Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private The Start of Something New

Dec 23, 2020
OOC Rank
Then came Monday morning, the day that Nao said his training would begin. Shun was definitely nervous to even wake up, his interacting with the Hokage still fresh on his mind. He wondered how his clanmates were doing, if they were alive and well outside of Konoha now that they had turned away from the village entirely. The thought of them hating him for his decision came to mind briefly, but he shook it away as he got ready for the day. His father was up bright and early as well, excited for his new position and step up in the world of Konoha. There was a plate of breakfast waiting for him on the table when Shun appeared in the kitchen. He sat down and began to eat, thanking his father for the meal and watching as Shuichi prepared his lunch. "Are you excited for today?"

"A bit nervous," Shun admitted. He knew that it would only get harder from here, and while he was indeed terrified of what was to come, he was also quite excited about it. "I just hope I don't mess it up...I've come this far, you know?"

"Well, better start the first day right then," Shuichi spoke with a smile. He turned to Shun, slipping the boxed lunch into his bag. "Don't be late on your first day. I'll have dinner, but if you decide to stay out late I'll pack it up and you can eat it later."

"Thanks, dad," Shun replied with a grin. He finished up his breakfast, stood and hugged his father, then made sure he had everything he needed. He slipped his bag over his shoulder and gave his mother's sword a small adjustment where it was settled on his hip. "I'll be sure to let you know how it goes when I get back." Shun made his way out of his house and into town, not stopping to sight see this time since he had somewhere to be He knew he would arrive early, but early was better than late.

He ended up in front of the Byoin about ten minutes before he was supposed to be there, stepping inside and asking for Nao since his teacher probably wasn't out waiting for him just yet. He was led into the facility, and he greeted Nao with a big grin. "Great to see you again, Nao. I look forward to learning with you."

WC: 404

Shuichi speech
Shun speech
Nao had been up and running now for a while, but even he had moments that he craved for something. At this very moment he would have found it nice to be home, cuddling the blanket and his loved one. But that was something that sadly wasn't possible to do. Patiens still needed to be treated along with the responsability to send out medical shinobi on their mission on test them once more to see if they were still fit for battle as Combat Medic.

The list of to do; had only grown larger in the days he had been having off... Till the point he was a bit hopeless on who to ask more. There weren't many people around these days; the medical shinobi that there were around were working harder sometimes even longer then before. "I wish I could just clone myself to infinity to keep the branch going and blossoming..." He would sigh as he poured himself a cup of fresh, dark liquid which was named Coffee.

Behind him, he heard a familliar voice. Slowly turning around while placing the coffee jug back in it's place, he would answer. "Good morning Shun, you are here early." He couldn't help but smile as he saw this youngster's smile either. "Glad to see you are on time and looking healthy, you up for it?"
Shun couldn't keep the grin of excitement off his face as he nodded his head in response to his teacher's inquiry. "You know me, always early," he hummed. "I'm more than ready to start off my training!" He did his best to calm himself down a bit, not wanting to be too distracted or hyper. He was still young, yes, but if this was the path he wanted to pursue, then he needed to learn how to appear more mature. Once he gathered himself a little bit, he returned his attention to Nao.

"I hope that I can keep up. This is going to be a whole new world to me, because I've spent the past few years training to fight, not to heal." He hoped that it wouldn't be all that hard to pick up, but if it was, Shun would just put in extra work and training. Once he got his workload and learned what he needed to work on, he planned to take the information home and create a training regimen with Shuichi. With how supportive his father was of his goals, he didn't think it would be much of an issue.
" The reason you are here; is because you have shown to be able and capable to heal others and take care of them. Not to just harm others." He would comment at the others word and just look to him. 'Where to start today...' He thought towards himself. "Do you drink coffee, thee or water?" He would offer at least something towards the new student before he would probably just throw him inside the deep.

OOC said:
Sorry, didn't know what to write here
Shun smiled at the words, glad that Nao saw that much potential in him. Shun didn't want to become a shinobi just to hurt a bunch of people, even if it was to protect someone. He would much rather spend a majority of his time healing people. Upon the question about his choice of beverage, Shun thought for a moment. He did usually try to drink mostly water, knowing that physical health was just as important to keep himself strong and prepared. However, he wouldn't mind sharing a cup of tea with his first teacher. "Tea sounds lovely," he voiced.

Shun adjusted his blade at his hip, wondering momentarily if he would even need it in this field of work. He didn't want to leave it behind though; it was a reminder of where he came from. "Oh, could you show me where everything is around here after though? I can be a little...directionally challenged sometimes," he mentioned, remembering the first time he got lost in the village and ended up running into the person responsible for him awakening his bloodline.

He would need to pay Yuki a visit sometime soon, since he had grown a lot from that encounter.

You're just fine! And sorry for the wait, but I'm around again ^^

Current Ninpocho Time:
