Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Thief in the night [Solo Self-Modded Mission, S-Rank]


Faithful Ninja
Oct 8, 2012
A call had been made and Junan had been told what it was he was to do.

The organisation had a network, spread throughout Kumogakure in such a way that it made it very hard to track anything. Even should the ANBU infiltrate its members they would only learn minimal information unless they managed to work their way through the ranks to the top five. Yet Junan hadn't managed that, and he'd been working for them for years.

A message was waiting for him when he arrived at his usual hang out. It was why it was his usual hang out of course, because that was where he received his initial orders.

The initial order always worked in the same way. He would receive a piece of paper with a number on it. This number would be a designated location that only he (and whoever sent the number to him) knew. Junan would know because when he reached this location he would find two pieces of paper. One would be his orders, the other would be a list of locations according to numbers.

Opening his mouth he opened a hidden compartment in the roof of his mouth and pulled out the parchment that told him where the numbers went to, and then after figuring it out he burned them to cinders as he left the bar.

Leaving he made his move to the specified location. Once there he found that he was inside a ramen shop. He sat down and sure enough he received a bowl of ramen for takeaway. Leaving he poured the contents down his throat, filtering for a small hidden clay canister sitting in it, he would evacuate the contents of his fake stomach somewhere when he had time.

Opening it he found the two parchments, the locations went back into the hidden compartment in the roof of his mouth, the other he took his time reading.

The orders were basic. The desired target had red hair, was young, looked likely to develop big tits and had to be delivered to a specific location. There were suggested clans he could check out who were more likely to provide this kind of target, but that was about all he received. He didn't question the orders, he didn't give a damn about those he was targeting or their fate. He took his orders, he performed them. Sometimes he'd enjoy them. This one he wouldn't specifically enjoy. He didn't like perverts who liked underaged children, if he had his way he'd kill them, but he was only a subordinate to a massive organisation.

So his hunt would begin.

The clan that stuck out to him on the list was the Shinrya clan. They were reasonably powerful, shinobi clan... and when he thought about it most of the women of the clan seemed to match that description. He wondered if perhaps this was deliberate. If whoever was wanting this child was specifically after a member of this clan, or someone they could imagine was a member of this clan. Perhaps they had been wronged by them in the past by a member of this clan and they were now looking to take out their perversions on an innocent member of their clan.

He mused through the multitude of scenarios which could have led to this being deliberate as he headed towards the locality where he'd been instructed that one might be found.

Luckily for the clan he happened across another young girl who looked like perhaps she might fit the bill. He preferred to not mess with Shinobi, he himself was of Jounin rank, but that was mainly due to the hard work of the shinobi who used to inhabit this body. Junan himself was only newish to the shinobi scene and though he'd found himself capable of managing the missions that the village sent his way, he was also very wary that one day he might be found to be lacking in capability.

After all, this was a shinobi village, there were so many very powerful shinobi around that he knew that he had to behave. To not do so could result in his destruction.

He followed the girl as she went about her business. His main concern was making sure that she would develop big tits like had been specified by the orders. As the day passed she went home and sure enough her mother had reasonable sized breasts. He wouldn't say they were massive, but they were big enough for him to feel that this would be enough to justify the catch.

Night time came and he made his move. The daughter slept peacefully in her bed as he moved to the window. Creating a clone of paper inside the room he watched as it moved silently to her bed. Slowly, carefully it moved closer... and then struck her a hard blow to the head. Nothing had been specified on the condition of the body upon retrieval, and it'd be easier to cart an unconscious body around.

Then the door opened to the room.

Her father stood in the doorway, and as he stood there shocked to see someone in his daughters room several emotions crossed his face.

Surprise was first, but brief.

Anger was next as he moved to attack, his fist curling into a ball.

Then pain... as he found himself pinned against the wall opposite the doorway from his daughters room. Glass still fell from the window where Junan had been watching, the blade hidden in his arm compartment skewered through the man and into the wall behind him.

But Junan had misjudged everything.

The man didn't simply die, his hands formed seals, he was a shinobi.

Shit Junan thought, he'd been sloppy because he'd assumed this was a citizens house, non-shinobi were easy and he'd gotten used to targeting them for that very reason. The girl wasn't in the academy like a girl her age would normally be if she were to be a shinobi, and most shinobi seemed to want that. The mother was clearly not a shinobi, either... and the father hadn't turned up until now.

But the job was short notice, needed to be done earlier, fuck them he thought of the organisation as the man before him transformed.

Junan was unsure as to what power he was drawing on to do so, but it was either a mastered cursed seal or the man was descended from demons. He didn't care to find out.

A fist came at him wreathed in flame as all he hit was shadow. Junan was gone, the clone had run off with the girl... the man gave chase to the clone.

As he did so, Junan had moved through the house and found the mans wife. She had gotten out of bed and was walking towards the daughters room, calling out to her husband asking if everything was okay. That was the last noise she made as darkness enveloped her, Junan's trap enclosing her inside him. He could feel her struggle, and hear her muffled screams as she cut herself as she attempted to escape, followed by her pitiful moans of terror as she began to realise the hopelessness of her situation.

The man caught up with the clone and shattered it, retrieving the daughter in the process.

Yet now he realized that he'd been chasing a clone, and he'd not been attacked by the original. His eyes looked around at the surrounding buildings and he cursed that he'd not brought his headset with him having left it at home.

As he returned towards his home carefully a figure appeared walking towards him. It didn't look like the figure which had attacked him earlier, but looked far more dangerous as the extravagantly dressed man grinned and looked directly at him.

Hello there. I see you have something of mine. He pointed at the mans daughter.

The man maintained his gaze as he slowly and carefully went to put his daughter down.

His transformation once more took place, but Junan this time knew he had the ace in the hole, his whole torso opened up revealing the mans wife inside him. Blood stained her nightgown, her terrorfied gaze rested on her husband, recognizing him despite the transformation, and she called out to him, begging him to save her. His body closed once more around her, muffling her cries.

So then... Junan began as the man launched towards him.

His fist once more hit Junan... but only for him to once more vanish into shadow.

Junan's voice now seemed to echo and come from all directions as he continued what he was saying as though nothing had happened.

... I think you need to remove that transformation and give up.

The man did nothing, said nothing.

A scream of pain erupted, through the area, the scream of the mans wife suffering pain.

Finally the mans expression changed, the transformation being removed. Pain flooded the mans expression as he finally spoke.

Please... please leave my daughter and wife alone.

Your life for both of theirs? Junan replied, amusement filled the words as though that was clearly not enough.

My life for my wifes, and my not killing you, you worthless piece of shit. he growled in reply.

Now now, don't be angry with me. I'm just doing a job. You know how that is don't you? You take orders, you kill people, you know what our line of work is. Don't pretend you're better than me, don't think for one second you're morally higher than I am. You're just the target this time, this is how it feels for all those families you have torn apart.

You know nothing.

I know all too well.

Junan stepped out from the shadows.

Now then. Offer yourself.

The man spread his arms wide to offer his life for a killing blow. Junan didn't hesitate, rushing forward the tip of his blade touched the mans skin as the mans hands burst to life with twin rasengan. The movement had meant Junan had no time to defend himself, the blade bit deep, piercing the mans heart, the two rasengan's slammed into either side of Junan's scull, tearing and destroying his head completely.

Two bodies fell to the ground.

The man coughed as blood filled his lungs and his heart spasmed.

Fuck you. he managed, a smile reaching his lips.

No. Fuck you. I liked those glasses, and that head was well detailed. A lot of work went into that. Junan said in reply, the body standing up, headless.

The man looked at him, anger in his eyes, his mouth opening to say something, curse at him, but instead life fled him at that moment.

Looking around Junan pulled out a scroll and summoned a spare version of the same body he'd had. Placing himself in the new body he moved his fingers and got himself used to it. Good. He looked at the mans body and frowned. ANBU would investigate this area... and soon. Taking control of the previous puppet he had it pick up the girl as he lifted the man.

Leaving he turned back and used several high level earth and water jutsu to destroy as much evidence as he could. It was the best he could do for now... he just had to hope this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass later.

He made his delivery of the girl to the location specified and then headed home, down to the basement, and placed the mans body on the table. A new puppet for his use, he wondered whether the man had any special abilities...

As he considered this he moved the other puppet into a cage before breaking it apart and threading it through the cage, leaving the bleeding woman in there.

The puppet would reform and began using some very basic medical jutsu on her.

She shivvered in fear in her cage, her eyes eventually resting on the eyes of head dead husband, anger permanently found in his dead features.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm going to. Junan said looking at her as he began his work, slicing the flesh from her husband as she watched, turning him into his next puppet.

[mission complete]

Current Ninpocho Time:
