Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Waiting for the storm to end

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The Chigokai has made it to Tsukigakure after making a few hours from where they docked their ship.

He hasn't really read the history of this place, but knows that it probably has its fair share of blood spilt. Ziren walked around the town, maybe a souvenir would be good to bring with him as a small present for his children.

The Medical Chief frowned to himself as he stopped walking. He doesn't even know what they like...

With a sigh, he walked into the closest gift shop to find a corny gift. This is stupid. My family is in Cloud waiting for me, and here I am, in a gift shop, waiting for a stupid storm to stop, looking for a corny gift to give to them for a small laugh to break the ice.

He found a small moon pendant necklace. This looks good to give to Hana.

(Topic created/entered as npc Ziren)
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"That should be enough."

The large wooden cart gave a creak of protest as another bag of rice was placed on it, followed by blankets and other generic items including cold weather clothing for people of various sizes. The ox that was attached snorted impatiently, obviously wanting to return home as quickly as possible so it would be fed.

Migoya scrached the creature behind the ear before patting its neck. "Soon my friend. First, we need some wool for Grandmother Myakashi. Hana - can you look after things here for a second, Im just going to run into the shop over there."

A small girl, black of hair, gave a nod - clearly the sights of the 'big city' were more exciting than sitting on a cart, watching over a grumpy ox.

Migoya gave his grand-daughter a grin before turning and walking into the store. Dressed casually, Migoya's only notable feature would be his white hair and red eyes, both deemed 'gods blessed' here in the land of Luna. People would often stare at him, and he was used to it by now. Laying low would be rather impossible it seemed.

He walked up to the counter, giving the cashier a small smile. "Excuse me. I was looking for black wool and was wondering..."

Migoya stopped short as his gaze picked up an all-too familiar figure. Ziren, his fellow med-nin chief. Well... former med-nin chief.



He watched Ziren, who hadn't noticed him straight away, pick up a small moon shaped locket. Normally Ziren was quite serious and for him to be shopping for such things was out of character - or at least the man was genuinely shopping. It seemed to not be a ruse, and to attack Migoya here, in the middle of a city, would be foolish - even for a Leaf Shinobi.

In any event, he would not let this man know about his family. Best he take control of the situation, and as such he walked over towards Ziren. Touching the side of his head he whispered into his hidden headset. "Hana. Go home. Now. Warn the clan." Hana, understanding the tone in her grandfathers voice, quickly obeyed and started moving the cart.

Removing his hand, Migoya coughed shortly, clearly to get Ziren's attention. If he had wanted a fight he could have easily snuck up behind the guy and placed a knife between his ribs - even if the man could hear his blood...

"There's a better souvenir shop three doors down. More authentic - this stuffs for tourists. You want a red and white one - blessed by The Shrine."

Migoya would causally side up to Ziren, reaching out for another souvenir, this time a plush toy in the shape of a Kappa.

"A strange place to casually bump into someone, dont you think Ziren-san?"

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
He was contemplating on whether or not he should go ahead and buy the moon pendant, when his ears picked up something. It was a complete surprise. It even made Ziren gasp a little bit.

That blood flow. It was familiar... But why was such a blood flow here in Moon? He collected himself fast, trying to run through his thoughts of who this person was...

And then they spoke. He spoke. Turning his face a little but to confirm... Yes. "Migoya?" Then the man had said that it was a strange place to bump into someone, almost as if it wasn't just a coincidence. Outside, there was a lightning flash and thunder booking a few seconds afterwards. Ziren was confused with the whole ordeal. "Did Leaf send you here for some sort of medical research?" He asked, not really knowing of what had transpired the past two years, only given a quick rundown with no real names to go off on.

"Was actually making my way to Cloud. But the ship I was on had to pull in port due to the storm." Ziren thought to himself. It could be possible that Migoya might know more about what's going on in Leaf, since Ziren himself was in a coma for two years.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
So... Ziren was here accidentally, rather than by intention. The last he had heard of the man was that he had requested his family leave Konoha due to the war... a request approved by the only one with a sense of reason in the village - Mikasa. But that was 2 years ago. So much had happened since that time.

"Storms do tend to find their way to Moon Country. But they leave as quickly as they start." Migoya muttered to himself, gazing down at the stuffed animal. It was a Kappa, a Youkai said to inhabit waterways that dragged people to their deaths. Moon country was very interested in its 'spiritual' side, especially when it could earn them a few yen.

"Well. This is the part where it gets difficult Ziren. I'll be frank, simply because I did once respect you. I am no longer a servant of the Hokage - in fact, Im sure that if Takeshi learned of us meeting he would accuse you of some trumped up charge and have you executed. He did it to children after all. I am no longer a Leaf Shinobi."

Migoya exhaled, clearly still reeling at the results of his failed uprising, even if it was not meant as that. For the first time he looked Ziren in the eye. The man looked the same but... tired, as if he had gone through some sort of painful event. Migoya shared that same look.

"Suffice it to say, I am happy to fill you in on what has been happening over the past 2 years or so, if you wish, or - if you are loyal to Takeshi - we can find a place to settle this without damaging the innocent people around us. I personally would rather we talk, I'll even help you get to Cloud quickly. But.. what has happened to you over the past 2 years?" It was clear Migoya would rather talk about the situation, but if Ziren was intending to be one of Takeshi's blind murderers, he would find out why Migoya had a well-deserved reputation.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Huh... Well... This is what Soku has meant by some people had went missing from Leaf. "Well. You won't have to worry about my well being. For as all Leaf knows, I'm dead. I went to Water, to fight the man that had murdered my parents twenty-four years ago. The fight was two years ago. Since that time... I was in a coma. I had sent a message out to Leaf, prior to the fight, but as far as I know, they haven't sent anyone. So, how would they find rumors of a dead guy all over the world? And I honestly don't know if I am a Leaf Shinobi anymore."

And then Migoya had talked about talking to fill him in more of what has happened. And then he talked if Ziren was loyal to Takeshi. "Are you kidding me? Loyal to Takeshi? The very guy that stabbed my wife and made me take the sword out of her and use it to cut my own arm off. The same guy that had once demoted me to academy student because I stood up to him at one point. That guy, was never Hokage in my eyes."

The Chigokai closed his eyes, and memories, flashed through his head. Instinctively, blood came out of his right hand, in the form of a blade. He brought the blood blade down to his left arm, metal arm, only stopping mere inches away from cutting off his metal arm. His whole body was shaking as the blood was absorbed back into his skin

"Sorry... Ever since I woke from the coma. I've had flashbacks. Of all of the traumatic events that have effected me. It might be best to put a bind on me. I think I have PTSD. I... I just want to get rid of this and be with my family in Cloud."
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
A carefully appraising eye would watch for any sign of deceit from the former med-nin Chief, but Migoya was satisfied that Ziren was indeed telling the truth. The plainness of his words - the authenticity - was somewhat refreshing. As he spoke of his wife Migoya's grip on the Kappa grew tighter, but he quickly took hold of the situation as Ziren called upon his blood to form a sword. It was the act of someone who was clearly upset, and hurt, but here was not the place.

"I... I never knew that Ziren-san, that... that is horrible." Migoya stated, adding an honorific. "He truly is a monster. Come then - I will talk about Konoha, away from... other interested parties." Migoya would place the stuffed toy down, and motion for Ziren to follow him outside, if he indeed wanted to. If he were to follow Migoya would guide them to a nearby Ramen shop, its smells bringing back painful memories of another famous Ramen establishment. Coming in from the storm, Migoya would motion towards a booth towards the back of the restaurant, one with a clear view of the doorway.

"Its the closest I can find to the flavours of Konoha. In any event, it will give us some measure of privacy. I understand your emotions, better than most, but this land is not a place to demonstrate chakra abilities lightly. The Shrine keep tabs on everyone... so please be careful."
Indeed, the Shrine was everywhere, controlled almost everything, and watch very closely for any sign of disruption. Migoya ordered two 'traditional' chicken broth ramens quickly, sending the waitress away before she could speak to them.

"Well. I'll make the story quick and easy. Takeshi instituted 'new' and draconian laws, aimed at solidifying his own power base against the rights of the citizens of Konoha. I wished to create a scene - one that would wake up the citizens of the land, let them know who their 'leader' truly was, and try and establish a new leader. Mikasa."

"To do that was... difficult. I decided to focus my efforts on the only person in Konoha that still had a measure of the Will of Fire and, by humbling him, remind the citizens that Takeshi's little power base of unintelligent sycophants were not infallible, teach the idiot Kenshin a lesson in humility, and hopefully make him a better leader and example. It would also draw Takeshi out and permit me to truly show what he is to the people."

Migoya sighed quietly.

"That was the plan. It was working. A message was sent throughout Konoha highlighting Takeshi's hypocrisy... a message that was received by most. Regrettably, a group of young people... a group of children got hold of the message and thought it was worth repeating on the civilian channel. They apparently hijacked a radio tower and repeated the message."

At this point the normally stoic facade on Migoya's face leaked an amount of emotion.

"The... the ANBU were sent in. They killed the children. They killed children...for spreading the truth."
Migoya said through gritted teeth.

"I decided then and there that I would not let my clan have anything to do with Takeshi's regime of child murderers. He probably promoted those who did it. Nevertheless, the message was sent. I was demoted, as was my clanmates, and knowing the situation as it was and that nothing would change whilst Takeshi lived, we fled. My only regret is we left Mikasa behind..."

The red eyes would once more meet Zirens.

"I have heard whispers that several Leaf shinobi have also left the village. I have informed the other two villages of Takeshi's crimes in an effort to help those who wish to relocate with a corroborating story. If you have been away for so long, perhaps they think you have done the same. In any event, I would suggest you travel to Cloud country to be with your family. Perhaps you might find some of our refugees there. I would ask a favor however - I am trying to gain intelligence on the opinions of the villages against Konoha... If they are indeed allied with child killers then this world is..." Migoya left the statement unfinished.

"If you wish to return to the hidden Leaf... please. Please let Mikasa know that I am... I am sorry."

The story was told openly, for the first time, and Migoya seemed relieved to have let it out. "Do you have any questions? Anything specific you want to know? And... and if I can help you overcome your trauma, or perhaps give you a new arm, just let me know. I am sort of ok with medical ninjutsu," he added with a sad grin.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Other interested parties? Fir all Ziren knew, not a lot of people are from Leaf, at least, from what his ears are telling him, no familiar blood flows just yet.

As Migoya walked outside, Ziren quickly went over to the cashier and bought the moon pendant. Finding the man rather quickly as his blood flow was the only familiar one, Ziren sat down, in the seat opposite of Migoya in the booth. He then talked about how the Shrine watches. Instantly, the Chigokai went on alert, listening for any blood flows that could give him any indications.

The man listened as the missing ninja spoke, talking about the corruption that Takeshi has, leading to the deaths of children. This... This is what he heard from Soku, that the Crew had died. Now he knows why. They died rebroadcasting a message that Migoya had originally sent out. Calling out Takeshi for who he is. And... Those murderers. Those child murderers. They were promoted for this crime? Ziren's fists tightened, as he closed his eyes, taking slow, controlled deep breaths. Eating the ramen helped, but only a small bit.

"From what I heard. From the only other person in Leaf I trust not only my life, but the life of my family with, told me things similar. And apparently... Mikasa isn't a Sennin anymore. And not meaning she got to Hokage. Exact opposite. Demotion."

He then listened as Migoya had talked about how other shinobi of Leaf have left the Village. Sending a message to both Cloud and Sand, of the crimes against humanity Takeshi has made. "I'll do what I can. But my family comes first. I've missed two years of being with my family. Two years my children don't know who their father was. But I will try to help out with what I can. As for returning to Leaf... I don't think I'll be able to. At least, not with Takeshi or someone who shares his ideals up in the Hokage throne. But, if I do ever see her. I'll try my best to find a way to communicate to her and give her your message."

He then asked if Ziren had any questions, or if he would want to have a new arm or overcome the trauma. A weak, small laugh came from Ziren. "Thanks Migoya. But I think I need to make my way to Cloud." Finally, the rain was calming down, it was no longer lightning. "And with as much trauma I have, I don't think there's enough time to get properly treated. I should actually probably head to the ship now, now that the storm is basically gone now."

He got up, but then stopped. "I will keep you and your new life a secret. Just... Keep your nose clean from now on. And. If you ever need help or advice, or a clear mind that can look at every angle, then I'll do what I can. Just know, I won't always be able to help, and then you yourself will have to think carefully of all actions. Of not just the good possibilities. But the bad ones too." Ziren walked over to Migoya, his right hand out, waiting to be shaken. "And most of all. Take care of yourself and the ones you love. Cherish every moment you have with them."
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Then Leaf has lost two valuable members due to their own ignorance." If what Ziren said to be true, Mikasa being demoted would simply be another poor decision simply because others would not tow the line... Takeshi's line. The man had gone beyond sheer stupidity by removing the heart of the village and had caused more damage by doing so than Migoya could have ever done. Migoya took in Ziren's words carefully, clearly interested in all that they meant and more.

Migoya looked over at the features of Ziren, who indicated that his job was to return home to his family in Cloud. A rare smile, bereft of cynicism, bluffery or buffoonery crawled onto Migoya's face, reaching his eyes as he took Ziren firmly by the hand.

"I would appreciate that, moreso my family would. And I will not share your location either should others come looking."

He gave a small chuckle.

"I cannot promise to keep my nose clean my friend, but I will endeavour to ensure the peace and safety of the innocent in this world. Go now - may whatever Gods watch over you bless you and your family. May you obtain the peace you deserve, and likewise - should you need assistance, you know where to find me."

Ziren's hand was squeezed affectionately, before Migoya waved over the waitress to take care of the bill. "Perhaps, just perhaps... we can heal our home in a different way."

With that, Migoya gave his old comrade a bow and turned to leave the restaurant. It had been an interesting encounter, and despite their rocky relationship Migoya knew deep down that, just perhaps, Ziren and him could be friends... even if it was over hatred of someone else. After all, isn't that what the best of friendships were usually over?

[Topic Left - Thanks Ziren!]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
A small smile came upon Ziren as Migoya had said that he can't promise to keep his nose clean. Of course, the man, if he doesn't like something, actually does try to change it, even if it means him having to probably learn things the hard way.

And it was refreshing in a sense. This man, deemed a criminal to Leaf, is talking to a man, deemed to be dead to the Leaf. Heh, he can just think of a corny joke now. A criminal and a dead guy walk into a bar...

He watched as the former Leaf Shinobi left. And as he should too, the ship's crew is probably waiting for him.

(Topic left as npc Ziren- And you're welcome. Nice rping with you)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
