Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open This is not how I wanted to spend my day.

Feb 20, 2018
Asuka kept moving the dragon from the gates, they were getting closer. Trying to find a suitable place to mind. "You know. There's always something with you." Asuka spoke as she moved closer to the hospital "First a missing arm and now you find yourself with a dying man. What is it with you ANBU and dramatic situations?" Asuka quickly turned on her comms 'This is dango, requesting medical nin at the entrance. Coming in hot with wounded Shinobi." Sighing she turned back "I mean seriously, where have you been all this time?"

With that Asuka made her dragon do a couple of circles above the hospital, slowly decending. Flapping his winds a few times the dragon landed right in front, lowering itself so it was easier to get the man off. "I mean. Come on sis." Asuka spoke gently grabbing the man off the dragon. Looking around for anyone that could help them. "First your Hoheto, now this guy. You have to re-think your taste in men."

[Topic entered with Kaen and Soku]
[Requesting med-nin]


The meal was perfect... The ingredients were fresh, the aroma was getting around the place... Almost a bite and... It seemed like it wouldn't be the case right now... The headset went off and he had to gram the communicator. Before he answered he would sigh a little, listen in. 'This is dango, requesting medical-nin at the entrance. Coming in hot with wounded Shinobi." His eye widens up a little and he scolded towards himself. "On my way." He said through the comms. Being a Medical shinobi had its perks. He was at this very moment at home enjoying a break... The next moment he found himself packing up his medical bag which he always had prepared by the door. He had other clothing on then he would wear on the clinic. His hairs were loose once he landed with a puff of smoke near the gates. He had the backpack on his back as he tied his hair in a quick tail. "Where is he?" He asked them as he would then look for the man. Once he saw him he would check out his vitals first. "Where did this guy hit his head?!" He scuffed a little as he would start treatment with a jutsu, not wishing to waste more time. " Medical Assistant" With a few simple seals a second Ranji formed which would help him around. It would cost a bit of chakra, but if that were to save this man's life... " Medical Ward " Was the next jutsu as he scribed a seal onto the man, in case something worse happened. The clone started to work with a Mystical Force jutsu to heal if there were even an internal injury. Now Ranji had a moment to breathe as he was busy stabilizing. "Who, what, and where?" He commanded as he took his stethoscope and started to listen to the heartbeat, check the breathing by a mirror trick, and look check of his temperature.

Ooc said:
Topic entered With Ranji,
Jutsu used: Medical Ward - Mastered Medical Ward - Mastered Mystical Force - Mastered

Wc: 344
"In case it escaped your notice, little sister, being an ANBU doesn't mean you get to see the sunshine and butterflies. This is gonna be a thing until I retire which I don't plan to anytime soon." She slid off the dragon grunting as she landed on her feet helping Asuka with the wounded man heaving him up as both of them managed to carry the mysterious stranger into the medicial facility. "As far as Hoheto is concerned, me and him are perfectly well off together, thank you very much." She replied with a huff using her leg to kick open the door to the Byoin as they entered. This was bad, really bad. He was going to die if not treated rapidly. She was no medical expert herself but a few well-placed veiled threats to the reception staff sent them packing as they went to fetch the nearest physican on duty.

She almost wanted to shout in relief at who she saw, Ranji. The Medical Chief aka one of the most well-versed medical professionals Konohagakure had to offer. "Over here, he's just about hanging on, doc." She watched as the experts took over chakra and jutsu working hand in hand to stablize the man. She shook her head at Ranji's questions wishing she had more to give to the sitaution. "We don't know who he is, where he came from and who did this. I was conducting an patrol of the village and stumbled upon him in this state. He was unable to anwser any of my questions and was barely concious. We sent someone to notify Takeshi-sama."

It left a dry feeling in her throat not knowing what the hell exactly had done this. One thing was for certain, those wounds looked fresh and recent meaning whoever had done this was probably still in the area. She had people out there looking so if something popped up, she would be the first to know. "How bad is it? Will he make it?" Her hand tightened on the grip of her sword, possibilites flashing throug her head. A foreigner in their lands in this state? It was a series of interesting circumstances for sure.

It had shaken her a bit to see that after being out of action for so long. "You think you can use his blood to identify who he is in our records? If it's a Leaf ninja, we will know right away." She asked holding up the blood-soaked cloth the female had been using to compress the wound. If it was a Leaf shinobi, vengenace would be swift and just. That is if they found out just how exactly this had come about. If not, well this would make the situation all the more interesting.
Now having successfully arrived at Konaha's medical facility the man's expectancy of survival had grown drastically. Still he remained unconscious even after the doctor administered a vast helping of medical chakra. His wounds did, however, begin to heal and the blood loss was staved. There was much internal bleeding which was slowly recovering with the jutsu the doctor's clones were exuding onto the man. Upon further inspection they would notice that a number of his bones had been broken, a few more fractured in multiple places. Should they choose to extract a sample of his blood and try to match it with something in their database it would be very unlikely that they would find a match. Though they knew not of the man's origins, his story began long ago within Iwagakure, the village hidden in the stone. He was a natural born stoner and was raised there, even attended the academy. Soon after his graduation he would be picked up by the legendary Guardian of Lightning, Megami. Under her tutelage this man, known as Sabaku, would come to know the war behind the scenes, behind the vale that separated the mortals from the realm of quasi-godly beings. The forces of good and evil were far more tangible than one might have thought.

In time Sabaku ascended to the rank of Guardian, taking the alias of the Guardian of Celerity. The Guardians were an old sect that found their origins long before the new-age system of Anbu slowly took up that mantle. In time Sabaku became the very last Guardian in stone before vanishing completely from the face of the earth during a united village effort to seek out something in Fire country. Sabaku never made it there, instead he found himself living alongside those he called friends, the Kami. There he found new purpose and faced a much more real threat. For many years he lived this way, casting away any semblance of his old self and embraced his new density. At least until now. Whatever, or whoever had done this was truly dangerous. The question now was whether or not whatever did this would be coming to finish the job, or they assumed he was dead given the state he was in. One could only wonder if Takeshi would heed the warning and send someone to investigate. Perhaps they would find nothing, who could say. One thing was for sure, Sabaku would not be waking up so soon, the damage done was not solely external, or physical if you would. No, the damage also laid within his mind. As they continued to heal him they would notice subtle movements in his eyes that were reminiscent of dreaming, but in this case it was more like a nightmare. Reliving what had happened to him over and over...
Asuka sighed as Ranji started to take over. Scratching the back of her head she started to think. Looking back at the headband she pondered, she had seen something similar somewhere but couldn't place her finger on it. In any case, it was more important to keep this guy alive for questioning. In any case Asuka simply shrugged. Looking over to her sister she could see how tense she was getting and how could he blame her? An unknown appeared out of nowhere yet she didn't hesitate to help.

With that Asuka grabbed her sister's hand, the one gripping her sword, to try to calm her down. There was no point in being paranoid unless the guy tried something... even if he did she doubted he would be able to get out of this hospital. With that being said Asuka turned to Ranji. "The hell am I supposed to know."

Looking back at the headband she grabbed Asuka shook her head on Soku's proposal. "There would be no point." She said keeping an eye on the sleeping... whoever he was. "He isn't from Medical or Main and unless you got an undercover operative somewhere he isn't from Leaf." Asuka showed them the headband, not letting it go mind you. "Whoever this guy is, his a foreign individual with unknown intention."

Looking back at Ranji she spoke. "Chief, do whatever you have to do to keep him alive but as soon as your done restrain him... and wake him up if you can. If my gut is right this guy might be a lot more trouble than we know, I'll stay out of your way and let you do your medical thing but let me know as soon as his awake. As of now, this guy is off limits to anyone that isn't us three. Soku, would you mind staying with me? I don't know what this guy is capable of and I have a very bad feeling abut this." Asuka spoke pinching her nose. She didn't like this one bit, she didn't like not knowing. The headband worried her, she had seen this before with her father's people and THAT just spelled trouble for her village. A lot of trouble. She had thought her past was done but it may come pack to hunt her.
"We don't know who he is, where he came from and who did this. I was conducting an patrol of the village and stumbled upon him in this state. He was unable to anwser any of my questions and was barely concious. We sent someone to notify Takeshi-sama." The hell am I supposed to know." At this very point... Ranji could smack the two, bringing in a wounded person but with so little information this was getting ridiculous. "Miss, I am sorry your name slipped for me for a second..." he spoke as he turned around towards the person that was now in his care. "What was the area around him?" He had hoped at least this person knew that much... Then again he could only hope at some point. "Chief, do whatever you have to do to keep him alive but as soon as your done restrain him... " He listened towards her and as he would slowly feel the body. The lumps and bumps were worrying... At this point, he was hoping that he could repair the most internal damage with the jutsu... As he knew they wouldn't fix anything external this could still be worrisome... if bones were poking where they shouldn't.. they couldn't heal. "Pinch that nose for me too..." He said as he felt one of the broken parts. He could feel the bones crunch under his fingers... one thing he couldn't get used to... that crunchy feeling. "How bad is it? Will he make it?" A visible shiver went over the back as he looked towards them. "I think he will be fine, there is a lot of internal damage... as I notice how the Clone drains Chakra... However, he has a few broken bones too..." "You think you can use his blood to identify who he is in our records? If it's a Leaf ninja, we will know right away." "He isn't from Medical or Main and unless you got an undercover operative somewhere he isn't from Leaf." He would let the clone stop with the jutsu and grab a vial or two where he could sample blood from. "He is steady enough to move him into the operation room... if you two scrub up too you can join in..."

As the operation was done successfully... Ranji was writing up a report besides the place, waiting for Soku and Asuka again. "I need to find a way to rewarm them sooner or later..." He muttered as he wrote down what he had done towards the other... Once more he lay eyes on the man, he was now in a single person room, one wrist tied to the bed and a few beeps went as he was placed on a heart monitor. A fluid was dripping into him and the window was a small part open but was barricaded at the same time. "I hope they find this okay... Cannot restrain him much further.. I did leave one fracture to heal manually further... To give us space on how to handle him..." Muttering, he was muttering out loud as his stomach made a loud growl. "Yup..." And a sigh followed, pinching the bridge of his nose and nibbling on the back of his pen before he would place the file back in the socket that was hanging on the bed. "Now it's waiting time for him... About when he wakes up... Whatever did happen to him I do think this would affect more than just a body..."

[Ooc: Got too lazy to write out the surgery... <.< FTB it...]
Takeshi was already entering into the building as he moved quickly through the village, it seemed that there was a storm coming there. Once more Leaf seemed to have an issue around it, and nothing was ever quiet and he knew that. But in these situations patience and calm overcame the adrenaline that was coming into his system. As he entered up the corridors he was pointed in the correct direction by those around him towards the direction to the patient. Sighing to himself as he noticed how quiet the corridor was, it seemed that the room had quite a bit of noise coming from it though. This would prove to be a problem if the information given to him had been accurate.

Opening the door he stepped into the room and surveyed the scenes around him, looking at each of them he surveyed the man on the table in front of them scanning him with his eyes as he took the information in. The man on the bed seemed to be tended by one of his Chiefs which was fine in the eyes of the Hokage. He was under the right care and probably the best care, as for the rest of them it was clear that he needed to ask a few questions and actually needed to get answers to the questions that he had or this would get no-where.

“So anyone wanna tell me why we have someone from outside the village, laying half dead in the hospital? Or even how this man turned up here and ended up like this?”

[Topic Entered]
Hinata kept following after the hokage, seeing how the area was so busy. Being pushed around a few times for being in the way, he almost feel down a few times, exhausted as he struggled to keep his eyes open, never having used his sharingan for so long before, this whole ordeal having touched quite a nerve with him.

Soon making his way into the same room as the hokage after making his way down the corridor. Seeing the same man he saved as he stood behind the hokage, releived at seeing him in a stable state, Not having to worry about him dying off as a sudden wave of exhaustion hit him, trying to stay awake as it was clear, althought not on purpose as he is yet to control when his sharingan activates, he over exerted himself. Close to passing out due to a lack of chakra, both physically and mentally exhausted.

[Topic Entered]
She gave Askua a smile, a tense one but a smile nevertheless. Inside, her inner emotions were roaring, roaring to find out the culprit responsible. If there was one. "It'll be ok." She had to be strong, strong for those around her. She watched as the buzz and noise of the medical staff working on the man. She opted not to observe the surgery when it took place, she had seen enoug blood and gore for one day as it was and idled by in the room he was to be transferred in watching as he was wheeled in followed by Ranji and Asuka. She nodded in approval at the wrist tied down, it wasn't inhumane but it was appropiate. Until she knew here in the blazes this person was or exactly why they were in their current situation, she wasn't taking any chances. She had seen some crazy things in her shinobi career and one lesson she had taken from her experiences, not everything was as it seemed.

"Between all of us, not a word of this should be breathed to anyone. If there is someone at large responsible for this, chances are they might come back to finish the job if they find out their victim is alive and well. I suggest a guard be posted in this room during the duration of his stay here." She looked at Asuka for this proposal, an ANBU operative would only draw attention to the fact there was someone of high-value, better it be someone from the regular shinobi forces,. However, she fully planned to unload her barrage of questions onto the poor soul once he came to. "There was no other identifying regalia? Passport? Souveneirs? Some indication? There has to be something?"

She didn't have time to dwell on the thought as another figure swept into the room in the form of the Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Takeshi followed closely by the kid she had sent. Before she could even attempt to muster up a response, questions were being fired at everyone. Well, she didn't have exactly much to go on other than he was just a really almost nearly dead person in the middle of the forest. "I found him on the outskirts of the village being tended to by the student here, Takeshi-sama. He was almost nearly dead if I do say so myself and losing a lot of blood. Based on that, I made the call to get him some help. His possessions and garb were too heavily damaged to identify him properly. We don't have a name or village affilation.

He had to come from somewhere though, right? If not a Konoha-nin.., that left the two other major villages or maybe he was a missing? Now, that would be a turn of events. "Perhaps we should contact the two other villages? See if they had any shinobi headed this way?" He had a headband so he was a ninja..of some kind. If only he would wake up then this would go along a lot faster. Howver, such things took time..and patience.
Asuka shook her head as she saw Ranji going to the operation room. She didn't really get hoe doctors could do that type of stuff. Specifically the needles and operations. It made her shiver. "I'm fine waiting out here." Asuka smiled to no one. At least the culprit or victim... or whatever was tied to his bed. Don't take any chances was on of her first lessons with the students. In any case Asuka sighed, what were they gonna do with him."

"Not a word until we find out who this is." She agreed eyeing the man. "A guard for any threats coming? At the moment I'm more worried about the guy in front of us. No, only captain's, cheaf or above should be allowed anywhere near. We don't know what this guy's capable of and I'd rather not send a unprepared guard to just die. We know what highly trained Shinobi are capable of." Asuka shook her head "Aside from the headband, unless you found anything, no." With that she stood quiet.

Trying to figure out what to do Asuka scratched the back of her head. That is until someone came into the room demanding answers. She didn't have to turn to know who it was, her boss. She let Soku take her of the situation since she was there in the beginning. Looking behind her she did not expect to see Hinata with Takeshi. Asuka grabbed Hinata's arm before the kid decided to pass out in front of anyone. Sheebus, he wasn't good at all. She started moving towards Ranji, to get his advice. "Not a doctor.... rather not give advice on what little I know. Mind helping him?" She Asked Ranji before looking back at Takeshi. "Was he like this on the way here?" She asked Takeshi

"Soku came to the gates and I assisted getting the man here. Found this in his possession." Asuka said showing Takeshi the headband the man had on him. "I've seen this before and now for a fact it isn't from either Sand or Cloud which is why I doubt contacting them do anything... but I can't deny that at least trying wouldn't hurt."

Asuka sighed. "Having said that, I wouldn't like to be left to die in the middle of the road if I was in his position. That being said... he has been restrained , this room has been restricted to high level shinobi only and we're just waiting for the guy to wake up... see what he does."
The medical procedure had been an astounding success and the man would make a full recovery. Albeit his memory was unable to be recovered, there really wasn't a procedure for that sort of thing. These types of things usually took time, or other events to trigger the memory, perhaps even people from his past. But all this was no within reach, and the situation only grew more difficult without knowing anything about the man aside from 'we know nothing'. His time spent unconscious was nothing but a blank, black void where time felt irrelevant. To him he had just seen a small boy in the middle of the forest and then he was coming to with the blaring brightness of a fluorescent light above him. Wincing at the brightness his head pulsated with pain. It was not constant, but any great effort or in this instance a bright light, seemed to trigger the pain. Attempting to reach up to grasp his aching head he found that he was bound at the wrists which restrained him the bed he was in. He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten here. Once more he tried to move his hands, this time exerting some strength behind it. But he found he had little left and the action only caused his had to flare up once more. "Gah... Ugh that hurts." Even talking seemed to take a toll as his mouth was incredibly dry and parched. Trying to work out a bit more saliva so he could speak again he tried to get someone's attention. "H-hello? Can anyone -- ugh -- hear me?" It would appear that even raising his voice caused him pain. What the hell happened to him to cause him so much pain in this situation?

[OOC - this is after whatever exchanges the rest of you have]
As he was going over the document in the room about his patient... His stomach started to more and more disagree with the events that had been happening. "There was no other identifying regalia? Passport? Souvenirs? Some indication? There has to be something?" "Nothing that I could see inside the operation... Everything he had left on him is in the white crate in the cabin next to you..." He simply commented on that as he was reading over his own work. "A guard for any threats coming? At the moment I'm more worried about the guy in front of us. No, only captain's, chief or above should be allowed anywhere near. We don't know what this guy's capable of and I'd rather not send an unprepared guard to just die. We know what highly trained Shinobi are capable of." "No need for that... I am also a combat medical..." His words were soft as he thought about something. "Otherwise I will just leak au-- oh wait... cannot do that... got scolded for scaring the place before..." He would hold his chin in between his thumb and index finger as he started to ponder. "Ehh... maybe one would be handy. I am pretty sure I can handle his ass if he gets annoying... There is more than enough sedation around here~!" He answered, maybe a little too sweet, on that matter.

Steps were coming from the hallway... Multiple... Small and big feet... So there were two... As the Hokage made his entrance, Ranji simply nodded towards him and remained silent instead of greeting the man head-on. After all, he had to write down the changes and whatnot on.

“So anyone wanna tell me why we have someone from outside the village, laying half-dead in the hospital? Or even how this man turned up here and ended up like this?” After those words, he saw a small figure stepping in and remaining behind the Hokage. "Not a doctor.... rather not give advice on what little I know. Mind helping him?" Asuka was swift on replying that, but Ranji knew instead of telling a file would do a lot more. Especially now his stomach made an audible sound. He handed over the full medical file towards the Hokage so he could read in on it and took over the kid. "Nothing much wrong, he just needs rest... He burned through his chakra's... Almost to the point, he would tap into the other kind... Asuka, I would suggest doing Chakra training with this person..." He would give her an assignment back as he would bring the kid next door in a different room, just to rest. Yet at the table next to the bed he would leave a simple cookie and a glass of water for the kid. He knew kids liked sweets, so hoped that was good too. As soon as he was done with that, he would walk back towards the other room again, sit down on the desk, and listening further to the conversation.

Ranji remained on the desk where he had sat down, listening in to the conversation. That was till the man started to move, Ranji instantly made a motion of silence as he wanted to see the first response. In some cases that would tell a lot... Would he wake up in a scare, in defense, or in an angry attack manner... All of that seemed to be out of the question as he just tried to get up. "Odd..." Ranji muttered under his breath as he started to move towards the man. "Easy on, you had multiple broken bones, internal bleedings, and probably still a concussion. you do have still a broken bone... couldn't heal everything with Chakra...." He summed up quickly as he tried to gently push the man back on the bed to lay down. Alright... one part was lied about, but still, he couldn't know right? "Rest now... We do have some questions, but first thing first... you are at Konoha Byoin. A medical facility." He would grab a bit of cloth make it fully wet and told the other to suckle the water out. He didn't trust the guy getting full-on water with the problem he would swallow wrong and choke that way... After the guy drinks from the alternative way, he would look towards him and the others, giving a nod they could try to talk to him now. Yet he would remain silent, he did offer the guy some painkillers, one of the rarer ones that would dissolve onto the tongue and not swallow down with water.
Finding his fingers rubbing against the bridge of his nose as he took in all the information that was being given to him since entering into the room. To say it was a small amount of information would be a huge understatement to what he was trying to achieve, he actually only had the fact that the man was probably not from Leaf. Was seriously wounded somehow which no-one was actually able to tell him how this had happened to him. And the fact that he was now in the Hospital of Leaf made it his problem. He would have preferred this not to be the case. But naturally what he wanted and what was happening where completely opposite things.

“When he wakes up I want information straight away, I also want guards at the doors constantly for now. The only people that are to know that this man is here are the ones that stood in the room it is going to be that simple.”

He then turned his attention to Soku to answer the questions that had come his way, Leaf would need to go into a priority alert he knew and understood that much. As he sighed to himself wondering if this day would get any worse he didn’t even want to ponder that as an option instead wanting to find out as much as he could he decided to make sure that things went the way he expected of them.

“Soku your completely right, please make sure that leaf is moved to high alert, double-check anyone coming into the village, I want reasons for people coming in, no exceptions and check everyone for passports even those from Leaf. I do not want to take any chances and will not take any chances. We need to make sure everything stays on the up and above but let’s just take our time doing it.”

Focusing his attention back to Asuka he nodded towards the man being treated on the medical table at that moment in time.

“I want you to make sure we get all the information from this man as soon as it comes out, his name, where he came from I need all of it. Get as much information as you can and make sure that the man gets through this. The last thing I need is something else dying on me that I will have to explain, it’s simple as that, keep looking after this man to the full ability of Leaf’s medical shinobi”
Barely able to keep standing upright, feeling someone holding onto him, unsure what it was, before realizing it he was moved to another room after he caught a glimpse of the man he found, seeing him to be ok was a huge relief off of his shoulders. Laying down within the other room, weakly reaching over to eat on the cookie....Happy to have some sweets which were a rare delicacy for him. Soon afterwards he would pass outcold. Unable to move as the sudden relief of stress, worrying about the man and overexerting his body and chakra. His eyes streined as he couldnt stay awake any longer then that.
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"Consider it done." She replied. She had always been a stickler for detail so upping the security at the gates and for everyone all around wouldn't prove to be too much of an hassle. The day they all stopped taking notice was the day something could go wrong. Things were bad enough already and if this man died on them and he did turn out to be a shinobi of another village, Leaf would have a lot of explaining to do how a foreign shinobi under their care and protection had still not made it and they would the sole bearers to handle that blame. The Captain would rather not see the consequences of such a earth-shattering outcome as she glanced over the man's still body. As long as he was breathing, that was enough for her. Who was he, why was he in the Fire Country and just who else was present in the country that was intent on wiping him off the face of the planet? Those weren't any normal injuries that she saw, they looked inflicted, like something or someone had done them.

"I'm sure Ranji here will let us know the man moves so much a muscle. No one sees this man without one of us hearing about it." She made a mental note to have some operatives keep watch on the Byoin indirectly, this way they wouldn't be visible for anyone up to no good but would also have the ability to intervene or sound the alarm should something go amiss. She didn't mention that particular fact though, especially not in such a open area like the Byoin. Too many ears around and the less people that knew about whatever things the ANBU were doing, the better. A period of silence followed as Soku sat there listening to the exchanges her eyes focused solely on the unconcious figure of the foreigner. The mystery of who he was nagging at her and a part of her almost wanted to just drag the man into a isolated room so she could get some answers but things had to be done with time..and patience.

A twitch and Soku half-rose from her seat but the Medical Chief was faster as the patient spoke talking to the man to calm him. "Well, at least that's a relief." She said muttering to herself. She let Ranji do his thing as she stood giving them some space though once he was fully concious and in a somewhat coherent state, she had a lot of questions. A lot. "Can't you do something fancy with that Sharingan of yours, look into his mind or something, see what happened before?" She muttered quietly to Asuka. That would solve a lot of problems for them. Still, the idea of poking into someone's brain in this state just seemed ethically wrong. Then again, ethics and morals and the philsophy of what was right and wrong didn't really bother her when a half-dead guy just turned up at the gates wtih literally nothing that could tell them about him. She just hoped she wouldn't regret bringing him into the village.
"Alaways wanted to sedate someone." Asuka smiled looking at Ranji. Sedating someone was somethign on her bucket list as weird as it was, unfortunately she couldn't go around sedating everyone she met, but that didn't mean she couldn't dream. In any case, the main thing was that they had an unknown man of unknown capabilities.

Interestingly the unknown man actually woke up, from his tone of voice at least he seemed weak for the time being which was a good thing for them. But, that might not last long. In any case, this was their chance to find out everything they could about him. "We hear ya." Asuka responded making sure her guard was up. "One of my companions found you outside our gates and brought you here. That being said we can't answer any of your questions until you answer ours first." Asuka tried speaking in a way the man would understand him. "Let's start with you. Tell us everything about you, who are you, where you come from, what were you doing here. Anything and everything, would suggest not to hold anything back."

Asuka nodded to Takeshi giving him a Salute. "Aye Aye sir." She confirmed his order a slight smile on his face. "Won't be going anywhere till I know he isn't a threat."

Asuka shook her head. "Haven't been able to use it in a bit." Although the suggestion was sound it couldn't be denied how easy it would be to simply search the man's mind for information but apparently the old way would be the one way this time if he tried to deceit them in anyway. Hopefully he would cooperate and let things go. "Something fancy would be nice right about now, supposed to be at the Dango place at the moment."
A wave of anxiety seemed to wash over the mysterious man as he clutched his head with his left hand. Wrought with confusion his eyes seemed to showcase a classic thousand-yard stare. "Konoha Byoin? I... I don't know what, or where that is." Asuka promptly began the questioning procedure which the man would try to comply as best as he could. "I'm..." It was obvious and plain to see that the gears inside were turning frantically searching for the answer, but none would be found. A small tear formed in the corner of his eye and ran down his cheek, he was doing his best to remain composed in this most foreign environment. "I don't know who I am..." Convenient, for sure, if he was a villain of some sort, it would be really hard to tell just from this first interaction. From an outward appearance the man would seem very distraught about the whole ordeal and panic seemed to set in.

"All I can remember is... A flash of bright like, and then a sensation of falling. I was in pain, terrible pain. But not from my wounds. And then darkness. I can vaguely recall a small child coming to my aid, and then nothing. And now i'm here. I know that isn't very helpful, I'm... I'm so sorry." More tears started to form and fall, how painful it must be to not be able to recall who you were. What a sensation of loss and confusion it must be like. Turning his gaze towards Asuka he began to plead. "Please don't be mad, I don't know what to do. Please help me... I'm scared." Terror and confusion still filled his eyes as the tears continued to fall. What a pitiful sight...


Back in the location from whence the stranger came...

Lightning tore across the sky as the clouds rotated around the area where the wormhole previously formed. A surge of energy rippled outward as it reopened with a tremendous burst, a shockwave resounding outwards and leveling the trees around it. Something was coming, something large and terrible. As the entity broke through the veil from its world into this one a wave of terrible, dark energy seeped outwards killing all life in the vicinity. Animals shriveling into husks, vegetation turning black and shrinking away as their lifeforce was sapped away by this malignant aura. Finally it was completely through, it landed on the ground with a great quake. Subtlety was not in its vocabulary. It had only one goal, to finish his mission and take the life of Sabaku. Anything that stood in its way would perish like everything before that attempted to stop it.


He was in the clear... no mention was made towards him... and he saw this as a moment that he could take a breather. Grab food... Lovely food... "I'm sure Ranji here will let us know the man moves so much a muscle. No one sees this man without one of us hearing about it." and that idea was already spoiled... so spoiled...

The man woke up and the doctor did his thing to make him at least a bit comfortable. "Can't you do something fancy with that Sharingan of yours, look into his mind or something, see what happened before?" 'Traumatize one further into hell... At one point I just wish I could dark aura you all out of the place...' it was soft to mention that the hungry man was staying happy through everything that had transpired now... Even till the point, he started to facepalm at the conversations going on. He then took the moment to make him a listener instead of doing much and or trying much.

As he had listened to all of them, his sight remained to the unknown man laying there. "It is a possibility that whatever transpired by him, that the trauma he suffered made his memory gone... This can be temporary or permanent..."Ranji simply commented on it as he diverted his gaze again to the group. "Now... if you excuse me... I still have a long day ahead of me, I had no break and still need breakfast." He said, his tune a little bit colder as it wasn't an excuse me let me through. but more of a, move or you will be the next one laying in a bed type of let me go... Safe to say he wanted out because of hunger.

Topic left unless really stopped.

Current Ninpocho Time:
