Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Trail not yet Cold [Requesting Entrance]

Akimichi Kato

New Member
Jul 21, 2013
"Hey kid, wakeup! This is as far as I take ya,"

Kato's eyes blinked open, welling with tears as the bright sunlight blinded him momentarily. He sat up in the back of merchant's cart and slowly stretched and yawned. That had been a long ride, but the young shinobi had been in serious need of some rest, and found the time had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Wait, we're already here, that's awesome!" he exclaimed, hopping out of the cart and squatting a couple times to stretch his legs.

"What are you, dumb? 'Course we're not in the village, you think I'm about to risk smuggling some unknown shinobi into the sand village? No thank you, I'd like to stay alive," the merchant said, shaking his head at the stocky teen. "This is the outskirts of the town, see those gates there. You gotta pass through those to enter the city. That parts all up to you kid."

Kato looked disappointed for a moment, but then he shook the sadness away. He grabbed his black sleeveless hoodie out of the cart, and tossed his bag over his shoulder, buckling it in place. He reached down instinctively to make sure his leaf headband was still resting against his thigh, securely tied to his belt. Well, technically his father's headband, but had it not been for all the war and fighting that broke out while Kato was still part of the academy, he would've received his own by now. He reached into a small pocket on the strap of his shoulder bag and pulled out a handful of money, offering it to the merchant. "Hey thanks mister," he offered kindly.

The man looked at Kato for a moment, considering him, before he shook his hand, holding his hand up to the boy. "Keep your money kid. Consider it my good deed for the week. Good luck."

And with that the man was gone. Kato watched him as he steered the two oxen pulling the cart toward the gate, and showed a piece of paper to a man standing outside of them. The man let the merchant through, and he disappeared into the hustle and bustle of Sunagakure. Kato's stomach churned as he considered his next move. It had taken several months to find his way through the desert, aimlessly wandering here and there trying to find the village hidden in the sand. Problem was he hadn't had any idea where to even start looking for it. He spent his time moving from one small village to the other, and a whole lot of time baking in the desert sun. He lucked out when he met the merchant heading to the shinobi village to do business, and Kato was able to talk him into letting the heavyweight shinobi catch a ride.

But now he was nervous again. Because of the circumstances of how Kato left his village he had no passport or identification. But as far as he could tell, this is where his mother and sisters had fled to after the leaf fell. He had to find them. No matter what.

Steeling his courage Kato walked up to the gate guard on duty. Clearing his throat he half mumbled as he spoke, “Excuse me, how do I go about requesting entrance to the village?”

[554 WC]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Just open the door," the guard replied. The security in Sunagakure was lacking these days, almost everyone who used to watch the gates was already dead. The sun was shining brightly, the storms had ended. In fact, there was even a perpetual celebration in the Toraono Dojo. Some of the braver shinobi and civilians were even venturing into the desert once they were sure that the maelstrom was not going to return. Shiori has even made her way back to the dojo, she was gazing at the sky she had no seen decades. The sky was quite lovely now that she could see it again, she did not even know that she missed it. Shiori gave a polite wave to the new-comer, he did not seem to be dangerous at least. Perhaps she was a bad judge of character. Time would tell.
[Entry Granted]​

OC: Short post is short. I just wanted to get you into the village before I worked on my next mod. Welcome to Sand. Feel free to PM me or any member in Sand if you need help with anything, we are a pretty laid-back bunch with the exception of the Cabal. Leave those people alone.

Akimichi Kato

New Member
Jul 21, 2013
Kato was relieved. it seemed he needn't have worried that he had no identification as apparently Suna's security was lax at the moment. The boy smiled and thanked the woman who gave him the direction and ran off. After such a long journey, being on his own for so many years, he felt like now finally he had a chance to find his family again. He knew they had to be somewhere in the village. He could feel it.

He desperately wanted to start his search immediately, but he knew there was something more urgent he needed attend to before he could start searching the village. He walked for only a few short minutes before entering a building with a bright neon sign on the front.

"Gimme three bowls of curry, 14 dumplings, 7 riceballs, and your biggest plate of bbq pork please!"<i></i> he called, slamming a fistful of cash down on the counter. His request was emphasized by a loud low rumble from his stomach. As desperate as he was to find his family, an Akimichi can't do much on an empty stomach.

[Village Entered]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
