Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Tutor] Medical checks out?



From the office of the Chief, there was only a sound of scribbles on paper, a sigh and a paper thorn out and then thrown away again. He had a little predicament at this very moment. Their sennin was still gone and he was basically the only medical around at this point. Or so it felt to his annoyance. He had to train someone today, and it was one in the academy, in other words, an academy student... Yet he still had to do his own work... A sigh left the young pink white-haired male as he went over everything. "just... how..." He muttered as this wasn't even a class or anything. "Allriiight.." He would mutter a bit out loud before moving slightly in his examination office. 'Think' popped the word in his mind, yet all that he could come up with was an empty mind and frustrated sighs. "I swear... I can be a genius at times... Just not now?!" He would mutter further and kick the side of the desk. Not a sound came from him as it was his fake leg that kicked it, knowing the real one would hurt. "Alriiight... Plan B. The trainee is going to walk with me on my rounds... I will let her learn from field experience..." he would talk and nod. "Or... just give her homework..." Yet as he thought about it... he wasn't sure at all, was this even a smart plan or not?

"Stuck in thoughts again..?" As Ranji often had the lack of a human companion in and around the place to actually socialize with, he held his contract often close to him. His eyes shifted towards the feline humanoid creature which sat on a turn around the chair. "That is true... I am supposed to be suspecting someone, but also gain a few more new hospitalized persons, then there is that new guy who is still a question mark. That kid who cannot control anything... Let's not forget miss Braggin who is in that one room always knitting... I need to make my rounds, yet at the same time I kind of took too much work on myself again." Ranji explained as he started to grab a few case files, even tossed one to Mao. "Hmm... and now you expect me to help out." "of you would be so polite..." He sighed, it was always like this, yet the lips curled of the Kami. "Alright then... BUt I will demand head pats after." A trace of disgust was found on the medical chiefs face. "Like hell!" He shouted out, which was obviously heard from the hallway.

ooc said:
Tutor for Miyazaki Hikaru
[Topic Entered with NPC Ranji]

Rules: The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have are that player(s) post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor. If you cannot make this due to IRL please let me know in advance.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 1/5
WC: 438
TWC: 438 / 1500
Hikaru raced up the steps to the Konoha Byouin, the Leaf village’s chief medical center, trying not to collide with anyone as she went. Though it was true that her house was only about a five minute walk away, she simply could not allow herself to come remotely close to being late, at all, ever. This was to be her first formal introduction to the operations of the Medical Branch of Konohagakure, the third and final of its kind and the only remaining branch that Hikaru hadn’t been introduced to. She swung open a door (slowing her arm at the last moment so the impact wouldn’t disturb anyone) and hurried down a well-lit hallway, following instructions from a hasty map of the Byouin that her father had scribbled out for her. Now that she thought about it, she had met Hoheto, a member of the research division that worked closely with her father, which technically counted as part of the Medical Branch that she was well acquainted with. This thought, however, did nothing to dampen her excitement, and she slowed her pace only when she heard a yell from behind the door in the hallway in front of her.

Hikaru stopped, and compared the door in question to her map. Yes… it looked like this was the right place to be. Anxiety crept through her mind like it always did when she was excited and nervous at the same time. She took the door in both hands, gripping it tightly, and slid it open. As she did so, an office came into view, not particularly horrifying in any way. The student took one step inside, her mouth parted slightly; from what she could tell, this office belonged to one of the Medical Chiefs. At that thought, she noticed the man occupying the room. His appearance was striking, but he wore it well- clearly he was of some stature, since she assumed he was the Medical Chief the office had been arranged for. As soon as she came to her senses, she gave a small bow of respect and introduced herself, mostly forgetting about the exclamation from earlier, “Hello, I’m Miyazaki Hikaru. I’m a student at the Academy, and I’m here for the Medical tutoring session?” The anxiety returned for a brief moment; if there was some mistake, she reminded herself that she could always apologise and stop by the library on her way home.

[WC: 404]
TWC: 404 / 1500
PC: 1 / 5


He was annoyed at this situation, at the contract that was being lazy in the corner and as things couldn't get worse... The door slid open, a baffled man sat there for a moment. He never thought anyone would rush in... But as he started ot think towards his own first few days, he could resemble this tiny one in the same. Yet there was one fact with him, he was bad with kids... This mainly due to his past but he was horrible with them to tell the truth. As she bowed down, he made a simple bow in return, listening to the name and how she pronounced it. "Good morning, Miyazuki-san." He would keep this somewhat formal to hold a barrier of some kind between them. "I am Ranji Kito, medical chief and this is indeed your tutoring session." He would start to say as he would shift around the chair to stand up and bow properly. " Nice to meet you." He said and would point towards his Kami. " This is my Kami contract Mao, she doesn't bite... often... maybe... errr... you might want to kepe your distance." The female didn't say anything againt this, just simply waved and held this toothy grin. Moment later she vanished into thin air with nothing left then little light bubbles that popped. " Off to do her own thing..." And now he looked towards the small figure. "Well... let's get things started shall we... I decided just now that we would take it easy, you are going to walk the round with me on a few patients before we will go on towards the small classroom we have to answer any questions you would have." It was kind of the best he could say at this moment, he was bad at this and had to combine them both, that was till he had a new sennin so he could properly prepare.
" First off we will go see an older lady, then we will pick depending who else wasn't helped by the other staff yet. The old lady is... kind, but has a difficulty taking her medicals, hense the reason she is here." He would explain to give her a bit of a thought. He grabbed from his desk 5 files as he would hand she small one the file of the older lady. "Now if you read this... what do you think the problem is..?" The file would tell about the weight of the, err, round and older lady. She had a light psychological problems which she took pills for. After her words, they would start to move towards the room the older lady was in, there was already a medical personel inside, but he clearly had trouble and came to the hallway excusing the fact she wouldn't take her pills no matter what he had been saying or doing. Now Ranji thought of this as a good thing and looked towards her. "Now you heard how he tried... now how would you try.? and if you have an idea, feel free to try it out." The guy who left had told them he tried asking nice, trying to force her hand a little and eventually had a fit with the odler lady regards of it. Ranji knew how it would be easy for him to let her get them, but he was curious towards the little females thought and handle on the situation.

ooc said:
Tutor for Miyazaki Hikaru

The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have are that player(s) post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor. If you cannot make this due to IRL please let me know in advance.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 2/5
WC: 572
TWC: 1.010 / 1500
The girl exhaled in relief as the Medical Chief Ranji Kito introduced himself normally in response and indicated that she was in fact in the right place. She made a second, quick bow in response to his. As he introduced the contract creature with them in the room- a Kami named Mao, very much unlike anything Hikaru had seen before- the student bowed again, unsure of how to greet her. She had been trying hard not to stare, and took a moment to swivel her attention back to the Medical Chief after the woman (?) disappeared. She turned her expression serious once he addressed her again- now was the time! They would be walking around to patients in the byouin, giving her hands-on experience right from the beginning. She followed Ranji out into the hallway, skimming the old lady’s file as fast as she could. She was ‘kind, but has trouble taking her medicine’... Hikaru didn’t have an immediate answer for that. After some thought, she replied, “If she doesn’t like taking her pills, would they still be as effective if we mixed them into her food or drink- so she doesn’t have to swallow anything unnatural for her?” She might have remembered something like that from one book or another, detailing how to care for elderly parents or grandparents. It wasn’t much use to her normally- her grandparents practically cared for her and her father, instead of the other way around- but she was at least glad now to have read it.

They met with the other staff member exiting the old woman’s room, and got a report of essentially ‘no luck’. As he left, Ranji spoke, leaving the course of action up to her… so Hikaru nodded, and entered the room quietly. She gave the woman a smile, bowed, and introduced herself, “Hello, ma’am! My name is Miyazaki Hikaru, and I’m here from the Academy to learn a little about how the Byouin works.” She was hoping the woman would be generally more likely to listen since she was young and a student. After finding the pills resting on a table beside her, she took them and brought them outside the room for a moment, along with a glass of water that had been on the table as well. With a glance at the Medical Chief, hoping she was doing something right, she crushed the pills together and mixed them into the water, fetching a tray from a surface nearby to put the glass on. Hikaru carried the tray with the glass back into the room, placing it on the table and presenting the water to the old lady. “Please, drink this!” She very much hoped that it would work.

[WC: 451]
TWC: 855 / 1500
PC: 2 / 5


One doctor went away with an apology and Ranji gave the other an assignment to see how she would be going into this. He was a rather mean one at this point, he kept having this soft smile towards her as he started to judge her with his own eyes. Yet no words were coming from out of his mouth. He would stand in the hallway and as she started to crush them, Ranji started to speak with the lady. "Good morning miss, how are we this morning..?" "Awful! They tried to force me it again!" "Hmm... Sorry to hear so, we will try to make adjustments to do. How is the scarf coming along?" A change of topic with the older lady as she pointed towards the small desk in the room. "It is over there, I missed a few hooks, so it got a bit crooked. However, it should still fit you." "Me..?" A facial expression would be... soft to say a bit shocked. "Well, that isn't necessary.." "But you are always so pale!" "That... is because that is me, miss.." "Nonsense! At my age, everyone had a healthy bliss on their cheeks!" As the student walked back in the older pair of eyes followed her. "Ah- You are so sweet to bring me water..." She did drink it, with a surprise towards Ranji. Ranji had tried this very method earlier on too, but for some reason, she did take it now. Which puzzled him, to say the least. "Thank you, my dear, that was very kind. But I have to say, try freshwater next time. This tasted stale. " "Of course that would taste odd... there are meds in the-- Did she take it because a child offered..? Or is she doing this to put a stick in my behind.." A saying of his own while he thought those things. "Well... Sorry to say MIss, but we have to get going with the rounds again. " He knew she could talk a million things at the same time as they went on.

In the hallway, he would stand still for a moment. "Not sure how... But she took it from you, we had tried this very method a long time ago." Ranji spoke towards her. "That you did, however, completely right. As she stated how it tasted odd, maybe we should throw in some lemonade next time... Thanks to you we have a new idea to give it towards her." And with that he started to move on again, one doctor already took the next patient so they walked along. "We have about an hour's time... So we will head towards the classroom now. To answer anything you have." He would say and start to walk to the classroom where he would sit opposite side of her instead of the teacher's chair. He offered it even towards the little female. "So... From a hard case, you made an easy one... How did you think that the glass of water with meds would possibly work..?" After her answer, he would await the questions towards him. "The next case would have been a young child, who has been placed here with an older injury... if you look at this part of the case, what type do you think this could have been..?" Now if the rumors had been going around, there was an academy student who had broken their leg in a class. Yet the file would sustain the words of the doctor who had done the surgery yet the line was from before.
'The feeling would be compared to grinding nuts and bolts. When I overextend the leg, it hurts the patient very much, and said the patient cannot move their toes. There is no weight being placed down either. There is already some bruising going on, there is a lump growing this is a case of -----
The last word was blacked out with a marker and bled through to the other side so Hikaru couldn't turn the paper around to read is backward.
"What do you think the treatment we would do in there could have been?"
ooc said:
Tutor for Miyazaki Hikaru

The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have are that player(s) post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor. If you cannot make this due to IRL please let me know in advance.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 3/5
WC: 687
TWC: 1.697 / 1500
Hikaru celebrated inwardly as they exited the old woman’s room in triumph. She had been very amused to hear that she had been knitting a scarf for the cool Med-chief, and was equally appreciative of the woman’s kind words. Whether she had known that her pills were hidden in that water, the student couldn’t say, although she supposed the only difference would be whether the hospital staff could later replicate her simple method to the same level of success with the patient or not. Ranji had bowed them out of the room, and her first task was complete- while she wasn’t sure it had much to do with physical healings, taking care of people more naturally seemed like an important part of the job.

The Chief stopped in the hall to address her for a moment, confirming that they had tried that before (which probably meant that, indeed, the woman had acquiesced out of favoritism for her). She was especially happy to hear that he had another idea to build off of hers with the lemonade: “I appreciate that I can be of help! Hopefully she won’t give you trouble about this anymore.” And they were off again, the Medical ninja leading the student through the brightly-lit halls towards a classroom where the next part of the tutoring session was to take place. They arrived soon after, and he sat, not in the instructor’s seat, but wherever else he chose. He even offered that she sit there herself, which she accepted with a kind of astonished reverence. Once they had situated themselves, the chief began- how had she solved the problem of the old lady and her meds? Thinking back, Hikaru reported, “Well… the file that you gave me had said that she took those pills for light psychological problems. I guessed that since she was refusing to take them, she didn’t like taking the pills themselves instead of the effects, which probably weren’t what was bothering her. So, I thought about how to give her the medicine without having to make her swallow pills, and I remembered something I had read in a book about mixing medicine into drinks for elderly people who have difficulty swallowing things like that.” She looked up at her instructor, adding an afterthought a few seconds later, “Although, she might have just refused to take the pills to get on the staff’s nerves… if you’ve already tried mixing the pills with water before. I hope I explained that well!”

After she finished, Ranji presented her with the next question. She received a file that described an injury that another patient had withstood- a patient around her age, she realized as she read the date on the file. It seemed like they had injured their leg pretty badly in some way, since it detailed how painful the damage was and what the symptoms were. Some of the information had been crossed off, though; she had to find the answer for herself. She took her time to think over this problem. This one was different than the previous challenge, where the difficulty lay largely with the patient’s attitude. Now, she was dealing- theoretically- with a real injury, which she knew comparatively less about. Expecting not to have a perfect answer, she began, hoping that any points she was wrong about would be good places to learn something. “It looks like perhaps the patient’s leg was badly injured or broken…? They can’t walk on it, and it sounds painful. As for the treatment… the leg would probably have to be set right somehow so it can heal, so maybe the patient would have to be put to sleep if the pain was bad enough?” She had never broken a bone, herself, and didn’t have much innate knowledge of recovery procedures. She was good at sitting in a classroom and learning, however, and problem-solving seemed like an important skill for a Medical Ninja to have.

[WC: 657]
TWC: 1512
PC: 3 / 5


"You did explain it properly, please don't worry about that.." He sighed a little, so his thought of the line was true. The older lady sure was a pain in their behind... "Glad she took it today with somewhat less trouble... All thanks to you, so I do thank you for that one." He said and would nod a few times. Before going further with his next point.

" If you've broken a bone: you may hear or feel a snap or a grinding noise as the injury happens. there may be swelling, bruising, or tenderness around the injured area. You may feel pain when you put weight on the injury, touch it, press it, or move it. Sometimes, a really bad complete fracture will not be able to carry weight or otherwise function properly. Most of the time, however, fractures can indeed support the weight. The patient can probably even walk on a broken leg—it just hurts like the dickens. " He explained a clear and easy symptom... Now he started to wonder what they were actually getting taught at that school... Then again, some only learn from the first-hand experience. He stood up from his place and went towards the skeleton in the corner, from which he grabbed the arm and snapped it. Since it was plastic you could hear the snap the better. "Like this..." He said and would then walk back to the table. "Yet by some people, things don't snap anymore..." And he started to poke his own leg which wasn't made out of flesh.

"From what I can see... You do hold promise to become a medical student one day. I do hope you keep this up..." He said and would cross his arms, despite the fact he hated children. This one was doing such a well job... "Do you happen to have or don't have questions..? Or suggestions..? As I heard we are getting a new sennin somewhere in the future days."
ooc said:
Tutor for Miyazaki Hikaru

The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have are that player(s) post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor. If you cannot make this due to IRL please let me know in advance.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 4/5
WC: 329
TWC: 2.026 / 1500
As Ranji explained that the patient didn’t have a broken leg after all, Hikaru noticed something. Whenever she had gotten a question incorrect during a class at the Academy, it always made her feel a little discouraged in the back of her mind, like she was at fault somehow. Now, however, after she had done the same thing, she didn’t feel discouraged at all; in fact, she was excited to hear more. Something about the work of a Medical ninja she had seen so far- maybe it was the problem-solving, maybe the necessary focus on helping others- really clicked in her brain. Her focus returned to the room as the Medical Chief stood up and walked over to a model skeleton sitting in the corner, taking its plastic arm and decisively snapping it to demonstrate his point. Hikaru almost laughed out loud- she certainly understood now, at the expense of that poor skeleton.

As he finished his explanation, she noticed him poking one of his legs, one that didn’t strike her as very… natural? She debated asking Ranj about it, but decided that it might be a little personal, similar to Soku’s missing arm she had seen during her very first tutoring session.

The Medical Chief spoke again, complimenting Hikaru’s potential as a Medical student. “Thank you, so much!” She inclined her head respectfully, grinning, “I think I’ve taken an interest in the Medical Branch; hopefully I can learn some more in the future!” Her gratitude swelled like an enormous balloon- in no other class had she been told she truly, naturally excelled in something, let alone by one of the Medical Chiefs of the village. She had several questions indeed, but held off on some of them in favor of a more important one, “Yes, I heard that two of the Sennin are passing on their duties soon. I had never met the previous Medical Sennin, unfortunately, and I don’t know who’s going to be appointed next- could you share anything you know about them? Also, what does this mean for the Medical Branch?”

[WC: 345]
TWC: 1857
PC: 4 / 5


“Yes, I heard that two of the Sennin are passing on their duties soon. I had never met the previous Medical Sennin, unfortunately, and I don’t know who’s going to be appointed next- could you share anything you know about them? Also, what does this mean for the Medical Branch?” Of all the questions this girl could ask... This was the one she did. It took him a bit of time to figure out how to answer. "Well... The last sennin isn't around here at all. She left for the cloud and after that, she never really returned... SO I think she will be removed from the active line of duty so that the branch could flower once more. The sennin before that.. sadly went on a KoS... Which basically means a kill on sight. This only happens when there is treason against Leaf. There was this big battle and she fled the scene. Cowardly..." Ranji's demonic aura did leak a little... He was known to lose his temper at things like that, yet as soon as he noticed he would pardon himself on it and look away for a bit. "We will see who will be next. If the rumor is true regards a phantom medic here... Which I have yet to find, it might be. What if the person is real, he might be pulled from the shadows to lead the place. The medical branch will survive this, as far as I know, there are two other medical chiefs around... Just.. never here at the hospital... Like ever... I wonder if one of them even knows what he is doing at all, since he got here through the main branch but never attended a lesson to my memory." He sighed and placed a hand on his face as he started to look towards the small female. "One thing for sure, it wouldn't be me. I would not be fit, I do not have the patience which is needed with the job, neither the human flexibility. I lost my limb in an ambush back when I was a genin. The leg I am wearing is a prototype. I can channel chakra through it, but it requires me to focus more, making me unfit to battle anymore. Through the help of the medical, I decided that this would be my place." He would explain and look towards her. "I do have to say, you were amazing... Keep the news in check for the next sennin, talk to him or her or it for all I care. " Throwing it as it was a bare rumor, nothing else just yet. Yet something sparked in his mind. "Hold up... I do believe I know who this phantom might be... The botanical garden...." He muttered and wrote it down on a paper. "You might have your best luck to find the next sennin in this place. Just... why didn't I realize it sooner... There is a medical personal of unknown rank in the new herbal garden... He spends almost all his time there, heals limited inside of the hospital as I gave him that permission long ago... I forgot about him at all... How stupid of me... I am afraid to say I wouldn't know how he would look like at these times... When he entered, I believe he had silver-blue hair, blue eyes, and short bob line hair..."
ooc said:
Tutor for Miyazaki Hikaru

The rules for tutors are as followed, a player must have 5 posts and a minimum of 1500 WC total. The additional rules that I have are that player(s) post +- 72 hours after my post. Failed to do this, I will give you a strike. 3 Strikes and you have failed this Tutor. If you cannot make this due to IRL please let me know in advance.
Now that has been said and done, I hope you will enjoy this Tutor and the RP itself.

Post 5/5
WC: 566
TWC: 2.592 / 1500.

Feel free to collect your rewards after your final post, you have passed. If you wish to leave you are free to do so or stick around, it will be converted to a regular topic. Please note this is an NPC, I have no rights on rewards. :)
Hikaru noticed that the Medical Chief took a moment before answering- it was her first time asking outright about the history of the Leaf, and she had wanted to know. If she indeed did join the Medical branch, she could learn the practical things as she went; that was how you were supposed to do it, anyway. She wanted to hear a little about the new Sennin and some more about the old ones.

She nodded as he spoke, lining up his words with what information she remembered from before she enrolled in the Academy. Learning of the Sennin who defected was a shock to her- she had known the general procedures for someone who abandoned the village for some time now, but had never had an actual example to go along with it… it unnerved her that high-ranking ninja would just turn on Konoha like that. Hikaru wondered what had happened to them… it had to have been a while ago, because the previous Medical Sennin had been around since before she could remember. As she thought, she noticed a sense of foreboding emanating from Ranji’s direction. It dissipated after a moment, however, and he continued. He explained that he had lost his leg, and now wore a prototype; Hikaru found this fascinating, and tried very hard not to stare. She thought the Medical Chief was an interesting person, and was certainly grateful that he thought highly of her as well. As for the new Sennin… “Thank you, hopefully I can find him. Thanks for giving me this tutor, as well! I feel like I learned a lot, and I can’t wait to talk to this new Sennin!” Hikaru took the piece of paper that Ranji had written on and turned to the door, smiling on her way out. She had made up her mind- the Medical branch was for her.

[WC: 312]
[Topic left]
TWC: 2169
PC: 5 / 5
OOC: Thank you for holding this tutor for me! :D

Current Ninpocho Time:
