Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Turkey Courier Express [Mail]

Oishi Shichimenchou

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012


A courier turkey left the below note at the Toraono Dogo. It did not have anything else to do for the day, so it ended up deciding to stay and look around the dojo for a bit too.
Yogi said:
The Office of the Interim Hokage

To whom it may concern,

I am Yamaguchi Sakura, the daughter of the late Hokage Yamaguchi Kami. I write this letter to ask your support for the reunification of Fire Country.

I was a little girl when the Daimyo's War broke out and split my country apart. My father sent me abroad to Iron Country. The last image I remember of Leaf City, the old Leaf City not the current carcass ruled over by the self-proclaimed Fire Daimyo, is of it beginning to burn. It has been nearly a decade since the war.

Some weeks ago, after my eighteenth birthday, I returned to Fire Country. I knew that the war had devastated the country and left it split into two, but I had expected to find revolutionaries working day and night to unify our country. Instead I have found stagnation. It will not be long before that stagnation festers and becomes death. Where has the will of fire gone?

I was not raised in Fire Country. I was deprived of my birth right by the Fire Daimyo and his armies. Fire Country however is my country and I intend to do what I can to take it back. I will not rest until Fire Country is unified and its people liberated. I will not rest until my children, all our children, have their birthrights restored to live in a prosperous and unified Fire Country. However I cannot do this alone, which is why I am sending out this letter.

If you are a Konoha-jin, the descendant of a Konoha-jin, or simply sympathetic to our cause I urge you to help the resistance end this war and restore Fire Country.

I know that many of you must have found new homes in the decade since the war. Some of you might wonder why non Konoha-jin should care at all. Why should a Suna-jin or Kumo-jin care? This is not however about just one country - this transcends borders. This is about the future of shinobi society. If the Fire Daimyo is allowed to continue his reign of terror the world will think that his actions were justified. It will not be long before other tyrants rise up and attempt to destroy the other shinobi villages. How long until the Wind Daimyo attacks Sungakure? All that evil requires is for good men to fail to act.

We are most in need of volunteers willing to fight the Fire Daimyo's armies, but any assistance would be helpful.

May the Will of Fire burn on,
Yamaguchi Sakura
Interim Hokage of Fire Country


OOC: I'm going to post all my inevitable turkey mail here to avoid spamming things too much. Also, mail boxes. Those should be a thread/sub-forum.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
A woman, well something that highly resembled a woman was standing at the threshold of the Toraono Dojo. Her long crimson tresses were pulled back from her face and bound together with a single elastic band. Several unruly locks framed her pink face, recently sunkissed due to the recent daylight exposure that the no longer present maelstrom offered. There was a creature most curious, ugly with its dull plumage and the seafoam bow did not change the creature's unfortunate state however it also carried a burden. Unlike most carrier animals, the turkey delivered the note by relinquishing itself from whatever bound it to him or more than likely her unless boy turkeys also get little green bows. Do turkeys attack? Was it a guard turkey waiting for the proper recipient to take the letter in hand? She could probably take this strange beast in in combat. Shiori reached down and quickly picked up the carefully written letter and read its contents in silence. It was a call to arms to reclaim a lost country, she heard of the Country and the village but she had never been there herself but strangely enough a new acquaintance of hers was from Fire. Interesting. The Senju might be interested in this letter.

[Topic Entered, Letter Taken. Attempt to Leave Topic As Well.]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The swordsman had been invited by the Tiger Guardian into the lands of Sand only moments ago. At the moment, he awaits a training session that is to take place by a Lady Azame. However, with the area, he passes a red haired woman with a letter, but this letter had green seal on it similar to the seal of Fire. To this Shoma approaches the woman to ask, "Miss, forgive my interruption, but is that from Fire country?"

[Topic entered, attempting to stop if allowed.]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: While you cannot stop someone on your first post entering a topic I do not mind. I am only saying this because I do not want someone to use this as precedent for stopping someone on their entry post into a thread (exception run topics)

Lawering post done: check.

Not sure if this has anything to do with your event in Stone but I may as well draw some attention to it. I hope you do not mind. Yoiu are doing a Leaf thing aren't you? Eh, I know it is under Stone's creative domain atm.


"Miss, forgive my interruption, but is that from Fire country?"

She was about to leave for the Kazekage tower when an unfamiliar voice called out to her. She stopped and turned around on the heel of her boot, her fingers pinched the letter in her hand. She did not know this young man, but a majority of the denizens of Sunagakure escaped her purview. She flicked her wrist upward, motioning with the seal facing the stranger and simply replied "yes." Then a thought entered her head and she smiled. "Yes," She repeated as she shook her head unconsciously. "This one is a plea for a volunteer militia to liberate Kohona, one that I feel the Kazekage would be sympathetic to," she lied. She did not believe he would care but he would give his verbal sentiments all the same. Perhaps even verbalize a desire to help before he came up with a reason to the contrary. But he was a man easily coerced with his interminable pride and desire for 'justice' without considering the cost which would one day be his undoing. "In fact," she stifled a laugh "perhaps you would be willing to bring this to the Steward. We, that is him and I are not on the best of terms."

Shiori opened the letter a last time and memorized the contents. [Snapshot Rank 2] The paper was not important to her, the contents were probably no better but when it came to allies she had few. She would give Kazuki word of what she saw and she would let this stranger pass this letter on to the Steward Kazekage. Let him disappoint another man as his justice was only for those he deemed worthy or to let him enter into a foolish and dangerous war. She extended the letter to the unknown person once she folded it in half a second time. "He would be in his office in the Kazekage Tower."

- Shiori uses Snapshot [Rank 2, memory 2]
- Shiori offers the original letter to Shoma and tells him where to fined the Kazekage.
- Yes Ray, I am still messing with your character's life.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Stone Prophet said:
Please relay that in regards to this: any turkeys that may come your way in regards to fire country should be voided.

Thank you for your time

[Redacted Name]

As per the request of the Stone Council, this thread is voided as they maintain jurisdiction over Leaf and Fire Country.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
Awww, guess I have to make the trip to Leaf myself. Thanks for stopping for me anyway Shiori. I don't a lot of what's going on in Stone or Leaf sad to say(IC or OOC), but my character has history with both.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
