Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

[Tutor] One More Thing.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The Superlatives that lasted with everything that had transpired over the last few months, Za would find himself fixated on trying to remedy the dull pain he would feel from time to time. And the one person that could possibly help him without filling him with all of those unnecessary pills and the like would become a reoccurring theme within himself, and that person that he needed in these times was the Sennin that had been present during the detachment of his right arm. Though, now Za would appear with a nea black arm with golden trimmings made and perfected from the design he brought home to Sumiko. Though, it was still a surprise to him that it had happened.

Za had sent word to Nao that he was going to come and there was a setup about something about Herbal healing that Nao had going on in a green house. So Za would find his way there to find out if there could be something done about the pain, but then again now he had three beating hearts in his body. They were still getting used to his chakra and being interwoven with his chakra system, but the devious acts of Jiongu had finally come to bare fruit.

And it would be with Nao's help that he would accomplish something that he never thought was possible. A subtle immortality. It would seemingly keep his cells from deteriorating, and the body that he would have would be about this young for the forseeable future. Thusly he wouldnt have to worry about anything aside from being completely obliterated and lose all of his hearts simultaneously. With that in mind until he was able to fixate himself a bit better he would still have to be careful. Alas, now at the entrance of the greenhouse he would await Nao with a simple wave of the black prosthetic, "Oioi Nao-sama... Thank you for this final lesson."
Nao would be already there and had done a lot of preparations... But even his body wasn't coping very well at the day. This resulted in him in returning to his office, have a small nap there before it was time to get going again towards the glass green house which was his pride and joy. A place where he did had the control and all the knowledge.

Once he set his eyes at Zaotru, he would smile soft and behind him would be his Kami Excursai. "Good afternoon Zatoru-kun." He said and Sai would bow slightly and greet him also. "I am first going to take a smoke, while I want to go over everything a bit." He would sit down on the bench outside, as he took one he would offer the other too. The Kami would just go inside already and get things prepared for the teaching. "Please don't worry about the teaching thing. I am sorry if some parts my Kami is going to help out, I am not really in the best shape today..." he said a bit awkward and he was glad his pack of smokes was only half empty that reduced weight to lift. "That looks like a good arm. How do you function it? What is it made of..? If you do not mind me asking. I always try to learn more about them in order to help others out too. " Waitin on an answer he would smoke and eventually he asked what Zatoru wanted to know exactly about herbs. "Which type do you want to learn... or a bit of everything..? If it's a more specific type, I can probably give you a small batch to go home with..." He would tilt his head a bit towards the male.
"Smoke? You smoke? Weird with you being a medic and all..." Nodding his head he would bow to the Kami and look at the greenhouse and such, wondering what lay beyond those walls and wondered to himself about what could be the necessary and ideal circumstances for such a thing to be needed? Maybe Za would create his own, he was adept to Earth based Jutsu as well as a bit with Water and Fire. Though, there was nothing that he would want more inn the world than to be able to be self sustaining. To be able to focus himself on the heat of the battle and to move and motion himself to become more aware of the wild.

Alas, there has to be more than what was led on. "The Arm? I dont honestly know what its made of, my girlfriend made it for me. She's a master Puppeteer. So using that same concept I use puppet strings to have full functionality with it. And it channels chakra very well. Seems like there is Puppet Fiber and some chakra metals going on. But I didnt ask what she made if out of." nodding again he's respond to the Medic's questioning. Though it wasnt all that bad to be honest, he'd gotten used to it so much that it was second nature so far....

"I dont understand what you mean by which type? Which type of what? Plant? Greenhouse? Poison?", tilting his head for a moment Za figure it had something to do with the things he asked about but he was still unsure on what Nao meant by the questioning. Specifically the specifics of it all. And a small batch of what? There were so many questions to ask but so little time...

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"eah-heh.. heh.." He would awkwardly chuckle at those words. "I do hear that often... Even my own Kami sometimes smacks me for it... But yes, I do smoke... For me, it functions as a relief of stress." At the mention of the arm, he heard about how it was made. "Interesting..." He would think a bit over it. 'By using puppet strings as guidance.. it would make it easier to control it... But not keep it attached..' He would stand up, bow over the arm, tilting his head and seeming a bit lost in thought. But he never touched it or would make an attempt to. "Hmm..." He would think until he heard the other once more after his question regards what he wanted to learn.

'Ah- that..." He would say and smoke the last bit before he would place it in a can. He used the can as a masked ashtray at this point... Mainly because it did hold water with and inside. "Type of plants..." he would grin before making his way inside. His Kami already had made some tea, one in a regular mug and one in a paper mug with two layers. "Made tea for you both, the plastic cup is for Nao to use..." It had a double reason for it to be plastic... He would most likely let it fall out of his hands and he would be able to feel if it would be too hot or not.

At entering the place, you could see two stories full of plants. He started to blossom a little, but in the current climate, you could somewhat see the condition of Nao having. "Please grab another pair of gloves..." He would mention and point towards them. He tried to keep it as casual as possible instead of a real class lesson or something. He would display the herbal as a two-story place... even multi-layered and as he stood there on the bottom of the stairs. he would start to explain.

"So we are using aqueducts to make sure that the entire garden is irrigated. There is a side branch from one of these Aquaducts towards the more toxic plants.. don't mix them up, we have plants here that could kill all of the others..." He would sigh as it was a bitter memory as what had happened before a time. "In section 1. We have regular herbal plants, those who are often made for small pain relief salves, anti-inflammatory, and even herbs for the common cold. Section 2. we have roughly the same treatment herbs but in a higher dose. They are only to be used inside the medical wards as they might leave an effect... You will learn all the plants later on you start to work with them...." He would explain a few more sections before getting towards the part with more... toxic plants. "This is section 5 till 7... Now, these are all toxic plants, either toxic for other flowers, humans, and or animals. The toxic to other flowers are in the lower basin of this section, while the others remain at the top. Handle the black and red flower with care, always use gloves as the liquid of that flower eats away skin... now on the same level, there is section 8 till 11... These are antibiotics plants to treat either poisons, toxins or high-end antibiotics. The sections might neer rechanging... but who knows. There is still 12 till 15... those are plants that haven't gotten a priority into one of the other sections. Basically, these are herbs I am still working on." Now all the sections weren't as big as one would think, most of it was even half empty. Yet there already had been so much time and each of these wouldn't be a regular item on the market. "Did you get all this so far...?"
Za would suddenly turn around and leave, without a word he would kick the door open to the greenhouse without a motion, almost as if he were to be controlled. The Cursed Seal on his neck glowing, and he would continue back to the clan house... for reasons unknown.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
