Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:03:00

[Tutor/class] Medical knowledge.

Nao had been done with the resting; his chakra levels were on acceptable levels and even his lover had deemed him healthy enough to get back to work. Little had he known that the workload had been piling up so badly with a medical chief less.. "I need to replace her soon..." He muttered, he wasn't happy about that fact as that would increase the workload on him and his lover more. Besides the fact, there was none in the academy that wanted to learn the way of the medical ninja. It lessened the fun for him surely.

He stretched out once more and looked then out of the window. He was done with the few files in front of him and let his mind drift off for a little. "Not sure how many will come... I mean all I did, or rather you did Excursai; was hang up a poster. I am curious as to what the students know regards of medical knowledge... I know basics are taught till some extent." He would mutter along and the angelic figure would float around happily. "C'mon Nao, nothing to be moody about. I am sure students will join!" He would try to cheer up his master but it was a hard one. Burnout some would call it. Others would call it being bored. Yet Nao had too much on his mind right now to be bored around for.


Following the 5 Day post timer.
There is no set-in-stone post order after me.
3 strikes and you are out.

We follow the standard rule for word count and the likes; 1500 words and minimum of 5 posts.

You may use this as an entry topic to request into the medical branch.

Room left for students / Genin

[Topic entered]
281 / 1500
*Knock knock*

Take had seen the poster. Medical class by none other than Nao-sensei, the one who taught him the art of water-walking… Take hadn’t considered the path of a medical ninja before now, but the pressuring glare of his distant parents kept reminding him that taking on a supportive survival role wouldn’t make him look like the badass samurai that they wanted him to become. Saddening, Take defied their prejudices and went to the class anyway, grown fond of learning under Nao-sensei from the past and wanting to partake in some more lessons from the Sennin.

He figured that Nao-sensei would let him in, even if he was already in the middle of a lesson at the moment… then again, Take heard no discussion on the other side of the door. Maybe they had gotten silent due to the knocking… or maybe Take had interrupted them abruptly! “O-Oh no, no, no, no, nooooo… s-sorry…” Take gathered his breath quickly, already beyond the point of no return – whoever heard the knocking was waiting for him now, so he had no choice but to go all the way into the room.

And there he now stood in his similar haori from their previous lesson – purple and decorated with black hexagons, with the classic shinobi wear underneath. The only difference between the Take now and the Take from the water basin earlier was that now, Take held two swords sheathed away; one on his hip like before, and a new one strapped to his back.

“… I… I heard that you, uh… would hold medical lessons here. Can I still… join?”

Still working on his confidence, he was. Nao-sensei wasn’t mean or anything, but Take felt heavy in his chest at all damn times, man. He could barely sound confident in front of his own cousin Yuki, and it wouldn’t get any easier with the Medical Sennin of all people.

WC: 318 [MFT]
By the sound of knocking the conversation went quiet between the two of them. He had heard a voice coming with it after he said ti was fine to open up. "Please don't worry Teke." He remembered the name from the last time he had been teaching the boy. But he did hope for himself that he had a bit more backbone then he had back in those days. Yet that thought quickly went away as soon as he heard the major stuttering. A look was exchanged between Nao and his Kami contract before Nao made a small sigh. "Teke, calm down. Take a breath and sit down. You are getting too nervous about it all. Yes, you can still join, don't worry. You are the only one here in the class. This is Excursai my Kami contract, you may recognize him from last time." He would explain before sitting down on the desk itself and looking toward Teke.

"This class is for medical knowledge 101. The most basic of basic stuff along with the branch information." He would say, saying that this would be mostly a sit and listen thing rather than action and practical things this time.

"Before I will start rambling on the branch itself; what do you know about it? Anything you can think of is alright."

211 +281 / 1500
What? He was the only Genin here at the moment? What the hell…

At least, he got the name of Nao-sensei’s Kami contract, Excursai. The angelic entity had such a foreign name that Take took a few moments to pronounce it internally… Ex… Ekkusu… Ekkusu-kurusai?

Ekkusu-kurusai, or something along the lines of that. That sounded about right. Take gave the angelic Kami a friendly wave and a nod, deeply thankful for the help they gave him with his water-walking exercises. And for today’s lesson itself… Medical Knowledge, 101. Take had not underwent any medical training in the past, so this would definitely be useful information to carry… even if it was as basic as Nao-sensei made it sound like.

“The Medical Branch…” Take thought about it for a moment before continuing, “You’re able to keep people and shinobi from dying of injuries… or sickness. I’ve also seen some Medical Ninja with, uh… plants. They looked like beans, but they were rounder and blacker than ordinary beans. W-Were those the special, uh, w-what was it called again- Ration Pills? Are they c-connected to the Branch?”

… And that was about it. Healing and drugs, basically, was Take’s knowledge about this entire Branch. He didn’t even have family members in that Branch – unless if Yuki-chan decided to take that route, which honestly sounded hopeful – and Take had spent too much time getting hammered in the head with books and scrolls pointing towards the art of slicing and cutting people, not exactly healing others. Swords couldn’t heal, after all… or were there swords out there that healed those they cut?

WC: 267
He had asked the genin what he knew about the branch itself and it seemed that the knowledge had been watering down through the time. In the past, he got great answers almost where he couldn't fill more in. So a part of him was actually glad about the fact too. A soft smile got to his face as he would throw a leg over the other and looked towards Otakemaru. "That is true, part of it at least. We do have a big herbal garden. Which we do also teach and have exams in." He would comment before standing up and getting to the board, writing down the medical branch, then a big circle over it. Write to the left of it Combat Division and another circle around it. Then on the right of the medical word he placed research.

"Let's hope this will make it a bit easier to remember for future also. If you want you can write it down too. But it is not needed." he would comment and grab a new color crayon and write down Ration Pills with a line towards research. Then he wrote down: "to keep people and shinobi from dying of injuries… or sickness." to Medical with a line between them.

"This is not bad, but I think we can do a bit better." He would smile and turn back towards Otake. Then he would turn back around and place a few words around it to help him. 'Medical in Training, Medical ninja, Botany, and hidden knowledge.'

"The medical branch exists in three forms, the always existing form Medical. Then the two subbranches below that. First, you have a medical combat devision. They are k
eeping teammates safe in battles and finding out new techniques to keep people safe." He would wait and fill in words and tie them to the combat circle. Along with the things Otaku said that made sense.

"The other sub-branch, research, is devided into two again. The actual researching one and the botanical one. Botanical means taking care of the Botanical garden and its plants,
Making new medicine and making new toxins and antidotes for them. While research focusses on means for better healthcare for people, finding knowledge that was lost and trying to find knowledge on how to help people better in the field."

386 + 211 +281 / 1500
… Oh, Take was ready with a notebook already. Nao-sensei’s plead that writing down the notes he made wasn’t necessary, Take did not trust his memory. This would be important knowledge, so he better keep it somewhere safe.

Still, his own input was lacking a bit. Take was prompted to come up with more material to describe the branch, and Nao-sensei was aiding him with a few hints such as ‘Medical in Training’, ‘Medical Ninja’, ‘Botany’ and ‘Hidden Knowledge’… wait, hidden knowledge sounded intriguing… what sort of hidden know-

… Take, c’mon. It wouldn’t be hidden knowledge if people like Nao-sensei – the damn Sennin himself – would just tell people straight out if they asked.

Either way, Take wrote them down and held the pen on his chin in deep thought. Medical… the word was the core of the branch, and two other sub-branches protruded from it called ‘Combat Division’ and ‘Research’. The Combat Division was more or less the first thing that came to Take’s mind earlier – those who aided in battle with support to injured shinobi and keeping others from harm’s way.

Research, the other sub-branch, was divided into two branches again – a solid, obvious research branch and a botanical research branch. Take scribbled it down, wondering why botanical research was considered separate from main research like that… but according to the Sennin, botanical research focused more on taking care of the Botanical Garden and its plants, which Take assumed was where the special herbs came from. A specialized gardening and brewing duty.


Take’s eyes began to sparkle a little. It was a rare sight, but once in a blue moon, he would daydream in the middle of lectures. Something sounded so adventurous about researching plants and herbs, brewing and inventing new ways of helping those around one. What if he tried that one day? Maybe he could brew something useful up himself, if he just tried a bit…

But he had no experience in the Medical Branch. Besides, his mother would likely scoff at the idea that her successor would become a Medical Ninja. No more of that heavy breathing, Take.

“… *gulp*… I-I have a question, Nao-sensei,” he asked up, “You’re… you’re the Medical Sennin. You must’ve invented a lot of medicine, right? Or… or you must’ve found a lot of useful knowledge on your travels, r-right? I don’t know how you mix these things up to make medicine, but… it sounds…”

A small but soft smile rose up on his face as he looked down on his feet. “… Fun.”

WC: 426
Seeing how something lit up in the eyes of the young man, made him happy to say the least. Yet he did start to notice a change in his breath and calm down moments later.

Hearing about what he said regards the fun, made him smile genuine. " That it is... The whole glass house near the Byoin, was designed by me, put every flower pot in there and certainly is my pride and joy. Even with all the things I had done in there. Some better they didn't get to the light of day these days. " he would chuckle on those words before looking towards Teke. " What do you wish to become later in life Teke? I know it is early to ask of a child." He knew the pressure all to well.

He remembered how it went for him, he became a medical ninja because of his mom back in the day, before he lost her. "In this job, you will come positive things and rather negative things. As you probably would be thinking of is life. Sometimes it feels like you are god, sometimes you feel like you have the power to save everyone and anyone. But you aren't also.."
The whole glass house?!

Take had seen that glass house on a walk with his cousin before! Was that all designed by him? Nao-sensei’s glass house?!? Didn’t designing houses take a lot of time? Was it difficult for him? Or was it easy for him? Take would like a glass house-

A-Actually, thinking about it, a glass house wouldn’t be the most ideal residence… but as a botanical garden, most definitely!

Buuuuuuuuut, now Take was kind of put on the spot with a question he hadn’t heard in a while. His wish… and goal… and oh boy, did he have to think about that. First thing that came to mind after scratching his chin was that he wanted to become someone who didn’t disappoint his mother-

He couldn’t say that out loud… that was too embarrassing.

But what did he genuinely want to be? He had practiced Kenjutsu for so long, and it was basically ingrained in his veins, but for what other reason did he keep to that craft? If it was purely to satisfy his heritage, was it truly something he wanted? If he was able to change everything, then what did he really want to be?

Even while this branch sounded interesting, Nao-sensei made things loud and clear to him – there were just as many positive things in it as there were negative things in it. Nao-sensei didn’t need to finish the sentence – Take had caught on to the message real quick. “I…!”

Oops, his tone was a bit high on that one. If he toned it down a little bit…

“… I want to be… a shield… someone strong and brave, who can support everyone around him. Someone who’s not a disappointment… or left behind…”

WC: 289
Hearing what the child said; made him smile softer and more genuine than before. Yet he was fearing that the child himself would make him smaller than e really was... He was left thinking for a small moment before he would nod a few times. "This may sound odd... But it is a quote I once got from a teacher back in my time. Sadly he doesn't live anymore, but it did inspire me... maybe it would be something for you too.?" He questioned a bit to see if he wanted to know about it if he would say. If he wouldn't. He would say it also but only after encouraging it a bit more.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

He honestly hoped he was helping the male with these words, words that he had heard before and knew it would be of help. "If you wish to join the Medical branch, I will welcome you with open arms... But, make sure you make the decision for yourself, not because of others." He would smile and would leave it at that. "If you have any further questions, feel free to ask them. If you aren't having any more questions and done hearing me rattle on. You are free to leave, or stay!" He was hoping it didn't sound like he didn't want the child around. He had no further classes after this, so he was done with that.

[[ Tutor done!! Congrats. If you made it through the 5/5 1500 please request your rewards.]]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:03:00
