vital organ in the process since Shiro was more or less defenseless and trying to get back up since he probably wasn’t expecting a novice in swordsmanship to give him such a difficult time.

Eventually, the man would not get up from being pierced and falling to the hot sands. It was now that Kyuji knew that it was time to end this show for everyone but especially the man who had given his all and had been tortured in his last minutes of combat. From here, we know exactly what would happen to the man and the crowd would scatter after the duel was over as Shiro lay dead in the hot sands outside of the village. When everything simmered down, the descendant would probably give the man a proper cremation and allow the ashes to blow in the wind unless the animals got to him first.

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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
