Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

To Track a Shadow [Requesting Exit]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
There was a rumor, well it was more than a rumor that Senju Kazuk has left the village. Where, she did not know but she had her fears. She had peered into his apartment, not that much could be gleaned from the neat setting from afar but she knew he had not been home. She knew his pattern, he was methodical. She knew that he had left through the gates. There were witness accounts of this, but the documentation regarding where was unavailable to her. All the same she knew him because she studied him. The silver tongued heir of the Senju legacy had no reason to depart Sunagakure and yet he did. He had everything he needed and everything he ever wanted here but he was gone. He was not taken, he went of his own accord. They saw him leave. She saw his house, the door was locked and the curtains were drawn and what little she could spy appeared neat and undisturbed.

She did not even know what direction he went. In all honesty she did not need to know. She knew him and he was a sentimental fool even if he acted like a cardboard cutout of a man. There was only one place he would... he could go. The papers made no secret of the fact that the shinobi of Kohona took back Fire County. In fact Iwagakure and Kohonagakure united under a treatise of peace and cooperation. They were for all intents and purposes a singular community. Kazuki had made quite a name for himself in both Kohona and Iwa, he had a way of gaining a foothold on positions of power. It was uncanny. Furthermore, the land of Fire was his heritage and he was their legacy. He was returning home, but home was not something he would find. When people return to the places they once were they expect to find the same people and the same places the left, their mind forgets that they age and in his case the fact that they are all likely dead or destroyed. The leadership would change and all that he held dear has already burned away. It was not different for for, what remained of her birthplace and family was long buried beneath these sands.

She was not concerned over his fragile sentiments, he would learn, adapt and overcome the heartache. She did not need to be there for that. She feared for his liberty and life. The cradle would become his grave if he allowed it. He was a fool to return to Kohonagakure. Once there it was likely that he would never return.

She packed her things, she did not have much but she needed very little. A small pack was slung over her shoulder, it contained some pens and some paper. A chance of clothes, several lengths of rope, her weapons and several sheets. It was all she needed. she did not pack flint or rashions, she needed neither and she would not be able to carry enough to suffice during her journey. She was used to moving and changing location, never staying in one place for more than a night. She was used to the hunger pangs and the cold and knew how to remedy both with her ninjutsu. She could chart the heavens in her mind. She could catch him even with his head-start but she needed to go now.

So she would arrive late in the day, by her estimate Kazuki was a day's travel ahead of her. She hoped that she could reduce the gap by taking a Sand Runner, they were faster than she was and they knew these lands well. She knew of a ranch, it was not far. In her pocket she already had the means to compensate the rancher, a gem worth the flock but she only needed a pair. One for her and one to carry or perhaps drag Kazuki back. She needed to save the idiot from himself.

She would arrive at the gates of the Toraono Dojo and patiently wait her turn. There was not a great deal of activity at this hour but security was sparse. She could have tried to break out but that would draw more attention than she wanted. She had nothing to hide and would explain her reasons for departure honestly if asked. She was hunting Kazuki to return him before he got himself killed.

Attempting to Leave Village.

Chasing Kazuki.

This is NOT a Going Missing Attempt.​


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
She went away for a week and suddenly her brother just randomly disappears. No notes, nothing to signify what has happened. It did seem like he had at least packed, considering there were missing clothes from his dresser, but he could have at least said something! Then there was another problem that was bugging her, namely that pestering stalker that had been frequenting the estate recently. She didn't know what her brother had been up to, but considering the behaviour that wasn't exactly a normal thing an acquainted individual would do. Natsu had to deal with it.

With a sigh of annoyance she prepared for confrontation once more. That mess with the Kitsune last week was more than enough for her to be weary when dealing with absolutely anything nowadays. Nevertheless this was something that she had to do. After all who else would protect her brother. The kunoichi quickly changed into more appropriate attiresomething a little bit more comfortable than her usual skirt and jacket, namely the same equipment she had during that fight down to the mask.

That stalker likely knew something that she didn't. Possibly she even knew where her brother actually was and that was something that she had to investiagate. Without much of a second thought the kunoichi took up position well out of sight in one of the hidden corridors within the estate, knowing full well that her little friend wasn't aware of the intricate workings on the building. To her it was something she knew like the back of her hand, considering how similar it was to the original in some ways.

It turned out that this was the correct decision. The little kitty wandered right where she wanted her and she was able to trail her without that much of an issue. Her training as an anbu wasn't going to waste that much was for certain, though things were slowly but surely becomming more and more interesting. Her little target ended up heading straight for the gate. Either she had a mission to deal with or she had noticed somthing that Natsuru hadn't and that annoyed her slightly.

' Time to get this started then.' She thought before finally deciding to step out of the shadows and slowly closing in on the other woman, likely one of the very few people who were shorter than her in this village. "Let's skip the formalities, little stalker. Either you are going on a mission or you know something that I ended up missing during my absence."<i></i> Natsuru would note, the lower half of her face covered by a black mask with her ashen hair tied up in a long ponytail reaching up to her lower back. " I would go as far as to wager it is the latter. You know where he is and you will either tell me and back off or acompany me. I'm sure Kazuki would rather appreciate having at least one woman having an interest in his stoic behind and you can be dealt with at that point if he deems it appropriate. Now what is it. Company or a hike stalker-san?"<i></i> The kunoichi would note, tilting her head ever so slightly to the left as she relaxed her body, her left hand at the ready over her projectile holster and her right handing loosely at her side.

[Joining in on the village leaving thing]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin stood at eight feet and weighed in at four hundred and fifty pounds. He wore a sand camouflage pattern heavy armor made of Takahashi fire-forged steel with matte-black transformation seals allowing it to switch from desert colors to pitch black dependent on his vocal command or four tap sonic patterned code along his right thigh plate. Kyojin wore a matching belt and sheath around his waist where he had sheathed a pair of blade attachments for his battle gauntlets.He wore his battle pouch atop the belt it was a simple lizard leather pouch but easily camouflaged by rubbing it with sand or crushed stone if ever necessary just above his right hip. The giant avatar wore his leg sheath on the interior of his left armored thigh just atop his silk gi shorts. A convenient slot in the multi-folded steel of his left thigh armor allowed Kyojin full access to his items without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Securing his Takahashi forged battle guards and lower leggings were his enhanced runic terran sealed leather wraps for his hands, forearms, shins and feet. He typically wrapped his armored tail around his belt making it appear as if he wore a belt of armor resembling hand-sized reinforced double blades. His mane of silver hair was set in tight war braids in ancient ceremonial fashion making his oxen horns much more pronounced with the added affect of making him look like a serious battle veteran. Massive chakra gems implanted into his flesh and endoskeletal structure stood out on the back of his hands. The chakra gem in his left hand was emerald green with a spiral of a star in its center. If one looked at it closely and long enough one could see where it interfaced with the flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. The chakra gem in his right hand was ruby red with a six point star in its center, this one also interfaced with his flesh and bone with tiny bio crystal circuits. These carmot stones allowed Kuro to dramatically pulse chakra throughout this body which was now one of the keys to his defensive capabilities. It also allowed him to control his metabolic rate at a degree he had never believed was possible. His dark flesh was covered with intricate runic terran seals and tattoos. His horns looked as if they were part of his armor along with his gems but the discerning eye would know that they were part of this giant warrior's body. His eyes caught the ephemeral chakra in others from time to time though not as efficiently as his Sharingan or Summoner forms which carried out other duties.

Kyojin had not overheard his words or accusations but he would approach with emergency travel documents in and more in a large satchel upon his hip. He would hand the standard request form to Natsuru and wait to see if he already had a passport. As he looked upon the young lady he would hand her the emergency forms as she looked pained to his enhanced sight and she carried a great deal of shadow chakra. She also seemed familiar but he could not simply focus on her too much. If she had snuck in to Suna but chose to leave peacefully it was all Kuro could do to ensure she left in peace with hope she could return or stay an ally. The male seemed strong as well. "Greetings Sir... Due to the state of Sunan affairs I must request that you fill out these emergency passport documents unless you have your own and return from your travels as soon as SAFELY possible. Sunagakure cannot afford to lose anyone to anything."<i></i>

Kyojin would approach the young lady and take a knee before her extending his hand to pass her documents she would need to sign to leave and return. "Greetings young lady... Due to the state of Sunan affairs I must request that you fill out these passport documents and return from your travels as soon as SAFELY possible. Sunagakure cannot afford to lose any of our survivors to anything. Take this seal with you, should you be within the confines of wind country or near any of my comrades simply pulse any distinct chakra into it and your general location and physical state of being will be broadcast as an emergency signal. You would still need to use a signal flare or some other means of communication but this seal will place a general alert that you are in danger or in need of assistance. These are specifically handed to women and children of our village as of late due to heightened security as it known women and children are considered easy prey whether they are or not."<i></i>

Kyojin Kuro would pass her the documents and the emergency beacon seal... A runic system would print out temporary emergency passport with her likeness although the picture was grainy. The documents would allow her any form of deception to travel about. With a firm nod that he was certain she would understand Kyojin would leave her with the documents and temporary passport to fill out at her leisure as he went to each woman and child of age leaving the village for whatever reason to pass on emergency documents of travel and an emergency safety seal. She might wonder why he did not ask her name or gather information. Then it might dawn upon her that in their state of war, many were fleeing for distant relatives and it was all Kyojin could do to simply ensure their safety as best he could. She would also notice that she had been given a blood seal that could possibly be used as a kawarimi tag within the confines of Wind Country.

Whether she kept the documents or not Kyojin had given her a temporary passport and documents to verify herself. She need only drop the documents off in a collection bin ahead of her in line after she placed whatever identity she decided upon on them. His demonic eyes were scanning carefully and he had noticed her but he seemed content to simply make sure she was safe. If she were not in too much of a hurry she might ask why.

WC: 890


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
She would wait her turn. She would watch as those in front of her signed their parchments and declared their cargo. She would recognize the sentinel as Sennin Toraono. He was a large, imposing man or rather demon who came from a rather prominent family. Him and what was his was rather well known by even the average Sunan. For the most part he was a celebrated figure among the local civilians. His homestead, turned gates has been housing refugees for over a decade at this point. Of course that is what has always made him a target as well, not only of the Cabal but of other unscrupulous figures as well. Demons are attracted to like creatures and while not all demons are personifications of evil, many are. She was indifferent to demons in concept, it would be like saying she had a distaste for gingers when what they are is so much less important than who they are. However, some of the demons he has allowed into his house are unkind. She was not intended to serve as a beacon for justice or to serve as a vigilante, she was only a recorder of these damning days.

She was approached by an irrelevant. She had seen the white-haired stranger before, but her importance was defined as inconsequential.

"Let's skip the formalities, little stalker. Either you are going on a mission or you know something that I ended up missing during my absence."

Overly aggressive.


She turned her attention towards the young woman. Her voice sounded feminine to her.

" I would go as far as to wager it is the latter. You know where he is and you will either tell me and back off or acompany me. I'm sure Kazuki would rather appreciate having at least one woman having an interest in his stoic behind and you can be dealt with at that point if he deems it appropriate. Now what is it. Company or a hike stalker-san?"

"And... you are?" She paused for a moment and allowed her to answer. Regardless of her answer Michi would continue. "And what entitles you to my information? What makes you think I will abandon my anticipated sortie per your demand?" Thee was no mirth or menace in her voice, it was almost mechanical how she asked this. "If you are his lover, I assure you my want of him is entirely physical." That came out wrong but it was what she meant. She did not need anything from him, she just wanted him physically present and safe. Perhaps she was becoming sentimental in her old age.

Kuro would interrupt, perhaps he knew that a tussle might occur between the jealous white haired young woman and the somewhat bewildered Oracle.

"Greetings Sir... Due to the state of Sunan affairs I must request that you fill out these emergency passport documents unless you have your own and return from your travels as soon as SAFELY possible. Sunagakure cannot afford to lose anyone to anything."</B><i></i>

Apparently she was a HE. Michi would look confused. Her. mind. Was. Blown. She hated being wrong. <B>"I suppose my statement is even more true, I lack the equipment Kazuki apparently prefers." She concluded to further evidence her previous statement that there was no erotic sentiments towards the Sennin. Overall she did not fell terribly compelled to explain herself to Kazuki's over-attached gay lover.

It would be her turn next as Kazuki's paramour had cut her in line apparently.

"Greetings young lady... Due to the state of Sunan affairs I must request that you fill out these passport documents and return from your travels as soon as SAFELY possible. Sunagakure cannot afford to lose any of our survivors to anything. Take this seal with you, should you be within the confines of wind country or near any of my comrades simply pulse any distinct chakra into it and your general location and physical state of being will be broadcast as an emergency signal. You would still need to use a signal flare or some other means of communication but this seal will place a general alert that you are in danger or in need of assistance. These are specifically handed to women and children of our village as of late due to heightened security as it known women and children are considered easy prey whether they are or not."

She accepted the seal and the form. She would retrieve a pen from her bag. She would fill in ledger and her passport document with small neat letters. The Oracle formerly known as Fuu, presently Michi|To Kohohagaure, Fire Country in pursuit of one Sennin Senju Kazuki|Anticipated one month to track and retrieve; potentially three if combat transpires She would return the ledger politely, "Thank you Sennin Toraono."


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
"A relative."<i></i> Natsuru would simply state, choosing to stop it at that. There was no need to disclose anymore at this point in time. Kazuki would state so himself at this point. This entire situation was proving far too hilarious as the kunoichi just barely managed to keep her composure and not allow herself to burst into laughter. As much as she loved her brother, likely more than should be normal, Natsu knew what boundaries to keep and then she did have to consider his... disposition. Being that much of an emotional invalid was a curse really. Finding at least one woman interested in him was quite the achievment, even if one considered she was a stalker. Then again that monotone seemed... familiar.

The former medic would slowly circle the other kunoichi, her body showing absolutely no indication of being at the ready for anything, studying the other woman from head to toe. She would then bring her left hand up to her face, pulling the mask down, exposing the light smirk gracing her expression. "I never thought I'd see the day when a woman was actually interested in his iaconic, cold behind. Right then."<i></i> She would clap her hands together, taking a cople steps back with a thoughtful expresison. "We will class this as your test. See whether you are worthy of being his partner. Then again just by actually showing interest in him whatsoever that puts you head and shoulders above the rest of the candidates, being a pumpkin and a stone in the courtyard."<i></i> Natsu would nod, seeminly rather pleased with that analogy. "You shall be judged on the factors as follows: ... ahem... Whether or not you can keep up that attitude. Whether or not Kazuki hates you. Whether you can elicit any form of reaction from him whatsoever."<i></i> She would count out on her right hand. "Oh don't worry about the last one that is just for fun. If nothing happens that is quite alright, being a stalker I'm sure you don't mind having no reaction."<i></i> Natsuru would nod.

Just as she was about to continue her attention was drawn to the rather herculain demonic being approaching them. Well she sure wasn't prepared to deal with that right now, however it seemed like he more than was. With just two sentences he had managed to embarass her, piss her off and made her want to hide in a hole. It had been a fairly long time since she had found herself in a situation like that. The stalker wasn't helping as well. Before she could do anything Michi indicated that this one was off limits. Toraono. That was their benefactor.

"I was a genuine female last time I checked. I would show you, but that would make me a bit worried about leaving Kazuki with somebody swinging both ways. Then again if he really was interest in that type of equipment it would explain his chosen company quite a bit. I honestly can't recall him being around women for non-work related business."<i></i> She would shrug, taking the stack of papers and the pen.
Name: Senju Natsuru
Affiliation: Nonexistent?
Reason for issue of documentation: Following the stalker
Duration: Not a clue

"There you go, big guy."<i></i> Natsuru would hand both of them back. It was more than safe to say that the documentation was a joke, but hey she was no Sunan kunoichi. Heck she wasn't really a shinobi anymore by any standards, though that didn't mean her abilities weren't up to scratch. "Just think of this as a maritial interview. No pressure or anything. Now lead the way."<i></i> The former medic would chuckle, lifting her mask back up in order to cover her face.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kyojin would chuckle and apologize to Natsuru... "My apologies young lady Senju Natsuru, having your mask on earlier actually fooled me since I was not looking at your actual body features just your presence and stance. You are both hereby released from Sunagakure, please return safely. That goes double for you Michi, it would be our honor to talk to you about your original profession in efforts to restore your order." After taking their documents Kuro would step on a panel and a small camera would make a polaroid photo of each of them which was then chakra sealed into emergency Wartime passports. In less than eight minutes both women were on their way with stamped passports while Kyojin strengthened his efforts to properly identify people. He had been so stuck on sensing killing intent and subversive maneuvers that he was failing at basic recognition. That would not do, so with a deep breath and steadying his multi-prescient mind Kyojin resumed his duties and focused his senses and not just his line of sight.

Wartime Emergency Passports Issued
Safe Journey to you both...


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"A relative."

Close family.

"I never thought I'd see the day when a woman was actually interested in his iaconic, cold behind. Right then."

"I think he is capable of controlling his posterior chill," she commented taking her literally at her statement. "The Senju clan appears to be earnestly capable of suppressing their dark, cold nature," she shifted the collar of her jacket, she was not. She was taking note of the fact that Natsuru did not release the same icy aura as her relative. It was a mystery that beguiled her. Kazuki was a hybrid and yet he was the only one that demonstrated the genetic characteristics of a Deep Court hybrid, something that would have entered his bloodline generations ago and yet it only appeared to be awakened in him or it was always controlled, impressively so by every other member of his clan. She would leave her query unasked, she did not know if the young man was a 'Senju' or a distant relative like a second or tertiary cousin.

"We will class this as your test. See whether you are worthy of being his partner. Then again just by actually showing interest in him whatsoever that puts you head and shoulders above the rest of the candidates, being a pumpkin and a stone in the courtyard."

"I am certain that I can prove myself a worthy ally," no test was needed by this point. She had proven herself a source of information that she had willfully shared. She did not consider a romantic definition for the term, that would be illogical.

"You shall be judged on the factors as follows: ... ahem... Whether or not you can keep up that attitude. Whether or not Kazuki hates you. Whether you can elicit any form of reaction from him whatsoever."

Why would it be necessary to elicit a reaction from an ally...

Before she could ask the question Natsuru was apparently, how one would say... 'kidding.'

"Oh don't worry about the last one that is just for fun. If nothing happens that is quite alright, being a stalker I'm sure you don't mind having no reaction."

She understood the concept of humor but she never understood its practical use. Was this where she was supposed to laugh? She would look over at the Toraono, was he laughing? He was not. She would look at Natsuru, was there a nonverbal cue for laughter? She looked confused but she endeavored to maintain a neutral expression that was only given away by the uncertain wandering of her eyes.

"My apologies young lady Senju Natsuru, having your mask on earlier actually fooled me since I was not looking at your actual body features just your presence and stance. You are both hereby released from Sunagakure, please return safely. That goes double for you Michi, it would be our honor to talk to you about your original profession in efforts to restore your order."

She would accept her passport, study it for a moment, there might be a day that she needed to replicate it unfortunately. Then she would put the passport away in her bag, choosing one of the smaller, zippered compartments for safe keeping. An actual passport was valuable indeed and not something she anticipated holding as she had never had one before. Kuro would give Michi a name, Senju Natsuru and that would give her an identity. Sennin Senju Kazuki was one of the most famous men in the village, it honestly made monitoring him easier because others did it for her. Contrary to semi-popular belief she was not omnipresent. "A clansman is an acceptable companion," she would conclude referencing Natsuru's accompaniment not her relationship with the Sennin. Before leaving the table her silver eyes would focus on the Toraono. "Knowledge is sovereignty. It can make the malleable unbroken. There are threats far worse than the Soverign, so learn. That is the Order's one truth." They have all missed it, all these years. They had the one answer they truly needed and she did not. "Learning is about asking the right question" but she would not have their answer but there were others that did. The Order was as much about learning as it was knowing and disseminating, They had books upon books upon books about every mundane subject conceivable but there is a time when one must leave the ordinary and rather seek the extraordinary. "If any of them are alive and not further broken, and one can only hope to see that they elucidate at length these phenomena of expression, repression and prepotence." It would be an expression of hubris to say that she could teach him or anyone else how to be an Oracle, all he needed to do was to take the next step. To be a great learner is more than reading books and following the steps another mad or elated scientist had, he needed to be an explorer, an investigator, an experimenter and he needed to actively compile and archive the world's mysteries and secrets. That was all.

Natsuru would finish her, she was a her after all, forms. That would do it for now it would appear.

"Just think of this as a maritial interview. No pressure or anything. Now lead the way."</B><i></i>

Ah, the joke again. This must be the punchline and she was laughing at her own joke. <B>"Ha... ha... ha...?" The laughter was forced and it was rather obvious, she had never studied humor. It was an irrelevant subject in her studies but she had read a great deal on alliances and comradity. Jesting was apparently a common and arguably necessary component in said relationships. As far as she understood it, it was the use of outlandish and impossible statements being postulated as possible. There was also the use of words, of puns. They were more relatable to her. She was obviously nothing like Shouki in this regard. She would ponder the marvelous bank of knowledge that was her min briefly for a 'witty pun.'

"I should reciprocate as that is what traveling companions supposedly do," she announced. "What did the cell say to his sister when she stepped on his foot?" A perfect joke, both ridiculous in consideration as cells both had no feet and they had no familial relations. She would wait a second and if the Senju gave an answer she would verbally give accolades in the form of another forced laugh or she would give her the answer if she failed. "Mitosis." She did not exclaim, were jokes supposed to crescendo? She was not entirely certain, it was also never a relevant thing to consider. But there you have it, a pun. She waited for Natsuru's reaction. Was there laughter? It was so much easier when she was a voyeur on all matters and her interactions were brief and had a concise meaning. She found the prospect of a traveling mate awkward to say the least but it increased her probability in recovering Senju Kazuki, after all if he is placed in a perilous situation, one she truly expected him to be in, she would prove a beneficial asset.

"Let us be on then."
[Attempting to Leave Topic and Village]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
She couldn't help but stare at the smaller female dumbfolded. To say this was unnerving was quite the understatement when once considered the entirety of the situation. Firstly most normal people would just repeat their question when it was completely ignored, but this didn't happen. No. Not at all. Something just plain wasn't right. Then we also had that complete lack of understanding of metaphors. The kunoichi let out a prolonged huff, raising an eyebrow at the response. "That is not... I don't even.... we don't have cold natures.... I didn't mean that literally. It's a metaphor. I meant he was iaconic and cold not his actual physical behind."<i></i> Natsu would slowly raise her left hand up to her forehead, facepalming. She just plain didn't know how to react to that. Like at all. She wasn't programmed for this. Nope. If she had a choice she would be out at this point, but that wasn't the case.

"Are you actually doing it on purpose or? Wait don't answer that I don't even want to know.You've passed test one that is for sure, though that is not a good thing for my mental health at all. And here I thought one was already more than enough. Fate has a way to just make it go beyond that."<i></i> She would note, shaking her head with her palm still covering half of her face. It was like talking to an even more monotone version of Kazuki. Frankly that was amazing "What I'm saying is that I'm testing if you will make a good romantic partner for him. The sheer fact that I have to explain this is making me thing you will pass with flying colours. I swear it will be like watching paint dry."<i></i> Natsuru would add, still trying to convince herself that this was an actual human being and not some random robot, wait what was a robot?

It was certain. There was absolutely no shadow of a doubt in her mind. What she was looking at right now was a - "I swear you are a tiny female version of Kazuki without the added bonus of keeping drinks chilled wherever you go. It's absolutely uncanny. This will be an interraction I need to see."<i></i> She couldn't help but chuckle, trying to imagine Kazuki as a short woman. Frankly Michi had replaced that image and soon it just wasn't as funny anymore. On the bright side the rather confusing discussion that was happening in front of her gave her more than enough time to do this. It was more than safe to say she had absolutely no idea what the heck was going on at this point and she didn't want to ask.

However unfortunatelly for her it seemed like Michi was just starting to test her in her own way. The second that joke was out there you just plain couldn't avoid it. Natsuru slowly broight her hand up to her temple, rubbing it in circular motion with her index and middle fingers. "Right. Humour doesn't work. Got it. This will be one heck of a long journey."<i></i> The rather confused medic would make a note more to herself than anyone else. This really was going to be a veeerry long journey. For somebody who couldn't help but joke around all the time this was going to be akin to, well, torture. "Just lead the way. I'll try and find a way to communicate with you without imagining Kazuki with breasts is next to me."<i></i>

[Leaving village unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
