Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

To Test Your Will ~ {Free RP}

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma stood in the middle of the main spar room, it appeared he had it to himself as no one answered when he called out if there were any problems with him training on the mat, with no response he stood smiling. With no objections he took shrugged off the top half of his robes so that he was less restricted by the fabric. In doing so the various runic glyphs that ran over his whole body where visible. The curse seals that covered him were symbols of his devotion to his nindo way and his clan. Standing there Akkuma opened up a great void above him and a giant two tonne boulder fell from above him. Catching it his muscles strained as he held it over his head, slowly with concentration he began to do squats. The few guards in the area where whispering between themselves, it was a feat to behold considering he wasn't using any jutsu. After ten or so minutes of this the demon proceeded to stop doing squats and instead with all his strength throw the boulder a few feet above his head, catching it and repeating the action. With this the guards went silent in awe watching each time he did it. After awhile of him doing this strain was becoming apparent on the demons face and the guards prepared to move in to assist if need be. With the last catch he struggled his legs beginning to give way, they ran forward to catch him and he roared "Stay away!" they froze not wanting to disobey the Lord, with a deep breath he stood launching the boulder above him and opening a void so it disappeared closing it behind the Boulder. Sweat dripped down his rippled form as he walked into the centre of the mat, sitting down and beginning to meditate his demonic aura sweeping the dojo in waves. At times like this his demonic aura was unrestrained because he was at peace, it would be an otherworldly feeling for any who hadn't experienced a feeling like this. If one followed the Aura it would lead them to Akkuma the epicentre of malice and despair in the building.

Kagari hope you like
Mar 30, 2015
"It's nice to get out of Palais..." Kagari said outloud as he took in the scenery around the Ruins. He took in the soft wind as he looked over the scenic overlook area, scanning the wide area of what once was. Kagari had only moved here recently and haven't gotten a "proper" tour of the area.

With his mother busy with work and him; learning the skills of being a Grade-A ninja, there was really no time for sightseeing. But now; with some well earned freetime on his hand, and the blessing from his mother; explore a little. There's only so much a thirteen year old boy could do staying at home; especially The Palais district.

Ugh, the word Palais brings a shiver to Kagari's mind. The infested zone of scum and villany fills the air. The area, jam packed with people who are borderline homeless are forced to be mixed in with gangsters, junkies, and women of pleasure. Palais is never quite at anytime, loud noises of people shuffling about below or the occasinal disruptive nosies in the apartments from neighbors; you feel like you're just being choked from the atmosphere.

Although this place was unfalmiliar; it was the city gates. Kagari had crossed it a long time ago when he first moved into Suna, he was only able to take in the sights for a couple of seconds before finally seeing the city. It was still amazing, tall walls, statues, and probably the area looked to have existed for maybe a thousand years.

After some mindless wandering he saw a path going left away from Suna's main avenue. Kagari hadn't seen this path before, and as curious as he is he decided to explore it. As he continued the path, he felt cautious; as an ominous aura came over him as he took each step on the path. Something wasn't feeling right, and Kagari did not like it. He was going down an unfamliar dirt road to who knows where, maybe he should turn back? But before he could he came upon a new sight, a dojo. It didn't look like a dojo that you would see in movies or comic books; no bamboo reeds or ponds or shaolin monks practicing tai chi outside. It was carved in the mountain, a bit away from the city gates. There were acouple of shrines and statues along the path to the dojo, but it looked fairly remote. "Maybe only a couple of shinobis know this place..." Kagari said out loud. This palce was never discussed in class, let alone on a pamphlet. There were no directions to this place, no signs, or pointers. It seemed only the worthy few ever discovered the place.

Or the really curious.

Kagari walked up the steps inside the dojo, and as he came within eyesight; he spotted a person. But as he focussed more on the person, he didn't look like a human being; rather something else entirely. A new entity that Kagari had never laid eyes on before, as he approached; more of the features came to light. Horns, a tail, and a musclar figure.

A demon.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The demon felt another presence enter the dojo, slowly proceeding its way to him. Smiling he waited until it seemed that whoever it was stopped silently staring at him, well then that was quite rude wasn't it? Without opening his eyes Akkuma spoke "Didn't you know it is rude to stare? Approach and announce yourself." his words where firm and had the air of authority over them. The guards watched with intrigue with what would follow, after all Akkuma was an honoured guest. Soon to be Lady Seika's husband, if the boy approached as he got closer Akkuma would turn to look at him, opening his eyes once he faced the youth. Those sanguine coloured eyes and their snake-like pupils would lock onto the boy. "Have you never seen a demon before?" he would ask although from what he had seen from Suna's demon population, he was quite more monstrous then him. But that being said most demons weren't the direct descendants of one of the High Seven Lords of Hell. A rank that Akkuma himself held with great pride, it was something that even made beings from other realms hold him with high respect or cautiousness.

"Tell me what brought you here?" he would ask being quite the curious being himself after all it had seemed odd from what Akkuma could tell he came straight to him, through that aura of malice and despair the boy had sought its source. Even if he knew it or didn't but that was what this demon intended to find out, how intriguing these sunans proved to be. Even there youth seemed unfazed in the presence of evil how incredible it was, whether it was the lands or the culture one thing was sure. Sunagakure was not a place for the feint hearted granted he had met a few exceptions in regards to that rule. After all there were a few admirable feint hearted people in Suna but that was because they were kind souls, for that he respected them. Because they had remained strong and kept their humanity. To become a monster like himself a being of evil and wrath was not something he wished upon anyone. Although he could only to easily understand why they would wish to follow that path, but then again he knew their were those who would argue his lack of humanity.
Mar 30, 2015
Kagari was still trying to figure out the obvious mystery of this man. He hadn't noticed the other individuals inside the dojo, his thoughts and focus were all pressed upon the "person" in front of him. He was jolted out his thoughts when the man spoke.

"Didn't you know it's rude to stare? Approach and announce yourself." his words where firm and had the air of authority over them. The guards watched with intrigue with what would follow, after all Akkuma was an honoured guest.

'Crap, I hope i haven't upset him to much.' Kagari thought to himself as he sweatdropped, knowing that he had probably intruded on this man's training, or at the very least meditation. Kagari was curious still, many questions came up in his mind. Was he the master of this dojo? He didn't know if there were any dojos that had demon masters, let alone demons. A council member? He looked important, or the way he talked. In the few words that he spoke, he talked like an authoritative figure. But before he could get lost in thought again, the demon snapped him back to attention again.

"Tell me what brought you here?"
'Maybe he is a master of some sort...' Kagari said to himself. After inhaling, and coming up with an answer; he said "I'm Kagari Toshiwakai, student here in Sunagakure." Kagari then bowed, to show respect. Well at least some respect, he did just walk in this dojo, and just gape at the demon.

"I'm sorry for staring, I didn't know there was a dojo all the way out here near the gates of Suna. I was exploring I guess; I haven't been in Suna for long so I wanted to see the sights." Kagari said has he lifted his head to face the man. "I haven't seen any man or being like you in Suna before. I guess my curiousity got the better of me..." Kagari rubbed the backside of his head, laughing a little bit. Kagari then dropped his hands and looked around the dojo, he could tell this was the main sparring area. He could see a hallway leading torwards inside of the dojo, probably leading to a garden and personal quarters.

"I came here because...there was something interesting about the pathway. I guess I felt something weird, something..." Kagari tried to think of that strange feeling he felt along the pathway of the dojo, but couldn't. "I can't describe it, but it felt like there was something dragging me here."

Silence fell for acouple of seconds,when Kagari decided to break the silence and maybe try to break the tension in the air;
"I mean you have a tail...I was born with one as well..." Kagari smiled a bit. "Although...mine isn't as spikey...or long."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The boy seemed startled at Akkuma's words finally answering after awhile 'Ah so an Academy Student its no wonder then that he was so hesitant.' Once the boy bowed his mood increased atleast some respect had been shown, chuckling Akkuma would stand at his massive height of 6'4ft and look down at the boy. Bowing his briefly as he introduced himself "I am Lord Miroku Akkuma, Head of the Miroku Clan. One of the Seven High Lords of Hell, Demon Sage of Kirgakure." listening to the boys next words Akkuma would chuckle "It was curiosity that killed the cat you know..." clearly joking around with the youth. The boys next words made Akkume look at him with a small smile "A youth who feels drawn to malice and despair. That's not foreboding at all he.." he would say with a small chuckle. Kagari's next words made him pause he hadn't noticed a tail, then it clicked and he erupted with laughter. "And a sailors sense of humour hahaha." slapping the youth on the back he would walkover to where he left his smokes, picking one up he ignited it with a snap of his fingers inhaling a large satisfying draw.

"So tell me Kagari what can I? A demon sage do for you today? Its obvious your seeking something, the question is do you know what you yourself are seeking? What do you think you were drawn to Malice&Despair? The urge to protect people? Perhaps a longing of power or was it truly just curiosity that drew you?" All three of the options would be considered valid or any other, his words were calm and serious. Everything he said was said in tone that suggested every word was important, because to Akkuma everything had meaning and purpose. Whether it was realized or not did not matter to him. Fate was something that no one was free from whether we liked it or not, destinies could be changed. Fate was inevitable. The runic glyphs that covered his body gave the demon an almost mystical look to him, if it weren't for his ominous foreboding aura of course.
Mar 30, 2015
Bowing his briefly as he introduced himself "I am Lord Miroku Akkuma, Head of the Miroku Clan. One of the Seven High Lords of Hell, Demon Sage of Kirgakure." listening to the boys next words Akkuma would chuckle "It was curiosity that killed the cat you know..." clearly joking around with the youth. The boys next words made Akkume look at him with a small smile "A youth who feels drawn to malice and despair. That's not foreboding at all he.." he would say with a small chuckle. Kagari's next words made him pause he hadn't noticed a tail, then it clicked and he erupted with laughter. "And a sailors sense of humour hahaha." slapping the youth on the back he would walkover to where he left his smokes, picking one up he ignited it with a snap of his fingers inhaling a large satisfying draw.

"It's nice to meet you, Lord Akkuma." Kagari smiled, thankful that all the tension in the air seemed to drop. It also seemed that he made a descent impresion on Akkuma. Although the the thing that caught him off guard was Akkumas laughter; it had appear that Kagari's joke was a success. He was startled a bit when Akkuma slapped him on the back, it seemed like Akkuma liked him well enough. "Well my sense of humor tends to be that way I guess; I guess it's my weakness sometimes. I usually get a slap or a flick when my mom or teachers catch me making a quiet remark." Kagari then laughed a bit.

"So tell me Kagari what can I? A demon sage do for you today? Its obvious your seeking something, the question is do you know what you yourself are seeking? What do you think you were drawn to Malice&Despair? The urge to protect people? Perhaps a longing of power or was it truly just curiosity that drew you?" All three of the options would be considered valid or any other, his words were calm and serious. Everything he said was said in tone that suggested every word was important, because to Akkuma everything had meaning and purpose. Whether it was realized or not did not matter to him. Fate was something that no one was free from whether we liked it or not, destinies could be changed. Fate was inevitable. The runic glyphs that covered his body gave the demon an almost mystical look to him, if it weren't for his ominous foreboding aura of course.

Kagari was pondering on why he actually came. The comment from earlier that he was attracted the malice of the place was partly true. A part of him wanted to explore the area, he was morbidly curious. After all he was a kid, and a ninja in training; a brand new exciting world has been shown to him. But this is the first time he was offered a question; almost one that sounded like the beginning to a manga. A choice, a singular choice that would lead him to destiny.

But why did he come? "I think I came because I wanted to. I'm not attracted to power, or seek the desruction of the enemies of the state or anything like that..." Kagari said as he walked around the dojo a bit, again looking at the frames of the masters, the prayer shrine and lastly at Akkuma. "I like to know things. I like to know places and I was attracted to this place because it was a mystery to me."

"I guess this is a way of me asking for you to give me some wisdom Lord Akkuma. I don't deserve it...I mean I'm just some random kid who came here because he can't keep his nose out of things when he should. But I seek the things I don't know, and I don't like not knowing things."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
"Likewise Kagari of Sunagakure." Akkuma would say in response to the youth those sanguine eyes looking at him. Listening to the youths next words Akkuma was quite surprised. "Haha I can sympathize with seems were quite alike." he would chuckle before listening to the boys next words. The youths words showed that he had a wisdom that he was unaware of, because in the next sentence he asked if Akkuma had some wisdom for him. He sought wisdom which he already found perhaps it was something else he sought something that even the subconsciousness of youth new could only coming from a Demon.

"You have already demonstrated wisdom, seeking out that which you already possess. Knowing knowledge is more important than power, but that in itself is not entirely true. For knowledge is power my boy, let that be a little bit of wisdom for you." the demons could've backhanded the boy at his next moment. Leaning over to look in the boys eyes it would be apparent he was angry. "Unworthy? What kind of an idiotic statement is that? If those that seek wisdom are unworthy of it then who is?" he would say actually changing his mind and giving the boy a slap over the back of his head. Before smiling one more "Let me tell you something, I grew up on the streets, no family nothing. I didn't know how to keep my nose out of things either...tell you something else. I don't like not knowing things ether, now I'm the Head of my own Clan. A respected Lord among the great villages, even Kage's weigh my words heavily. Lastly I'm a High Lord of Hell, one of Seven. If I was capable of doing all this...imagine what you could achieve." said the demon with a devilish chuckle, those sanguine eyes looking into Kagari's.

"If you truly seek knowledge and in turn power then I would be happy to help you acquire both. In return though you shall become my disciple? Would these terms be agreeable to you?" he would ask standing there the apparent avatar of fate. Would Kagari take the first steps towards his fate, the first steps down the path of a Legend.
Mar 30, 2015
"Likewise Kagari of Sunagakure." Akkuma would say in response to the youth those sanguine eyes looking at him. Listening to the youths next words Akkuma was quite surprised. "Haha I can sympathize with seems were quite alike." he would chuckle before listening to the boys next words.

Kagari was actually pleased that the answer was enough for Akkuma. He was also pleased when he heard that they were both alike. Maybe it was fate that actually brought him here to this very dojo; it was basically a scene out of some sort of coming of age movie.

"You have already demonstrated wisdom, seeking out that which you already possess. Knowing knowledge is more important than power, but that in itself is not entirely true. For knowledge is power my boy, let that be a little bit of wisdom for you."

Kagari nodded as he took that first lesson to heart; a part of him knew that using his brain to think first before acting, but he had a feeling there was a little more meaning behind that phrase. Before Kagari could think more on the phrase, he was startled by Akkuma's next actions.

Leaning over to look in the boys eyes it would be apparent he was angry. "Unworthy? What kind of an idiotic statement is that? If those that seek wisdom are unworthy of it then who is?" he would say actually changing his mind and giving the boy a slap over the back of his head. Before smiling one more "Let me tell you something, I grew up on the streets, no family nothing. I didn't know how to keep my nose out of things either...tell you something else. I don't like not knowing things ether, now I'm the Head of my own Clan. A respected Lord among the great villages, even Kage's weigh my words heavily. Lastly I'm a High Lord of Hell, one of Seven. If I was capable of doing all this...imagine what you could achieve." said the demon with a devilish chuckle, those sanguine eyes looking into Kagari's.

Kagari gulped, it was as if a master was talking down to his pet. But in this case, it was a master insructing his student. 'I guess I should be careful on how much I sugar coat my words....It seems if I suck up to much and do the "'I am unworthy master' type of thing, he'll kill me." Kagari mentally reminded himself as the intense gaze was deepening from Akkuma. Kagari would know now not to be so groveling in front of him; after all it seems Akkuma had a lot of pride in himself. Then again, Lucifer fell because of pride, so maybe it's a common thing with demons.

However the story that Akkuma gave him was awe inspiring and at parts, unbelievable. It felt like Akkuma was embellshing some parts. HIgh lord of hell, grew up on the streets, and now he was here? Kagari was impressed at this mini-resume. 'I'm going to have to ask him later about his life...' Kagari said to himself mentally.

"If you truly seek knowledge and in turn power then I would be happy to help you acquire both. In return though you shall become my disciple? Would these terms be agreeable to you?" he would ask standing there the apparent avatar of fate. Would Kagari take the first steps towards his fate, the first steps down the path of a Legend.

An oppurtunity like this couldn't have happened to a better person, let alone a academy student. Kagari was nervous, 'What if I let him down? What if I die?' All these questions circled Kagari's mind. A part of him wanted to say no and get right out of there, but a part of him wanted to say yes. That side of him was thrilled at the thought of becoming powerful, maybe even more powerful then Akkuma. He wasn't sure on what to do; step through the door or completely close it forever. Kagari had to answer now.

"Yes....Yes I'll be your student." Kagari looked straight into Akkuma's sanguine eyes, with a confident look on his face.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled at the boy before him he had mind up his mind, ready to walk down an unknown path with a master from hell. 'How curious humanity is..' he thought to himself with a small smile. Before standing at his full height "Good is decided then you shall be my disciple. I am your Master now, in return for your loyalty I will give you knowledge and power that men only dream of." he said it in that devilish tone with the air of authority he always wielded. His right hand moved up from his side and black demonic chakra began to encircle it, flaming black chakra kanji formed on each clawed hand of the man. "This is the first gift I have to offer you...may it bind you to your fate, ensuring your survival till the end." with those words in a mystical tone he slammed his palm into the youths stomach, black kanji would scroll over his whole body. The senjutsu chakra mixed with his demonic chakra and the dark enzymes he created the seal would bond to Kagari's very chakra system and DNA. The seal finally completing itself on one of the boys hands "Now for your first test to see if you are worthy of wearing on of my seals." he would in a strong tone to ensure it would ring loud even through the suffering the boy was no doubt going through.

Walking over to the guards he would whisper something to them, the only words that the boy would hear would be 'Throne of Bone' an area of the dojo made of old sandwyrm bones, an ancient part of Suna with a particularly unusual high activity. It was here Akkuma intended to take Kagari to test his will and his body.

Curse Seal Given To Kagari - Astral Seal
After your rp they'll head to the Throne of Bone
Topic Left w/ Kagari to Throne of Bone
Mar 30, 2015
Good is decided then you shall be my disciple. I am your Master now, in return for your loyalty I will give you knowledge and power that men only dream of." he said it in that devilish tone with the air of authority he always wielded. His right hand moved up from his side and black demonic chakra began to encircle it, flaming black chakra kanji formed on each clawed hand of the man. "This is the first gift I have to offer you...may it bind you to your fate, ensuring your survival till the end."

Kagari nodded, his expression confident. He was ready to take the next step, although he wasn't sure what was coming next. He observed Akkuma's hand; his fingers were on fire. They weren't colored normarly, but a blackish hue. Kagar was suprised, he had only seen chakra glow a lightish blue. He didn't know it could glow pure black!

With those words in a mystical tone he slammed his palm into the youths stomach, black kanji would scroll over his whole body. The senjutsu chakra mixed with his demonic chakra and the dark enzymes he created the seal would bond to Kagari's very chakra system and DNA. The seal finally completing itself on one of the boys hands "Now for your first test to see if you are worthy of wearing on of my seals." he would in a strong tone to ensure it would ring loud even through the suffering the boy was no doubt going through.

Kagari felt an immediate discomfort, he felt something surging, changing his body. It felt like his insides were burning, the engergy moving from point to point in his body. Kagari was clutching his right hand, something was being etched on his hand, almost like a tattoo. "Ugh...G-aah..." His whole body was in pain, he could barely get any words out; only hard pants and grunts were the only noises to come out his mouth.

After the pain started swelling down, he noticed the mark on his hand.

Kagari fell down on his end, feeling what was not exhaustion, but a different kind of tired. His vision started to get hazy, and his right hand was burning with the imprint of the newly aquired tattoo. He could as if Chakra was redirecting flow from his right hand into his body, almost like a new power source was installed in a city. Like a power plant, his right hand felt like it was pulsating, moving; even though Kagari was sitting completely still. After finally catching his breath and breathing more normally now; he was able to get some words out. "It felt like you took my soul and stretched it into two..." Kagari said as he slowly got up. 'Weird, I felt exhausted a minute ago.' Kagari said.

Walking over to the guards he would whisper something to them, the only words that the boy would hear would be 'Throne of Bone' an area of the dojo made of old sandwyrm bones, an ancient part of Suna with a particularly unusual high activity. It was here Akkuma intended to take Kagari to test his will and his body.

'Throne of Bone....That doesn't bode to well.' Kagari thought to himself, he could only hear a few words out of the soft whispers Akkuma had between the guards and him.

"Master...I'm ready."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
