Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

The Sloth and the Forest

Sep 24, 2017
The female was back in the ancient forest, once more. The last time she was around, she met someone while she was attempting to meditate. She was here again however for various other reasons. For some strange reason, she found the ancient forest to be rather homely, if she was going to be honest. She could be herself fully here and hardly anyone will disturb her.

Sighing softly, the female began to hum lightly, going in sync with the birds that sang their song and the other animals that thought it was a good idea to also sing out their animal cries. Minako felt at peace here, her long blonde hair flowing softly in the wind while she hummed her song and swayed her sway.

After some time, the female bit her lower lip and took off her mask, setting it to the side as she sat on the tree, the sloth inhaled before sliding her hood away from her head, revealing the rest of her blonde hair, which was mostly placed at one side.

Biting her lower lip once more, she felt some pain and before she knew it, her lip was bleeding. She must have either bit too hard or too often, because them two could be possible reasons for why it was bleeding… Ah well, she was sure it will clean up in no time, considering the wind was quite nice for the day. There was one problem though…

The sun was going down, saying it’s goodbyes to the world for the day, slowly making way for the moon to say hello to the world, it’s pale light will soon be in the forest, and Minako does not want to move at all, she was a bit too lazy to as of right now, and it was beautiful anyway… Maybe at the night, she would hear the owls and the mice? She wasn’t sure, but it was going to be exciting.

“I don’t want to go home…” Minako smiled softly, as she placed her head against the tree which belonged to the branch she sat on. “It’s too pretty here… Why does it have to be pretty…?? Is it because of all the corruption that this world offers…??” She asked herself as she touched her cheek. “These scars aren’t doing me any favours… it’s like they want to take the piss…”

Looking around once more, she knew she had to head home before dark arisen, but she was still struggling to be bothered to, it sucked.

“Maybe a little longer…” She would keep saying to herself.

Words: 429​

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
The sounds of a lighter flicking on and off with a momentary spark illuminating a small portion of Kyo's face could be seen and heard for quite the distance. After a few more strikes and a few more sparks, Kyo lit his lighter only to create a blaze upon the tip of his cigarette. He pocketed the lighter and took a large drag, illuminating the 'cherry' at the tip of the cigarette. A slow exhale puffed out a large amount of smoke towards the stranger's location. Thankfully, there was enough distance between the two that the smoke didn't fly directly into her face. Kyo was perched on top of a branch roughly 15 feet in the air (about 5m), lacing the smoke between his fingers and responded to what the woman said. "Then don't leave. This place is better suited for people than that concrete nightmare out there. That place'll kill ya," the man said before taking another drag of his cigarette.

Red eyes could be seen through the dark, staring at Minako from below him followed by an echoed growl. His companion, Dakota, was on the low-ground mainly because the smell of the cigarettes bothered her when too close to it. At least, at this distance, it didn't bother her as bad. The sound of liquids squishing around a bottle could be heard before a cork's 'pop' noise was plainly heard. Kyo took the gourd in his hand and brought it up to his lips, letting the liquid quickly go down his throat before corking it off once again. Dakota barked loudly towards Minako as she got too close to the tree that Kyo was sitting upon.

"Humans gather so humans could get food, water, and shelter in a group," he said before taking another puff out of his smoke. "And when humans gather, they do stupid things. Very stupid things. Especially to creatures they deem inferior to themselves. If they want to defend their territory, fine. But when they start killing things they find 'inferior' wantonly is when I have a problem with them," he said before taking yet another drag from his cigarette. "If I had it my way, I'd kill them all and let the gods sort them out. Then the world would return to tranquility," he said before taking yet another drag of his cigarette, placing the cancer stick in his mouth before dropping down from the tree just to get a good look at the woman that decided to stand under his tree.

His eyes wandered for a moment before nodding his head. "Yes, yes. That will do just fine." he said assessing the woman for who-knows-what.

[Topic Entered]
Sep 24, 2017
It wasn’t the smoke that alerted her to the other presence. No, it was in fact, the voice that suddenly rang out in her eardrums. She didn’t expect someone else to be here, listening to her humming and her words. Maybe she will have to pick another spot for another time, but for now, she may aswell relish in the conversation that she has wound herself up in.

Sighing softly, she merely listened to the man's words, unsure what to say to him. How would it kill her exactly?? While she did experience unkind things while not in the forest, them moments were pretty rare, and she had herself prepared for things now, especially now that she knows some useful jutsu’s that could help her with running away from any problems she didn’t really want to encounter.

Suddenly, a wolf's growl caught the females attention as it echoed out through the area, she couldn’t help but look down at the wolf in worry, Minako found it ironic when the man mentioned that the concrete place would kill her, yet, the growling wolf could very much just gobble her up there and then. Then the wolf began to bark at her, she didn’t know what she was doing wrong, maybe it was a bad idea coming here…

While she didn’t know what to say to him, she knew she wanted the wolf to stop barking at her…

Then when she saw the male stand up to assess her, she quickly grabbed her mask from her side and placed it over her. While there was probably enough shadow to cover the nasty scars she has on her cheek, she would preferred to have stayed safe than sorry… she didn’t want the mysterious male to laugh at her after all, that would sure be embarrassing.

The sloth then dropped down from where she was sitting and landed onto the floor with little to no issue before she observed the male herself. She should probably introduce herself… that would be a good idea indeed.

“My name is Minako.” She said as she looked to either side, hoping she hasn’t caused any issues for the man and the wolf. “I hope I haven’t disturbed anything. If I have, then I apologise.”

Words: 376​

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
[col]He continued to look over the woman as he noticed her covering her face. A sneer came over his face for a moment, trying to get a good look at her face. "Why cover your face? You shinobi are really dumb about that stuff, ya know?" Kyo said with a big, bellowing laugh afterward. He motioned his hand towards the wolf to stand-down, having Dakota (the wolf) take a seat with it's mouth closed shut. "Surely, you aren't an ugly woman, not with a body like that," he said as he circled around Minako for a moment before taking another drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction. "Embarrassed about something? Don't be. There is no shame in the wilds," Kyo said as she started to remove the vest that barely clung onto his body and dropped it to the ground below. His body was completely covered in scars with a very prominent stab wound in his abdomen. While he had a lot of scars around his arms and chest, the stab-wound upon his mid-section stood out most of all. Not only was it a physical wound, but it was also an emotional one as well.

He continued to get undressed before Dakota barked, causing Kyo to jump a bit and turned to look towards the massive wolf. He gave the creature a sneer and eventually coalesced with the wolve's demands and kept the rest of his clothes on. "Ugh. Don't worry, you didn't disturb me. Actually, your appearance is quite welcoming. Not every day someone gets to see a well-shaped woman in the wilds. Normally they are far too strong in appearance, almost manly at that," he said with howling laughter before putting the cigarette in his mouth so he could bend over and pick up his vest and replaced it back onto his body. Afterward, he re-tightened the bindings upon his pants.

"Minako, you say?" Kyo said before putting the cigarette between his fingers once again, raising the gourd up to his mouth, biting off the cork lid, grabbing it out of his mouth with the cigarette holding hand, and took a big swig of the soju. He wiped his mouth and recorked it. "Dakota," he said as he thumbed his hand towards the massive white wolf. "Kyo," he said as he hooked a thumb to his chest.|
Tabs for Extra Information
This Post:
Visible Equipment
- Cigarette
- Gourd of Soju
OOC Note(s)OOCCurrent Music
Sep 24, 2017
The man wanted to know why she was covering her face?! Ooooh lordy, this was not going to go down well. Especially since he was doing what she was trying to avoid in the first place, which was for him to laugh at her. She was embarrassed and humiliated. She just wanted to cry, as her confidence just went at it’s lowest… She wasn’t sure what to do anymore, but decided for the sake of the encounter, to keep her composure.

Upon hearing the man saying that she surely couldn’t be an ugly woman, the female looked away, completely shy, she wasn’t sure whether to feel happy about that, or offended. But again, for the sake of the encounter, she decided to ponder over that later.

That was when he took off his vest while telling her to not be so embarrassed, she nodded slowly and took off the mask that covered the scars on her face. She then placed her hair behind her ear.

“I usually hide my scars because I get stared at often if I keep it off. Not many bother me if I keep it on. The only issues I have is when I am eating or when it becomes too sweaty… unfortunately…” She sighed softly as she scratched the back of her head in shame.

Unknowingly, while she was talking, the man was attempting to undress some more. It was only thanks to the wolf that she stopped speaking, her eyes widened, she was a little… disturbed to say the least. She has the wolf to thank for saving her that view… She learnt that the wolf’s name was Dakota, and that his name was Kyo.

“What lovely names!” Minako complimented them as she walked towards Dakota slowly. If she was going to be honest, she was quite wary of Dakota, but she also wanted to gain trust from Dakota.

“M-may I stroke her??” The sloth asked, looking towards Kyo, hoping for his approval.

Words: 329​

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
[col]Kyo looked over the woman's face and nodded his head. He approved. Not many are ugly in his opinion, well, females anyway. If they had a nice body, the face didn't really matter much to him. Animals don't particular care for the face as it didn't give off an aura of 'fit for reproduction'. Nope, the body was the main thing he cared about. It isn't that he's objectifying her for her body out of any type of misogyny. There is no such thing as misogyny in the animal kingdom other than the foolish humans that act superior to one another. Certainly, superiority is also a thing in the animal kingdom, but that only applied to strength and strength alone. Petty humans and their petty squabbles.

The woman reached out towards Dakota as she showed her teeth with a throaty growl. Kyo took another puff of his cigarette as he watched this happen. If the girl kept trying to pursue petting the beast, she might lose a hand for doing it. The decision is hers and hers entirely. Whether she hurts herself or not when a beast bares it's fangs is entirely her problem, not Kyo's. "Don't bother what the other petty humans say. They'll make judgments on you regardless of your imperfections. They're all imperfect creatures unfit for ruling this world. That is, until wolves lead them to paradise," Kyo said with a big cackle. He took another drag of his cigarette and dropped it onto the ground, smashing the ashes under his foot. He placed the dead cigarette into his pouch and returned to his gourd of soju.

"Fuck people, right?" he said as he's starting to get more and more hammered from his drink. "They'll find an imperfection in you and then outcast you, leave you at the Spine of the World and try to kill you. Fuck em. Fuck em all," he said as he walked over and pet the wolf. His face turned goofy and bright red due to the strength of the soju and the sheer volume that he's drinking all at once. He held the gourd out towards Minako and hiccuped. "Drink some?"|
Tabs for Extra Information
This Post:
Visible Equipment
- Cigarette
- Gourd of Soju
OOC Note(s)OOCCurrent Music
Sep 24, 2017
Minako wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the current situation. The wolf kept growling at her, which gave her the gut feeling that it was probably a good idea to stop what she was doing and continue to listen to what Kyo says, what Kyo said seems to make more sense, now that she thought about it. Nobody really was perfect, but there will always be people who will make themselves out to be perfect, which is a bit of an imperfection in itself. There was a few words he spoke that didn’t really make any sense to her. When he mentioned the wolves leading them to paradise, she was confused. She thought paradise was supposed to be a place that gives off happiness, and with the way that Kyo spoke about it, it was as if ‘paradise’ meant hell.

Sighing softly, she placed her hands close to her and tilted her head as he spoke more, while he was true, it was only partially true. She has heard of outcasts coming together once before because they were just that, outcasts. Knowing that though, it does remind her of the moment where the bullies tried to beat the living daylights out of her because her mother pulled off an order which took as much energy as it could to not get really angry at the exactly moment.

Minako couldn’t help but chuckle the moment he appeared to be more drunk by the second. In fact, it looked like he was having fun. The only problem was that he offered her some as well. Now, if Minako wanted to drink, she would drink to her heart's content… when she was bothered to.

Was she bothered to? Not really.

Did it stop her?? No.

Taking the males offer, she took his soju and stared at it before placing the drink right near her lips and let the liquid run down her throat. Then when she finished with her bit of drink, she used her free arm to wipe away anything from her lips while offering back the drink with her occupied hand.

Words: 351​

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
[col]Kyo looked at the woman as she took a big gulp of the soju. The muddled look on his face was priceless. Even the wolf, Dakota, stopped and looked at the woman like she was batshit crazy. While it was only 40-proof (20%) alcohol, it was meant to be a sipping drink much like sake. It wasn't meant to be gulped down like the woman did. Certainly, he took his own several big gulps from the drink, but he never actually took a swig quite like that one. After she brought the drink down from her lips, Kyo fell over backwards in laughter, holding his gut upon seeing the woman drinking. After the momentary fit of laughter, he quickly snapped back to a seated position and took the gourd of sake from her. "For a woman, you can handle your drink," he said in a jovial manner. He took the drink from her and pressed it upon his lips and tried to match the gulp she took, only to stop a mere 3/4 of the way.

"You must spit hot fire to be able to down a drink like *hic* that," he said before looking the woman over once more; this time not being subtle at all with his 'male gaze'. The alcohol started to talk before he started to make wiggly fingers towards her chest. "I bet *hic* those would feed plenty of chil*hic*dren. Let me try," he said before creeping forward only to pass out on the ground in front of her. The man was completely knocked out for a brief moment. There was a moment of silence from him before he scraped himself up and looked at Minako again. "What was I doing again? Oh, right? Boobies," he said with a hiccup before making more magic fingers at what he thought were Minako's breasts. However, his poor vision (or rather, triple/quadruple vision) caused him to do this directly beside her, reaching towards the air.

"Holy crap, there are so many of you. I'm grabbing, but I feel nothing. What kind of clone jutsu is this?" he said, once again, with a loud hiccup.|
Tabs for Extra Information
This Post: 354
Visible Equipment
- Cigarette
- Gourd of Soju
OOC Note(s)
Holy crap! I'm so sorry! ><
Current Music
Sep 24, 2017
The male… was laughing at her?? That can’t be right, she was doing everything she thought she thought was right. There can’t be much wrong with gulping the drink down right?? She heard that’s what most people do. Surely there cannot be anything laughable about taking a good drink…

Finishing off her drink, she got complimented, but only after she spotted the male on the floor before he stood up and did his own little thing. While Minako wanted to say thank you to him, she also was speechless as she then seen the guy take his own drink in. That was when he said that she must spit fire to handle such a thing. Minako could only just place her hands on top of each other in front of her and tilt her head slightly. Then he started making some weird finger motions before mentioning that something of hers would feed plenty of children. Oh god, the guy was definitely a bit too drunk for his own good.

Attempting to take a step back from Kyo, the male then tripped up in front of her before looking towards her in his drunken state, wanting her breasts and seemingly looking to them in all their glory… luckily, it seemed that he was so drunk, that it was keeping herself in a good position to keep herself safe.

“Well, I am not using a jutsu, in fact, I think that you’re drink is getting to your head.” Minako explained as she then crossed her arms and looked away from the male, worried that he will actually manage to claim his prize in his perverse moments. “Don’t worry though, I am sure that after some rest, you will be able to go and get drinking like normal again. Do you need help to get up??”

Words: 303
Training: Marked​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The young woman who frequently trained in isolation with her bow and part of it involved being in the Ancient Forest. However, her day had been a bit boring as she had originally planned to be training most of the day, but had been asked to run quite a few errands so she didn't get finished with them until a couple of hours before sunset, and even then she couldn't go right away to train. The pink haired young woman would sigh quietly to herself as she made her way through the forest as the sun had started to set. It took her over an hour to actually even notice there were other sounds in the forest belonging to other people. She would eventually make her way over to them mostly to smell the stench of alcohol and noticing that the man on the ground was holding a container that seemed to hold it and even that he was trying to grab at the womans chest who had crossed her arms and was looking away from him. As she made her way closer to them, she would intentionally step on a branch to make it snap and alert them to someone arriving.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but is everything alright over here? I see that you're trying to grab for something you really shouldn't be, sir..." She'd say, glancing at the man before looking at the woman with a smile as if asking 'Are you alright?'. She didn't know if these two were people who had just met or were just old friends, but whatever they were, it wasn't really her business but she had made it hers as she had noticed the man being a bit of a pervert towards the woman who was quite... gifted. She'd look between both the man and the woman with her pink eyes, which were an eye color that she'd never really seen anywhere else, if ever.

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
[col]Kyo looked at Minako sideways before picking himself off of the ground, swaying back and forth as he stabilized himself before looking back at her once again. The fact that she wasn't using a jutsu to create multiple images of herself throttled Kyo's brain, never having been this drunk off his ass before. "ThEn It'S pRoBaBlY sOmE kInD oF sOrCeRy ThEn," he said with a loud hiccup. A new-comer approached and he turned his attention towards the new girl that showed up. He looked her up and down in his dizzying state and turned around to vomit on the ground. While that was bad timing, it was comedic bad-timing so it was completely forgivable. "HeY! iS tHaT yOuR dAuGhTeR oR sOmEtHiNg? ShE hAs, LiKe, No TiTs," he said again, pointing in the general direction of Rika's breasts while looking at Minako.

Kyo took a firm hold of the gourd of drink and proceeded to take another sip before letting it fall to the ground. He reached into the pouch that hung upon his shoulder and pulled out a cigarette from the pack he was carrying, placing the cigarette into his mouth with the butt facing outwards and the tobacco in his mouth. He lit the cigarette and a foul odor came from the burning cigarette, lighting the filter and taking a huge drag. Kyo pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and slapped his lips together, looking at the cigarette in disgust. "WhAt ThE hElL? iT tAsTeS lIkE sHiT!" he said before throwing the cigarette down on the ground and stomping on it. Once it was good-and-out, he picked it up and put it into his bag and lit another one; properly this time.

Kyo took a drag of the cigarette and turned to look towards Minako. "HeY, wAnNa GiVe Me A hUg?" he asked as he approached her with his arms spread out only for him to fall down flat onto his face and stop moving for a moment. He probably passed out pissed drunk.|
Tabs for Extra Information
This Post: 334WCVisible Equipment
- Cigarette
- Gourd of Soju
OOC Note(s)OOCCurrent Music
Sep 24, 2017
Sorcery?! He thought it was some sorcery! He does know that jutsu is sorcery in some way, right? That drink really must be getting to the poor guy, that was until another female popped in and even asked if Minako was okay, to which Minako chuckled at the pink haired female.

“Yeah, I am fine, thank you.” She answered with a smile on her face. “This guy is drunk, so he is going to come up with some malarky for a while. I feel bad though because I think I encouraged it to some degree, but I can’t help the fact that I have never drunk alcohol in my life before!” Minako sighed softly as she shook her head. She was becoming more shocked by the second because Kyo was being more… honest with his intentions.

“Kyo! Don’t be so rude!” Minako pouted softly while tilting her head to the side, she was shocked at what she was hearing. The pink haired girl didn’t deserve that kind of harassment, she only wanted to make sure that Minako was okay… Maybe Minako could give Kyo some nice words herself when it came to the right moment. However, he was too drunk, and that could probably cause some sort of outrage if anything happened to her.

After a few more embarrassing moments, including Kyo taking out a new cigarette and various other things, he asked Minako for a hug before passing out. This caused Minako to bite her lower lip and giggled towards the pink haired girl awkwardly.

“We… should probably get him to the hospital.” Minako admitted before scratching the back of her head. “What do you say, stranger??” She glanced over the other female. “Because you know… I don’t know where else to take him. I just hope that Dakota doesn’t mind…”

Words: 302​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Rika had a comment directed to her by the man and and fallen silent in a bit of annoyance at the man as he had made a comment about her chest. Though the woman would be speaking, the mans comment about her chest had gotten to her before turning to the woman as she had spoken up about the mans name and told him not to be rude. So the guy was drunk, but that wasn't an excuse for her. The man would soon light a cigarette the wrong way and then get it right afterwards. He would soon ask the other woman if she would give him a hug, though right after doing so, he'd fall onto the ground, and not move for a moment.

The woman would suggest they take the man to the hospital, though she would cross her arms as she continued to speak, saying that she didn't know where to take him otherwise. "Honestly, he seems fine where he is, but if you insist on taking him somewhere, in front of a hospital is is good enough for me. He doesn't seem to be anything more than a common pervert." She'd say, glaring down at the man for the moment before looking back at the woman. She'd move over towards the man to nudge him with her foot, having to resist just kicking him a few times, just to see if he was still alive from falling onto his face at this point.

"If he's alive, that is..." She'd say nudging him for a moment before stopping and looking at the woman again. "What's your name, by the way? You mentioned his name was Kyo earlier, and I'm presuming the wolfs name is Dakota, as you mentioned the name too."

Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
[col]Kyo's unconscious state was stirred awake at the mention of the hospital, startling even the Dire Wolf that he kept at his side. He raised a finger up and shouted out-loud. "No! No hospitals! They have *hic* pointy needles and old men that smell like leather wanting to prod at you in bad p-places *hic*," he shouted as if the word 'hospital' shook him from the dead to answer a single question. His eyes snapped back to the flat-chested, bubblegum haired loli that stood with them. He wobbled in his inebriation and pointed directly at Rika's chest; unintentionally -- alcohol does bad things to a person's ability to aim properly.

"Listen here, little girl! *hic* When you grow up, you'll know that people have *dry heaves* layers on them. Like onions," he said, shivering at the idea of eating onions. He encountered them in the wild and their strong scent easily turned him and his sibling-wolves away from them. "I'm NOT a pervert! I'm searching for potential mates so I could make children to 'pro-pagit' the species," Kyo said, mispronouncing the word 'propagate'. It was a big word and for someone who is still trying to get a good grasp of the language, it wasn't a half-bad attempt at saying the word.

Kyo noticed the loli and the masked one talking to one another and turned around and pat Dakota on the top of the head. "Hey, let's go somewhere. I need to go to the bathroom," he said quietly to the wolf before the wolf walked the drunk man into the forest so that he could relieve himself. After the two walked out of audible distance, Kyo let out a grumble. "Stupid humans. Ugh. That place was starting to smell awful anyway," he said before stopping his trip to vomit on the ground; this sound was clearly audible to the two 'women'. After finishing hurling his guts out onto the ground, he found a good tree and began to relieve himself after removing his crutched grip upon the wolf.

"Clear Sky," he said, addressing Dakota by her actual name. "You getting hungry too?" he asked as he started to swerve while urinating, turning his head to look towards the wolf while slowly drifting towards the direction of his head. The man caught himself and grabbed the tree to straighten himself out until he was finished doing what he was doing. "Guess not," he said. He was slowly starting to get a grip on his reality with his buzz slowly fading away.|
Tabs for Extra Information
Name: Ryong Kyo-Moon
Age: 18
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'7"/67cm
Weight: 147 lbs/66.67kg
Special Characteristics:
- Scar over left eye
- Scars all over body
- Canine-like fangs
- Claws coming out of fingertips

Usual Gear
- Gourd of Soju
- Pouch on side
- Bow and Arrow strapped to back
Name: Dakota
Age: 12
Breed: Dire Wolf
Hair Color: White
Eyes Color: Left yellow, Right blue
Height: (Paw to Head) 6'2"
Length: (Nose to Rear) 10'3"
Special Characteristics:
- Red lines going over the body
- Burning disk magically floating on top of torso
- Human-like intelligence (infantile)
- Absolutely HATES humans
Explain NPCs in current TopicNPC InformationThis Post:
OOC Note(s)OOCCurrent Music
Sep 24, 2017
The moment the hospital was mentioned, Kyo was suddenly awakened and he was acting like a little baby. He mentioned that they had pointy needles and old men that prod you in bad places. Minako couldn’t help but chuckle, he sounded rather cute when he was saying all of that. Shame he was drunk…

The other woman was rather observant, she managed to note that his name was Kyo and that the wolves name was Dakota. Not paying attention to what Kyo was doing, Minako crossed her arms and gave off a small chuckle. “My name is Minako. Fujiwara Minako, that is.” She greeted herself as she tried to extend her arm so the both of them could extend their hands. That was until some vomiting was heard, and Minako looked to the side to see that Kyo was gone.

Groaning a bit, Minako gave some signals that indicated that she was going to go on a little search for him. Pervert or no pervert, taking him to the hospital was probably a good idea for him.

Walking around slowly, Minako continued to follow the source of the sound until she heard some talking. That voice was Kyo’s, she was sure of that… Crouching down, she made her way closer. Only standing up when she knew she would have caught him off guard.

“I do still believe it's best to take you to the hospital…” Minako mentioned. “I can’t stop you if you don’t, but still. I was genuinely concerned about you.”

Minako wasn’t sure if the young girl followed her or not, but she was sure that the girl would most certainly question her motives if she was around, and probably her wording too. Biting her lower lip, the young Fujiwara edged closer to Kyo in hopes that he won’t try to run away from her or anything of the sort.

Words: 312
Training: Marked​

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

Rika had noticed that the unconscious man had suddenly awakened at the word 'hospitals' and spoke about how they had pointy needles and old men that smelled and wanted to prod people in bad places. She would keep an eye on him as he wobbled a bit and pointed at her chest. She'd blink a bit in shock as he had spoke about her growing up, and that she'd learn that people have layers. However, saying that he wasn't a pervert, that he was just looking for potential mates so that he could make children to propagate the species, even though he had misspoke, which she blamed the alcohol. "No, you are a pervert since you keep referring to my chest! It shouldn't be what you focus on whenever you refer to me you damned pervert." She'd state before looking at the other woman entirely now.

She would listen to her as she introduced herself as Fujiwara Minako. She would give part of a smile and bow in response. "It's nice to meet you, Minako-chan. The name's Oka Rika." She'd say, even if she'd say her own name a bit hushed as she really didn't care for Kyo at the current point in time. She'd soon bring up taking him to the hospital again, in which she's cross her arms and shake her head a bit. "He seems perfectly fine now. if he can go that long without collapsing again, he's fine enough to take care of himself. if all he looks for in women is their appearance then he gets no further help from me." She'd say looking around now, mostly to just see the surroundings more as she hadn't really looked at them and just wanted to keep occupied rather that just stare at the woman or at the drunken man and his wolf.


Kanagawa Nozomi

Active Member
Apr 25, 2017
Kyo's left eye raised as for a moment as Rika mentioned something about Kyo mentioning something about her chest. Kyo laughed a little bit before sprawling out to the side and vomiting again on the ground. "I didn't know... you were funny. What chest? Dakota has bigger tits than," Kyo said before turning over and letting out some more vomit to the point that nothing came out. It seems his stomach had purged the remaining alcohol and all that was left was the poison that lingered in his blood-stream.

"At least have some nice hips or ass," he said before clearing his throat once more and grunted, leaning against a tree for a moment. He didn't catch either of their names, not that he'd remember this or anything else he learned tonight. He whistled for Dakota only for the massive direwolf to stand next to Kyo, like a horse ready to be mounted by it's rider. Kyo placed his hands upon Dakota's side and tried to jump on-top of the animal only to fall backwards. "Ow," was what he said before getting up and trying again, this time over-correcting and falling over the far-side of the wolf, landing on top of his head. He grabbed the top of his head before responding to something that Rika said.

"Looks are necessary to carry on a beautiful and strong species. You wouldn't mate a lame animal with another lame animal -- it would only breed other lame animals," he said. That was his idea of how evolution works and frankly how a lot of other animals believed. To carry on their species, most females generally look for strong and brightly colored males to carry on strong genes. A female wouldn't pick out an ugly or a malformed, disfigured mate to carry on the genes. Just like other animals, human men must also encourage a female to mate -- but what Kyo doesn't understand are the subtle nuances involved in human relationships. The whole idea of strong interpersonal relationships was a foreign concept to Kyo; one that he had problems grasping.

After several more attempts, Kyo finally mounted on top of the massive direwolf. "You women bore me. I'm going back to camp to sleep this off. Don't follow me unless you want to be my mate," he said in his drunken drawl followed by a hiccup. He pat Dakota on the back and like a bolt of lightning, Dakota took off..... without Kyo.

Kyo tumbled a couple of times as inertia kept the direwolf going and left the man, who didn't take it upon himself to brace for the acceleration, to roll off of the wolf. He went 'splat' on his face before the wolf realized, several meters out, that she no longer had a rider and stopped, making her way back towards Kyo. Peeling himself up off of the ground, Kyo's mouth puffed out a bit before turning over and vomiting some more. He's perfectly fine if he just keeps purging, even if there wasn't much left to purge in the first place.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
