Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Trouble in a Winter Wonderland [Class]


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Sep 13, 2023
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It seemed to Misaki that Kiseki might be one of those too innocent for the world types as he was quick to ask Misaki to use a more familiar term of address from him as he went straight to using her own given name before taking one of her hands into his own. Despite his forwardness however Misaki gentle smile remained on her face as Kiseki shared his chakra with her and allowed the girl to borrow a measure of his warmth as the bite from the wind quickly left her extremities and the shivering faded to a small trail of goosebumps trickling down Misaki's arms. Warm oceanic blue eyes peered into Misaki's own burning amber eyes with a surprising amount of intensity causing the white haired girl to chuckle soft as she released Kiseki's hand gently before clasping the boys shoulder with it. "Of course Kiseki-Kun I will follow your lead." Matching the boy upbeat energy Misaki smiled happily along with her partner as he exclaimed he believed in the pair.

[Rolled 16]

However unfortunately for Kiseki positivity could not be made up for actual skill or perhaps nerves had gotten to him as her poor partner struggled to hit any of the targets while simultaneously defending the pair from any attacks with a strange jutsu using his voice that Misaki had never seen before. As for Misaki herself, the young girls amber eyes had quickly bled to red before a single tomoe had drifted from the pupil allowing it to orbit around the eye. Darting rapidly from side to side Misaki's eyes took in everything as quickly as possible allowing the girl to shift just enough to stop stray Kunia from hitting her the blade whizzing just over the girl's shoulder or stopped mid air by Kiseki's jutsu while Misaki flicked her own Kunai at the various target boards featuring different images of criminals with each of her blades either hitting the target dead centre or in the head if Misaki could manage it in hopes of scoring extra points in the class. "I'm fine Kiseki-kun, Ugh it's not too bad when you can see everything coming at you like this." Misaki called back to her partner grunting every so often with the effort of forcing untrained muscles to keep up with the processing power her eyes had though she did find it a little strange that Kiseki found this scary as Misaki herself found the dance of death to be a bit more on the exhilarating side of things.

Ducking underneath a shuriken launched by a another cut out Misaki got ready to launch a reply only to still her hand at the last second as her doujutsu took in the details of a man horribly injured and mangled strapped to one of the boards. "Huh." Was Misaki's confused response while her partners response was a lot strong and profound as he vomited on the ground next to her causing Misaki to jump away in alarm. The teacher quickly swooped in on the group almost as soon as the body had unburied itself from the snow commanding the student to gather as Misaki quickly realised that the class was over and they were now at a crime scene. Gentle fingers encircled around her wrist as Kiseki said that they should check the barn causing Misaki to slowly take her eyes off the dying man as Kiseki seemed to want to reassure himself with Misaki's gaze. Smiling at the boy while seemingly strangely unphased Misaki gently unwrapped Kiseki's fingers around her wrist before taking his hand in hers as a sign of reassurance. "It will be ok Kiseki the sensei is here and will look after that man." Following along with the boy Misaki allowed one last glance over at the dying man and had to fight to not let her smile drop as she gazed at the broken figure.

[Rolled 14 on investigation.]

WC: 654
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Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The sounds of one of the children becoming suddenly sick at the sight of the body made Tobias wince a little, but he kept a straight face. The darkened shocked expressions of the rest of the class, save one, placed a weight on the kind shinobi’s heart; one he took in stride all the same. The one student that had not balked at the sight of death, the older one already making headway in the medical field, came up and asked a question. Tobias simply dismissed it with a wave of his hand and a shake of his head. While he in no way doubted Nanami’s ability to preform the autopsy, the Ryuu wanted it to be done officially and under strict scrutiny; it was just easier in the long run. Long gone were the days when a shinobi could simply preform such an action in the field without question, and though the circumstances would technically allow leeway if it ever came to court, but Tobi wanted to keep his students far away from that side of Kumogakure for the moment. It was already hard enough to learn how to be a ruthless killer, let alone know you also have to adhere to strict laws…

As the youths split up in search many would find little to work with. The house was mostly empty save basic furniture, a fireplace that was already prepped to be lit, and traveler’s rations in the kitchen. The beds were still made, there were no signs of anyone having disturbed the house’s seasonal rest, and even the dust seemed unmoved. A search of the home brought up nothing. It seemed that whoever had tormented the man and set up the terrible trap didn't do so quickly and not just over night. One could suspect that the bandit that had been strapped to his own wood cutout was caught the previous day before Tobi had set up the traps and then dragged out here. A message, potentially, to the instructor and the lil' shinobi he was trying to currently teach.

On the outside, snow had covered nearly everything quite well and left little to be found. Foot prints were long gone, and scents quite shallow. The smell of barn, even though lacking in animal for the season still overpowered most of the scents in the area except that of death. However, through Ichika’s and Gou’s combined luck the pair managed to stumble over something. Literally. Laid across the ground covered in snow, as if it had fallen over from it’s previous resting place, was a simple spear adorned with strange religious markings. Further inspection would note that it had a part in the middle that could twist, and when done so, extended the spear’s shaft by another foot on either end. It was really well made, with the edge of the spear so sharp it almost appeared to slice the very air itself as the duo inspected it.

By the time Nanami returned to report their search of the house, the sensei was produced a question he had heard many, many times before by the older generations. His face soured for a moment as he finished inking out the last bit of a seal on the freshly wrapped body. Before answering he formed a simple handseal causing the body to glow a soft blue color before reaching into his belt pouch and producing a simple ninjutsu scroll. Holding it open the blue light slowly raised up from the snow and into the paper that he rolled, tied, and returned to his pouch.
A student of Iziang and Wex, I take it,” he responded somberly before rubbing his cold hand across his face,
It’s not a hard answer. We live in different times now, Nanami. I can still remember a Lightning Country where the shogun demanded ridiculous taxes from our farms and Kumogakure was a boogeyman you warned special children about. It’s only been half a decade since the war and…I can feel it. We’re moving away from our old ways and into a brighter future - but we can’t fully accomplish that without a military that also understands mercy. For too long Kumo has been outright unable to field such a weakness…but now, we can.” He slowly stood up from his crouch to turn to Nanami and look her in the eye,
Don’t forget that while we may have all this power, so does everyone else now, and we just squashed a rebellion that has left yet another scar on our land barely a year ago. We simply can’t be as merciless in training our youth as we once had been…despite some that refuse to see that light.

Akane Kiseki

Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Did he really seem that pathetic? His partner seemed habitually unphased by every happening, carried their point total on her little back, and assured him at the chances she got - was he the one being lead here? Yes, he suppose he was. Yes, he suppose he did. "Oh," came the reply of a boy who had hoped to be the backbone of something - for anything, anyone - and help another timid soul through the darkness that seemed so ever pervasive, yet appeared to be the only factor in that struggle. He did note her eyes, however - the same as their teacher's had been, in a way - and a flash of pain hazed his own, squeezing them shut with a murmur before pressing it away with palm to forehead. "What kind of Jutsu is that, Misaki-chan? You, uhm, look really cool out there. I'll keep up, too!"

Then, of course, the body, and a fruitless search that followed. They hadn't found anything in their wandering, and the slight tremor to his touch and the pallor of his expression suggested he was still overcoming his nerves. It was rattling, to be so close to a death like this. Are you scared, Ki✰se✰ki✰kun? and the voice bloomed in frigid tendrils from the small of his back, freezing through his veins until his breath exhaled in frost. A sigh, regrouping with Misaki when they realized they wouldn't find anything. I'm not scared. And he was being true, thinking in reply to the cloying being. He could almost feel her lips like jack frost at his ear. He shifted, frowning soft. I just don't like it.

Was that pathetic, too?

Someone had found something, though. Ichika ------- Ichika's team, the boy and his little partner, had found some type of ... cult spear? Kiseki tried to listen in from the fringes, a hand twitching at his side to reach out and congratulate his light yet curling in on itself until it pressed deeper into skin. "I think you're doing a good job, Tobias-sensei." It was the more he could muster - his cheeks pale and eyes rimmed with bags. "I-I think you're right, too. Sometimes getting better can take awhile. ... But it's still getting better." His feet shuffled in to each other, twining a free hand into a curl of white that fell from behind his ear. Tug, tug. "It's still worth it, isn't it? I... I'm proud of Kumogakure."

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani nodded at what was said by Kiseki, adding "exactly right! you've taught us a jutsu, had us work as teams, attack, and survey all in one class. I think this has been incredibly useful, thank you Tobias Sensei."

She gave a genuine deep bow staying put for a moment before returning to her stance. She was feeling rather nervous given everything that was being said and what the implications were. She didn't have much else to add to the current situation, in fact she was desperate to hide behind anyone who would add anything else. She was not feeling like her normal self in this moment. But she'd put on her bravest face and keep calm with the rest of her class.

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New Member
Dec 28, 2017
Nanami was calm because this was a battlefield. She chided herself for her earlier reverie, coy smiles and relaxed expressions. The reminiscence. She was embarrassed but she focused that embarrassment into diligence. She nodded to Kani as they regrouped. The compliments were exactly what they appeared on the surface to her, childish well-wishes. When Tobias answers her, he tells her about how the old days are changing and things are a brighter future.

She stands in a frozen field amidst a murdered corpse alongside her fellow children trained to become weapons and simply looks at him passively. She doesn't speak for a moment, perhaps she doesn't have to. Tobias looks like he has sharp eyes.

She gives in. "Yet here we are in snow, the ice, the blood and death. Children all," she remarks quietly. It's not a rebuke, she's sympathetic to her sensei but the reality remains no matter the optimism. "A reckoning has been paid, but how do you reconcile the unreconciliable, Sensei?" Was a single rebellion the blood price equivalent to the sins of her captive home?
A sea of blood, blanketing the land, wash clean all involved.

She peers at Kiseki as he speaks of worth and shrugs softly. "...Does it matter in the end? We are here, there is no other path available. Kumogakure or...what?" She suggests. It isn't a question because the answer is clear as day. There isn't a single Shinobi present who doesn't know the consequences.

After an awkward moment, she just agrees. "Better to like it," she offers before she peers back at Kani, moving back to her wordlessly, keeping vigil. She looks upon the spear and nods thoughtfully—more to this. Nothing delightful at the end of this particular mystery, of that she was certain.

Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Ichika and Gou explore the rustic barn, a brief reprieve from the stench of death and the frigid cold, instead assaulting their senses with the less than pleasant agricultural atmosphere. The place was empty and absent both animal nor much in the way of evidence. Well, except for one thing. Buried beneath a shallow layer of snow laid a spear so like any other, but with a rather sinister distinction. It was decorated in strange markings beyond the boys' comprehension. "I think we found something, Gou. We should just take it back to Tobias-sensei. Follow me." He says, carefully digging it out of the snow, when suddenly a switch clicks and the spear extends outwards. "Shit! Are you okay?" Ichika gasp, anxiously patting down the boy to check for any injuries. Relieved and satisfied, he warily picks it up, ready to toss it away if any more surprises triggered. A simple tilt of his head to signal to the other boy that they were to return back to the group.

"Sensei! We found a weapon with some really weird markings on them. I... uh... kind of pressed a button that made it extend out... But we're okay!" He drops the mysterious spear on the ground like a dog fetching a stick before filing in with the rest of the group, keeping a careful eye on little Gou, just in case. He listened in on the conversation and most of it went over his head, but he still felt like he should chime in. "I... have complicated feelings about Kumogakure... But... it's home for better or worse and it's given me something worth fighting for." He glances to Kiseki, cheeks flushed a rosy pink as he continues on. "I think to protect the things you find beautiful... You have to be prepared to face the horrors. It's something I've learned early on... But it doesn't have to define you." Innocent optimism from a naive pup or perhaps even an unattainable delusion. It was just how Ichika existed. The flowers must bloom on the people buried beneath - the people that came before. And so too, he will become the bedrock for a more beautiful future.

Kyoujouran Gou

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Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Well it seemed like determination... or luck really had Gou tripping over something. The rest of his fellow classmates did not seem to find much but some their answers to the questions and comments made just made his head hurt. Still, he was proud they found something.

"I'm ok Ichika. Whoa, what kind of spear is this?"

Gou followed Ichika keeping away from the pointy end of the spear. As he arrived, everyone was making comments and even the teacher was talking a lot about this village. Gou waved at Ichika indicating he was fine but his furrowed brows would just knit together more as people were talking. As a newbie to the village, he didn't feel like his opinion mattered but he shared it.

"Sensei... I... am new here to Kumo and it just seems so big. I don't really know about the history here ya know? But like... aren't there bad people everywhere? So... we should just know how to protect ourselves. Bad things happen all the time cause of bad people. Ma and Pa told me to worry about what we can do and nothing more. I can't stop all the bad people... but maybe I can stop some of them?"


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Sep 13, 2023
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Red eyes peered at Kise as he held a hand to his head apparent pain after he had seen her Sharingan before he asked what kind of jutsu was she using. "Jutsu? Oh do you mean my eyes? They are genetic not a jutsu, it's just something I can do." Misaki replied with a helpless shrug as that was basically all she knew about her Sharingan. Misaki had no parents to teach her about her blood nor did she have any texts or mentors with similar traits so everything Misaki knew about her doujutsu were based off her own experiences or when she discovered something new she could leaving with very few answers to give the white haired boy.

As the pair arrived at the barn that were almost knocked out of the way as a pair of students came running out with a spear leaving the two with very little to do but group up with the other students. Misaki just watched as Kise spoke with the teacher and tried to console him.

[Soz brain fart couldn't think of much to write.]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
While Nanami made excellent points in their current situation, the other students seemed far more forgiving of the young proctor. Yet Tobi wasn’t inflated from their mild cheers of encouragement; more impressed that they could keep such a stalwart attitude, but that was about it. This would soon be an every day occurrence for those who were able to make through the shinobi system and become full-fledged soldiers. In the older days, the wooden cut outs would have been a string of bandits popping up and screaming for mercy as children learned to put an end to the lives Kumo claimed unfit for continuing. He had heard the stories of how terrifying the training once was, and under certain eyes, still could be. It was why he tried something simple that couldn’t be twisted into a mental scar for such fresh faces - but it seemed Lightning refused to allow that. Danger was always on these roads, but this close to Kumogakure meant something more…

Of course not, Nanami,” Tobi replied simply before slowly standing up to peer around at the children gathering back up. One of them seemed to be holding a spear with familiar markings.
But the matter is that training doesn’t always need to be life or death anymore. What happened here today was revolting and a harsh lesson for everyone here; myself included…but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to be better.

Once Gau and Ichika had returned with the spear, the Ryuu took it and held it in his hands for a moment, turning it around and flipping it as he tried really hard to hide his panic. Tenouzans. The last war was fought with them only a few years ago, and any remnant of the group should still be rather toothless. Kumogakure had managed to round up at least fifty Tenouzans in the last two years, and most of them were executed as they refused to give way to reason. The courts offered them a chance at rehabilitation and a way to reintegrate into the new lands Kumo had created; but religious fanaticism was a strong cookie to break. Those that did accept were heavily monitored, and so far only one had been a spy; a bad one at that as well. But the spear in the snowy field, the nearly dead bandit, and the timing were all strong marks of a confrontation. The tomoe in Tobi’s eyes spun faster and faster until they morphed into the Mangakeyu, a streak of blood dripping from the corners of his eyes. They shifted left and then right, his suddenly superior vision clocking everything with a chakra signature near by and found multiple bodies waiting in the trees.

He had seconds to work with.

Without a handseal to speak of, Tobias raised his hands and a wall of flame erupted around himself and the class right as arrows, kunai, and spears came chucking from the trees. The intense heat of the flames quickly melted snow and burned most weapons before the could even get close to the Students or himself. The ones that did were quickly zipped off into another dimension as blood began to pour more freely from his eyes. Reaching back into the hip pouch that contained the corpse in a scroll, the Ryuu removed the item and shoved it into Nanami’s chest,
Get this directly to Midori and the medical staff! I’ll cut off their exit, make sure the others make it back with you!
As his hand removed its grasp from the scroll, the air around Nanami and the students would begin to twist until they were all absorbed into the cyclone and then ejected a few kilometers away back on the road leading into Cloud. From there they could all see the ring of fire their sensei had placed up followed shortly by a large explosion - it was unsure which side it was coming from. All that was left for them to do was get back into Kumogakure and report the incident to those at the gates for Tobi to get backup. But would they get there in time? Was this yet the spark of another big confrontation waiting to pounce from Lightning's darkest corners?

Only the Kami could say...

[Okay final posts for everyone as this is round 5! This concludes the Leadership Training and Class after your fifth and final post. Please don’t forget to add this to your training and get them stonk stats! I hope this has given everyone some personal plots to work with and maybe some mission ideas! Thank you for being fast and active posters, and I look forward to our next adventure!]

Akane Kiseki

Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
How ironic, then, that life and death is where they inevitably found themselves.

There it was. That biting feeling. That chill through his bones until blood froze to dangerous points and shadows crept back in to a single lonely room. The lightbulb flickered. It began to swing, a sluggish arc to shed dim light over a specter in white - the only figure that occupied that room - paler than even Kiseki's complexion. Winter was rolling in with miasma beneath its fog haze. His heart beat. It beat again. Then it slowed, a second too long spent in confusion and dissaray when Tobias seemed to shift alert. Danger? Danger? Danger? Ichika --

Wow! "No!" Static lashed from his lips in an exhalation of sparks and frost both, ionizing the air around a body small but not forgotten in the turmoil that overtook them. Electricity kicked to life in a thrum from his feet. Snow and dirt was displaced from his space, bending centrifugal force to surge before his limbs could move themselves. He looked like he might shatter -- or that something would under his command. His heart began again as a jackhammer. Not even the flames that shielded them, their teacher's sudden action and response, could warm the wild cold in atlantean eyes. The ocean cannot drown. It simply freezes over. "Yuki-onna! Kiseki says go free--!"

He didn't have the chance to finish his summoning chant. They had only a flash in the pan before no amount of insurgency could keep them with their Sensei and his impossible odds. How did this happen? How was it so fast? How did he not notice? Why didn't he respond in time -- He took likely the longest to regain his bearings after the abrupt transportation, still with an arm outstretched and lingering galvanism. It wasn't safe to stand by him for moments longer until his heart could wrangle control of itself again, his breaths short and quiet as he fought hyperventilation. Kiseki-kun? Let's go back! Orrr ... hehe. Do you wanna run away, Kiseki-kun? That man and your little friends could all --

"Misaki-chan?" He was reminded. "Misaki-chan, are you okay?" He'd whip around to find her, his heart aching to pry elsewhere - but he was the leader, here. Maybe he wasn't suited for it: but he was the leader. He had a charge, even with his trembling arms and the cold creeping off his back from the seal beneath his shirt. After confirming Misaki's safety; Icchan? Icchan? Are -- and he was okay, too. Well. Unlikely okay. He was here. They were all here, everyone but ...

"W-we have to get this back to th - the Medical Branch." He managed. Was this running away? "Tobias-sensei ordered it. We have a ... a job to do, right, Nanami-chan?" If he went, Ichika would too. If Ichika went, he could - he could - he could -

"Right, Nanami-chan?" He was begging the older student to not let anyone run back.

[ :hides:
class finished 5/5 3169 ]

Sotashi Kani

New Member
Oct 31, 2023
Kani watched in horror as the realization hit her face on what was happening. She hadn't brought her gear, hadn't thought it'd be necessary, but now she was watching something unfold around her she could do nothing about. She stood there wide eyed as the cyclone moved them all to distant safety. "We.. we have to go back right? He's going to need our help, we can't just.."

She began to take a step in the snow here eyes pinned on the distant farm, but she knew someone would stop her. Someone would tell her this was a terrible idea, or that they needed real Shinobi to handle this. But she cannot bring herself to stop and realize that on her own. She wants so desperately to go and help, to make sure he makes it home to whatever his family is, she couldn't stop herself. She took a more confident step before stopping herself finally.

"We.. he.."



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Sep 13, 2023
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Misaki held her head in pain her Sharingan having being essentially snow blinded by the sudden teleportation jutsu that had been used to flood the atmosphere with chakra leaving her with a headache while Kiseki called her name which wasn't helping matters to the point the girl almost snapped at the boy before she could Misaki took a deep breath and let her eyes fade back to their original colour "Ugh yeah I'm ok Kiseki-Kun I just wasn't expecting an attack and getting flung here. Are all classes here so....intense?"

Rubbing her head and feeling like she was going to puke Misaki gave an apologetic bow to the left over student. "I'll head back to the village and report what's going on. I haven't had much training so I would be useless here."
Bowing her head once more Misaki turned and started making her way back wondering if anyone would follow.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]


New Member
Dec 28, 2017
She regards Tobi's reply with a simple blank expression, but pity creeps into her gaze. She turns away from him before too long. The spear made her uneasy but she didn't remember why, she couldn't recall the details. It felt important but...information hung out of reach. She felt it before she knew it, shifted protectively in front of her charge. She knew which parts of her body might be able to endure a shuriken and remain upright enough to keep her safe and she moved to expose that aspect to the strikes to shield Kani with her body. Too quick to manage a seal.

But not too quick for Tobi, who made a wall of flame erupt around them. She exhaled slowly and let go of the icy grip of death which she had momentarily accepted as the roar of the flame licked at her skin. Her nails grew long, a reflexive response to danger.
Enemies to kill feast free

She takes the scroll with a nod, banishing thoughts of a counter-assault as she prepares a duplicate worn in a case on her back as she surreptitiously slips the scroll into her uniform. Taking a moment as he prepares their escape, she whispers to Tobias, "We can't be better if we die, Sensei." The wind grips her and the rest and throws them clear.

She lands, shifting uneasily. She lets out a soft hiss, her body trembling whether from anger or anxiety, it could be hard to tell. She peers around the assembled fellow students and finds herself standing a little taller. She gives Kiseki a gentle nod, her expression fiery. She pivots to the rest.

"If anyone attempts to do anything other than return to Kumogakure, I will kill you," she says with a firm echoing voice, brooking no complaint. She looks to Kani. "If you want to die early, take another step toward him," she warns her. She peers at the others and once they begin to move she follows. A silent sentry in the rear. A soldier of Kumogakure.

Kazanari Ichika

New Member
Oct 5, 2023
OOC Rank
Another failure.

Ichika was caught completely unaware. A wall of flames that burned brighter than he ever could, protecting those hopeful sprouts not quite ready to bloom. Ichika had no interest in anyone else in the group, zoning in on Kiseki and Kiseki alone. A mad dash to be by his side like the guard dog he vowed to be. All that talk about not letting the horrors of the world define you - the endless trauma that whittles you down bit by bit. It was bullshit. The way his body moves on its own, to protect the person he loves more than anything is proof of that. Abandoning the young boy he was assigned to and the sensei that was sacrificing himself, so that these young sprouts could potentially bloom into something beautiful. There are always priorities and there are always sacrifices that have to be made. So, why does it hurt so much? "Kiseki!" A hand outreached in the furor and chaos of the ambush that never reaches its destination, whisked away to safety by Tobias.

He's still running, even as the landscape changes, the fiery barricade a flickering ember in the distance. His breath is ice cold and yet his blood feels just as hot as the flames reflected in evergreen eyes. He hears a voice cut through the instinctual panic. He stops in his tracks, focusing in on the rest of the students, absent Tobias-sense. His heart sinks, but his Kise is safe. Gou is safe. But once again he was powerless to stop somebody from being hurt. No, that'd be putting it far too lightly. He couldn't stop someone from dying for his sake again. Left to linger on another corpse, using their sacrifice for his own benefit. "We... can't just leave him alone out there... can we?" He trembles, voice quivering as he utters those lamentable words. It breaks his heart to even ask the question. A simple reality of the situation. It would be suicide for the kids to rush off into an unknown enemy, with no leadership skills and little combat experience. Moths to flame. Ichika resigns himself to regroup with his classmates, keeping a close proximity to Kiseki. "If we hurry... the village might still be able to save him. L-Let's go!"

[Class Finished/Topic Left]
TWC: 2076

Kyoujouran Gou

New Member
Nov 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Gou blinked at the teacher. Was everyone so serious? Like, yeah there was a half dead bandit but wasn't this about like survival skills? He didn't understand why everyone was so.

Then the fire hit. There was movement and before Gou could even comprehend what was going on, he was being moved by a technique. Gou landed on all fours, the shout from the teacher still in his ears. For a moment Gou was frozen, the lights dancing in his eyes. He remembered being forced to leave place after place someone always hating his family for some reason. It was never fair. It was always violent but Ma and Pa wanted him to train so he could do better. To thrive and not just survive but already there was someone here attacking us. Was it his fault? Would they have to move again? Would the teacher be ok? Ichika went to another student's side so for a moment Gou was alone and he felt it. He hoped it wasn't his fault their teacher died.

"I can't fight.... I am going to go... I..."

And Gou took off and as soon as he found his pacing, Gou was going full sprint back. Any snow that was in his way was not a problem as he just plowed through it almost as if his body could not be stopped. Gou did not notice it he just had to tell someone. He had to get home to Ma and Pa and tell them it is happening again. please, it was not his fault they were attacked. He didn't want to move again because it was nice to be in a place that had kids his age. He even helped one.

All the while, his feet kept going until he was stopped or he got back to the academy, his feet cold and numb.

[mft 312]
TWC 1176
[Class finished/topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
