Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

There aint no monkeys or turtles here. [Leaving country]

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Things had been going rather well for Reina, as she walked the desert. However, something odd popped into the back of her head that halted her dead in her tracks. Glancing back, across the distant horizon from wince she came. Her eyes widened, as she suddenly remembered something. There was business she had left unresolved back in her homeland and in her haste, she had completely forgotten about it. It had been a few hours walk into the desert, and a long journey by sea, but because of her own carelessness she now had to turn back.

Raising a head up to her forehead, while closing her eyes, she began to slightly shake her head in disappointment at her own mistake. It had been a long journey, and she was probably only a couple hours away from reaching her long awaited destination. Turning back now kinda seemed done, but she had an important matter to attend to. Opening her eyes, and looking towards the direction she was headed, she scoffed and turned around. Now, headed back in the direction from wince she came, a bit of aggravation began show itself. Honestly, it was her fault; as a mercenary, all debts owed to her should have been collected in full before she considered heading anywhere else.

[Word Count: 214] [Marked For Dojo]
[Topic Enter] [Attempting to leave country]
[Run Time: 1 hour (60 minutes)]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Now where do you think you're going?" It has been a while since Kureji has been in control. He realized that he was now in Wind country, where he figured from searching Kyōki's memories, that he is going to punish his father.

The rocker was still on the fence about it himself, though he had a resolve once he reminded himself he is this way, crystals all over his body, because of his father. He figured that the best way to fight a man with many connections is to have a lot of connections himself. Yes, he has to do a lot of leg work. He was eventually wandering around the outer village zone when he found a girl, who looked about the same age as he, though that in of itself is a bit misleading since he is older than the body he is inhabiting.


Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Out in this vast desert filled with nothing but sand, an occasional mirage, and oddly shaped Cacti, you'd think that you'd notice someone near by. I guess this just wasn't the case. No sooner than Reina turned to leave did a stranger seemingly pop out of no where with a question. He asked where she thought she was going, which immediately caught Reina's attention. Glancing back at the individual, she stopped and turned to look at him.

At first glance, he appeared as if he were some punk rock degenerate with an obsession for crystal like accessories. His hair, blue and abnormal, much like her flowing pink curls. His eye's even glowed blue, much like how her's gave off a unique mixture of pink and purple hue. In all honesty, crystal aesthetics aside, this man was actually a damn near perfect match for her 'type', had it not been for his weird gem like genetic issues. Still, Reina preferred men with more of a wild nature; mercenaries, rogues, hired swords, and the like. "Are you one of those Sunakugare Shinobi?" She asked him, as a first response to his question. "I was headed to that Shinobi village in search of some work... but I kind of left a little loose end back home. Mercenary work can be a little complicated at times." She stated, while subconsciously staying on her guard.

Reina had no ill intent towards a possible employer, seeing as that's why she came here in the first place. If this man was of the hidden sand, at least meeting someone from there and building some sort of repertoire before finally making it there would prove useful to her. "The name's Sude Reina. What's yours, crystal boy?" She'd ask, even if only to make a possible acquaintance to use as a reference for when she returned.

[Word Count: 300+] [Marked for Dojo]
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Heh, good one." He would say in a lax tone. "But wrong. Left that type of lifestyle as it was too boring for me. Bean on the road for a while, even made a whole rock band, though my band mates are taking some well deserved time off. So it means for me, that I'm running solo for a bit." Despite her having her guard up, the punk rocker simply leaned back on, well, nothing to the naked eye, but thanks to his Chaos Witch powers, he was sitting on a chair that he just thought up.

"The name's Kureji. Though you can call me Kota if you wish to speak of me in public. Leader of the Devil's Advocates that had starred their debut in Moon Country and had a few raves and riots there from time to time." He would flash her an award winning smile and then say, "Mercenary work eh? Glad to see someone that isn't a villager goody two shoes if you ask me. The lot of them can't even think for themselves as they are slaves to the Village system."

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
At the very least, her new guest seemed friendly. She listened to him as he explained that he left that life behind, which she understood exactly what she meant. This guy wasn't a Sand Shinobi, but most likely a missing ninja or a mercenary like her. Though as he continued to talk, he mentioned how he had formed a rock band and how they were temporarily split up. Nodding, as he spoke, she continued to listen to the guy. While he did introduce himself as Kureji, he quickly stated to refer to him as Kota in public. "So, he's even got an alias." She thought, as he continued on about the name of his band and the types of gigs they performed at.

"That sounds fun, I've never been to land beneath the stars." She said, referring to the moon country. After she said that, she paid close attention to this pretty boys smile as he continued on. While he seemed to have a strong opinion about Shinobi enlisted to a village, Reina couldn't share the sentiment. Everyone was entitled to their own views or opinions, even if they didn't align with anyone else. But, for Reina at least, calling someone else a slave to a village was a little harsh. While that statement kind of struck a nerve, she tried to just let it be, but she was curious as to why he felt that way.

"You know, I don't know how I really feel about that statement. Do you dislike them for any reason other than just serving a village and taking orders?" She'd ask, in an attempt to dig further into this mans reasoning. As a mercenary, she technically took orders from many different people as long as they paid at least. Shinobi attached to a village pretty much just took order from that village, and held an allegiance to them alone. Sure, they couldn't outright act on their own personal desires, but surely there was a reason they'd give up that type of freedom. But, that was something Reina couldn't just do.

[Wc: 300+][Marked For Training]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Heh... Where to even start?" He'd grimace, just thinking about how Village shinobi live their lives. Letting out a sigh, he would speak. "My first time of questioning the Village system. I met a young man, full of hope. He was naive, but he was just going through the flow of things. See, when conversing with him, I learned that he had his mind fractured beyond repair and sent to a mental hospital. But instead of just being taken care of there, the Village decided to use his innocence, since they saw that he had an affinity with the Void, as a Void Walker." What he said was partly a lie. That guy, the one in the mental hospital, is him. Obviously, he's out now, but ever since, there is probably a slowly ever-growing problem with the rocker's mental state. Heck, he probably will show up on a documentary one day for top psychopaths. Not only that, but he has a split personality now, one that is ruthless to say the least.

He would continue on. "Met another man on my travels. He talked of his own experiences with a village he once called home. Along with a rather oppressive restriction on the ninja population, kids were killed." Kureji spoke of the moment he first met Migoya, whom gave him small details on why he himself wanted to be free from the oppressive rules of the Shinobi System. It pains the rocker to think about, but maybe him and the Myakashi clan have similar goals, though he would need to approach that clan carefully to see if they really do share common goals. "Soon after. I met two other people. They shared with me their experiences. One that was both mentally and physically not fit for being a ninja, though he was more or less taken against his will to become one. The other one enlightened me of the indifference the Village has for the death of their shinobi at times." His two bandmates.

"With all of that, I have made up my mind that the Village system in all three Villages must be abolished."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
