Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Thoughts and a tree battle

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Santaru Arisu

New Ninja
Oct 22, 2012
Kirito had been very irritated today. He moved with purpose and agitation. He had no idea where he was going but for the most part people left them alone. He was defiantly not someone who wanted to be bothered right now. He was worried. He had no idea what was going on inside his head. He had been stuck in one place too long and he started thinking and so far that had never lead to a happy moment since he had ended up like this. Well ever since he felt like he was in control. His memories always were swirling and he was trying to not think about them. They demanded his presence and he could not take it anymore. His head was killing him and he knew there was something he needed to see but he refused.

Kirito found himself in the park and noticed there were not too many people. Cloud never really had nice days but this was a mild one so there of course would be people who were trying to enjoy it. Eventually he sat down by a tree and held his head in his hands. “Why are you doing this to me…what did I do to deserve this type of annoyance and pain.” Kirito would never cry about pain but this was different. It felt like things were trying to push ahead to the forefront of his mind. He needed to do something to make him stop thinking about his past.

“I will not do this!” He suddenly shot up and unraveled two scroll where two swords suddenly appeared into his hands. Some people grew very concerned but once what Kirito started to do what he was doing was when people started to leave. He was certain people saw breakdowns all the time but Kirito’s were almost always violent.

Suddenly activating into a seikon he started to teleport around that tree cutting it and moving like it was trying to attack him. Sometimes he would jump backwards and then charge forward. If nothing else he started to become a blur. Slashing and vanishing as quickly as he could. Faster…

That was all he thought…”Faster!”

He started to use his chakra to increase his slash speed. Anything to move quicker than he think and enter into his bloodlust. “I can go faster!” Eventually he was certain to draw attention but his mind relaxed and got lost in the battle that was now playing his mind.

While the park was on her path, it was not her destination. Haruka was walking home from a filling lunch at a local restaurant when she noticed the exodus of people leaving the area. Of course, this would strike her as odd and force her to investigate out of curiosity if nothing else. The kunoichi had not the angle to see the young man begin his little break down. So as she grew closer, she could not quite see what had caused the mass movement.

But that confusion quickly ended as something...or someone, began to warp around with some kind of weapons and began to hack at the trees nearby. In fact, the individual was going so fast that it was hard to get any kind of tell on what they looked like, or who they were. Haruka could tell there was blonde hair, and from the glimpses she caught, it seemed to be a young woman with a poorly endowed chest. "But why?" Haruka wondered. What had caused this outburst to suddenly attack trees? Within a few seconds, Haruka had scanned the area for any shinobi casting genjutsu but found nothing. "Maybe she is like us." Tomomi reasoned, but Haruka quickly quieted her. "If this get's violent... I may need you." Haruka sighed, making a fist with her right hand. "You'll always need me, Haruka." Tomomi fired back in a stern but truthful voice. "Will I ever not need her?" Haruka asked aloud. But her mind was made up. She was going to intervene.

Walking passed the outer ring of trees, Haruka simply walked her way to the middle of where she had seen the person seemed to be focusing on this tree attack. Folding her arms across her chest comfortably, she merely watched for a few moments to see what might happen. She was pretty sure she wasn't going to come to harm as the person would have attacked civilians if they wanted to hurt someone. But this needed to stop and hopefully words would do the trick. Because if they didn't, this would escalate to a real fight and not just a tree battle. Haruka rose her right hand into the air as the individual appeared in front of her again. "Excuse me! Would you stop for a moment?" she said in a rather timid tone. Even after years in the medical branch and talking to people, Haruka still had trouble speaking.
Kirito was moving at speeds even he did not know he was capable of. He almost felt nonexistent where he could easily just slip through the folds of reality and vanish away into whatever it was he was passing through. Slash here, warp here, side step…back pedal, warp to other side cut enemy side, dodge right, duck roll…

Hoshino…did you make it?

Kirito burned with fury. Existence or not he would never be able to escape his memory. Nothing could make him move fast enough to forget…

Suddenly his swords mid swing after a warp he heard the faintest excuse me and before his sword went too far he dropped them skidded past whomever had said it and bounced off the floor once to bring his moment to a very abrupt screeching halt.

His heart was pounding and his mind all but came to a stop. Tears fell down his face but he wiped them before anyone could notice. He gently lifted himself up and looked behind him almost defiantly. Unsure of how he felt about this sudden interruption. “Are you okay?...I really did not mean to swing at someone I just figured everyone would avoid the crazy sword swinger…”

He felt physically, emotionally, and mentally awful but picked himself him and brushed everything before he began to walk over and pick up his blades. He turned back around and held them for a moment and took the woman in. Once he got a better look at her he sighed and sheathed his blades.

Images for the blades

Picture my voice like Alphonse from FMA brotherhood

It all happened so fast that Haruka nearly missed it. But if one was close enough, they could see her eyes dilate in fear and her left arm rise up to defend from the upcoming attack. "Raiden help me..." she whispered as she felt the wind from his body buffet against her. When Haruka opened her eyes and looked to him, her previous assumption that he was a girl faded from existence. He asked if she was okay, and Haruka would have said yes if just one thing wasn't bothering her...

Her left arm wasn't responding normally. She could moving it at the shoulder, but it felt rigid from then on downward. Her blue eyes turned to look and see what could have happened and she gasped in horror. Her arm was no longer an was a shield!? "Tomomi, how!?" she said aloud, completely forgetting that someone was watching. While it was still Haruka speaking, Tomomi's deeper voice would come through her lips. "Well don't ask me, I didn't do anything." she replied. Haruka's physical face went through a couple expressions: Surprise, Fear, Joy, and Bewilderment. Never before had she changed her body to this magnitude. She shook her head and released the form as she had done with the webbing in the hot spring. With her arm back to normal she turned to face the man, a bit fearful of what he might say.

Putting both arms behind her back vulnerably, Haruka thought back to what he had said. He had already gone to pick up his ornate blades and seemed to have taken in what he had just witnessed. "You looked like someone who needed help... And I am-- I mean was a doctor. Medical ninja, sorry." Haruka replied nervously, mixing up her words. She hoped he wouldn't press for information on her little transformation because Haruka honestly didn't know how she had done it. "What were you doing attacked the trees? It seemed so strange..."
OOC: Sorry for the delay

Now the thing about life is that there will never really be a time where you would not be surprised to see something. The abilities he had as a chimera would always probably shock someone in this world. Turning around and seeing a giant shield for an arm defiantly cause Kirito to give her a rather interesting look. It was not every day that someone had a weapon attached to her appendage. He of course immediately knew that he was not in the presence of a bone user due to the fact that it did not really seem to look like bone.

She said someone’s name and asked how. Apparently this was new to her just as well so Kirito smiled at her and allowed her to have her inner monologue that she seemed to be having. After all Kirito had made some very interesting facial expressions when he started to discover what his body was capable of. As such he once again decided that whatever was happening to her was at least somewhere near the experience he had had. As such he needed to be respectful.

A new voice came out of the woman’s lips and this actually did concern Kirito. The only real thought that came to his mind was demon possession. This of course would explain what had happened due to the demon trying to protect itself regardless of the ability of the user. This was when Kirito grew a bit more defensive. While he did not make any movement to suggest it, his body grew tense and he wondered what would happen since usually demons did not care for others knowing about their inhabitance of people.

Kirito put his blades in their holsters and was very much unsure what to say. When she finally looked back at him she seemed calm and collect. She put her arms behind her back and looked a bit embarrassed or something like that. Kirito was not very good at reading expression. She seemed to switch topics and explained who she was. She also quickly jumped to why he was attacking the trees and Kirito suddenly just sort of relaxed.

Kirito chuckled a bit and decided that honestly he would have been attacked by now if the case needed to present itself. He bowed to her and said, “Honestly I had considered seeing a doctor or shrink about it but I never really had gone through anything like what I just did myself. My name is Heriashi Kirito. I was a Jounin until recently and I have only been in the village for a few months.”

He shifted a little bit and then decided to explain himself. He figured if she wanted to bring up her arm thingy she would do it herself, it was not like she would have made such a spectacle unless Kirito had almost slashed her. “I was trying to move faster than my memories. I figure if I focus so much on the heat of a moment I will not remember anything and it would stop me from getting confused.”

Kirito found himself to blush a little and put a hand on his head. “I guess that seems a little silly now that I speak it. I guess I got a little crazy not having been on a mission in a while. Those normally do the trick for me.”

Thankfully, the stranger before her wasn't going to questioned what had happened. Despite his prior rigidness in body language, as she began to speak he relaxed, and so did she. He laughed for some reason to which Haruka would assume it wasn't her. She had been laughed at all to much back in primary school and was tired of it. But instead, he bowed. Haruka did the same as he explained.

So this was a first time event, kinda like her own little event she just had. "Kato Haruka, pleasure to meet you Kirito. I am a jounin of the main branch currently." She replied with a smile. It was amazing how he simply just stopped what he was doing for a conversation. She looked down to the ornate blades; it was obvious that the man was skilled with them. But to be so skilled to not break a sweat over what had just happened? "His endurance must be amazing."

"Faster than your memories?" Haruka questioned out loud. It made no sense to her. Had he been in a horrific event that he wished to forget? But Kirito revealed that it wasn't so much a bad memory, but confusion. Just how did one get confused by their own thoughts.

Haruka shook her head, assuring him it didn't sound silly. She had been through weird events in her life, a multitude of time. Waking up in strange places without the knowledge of how or why. All at the fault of Tomomi. "No it's not silly. But it sounds like you have control over it. You just need to demand some missions so that it's under control. At least, that's what I did with my doctor. I have a bit of a problem to, but once I found that one little thing to control it, I keep it in check a lot easier." Haruka explained with a smile, but curiosity was going to get her. "Just what did you mean by confusion? Did you have amnesia or something?"
Haruka bowed when he did which he was surprised at because Haruka was by all intents and purposes his elder and thus his senior. He bowed to show her respect but apparently she saw them as equals. He felt a little insecure with that but he also nodded to himself in accepting of the fact that she may have some sort of confidence issues. He understood that because he remembered when he…

Well either way he avoided thinking about anything in the past right now. He was here in the present and he was going to make the best of it. She introduced herself as Kato Haruka this time however as a Jounin…but did she not say she was also a doctor? Kirito had grown a little confused but decided to ignore it. She questioned his comment about moving faster than his memories and as such he figured that eventually he would probably explain it to her. Kirito was not one to lie or hides thing from people he was very straight forward with everything. As such when she was done he decided that he would continue on.

When she explained how things had gotten better for her Kirito smiled and thought that at least once somewhere there was a happier ending to things than he had predicted. She then asked him what it was that he was confused about and if he had amnesia.

Kirito rolled his eyes and simply stated. “If only it was something like that. See I could handle that. No I have memories of things that I truly do believe are my past but at the same time I have memories of myself in another place at the exact same time and it makes no sense to me. I know that both of these are very real yet even a seikon cannot simply be in two places at once. As such it usually gives me an aweful headache and this time I just needed to vent.”

The young woman pondered his words for a moment trying to come up with a logical explanation for something quite illogical. "Perhaps waking dreams? No, dreams wouldn't be vivid enough." she thought. After all, they had just met, and she knew nothing of the young man. She wanted to learn more, but Haruka didn't want to seem like she was prying. "Well I am sorry to hear that this is plaguing you. I'm not sure how much of a bother it really is, but if you would like, we can maybe go get some lunch and try to get to the bottom of it?" she asked, trying to seem as un-obvious as possible. But Haruka knew better, she was never one to hide intentions well. "Plus, I'm curious!" she tacked on so that a blush wouldn't get the best of her fair complexion.
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Current Ninpocho Time:
