Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

(uoᴉʇɐʌᴉʇɔɐǝɹ) ᴉɥsuǝS <- uǝʞuǝ┴


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
Old Character Name: Tenken
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: Reactivating
Last Known Where-abouts: Somewhere in Leaf doing something. Been a few years ok?
Old IC Rank: AiT

New Character Name: Idaina Senshi
Preferred Username: Senshi
New Village/Missing: Sand
New BL/CA: Battlesmith
Custom Class: Click Here to create your new Custom Class.
The Enemy
HP: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
CP: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Class bonus features
High: Ranged Accuracy
Average: Melee Accuracy, Evasion, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Low: None

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main
IC Rank: Genin I suppose, if I can get Chuunin it would be preferable but understandable why I can't

Note: Due to the nature of this character, the information below about their physical form will reflect their main possession target.
Character Age: 14, but is inhabiting a 30 year old
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description:
Senshi's main victim is a 30 year old male with middling length, dark hair. He has red eyes but usually keeps them mostly closed. He has pale skin as if he's not getting enough sun, with odd red markings like stains across much of the epidermis almost like a birthmark, however it seems to be shifting around occasionally.
Character's Mental Description:
Senshi's mental status is very in tune with its actual age - A teenager with poor impulse control and an ever present desire to have fun. Senshi often acts without thinking, and seems to get a thrill out of high adrenaline, dangerous scenarios. He always plays to win, however, and is good at coming up with new strategies on the fly. His belief of his own immortality has lef to a fighting style that is almost entirely offensive, however.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History: Putting it at the bottom.
Clan Request: No

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile: (Stats and jutsu are off, training was more up to date when I had to leave)
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Sub-account so...none.

Old Stats:
Agility: 100
Stamina: 100
Ninjutsu: 50
Genjutsu: 100
Taijutsu: 100
Chakra Control: 100
PL: 550

Old OOC Rank: D
Stat Cut: 0
New Stats:
Agility: 100
Stamina: 100
Ninjutsu: 75
Genjutsu: 75
Taijutsu: 100
Chakra Control: 100
PL: 550

New OOC Rank: C

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Once more - My training was up to date, can't edit my profile though without reactivating, would rather just skip to this step. Not swapping anything here.

Other Refunds: None.

Name of any Contract you currently own:None

Name of any Kinjutsu I own: Nope.

Lightning coursed through the wires connecting them together, the machines humming as they pumped an immense amount of power into the system. The man behind them, mad scientist was easily applicable in this situation, began moving various settings as the voltage spiked, dropped, then stabilized finally. One could only imagine what was going through his mind as he began to slowly open the valve that contained the volatile chakra particles he’d spent so much time creating. As they flooded into the system and spread to them, one might have seen a slight smirk on his face.

Connected to this contraption were ten bodies in a star pattern around an eleventh, corpses that he’d had nothing to do with their current status as not living. But he wasn’t above using them, and these were all quite fresh, having died only in the last hour. He’d been quick to recover them before brain damage could set in and put them on the machine. The electricity being dumped into them was focused mostly on the brain, bringing activity back to it as other parts forced the lungs to breathe, the heart to beat. However this was very much a ‘lights on, no one home’ situation as these people were indeed dead.

The charged particles hit the cadavers and each one convulses in turn as the chakra surges into their bodies, settles in and begins to process what it was there for. Soon they’re pulled back out and directed to the eleventh body where they began binding into the tissues. The brief bits of personality and mental energy they’d found in the others forced false life into this corpse, the brain no longer dead but not alive either. That was fine, he didn’t need it to be perfect.

He pulls his own chakra energy forth, pouring it into a space just above the final corpse. It was a space/time technique he was using, one he’d devised himself. A rift opened in the air above them, a portal to another place, another reality. Something noticed, something came through. And that something was bound to those charged chakra particles. He closes the rift, wiping the sweat from his brow as he watches the corpse twitch.

But this was no Frankenstein. He didn’t want to revive the dead, but instead provide a host to the thing he’d trapped in this world. As the eyes of it opened the mad doctor would let out a laugh, causing the corpse to start. The eyes, a bright red in color, focus on him as he sees the intelligence behind them sharpen suddenly. And then he felt it, a tickle in his chakra coil, easily dismissed. It would grow more insistent before he traced it back to the creation before him. He sent a shock down the connection, and the feeling recoiled.

Over the next few years what he truly created that day would become known to him and a select few others. While the thing, which he’d named Senshi, was in the body of a young man, it was not imprisoned there. Instead, it lived in the charged chakra particles that were growing, multiplying, living themselves in the now living corpse. An important thing to know, since it could send those particles out to infect others. Even the most basic bit of chakra knowledge made them harmless, but to those without a natural chakra potential or training it allowed control to be had.

Control, in this case, being a terrifying prospect. By running tests on others being controlled, he learned that Senshi would put itself in the receptors for various things, almost entirely removing the target’s inhibitions and sending its own electrical pulses out to take control of them. Almost like the ultimate intrusive thoughts - The victims were completely unaware of Senshi’s presence, of the fact that it was puppetting them around. They thought the things they did, and words they said, were all of their own making. Many broke mentally trying to figure out why they did the things Senshi had made them do.

Naturally, he had to leash it somehow. And the leash was, in fact, the very technique that had created it. Senshi wanted to remain in this world, it was fun here. It could play, fight, and have fun. It wasn’t boring all the time like back home. So a threat of sending it back was ample enough to control it - Somewhat. It often lost track of orders as the lack of impulse control caused problems.

It was sent to the academy using a child as a host, then its initial corpse host was shuffled into the system as a Genin without the usual process needing to be followed. He was, after all, connected to many of the people who handled said paperwork. Senshi would be perfect - The ultimate loyal soldier he could aim at his enemies.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Old Character Name: Tenken
Old Village/Missing: Leaf
OCR Type: Reactivating
Last Known Where-abouts: Somewhere in Leaf doing something. Been a few years ok?
Old IC Rank: AiT

New Character Name: Idaina Senshi
Preferred Username: Senshi
New Village/Missing: Sand
New BL/CA: Battlesmith
Custom Class: Click Here to create your new Custom Class.
The Enemy
HP: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
CP: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Class bonus features
High: Ranged Accuracy
Average: Melee Accuracy, Evasion, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Low: None

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main
IC Rank: Genin I suppose, if I can get Chuunin it would be preferable but understandable why I can't

Note: Due to the nature of this character, the information below about their physical form will reflect their main possession target.
Character Age: 14, but is inhabiting a 30 year old
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description:
Senshi's main victim is a 30 year old male with middling length, dark hair. He has red eyes but usually keeps them mostly closed. He has pale skin as if he's not getting enough sun, with odd red markings like stains across much of the epidermis almost like a birthmark, however it seems to be shifting around occasionally.
Character's Mental Description:
Senshi's mental status is very in tune with its actual age - A teenager with poor impulse control and an ever present desire to have fun. Senshi often acts without thinking, and seems to get a thrill out of high adrenaline, dangerous scenarios. He always plays to win, however, and is good at coming up with new strategies on the fly. His belief of his own immortality has lef to a fighting style that is almost entirely offensive, however.
Multiple Personality Application: N/A
Character History: Putting it at the bottom.
Clan Request: No

Death/Retirement Thread: N/A
Old Profile: (Stats and jutsu are off, training was more up to date when I had to leave)
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: Sub-account so...none.

Old Stats:
Agility: 100
Stamina: 100
Ninjutsu: 50
Genjutsu: 100
Taijutsu: 100
Chakra Control: 100
PL: 550

Old OOC Rank: D
Stat Cut: 0
New Stats:
Agility: 100
Stamina: 100
Ninjutsu: 75
Genjutsu: 75
Taijutsu: 100
Chakra Control: 100
PL: 550

New OOC Rank: C

Jutsu Mastery Swaps:
Once more - My training was up to date, can't edit my profile though without reactivating, would rather just skip to this step. Not swapping anything here.

Other Refunds: None.

Name of any Contract you currently own:None

Name of any Kinjutsu I own: Nope.

Lightning coursed through the wires connecting them together, the machines humming as they pumped an immense amount of power into the system. The man behind them, mad scientist was easily applicable in this situation, began moving various settings as the voltage spiked, dropped, then stabilized finally. One could only imagine what was going through his mind as he began to slowly open the valve that contained the volatile chakra particles he’d spent so much time creating. As they flooded into the system and spread to them, one might have seen a slight smirk on his face.

Connected to this contraption were ten bodies in a star pattern around an eleventh, corpses that he’d had nothing to do with their current status as not living. But he wasn’t above using them, and these were all quite fresh, having died only in the last hour. He’d been quick to recover them before brain damage could set in and put them on the machine. The electricity being dumped into them was focused mostly on the brain, bringing activity back to it as other parts forced the lungs to breathe, the heart to beat. However this was very much a ‘lights on, no one home’ situation as these people were indeed dead.

The charged particles hit the cadavers and each one convulses in turn as the chakra surges into their bodies, settles in and begins to process what it was there for. Soon they’re pulled back out and directed to the eleventh body where they began binding into the tissues. The brief bits of personality and mental energy they’d found in the others forced false life into this corpse, the brain no longer dead but not alive either. That was fine, he didn’t need it to be perfect.

He pulls his own chakra energy forth, pouring it into a space just above the final corpse. It was a space/time technique he was using, one he’d devised himself. A rift opened in the air above them, a portal to another place, another reality. Something noticed, something came through. And that something was bound to those charged chakra particles. He closes the rift, wiping the sweat from his brow as he watches the corpse twitch.

But this was no Frankenstein. He didn’t want to revive the dead, but instead provide a host to the thing he’d trapped in this world. As the eyes of it opened the mad doctor would let out a laugh, causing the corpse to start. The eyes, a bright red in color, focus on him as he sees the intelligence behind them sharpen suddenly. And then he felt it, a tickle in his chakra coil, easily dismissed. It would grow more insistent before he traced it back to the creation before him. He sent a shock down the connection, and the feeling recoiled.

Over the next few years what he truly created that day would become known to him and a select few others. While the thing, which he’d named Senshi, was in the body of a young man, it was not imprisoned there. Instead, it lived in the charged chakra particles that were growing, multiplying, living themselves in the now living corpse. An important thing to know, since it could send those particles out to infect others. Even the most basic bit of chakra knowledge made them harmless, but to those without a natural chakra potential or training it allowed control to be had.

Control, in this case, being a terrifying prospect. By running tests on others being controlled, he learned that Senshi would put itself in the receptors for various things, almost entirely removing the target’s inhibitions and sending its own electrical pulses out to take control of them. Almost like the ultimate intrusive thoughts - The victims were completely unaware of Senshi’s presence, of the fact that it was puppetting them around. They thought the things they did, and words they said, were all of their own making. Many broke mentally trying to figure out why they did the things Senshi had made them do.

Naturally, he had to leash it somehow. And the leash was, in fact, the very technique that had created it. Senshi wanted to remain in this world, it was fun here. It could play, fight, and have fun. It wasn’t boring all the time like back home. So a threat of sending it back was ample enough to control it - Somewhat. It often lost track of orders as the lack of impulse control caused problems.

It was sent to the academy using a child as a host, then its initial corpse host was shuffled into the system as a Genin without the usual process needing to be followed. He was, after all, connected to many of the people who handled said paperwork. Senshi would be perfect - The ultimate loyal soldier he could aim at his enemies.
Into Council you get


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
Just tossing this here, will link him to post also.
The "mad scientist" who created Senshi is Akkuma. So they definitely know each other.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
