Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private The Winds of Change: The Eye of the Storm [Private]

Shusuke would sit on heels in front of Asuka. "You're right, you are always right. I haven't lost anyone who is important to me. Haniki-chan is happy and healthy, living with her family and helping her folks with the restaurant, but aside from her there's only two other people who are important to me. Shishiwakamaru-kun... He's dying. he has a tumor and I am not strong enough to save him... There's nothing I can do except sit back and watch him slowly die a painful and agonizing death... And..."

Tears welled in his eyes as he forced a smile on his face. His brows were waivering. "And, I am afraid... I'm afraid that coming here, and seeing all of this... If I leave now, I am afraid I am going to lose you too 'Suka-Sensei..." The tears welled up to the point of bursting over his eye lashes, once again bringing tears to the small child's eyes. "I don't want to lose you sensei... You're important to me." With those words the young boy would lean into a hug, trying to wrap his arms around her. "Please 'Suka-Sensei... I need you, please don't leave me."
Lstening to the boys words she figured out something. He was only a child. Even then he understood a lot more than most. Seeing his friend slowly die and being able to do nothing about it was one of the things that got her here in the first place. But the thing that got her the most was when he talked about her. S... What? She was needed? Someone needed her?

Asuka slowly turned her head and looked at the boy. The faintest of smiles appearing on her face as the world turned black.

A couple of moments later they were back in reality. Out of the Tsukuyomi. Out of each others mind. The breeze blowing, the destroyed village still as ugly. The blue sky shinning down upon them. As Asuka grabbed her head she sat down. "Jesus Lord fucking christ." She said as she took a deep breath. "I am not doing that again. That was... that was something." Giving a couple of coughs she sighed, looking over at Shushuke. "What dd you do? She calmed down a little."
A grin, a faint smile came to Asuka's face and that was enough for him. She finally heard him.

A sudden rush of pain and agony took to the boy as he dropped to the ground, clutching his head. Reliving the experience be being nearly killed by the distorted monstrous version of Asuka took to his body. He fell to his knees and grabbed the side of his head and he resisted the urge to break down crying at the intensity of what he was feeling. He looked up to Asuka, or rather the body of Asuka that was being inhabited by someone else. Tears took to his eyes as he shifted his weight to fully sit down.

"I told yo-umm... her, the truth. I need you." His voice was soft as he laid his head on his knees as he pulled them to his chest. He looked off to the side. "You're probably the only grown up I can talk to... or rather, the only one that has ever tried to listen to me." He paused for a second. "I don't know why I am the way I am, but I am worried if you leave I'll be alone again." he hugged tighter onto his legs.
Those words hit her where it hurt most. She remembered her own experience with something like that, she remembered how she felt. Lost and confused. Not knowing why she was the way she was. Not knowing if someone would accept her by who she truly was. But she also remembered the words and actions that made her feel better. Made her know that no matter what she wouldn't forget him. Dragging herself closer to Shushuke she gave him a warm smile as she flicked his forehead.

"No matter what." She started, remembering word for word. "Whether storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, meteors, lighting fire or ice. No matter if I die. From this point forward you're not alone." She laughed. "I know it's cheesy but it only takes the memory of knowing someone, of knowing someone gave a shit that lets you know you are never truly alone. I'll always be watching. All I ask is that you try and become the best version you can be. If you can't, look to those you trust for answers. Look for me and I'll always help you. Whether I'm in this world, or the next."
The young boy would hold his hand to his forehead. He had a grin on his face. Tears in his eyes, ”Thank you, ‘Suka-sensei…” his voice would waved slightly from the exhaustion he was feeling. That Tsukiyomi was a powerful Genjutsu, one that he would need to learn to counter in case he ever had to come to blows against someone that had similar powers to Asuka. The boy would lay on his back and let out a sigh, feeling the rain on his skin. He felt as though he now had a path to walk on in this life.

[Topic Left unless stopped]

OoC: Snapshot Used
Those words hit her where it hurt most. She remembered her own experience with something like that, she remembered how she felt. Lost and confused. Not knowing why she was the way she was. Not knowing if someone would accept her by who she truly was. But she also remembered the words and actions that made her feel better. Made her know that no matter what she wouldn't forget him. Dragging herself closer to Shushuke she gave him a warm smile as she flicked his forehead.

"No matter what." She started, remembering word for word. "Whether storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, meteors, lighting fire or ice. No matter if I die. From this point forward you're not alone." She laughed. "I know it's cheesy but it only takes the memory of knowing someone, of knowing someone gave a shit that lets you know you are never truly alone. I'll always be watching. All I ask is that you try and become the best version you can be. If you can't, look to those you trust for answers. Look for me and I'll always help you. Whether I'm in this world, or the next."

Current Ninpocho Time:
