Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Time to Go Back to Work [Requesting Entrance]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeyashi had made it back, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from his short vacation. However, vacationing for too long would not do, and so he had returned so that he may take up his duties once again. He approached the gate, waiting to see if anyone would be there to help process him in. He secretly hoped that ANBU woman would be there to let him in again, but he somehow doubted it. There must have been dozens of guards that regularly shifted gate duty. His chances of bumping into just one of them again was just too small.

[Requesting Entrance.]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
(OOC: hope you don't mind a quick little rp session before you head back into the village. I just reactivated from a couple years of inactivity and need to get my feet wet)

The thirteen year old genin was a little bored as he walked around the gates to the village. Dressed in his blue battle armor he walked around trying to keep himself busy. There was no mission for him to do right now and he never really made friends in the academy. He bloomed slightly early in his training days and never really looked back from there. His senseis' always told he that he should get to know other people, interact with them and make friends. He agreed it would be a good idea... he just never acted on it. This by no means meant the young genin was a loner, he loved being around people and making sure he had a positive attitude with everyone. Luckily today he was in an especially good mood. He always enjoyed being near the gates. It usually led to an adventure for the young boy. His short ,spikey brown hair flowed in the Suna air as he looked forwards to the outlands. Someone came up the gates waiting for a guard. Yuko looked around and didn't see anyone. The ANBU guards can be anywhere. Maybe I'll keep him company while he is waiting.... does he have six arms?!" The genin looked shocked. Being a Sunaku, he used the sand to safe get to where the other shinobi stood and before any mannerisms could be used... " Dude you have six arms.... that's wicked awesome!!" Yes... he was still a child at heart but hey.... that wasn't a bad thing right? Dear god this kid was going to make a fool out of himself yet.

[topic entered]

(Pretty much looks like Gaara but with brown hair, no tattoo on his forehead and blue battle armor/robe instead of red)

MFT {WC: 270}


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeyashi saw someone moving at the gates. He'd been expecting a guard to be the first to greet him, invoking the expected standard procedure of entering the village. However, he was instead greeted by a somewhat overzealous kid, maybe a couple of years younger than himself. Strange. Did the guards suddenly get younger while he was gone? Well, it wasn't uncommon for prodigies to exist. It would probably just be normal procedure like always. Before he was even close enough to really make out much of the kid, he heard the boy cry out rather elatedly. Takeyashi paused, confused as to what was going on. He heard the boy shouting about how the young man had more than the average number of arms, but his mind wasn't quite catching up fast enough. He blinked once or twice, then he felt the gears turn in his head. "Um, thank you?" Takeyashi had really been thrown off of his game. It's like those moments where the waiter at a restaurant hands you your food, tells you to enjoy your meal, and you respond back with "you too". The waiter, you, and everyone else at the table gets thrown off for a moment or two.

Takeyashi did his best to quickly compose himself after things started to click in his mind. As he got closer to the gate, he noticed that this kid didn't have any sort of ANBU gear on him. He had some sort of blue battle armor on, and Takeyashi noticed a Sunan headband on his person. This was a Sand Shinobi, probably of a Genin Rank. He was probably just passing by, and noticed Takeyashi arriving. That at least made a bit more sense. Relaxing his posture and continuing towards the gate, the young man called back out to the starstruck youth. "It's a special trait of mine. I can tell you've got some questions, but I'm a bit tired. Been traveling all day." As he got to the gate, he cracked his neck which produced a very satisfying pop. He'd built up a lot of exhaustion on his trip back through the desert. Resting two of his six arms on his hips, he stretched out another pair of arms while the final set rummaged around in his pack for his water container. "I'd love to head into a restaurant to relax and eat. You could join me?" As he waited, the young spider kid scanned the gates on either side of him to see if there was a guard on duty that could let him in. Hopefully the kid hadn't scared them all off with his exuberant questioning.

[ooc: I don't mind doing a topic, but I need to enter the village first so that I can participate in an exam thread. I'm proposing we take the RP into another topic inside the village once I'm granted entrance.]


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
(OOC: apparently I can let you in... so without further waiting....)

Oh... he thought Yuko was overzealous, this is just the tip of the iceberg... if suna could even produce ice long enough for some to see an iceberg. moving on! Yuko smiled as the guy said it was a special trait. the young one was always intrigue to find new information. New knowledge for him to consume. He really was interested and wanted to go have a quick meal to find out more from this man but Yuko's schedule was getting cluttered and it was late in the day than he thought. A small frown came up and said to his fellow shinobi. "I'd love to go have a quick bite to eat and talk but I'm a bit busy. I do apologize and don't mean to come off as rude. I'll make this easy for you, Lets get you inside and i'll take a rain check for that meal... figuratively speaking of course haha." Being underground meant no rain. That had its perks and disadvantages. Yuko opened the gates for him to come in seeing his Suna headband knowing he was of this village. Yuko would go in first riding on a small cloud of sand. Off to his next adventure!

[topic left]
[entrance granted]

(OOC: I'll catch up with you on that offer some other time!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Despite his offer to dine with the younger boy and talk, Takeyashi's offer was ultimately rejected. Odd, he'd thought it was a pleasant prospect. Regardless, the younger boy was granting him access to the village, and promised to take the Spiderling up on his offer another time. Nodding his head in agreement, the young boy walked into the gates as he commented. "I can agree to that. I will meet you another day, and we'll have that meal together then. Until next time." And with that the young man departed into the village. He was off to get a warm meal, and a good night's rest.

[Village Entered]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
