Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Unexpected Hospitality [The Devils Lair Casino]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Their journey into the depths of the village would be a short one. Before long they would approach the district that his Casino was in. The closer they got to his establishments the more secure the district got. While the usual businesses operated without any sign of distress the atmosphere was different. There was no air of fear, nor any signs of potential threat waiting in each alley. Before long the source would become obvious, individuals wearing expressionless black masks patrolled the district. Each giving a respectful nod as they conducted their activities. They could be spotted on rooftops & within the shadows of the alleys. "We're almost there. Don't worry about them they're just maintaining the peace." he would finish with the comment in regards to his agents. Gesturing to a structure that towered above the surprisingly well sustained buildings around them. A worthy for anyone powerful enough to establish a foothold within this unsavory part pf the village.

With a wave of his hand his inhuman staff stepped to the side allowing them access. "You can have the tour later I'm sure you'd prefer being able to rest properly." with those words he would motion for the kunoichi to follow him to a set of elevator doors. Built into the walls just past the staff, a quick way for guests to bypass the chaos of the various floors. A nearby camera could be heard adjusting its view before the doors sprung open. Stepping inside he would motion for his guest to accompany him. "Feel free to use any of the access points such as this. The attendants will ensure you arrive at the right destination, just state where you wish to go." Once she was within the doors would come to a close. "To the Royal suite. Our guest will be staying until I say otherwise. Have someone sent to her shortly." he would state to the obvious listener as the doors slid shut & the elevator begun its journey.

"The suite should have everything you need until the attendants can acquire your specifics. Should you find yourself interested our Casino offers one of the most extensive lists of entertainment in the country. From our renowned performers, lavish bathhouse & even our fight pit." he disclosed the detail of one of his more refined entertainment offers. Because he had a feeling his new guest might just find herself interested in such activities. "Then of course there are the various gambling options. From our games to events we generally have something of interest for all. But I'm sure you've heard enough about this place. Do you have any questions?" When he stopped speaking the elevator would come to a halt after arriving to its destination. It seemed the Royal suite had its own lobby with multiple elevators that could be taken. A beautiful water feature with a depiction of various mystical beings carved out of marble was centered in the middle of the lobby. Passed the water feature was a massive door that seemed to be crafted from stone. The massive doors looked like it would take a significant amount of force to move. But appearances could be deceiving, soon his guest would learn this.

Engineering was a bit of a hobby for the Sage. Especially given the advancements man had made throughout the recent years. Having implemented this new technology with his own methods he was happy with any opportunity to show his work off. Was there really a fine suite behind those massive doors or had Teke found herself in the lair of a monster. After all this place was called the Devil's Lair. Akkuma found himself playing through the potential concerns of his guest reflexively, used to the prejudices of humanity when it came to his offers of hospitality.

[OOC: Apologies on the delay. Topic continued from Gate thread.]


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke followed Akkuma into the village, letting her eyes wander as they walked. She had always appreciated the architecture of the village, it felt like home, though it was the only home she'd ever known so that is unsurprising. She eyed up the buildings as if suffering from Deja vu, as she recalled them all from her memories, the village hadn't changed much at all in this regard, the same old buildings standing stalwart against the harsh environment they were built, truly inspiring. Very quickly she realized where she was being led, after all, she'd spent a lot of time here, both living and working before becoming the then Kazekages ward.

"I wonder if he's okay?" She pondered to herself.

She would have to seek him out eventually, especially if she wanted her arm repaired, but that could wait till she was in a better state. It didn't go unnoticed that the streets of what was essentially the slums were uncharacteristically peaceful, usually, at this time of night the drunkards who couldn't handle their booze had been kicked to the streets and were causing one kind of ruckus or another but amazingly it all seemed very tranquil. Probably due in part to the feeling of being watched she could feel on the nape of her neck that Akkuma confirmed by pointing out the masked guards, not quite ANBU but effective nonetheless if they could contain this rabble of unfortunate civilians.

They eventually arrived at a very large and impressive-looking building, one she didn't recognize meaning it was somewhat newly built in the past few years, or at least an old build had been extended to accommodate an increasing clientele. She would nod at the comment about the tour, hardly in any shape to endure something like that but she was curious to play some games, once she'd also got some money, living in the wastes for four-ish years will drain your accounts pretty fast. She followed into the elevator, quite impressed with all she had seen so far. The conversation in the elevator really perked her ears up though, both the bathhouse and the fight pit were things that tickled her fancy for sure.

"The pits are those just for watching, or can anyone have a fight? Not that I'm looking right this moment but it might be a good way to remind my body how to move." She spoke with a slight grin. "Also what manner of fights are they? to the death or? Though I suppose that would draw too much attention..."

Death fighting would be highly illegal and as a trainee member of the ANBU she should be very much against snuffing that kind of thing out but, it might make for a quick, easy way to sate her cravings every now and then, thankfully she has them under control most of the time but too long without has her losing focus, she could only ascertain it was something to do with the mixing of her blood. She'd always thought it had something to do with her Youkai blood but with it now gone it pointed at either the Kami or the human side and perhaps just having two co-exist within a body causes the strange hunger. Might also just be a side effect of the messed-up science used to create her and her people but that research was long gone and she would likely never find out, not on purpose anyway.

"Also, I would ask you to forgive me for looking a gift horse in the mouth, but do you usually offer out your most expensive suites to random ladies or was I simply that irresistible?" She giggled softly. "Not that I believe you have nefarious intentions, but that might simply be because I am tired and can't pick up on the context clues." She smiled cheekily.

[WC - 641]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage wondered if Teke assumed his hospitality was due to her ties to Sousuke. In truth that had been a pleasant surprise. Akkuma had made it a point of keeping the Robokage and his affairs a respectable distance from his own schemes. Out of a respect for the former Kazekage staying out of his affairs, for the most part. Teke posed a few questions about the pit fights & Akkuma would chuckle. "The Pits are for spectating or participating, that is up to you. For the most parts fights are until the opponent is incapable of continuing. But we do host special events with unique conditions for participants." He would say with an unmistakable hint of excitement. Maybe he had found himself a new contender, his patrons did always enjoy new meat in the cages. "Of all my projects the Pits are the least concerning to the village I'm sure. In regards to disappearances this is Old Suna, the higher ups couldn't care less what happens down here. They made that very clear to it myself & it's denizens." he would say calmly. After all despite his many apparently obvious monstrous activities it was undeniable he had the respect of many that they had passed. For he had brought his own version of peace & law into these districts of the village. People had felt abandoned by the higher ups of the village & their needs disregarded for those that now lived on the surface. Danger had lurked around every corner & even in ones own home were they not safe from the desperation of their fellow denizens. All rule had been gone from the dark depths of the village before he exerted his influence. Given the obvious influence he had already demonstrated one could assume his confident words were well earned. Along with possibility that his opinion on the feelings of the public here was an informed one.

When asked about why he had offered her his lavish hospitality the Sage would chuckle. "Haha not to offend my dear but that was not the case, not to say you aren't a beautiful kunoichi." he would say with a light hearted laugh. "Honestly I'm surprised you came this far before inquiring about my intentions. In truth despite the beliefs of many I care deeply about shinobi & especially individuals with mystical lineage such as yourself. My fondness for those more then human stems from my own history & bonds. Although in earnest it was just a guess based on my observations in regard to the reception you received. I could say it was out of respect for Sousuke, but that would be false. Admittedly I was not aware of your ties to him, until you named yourself." he would say with a devilish smile, for it was not often he had found himself uninformed about an individual. After all how would the gate guards have reacted if a normal shinobi had arrived to the village in the same state as Teke? While he had initially downplayed the poor greeting due to his own presence, but given his words one could see the actions of those at the gates for what they were. There was a shifting public sentiment that seemed to be growing like a corruption through the land. A disdain for those that were other, a flaw humanity had possessed for many an age once more taking root in their beliefs.

"It would be poor form for me to make such an offer with nefarious or ulterior motivations." he would say with a devilish flash in his emerald eyes. "Besides I get the impression if one wanted to earn your attention Teke somewhere like the Pit would be more suitable to do so." he would say with a playful chuckle. An unmistakable mixture of bloodlust & primal hunger could almost be felt from the Sage as he spoke the words. Whether it the pull he felt towards her was from his own sealed demonic heritage, the shinigami he'd bound within himself or from Teke herself he could not yet tell. "I do hope I've alleviated any reservations you may have had about my hospitality." he would say with an almost disarming warmth. While his demonic heritage had been sealed to the best of his abilities. It was still quite apparent from the almost unnatural chaotic charm he had. What would Teke think of the Sages words & his candor in regard to her jest about his pursuits. Stepping out into the lobby he would approach the doors & push them upon. Swinging open the double doors would reveal an incredibly lavish room, in the middle of the room a large marble steaming hot bath. Off to the side a well crafted fireplace the length of the wall. A one way window overlooked the various floors below. Another door led to the massive lavish four poster bed & marble en-suite.

Lighting for the room was generated by chakra infused gems that provided a myriad of beautifully refracted rays of light. This coupled with the warm light of the fire gave the room a wonderful ambient atmosphere. A nearby service elevator in the lobby would beep to life. Walking over to it Akkuma would open it up & retrieve multiple bags of clothing. Returning to the room he would place them by the door to the bedroom. "Hopefully some of the garments here are to your taste, some of my kin are tailors. These should at the very least, do until you are able to personally acquire some garbs. When it comes to weaving silk into clothing or tapestry you'll be hard pressed to find higher quality works." he would say to hear, as an assurance that the garbs were of a quality craftsmanship. Although he was sure that so long as they were comfortable at this stage she would care about little else. With those words he moved back to the wall containing the fireplace & added some more sandalwood logs to it. It's aromatic smoke carrying it's relaxing scent throughout the room.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
