Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Try Not To Become Fertilizer With This Body [Contract Search]

Jul 11, 2018
[Thread entered with NPC Himawari Henkeitori]

Uarrrarrghhhhh. Henkeitori wanted to hurl his entire insides out. But that was for now impossible, so it was just the meal he had earlier in the day.

Staggering afterwards, Henkeitori almost lost his footing as he stepped on a transitional root, but he managed to catch himself instead of falling.

Just… what… is… this… place… Could there be some sort of mystical power influencing him? When he first entered the forest, he had felt fine. However… it just became worse and worse as he soldiered on. Something about the forest was messing up his internal compass. Eventually he fell into a daze, and then sickness.

Well, one thing could always be done, just in case.

Henkeitori did a series of handseals, before muttering kai! underneath his breath. It… kind of worked. He felt like he was less sick or dazed, but his internal sense of direction was still messed up.

And then, he fell. The roots he was standing upon suddenly shifted, moving apart and resulting in Henkeitori falling into the gap left.

Turns out, there were nothing under the roots except for a ravine, which Henkeitori fell straight into. Fortunately it was not too deep, but unfortunately it was deep enough that Henkeitori hit the ground with a massive thud, sending him into unconsciousness. Had it been any other time, he would most likely have been able to do something. Unfortunately in this case, the daze he was in rendered him pretty ineffective.

Just for a moment before he went into complete unconsciousness, he could see the roots above him closing, taking away any remaining light from reaching him and thus enclosing him in complete darkness.

And so he laid there, for an amount of time he was not aware of. However, by the time Henkeitori woke up, he could feel pressure on top of his body, an indication that he had remained motionless for quite a while.

All of a sudden, he felt a gnawing sensation on his arm, before it quickly disappearing and a scuttering sound could be heard. Most likely a rodent of some sort, attempting to eat him. However, Henkeitori could feel that his body's natural defensive systems had triggered, turning his body into hard wood that prevented most creatures from being able to eat him, including conventional burrowers like wood worms and all that.

Sniff sniff. Hm… he smelled the scent of tea and eucalyptus, both types of plants containing volatiles that act as a defense mechanism against some of the more dangerous herbivorous insects. So then, this place must be the home to some particularly nasty creatures, for his body to produce such chemicals. Lucky that his bloodline was what it was, otherwise surely he would have been dead - or at least crippled - by now.

Slowly, Henkeitori sat up and brushed off all the foliage and other stuff that had fallen upon him during his slumber. That action signalled to his body that it did not need to be in such a defensive stance anymore, and all the woodiness reverted back into flesh and bones that would normally comprise a human being.

Taking out his backpack, Henkeitori lit up his lamp to illuminate the area. The walls on either side was actually far apart, enough for say, a gigantic statue to fit inside. Okay then, should not be too much of a hassle.

Henkeitori stood up and put his backpack back on. With his lamp in his right hand, Henkeitori muttered something under his breath as he did a series of motions with his left hand - not hand seals, but something similar to activate the secrets of his bloodline.

Slowly, the earth underneath him cracked open and the soil and earth gave way for him to stand upon a giant wooden palm, which was slowly rising into the air. What followed was a massive arm, connected to a massive figure with many, many, many, MANY arms. Once the entire figure had rose out of the ground, it stood so tall that its head almost touched the roots above.

With three arms, the figure formed fists, and then punched the roots above, causing them to break apart and fall away, forming a gap through which the giant wooden figure brought Henkeitori through, once again back into the world.

It was daytime, whatever day it was. Sunlight shown upon Henkeitori almost directly from above, indicating that it was probably around noon.

Henkeitori hopped off the palm, gave the figure a nod, and then ran off - as the figure sunk back into the ground. Almost immediately the roots of the forest had began to shift again, trying to cause Henkeitori to falter. However, the unsolicited rest he had had cleared his mind, and he now knew exactly what he needed to do.

See, he had kept one part of his wooden defence unfleshed - his skull. It seemed to be working, preventing whatever force was at play from affecting his brain, and thus his mind. Henkeitori shut off his lamp and stowed it back into his backpack. He then had a look around, and pondered for a bit. Wooden tendrils erupted out of the roots, under his control. They connected with each other, and for

With renewed vigor, he was able to navigate the forest, using his connection with plants to allow him some semblance of control both over the direction he was going, and the forest itself that was trying to kill him. Perhaps this was why the Senju was such a prominent clan Konohagakure - their control over plants was truly unmatched. This was what Henkeitori was thinking, quite unaware that he was in fact, in the Fire Country, the very original birthplace of the bloodline that was coursing through him. Though, he was not actually sure about the prominence bit. After all, it was just stories he had heard of the Senju, from the limited amount of information made available to him.

To be honest, he was not even sure that he was descended from the Senju. Sure, the Himawari clan had the exact same abilities as the Senju clan (allegedly), but what's to say it was not something both had developed separately? Chakra is at the end of the day, the same material regardless of who it is in after all. So maybe there were only a finite permutation of what could be formed from chakra. That, or what if the Senju and the Himawari shared a single ancestor, from eons past? Maybe they were both developed from a third, distinct clan. One day, he wished to find out the truth. For now, it was all about navigating the forest.

To other people, all plants are the same - as in, they could tell the difference between ivy and roses (probably), plants were well… still just plants.

For Henkeitori, certain plants are very special. Sure, there are sentient plants, chakra-infused plants, and so on. But what about soul-infused plants?

Created from his chakra, it could be said that the plants are an extension of himself, each and every single one containing a bit of his essence.

And so as he traversed the landscape, he kept on creating his own plants out of trees, forming sigils that not only pointed the way he had been traveling, but he could affirm was a creation of his.

Indeed, as he expected… this forest had some sort of sentience, or at least, consciousness. Moving along, he found sigils that were identical to those he made but lacking his essence - and he knew, right away, that the forest was trying to confuse him.

Nice try.

Upon seeing those sigils, Henkeitori raised an arm, thinking of infusing his own chakra in to destroy then. But, he thought the better of it. For some reason, he felt like the forest was still more challenging him than actually trying actively kill him. After all, even when he had fallen down the ravine… well, he still surviced, even if forest animals were trying to eat him. He was sure though, if the forest wanted to, it would have been able to destroy him, whether or not his wooden body was there to protect him. Surely, if the forest was just deadly and that's it, someone would probably have put up a sign or something. For now, he decided that so long as he was not too aggressive, the forest would not retaliate in kind.

So he continued on his path, navigating the forest for another three days, until at last, exhausting all possible options of misdirection and mistaken paths, Henkeitori emerged out of the forest into a plain of grass, far as the eye can see.


Stepping a distance out into the grasslands, just to be sure, Henkeitori turned around, clasped his hands together, and bowed deep.

As if acknowledging him, a gust of wind blew out of the forest, carrying all of his sigils that he made at him, which Henkeitori absorbed.

Okay. Surely that means the forest was sentient. Or at least, something in the forest was.

With that, Hemkeitori turned back towards his path, and continued on. He has survived the Dreamwork Plains.

[Contract search WC: 1,533. No modifications except the current +2 promo]
[Henkeitori accepts]

But is it a frog, or a toad on my tree?
I do not know, for life is a mystery.
Let's come closer, so that we shall see.
Turns out, it was just another me.

What wonder comes within these grasslands? Where water naught dwells, whence rain is never promised? Yet here before Henkeitori, a creature of awe.

They bowed and they pondered, then they proved their worth and signed the contract of the lakes, ponds, and rivers.

Henkeitori left the grasslands, heading onwards towards whatever was going to be next.

[Thread left with NPC Himawari Henkeitori]

Current Ninpocho Time:
