Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Wedding Preparations (Free Rp /Req Lady Azame)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Ooc: Feel free to join
Akkuma stood at the entrance to the Dojo, standing in the Ancient Battle Garbs he'd acquired during his confrontation with a monster not of this age. All around him members of his clan worked decorating the dojo for the wedding that was soon to come. It was an affair to be open to the public so long as they got there before the doors closed. (Maybe even after they had closed depending on how merciful he would feel on his wedding day, not too mention his beloved.) Two women beautifully dressed in fine silk Garbs stood before the dojo handing out invitations to those who walked pass or came to the dojo. The groom to be stood there giving instructions to his kin, he needed to ensure that things were done right. Though he knew he had to incorporate some of his beloveds culture into it, for that reason he had sent for Lady Azames in the hopes that she would assist him for he was feeling truly lost.

Reaching to his side he grabbed his gourd and lifted it up taking a swig of some Kirgakurian Sake. It was one of the few things that calmed his nerves, he had fought monsters of the old ages, faced death countless times each obstacle faced with nerves of steel. Now he was finding himself confused and out of his element with the preparations of the wedding. After all he knew what had to be done to a degree but from there he had no idea. The demon was not accustomed to being out of his element in such a way and it was getting to him. How he hoped Lady Azame would get there soon. Or perhaps he would find someone to talk about the wedding to, or anything else he needed something to bring his mind back onto the path of functioning normally.

One thing stuck on the demons mind, the fact that his brother would not be here. Akkuma would have sent for I'm but the demon had no idea where to even start the search. Plus he couldn't risk his enemies hearing of the affair and trying to interfere. Sighing he rubbed his temples the last ting he needed was to be getting paranoid about attackers on his wedding day. Here he was trying to calm his nerves and he was creating more stress for himself perhaps he would post Bikou at the door. Gods knew the beast was a deterrent to most people threats, shrugging off these thoughts he took another swig. Reaching into his other pocket with his free hand his fingers tracing over the stone he had chosen for Seika. He hoped she would understand the significance of the symbolism, for a Miroku wedding. Everything was about the symbolism behind the gifts, the vows even down to the attire. It was to be the celebration of two souls finding each other through the threads of time. If only everyone knew just how literal this was to Akkuma and Seika(&Yuuki) theirs was a life guided by True Destiny. The stuff of legends now he needed to be sure the wedding was just as grand.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
She arrived without fanfare or entourage with an evil grin on her seemingly eternally youthful face. Toraono Nobuku Azame stood six feet two inches. She weighed a reasonable, muscular, 180 pounds, Toraono Nobuku Azame was Kuro’s mother. The resemblance between Kuro and his mother was in the thick lustrous silk like fervor of their hair, the eyebrows, eye lashes, and the cheekbones of his face. Azame’s eyes were green blue like the sea. She was perfectly proportioned for the skill of a swordswoman, her arms were lean and toned, her legs were like that of an acrobat or a circus dancer. She wore a white embroidered, sand tone, chain mail laced, silk kimono. Its colors were white upon a sand tone background with the image of a tigress and her lion king basking in the setting sun atop the corpse of a giant serpent. This pattern wrapped around her kimono several times. Her skin was a creamy olive, she wore a pair of reinforced guards upon her forearms and beautiful silk and sandalwood sandals upon her feet. Around her waist was a gold and sand tone obi with crimson threaded runic terran sigils marking her as nobility. She carried herself with an aura of domination and power that accentuated her natural grace in a manner that could only be attributed to her being a full grown woman. "Very good Akkuma, you will make a great son to brag about over dinners of state and trade meetings. Nothing strikes fear in merchants like having a stable of demon blessed men at your need should the need arise. I am impressed that you made flyers and even took it upon yourself to decorate without awaiting a format or any kind of diagram. I do so admire men that take charge in the absence of orders. You may continue your efforts, the Toraono Clan requires very little in the way of fanfare as we are a dojo of service. Although, I do not expect you to take on the service of a Toraono male. I do expect you to make my daughter happy at all times. I don't mind the rough stuff either, the women of my lineage are not so frail as to not face off against their spouse now and again. It was battle that actually made me fall in love with her stepfather Kaibudo so I see nothing but good things from your union. Even if it brings more enemies to our door, at least we don't have to go out looking for them. Now, do you have any questions or concerns my future son to be?"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as Lady Azame his soon to be mother in-law and in truth the first mother he'd ever had approached. The now mortal Dark Sage bowed his head as she spoke. "Lady Azame you honour me with your truth I had been worried that perhaps I was over zealous in my haste. I'm glad you approve..." Pausing he decided to voice the first of his concerns.

"In truth there are a few matters I require your assistance and advice in...though one thing truly plagues my mind. The other day when I wandered the Desert Expanse I found myself...guided to a series of Caverns. The sands themselves opened to allow me in, there I found myself...guided to a series of Caverns." Once more pausing he wondered how he would explain what had proceeded to happen once he entered, along with how much he should reveal just now.

Some of his clan halted in their work eager to eavesdrop on what their Lord was about to say. "I came across what looked to be a series of sealed chambers. In fact it's where I acquired this armour...among other things. But we can discuss that later." Once more he stopped speaking activating the snapshot Jutsu to show Lady Azame the Dark Abyssal Sandwyrm. "I faced this took no name and announced itself as the last surviving descendant of Baranyx. Of course this was after to no each other better." He stopped allowing the weight of his words to sink in, undoubtedly she would be eager to hear what happened next.

"I battled this being until it side decided conversation would prove to be more productive. It told me of how it had been imprisoned there for eons. In a constant battle with its captors slowly defeating them one by one." He stopped as he listed off the two shinobi who had died. "Takahashi Gin and Toraono Uxokka were two shinobi who had been defeated by it. The last was Sunahoshi Tora, she bound herself to a demoness. Becoming a chimera and using themselves as a battery for the dimensional seal that held the prison in place..." he ended the snapshot Jutsu, not wishing to show her the rest...just yet.

"You see before I entered the final chamber with this chimera I had made a deal with the last descendant and terror of that age. Brokering a deal, this being and it's kin will come to my aid, the Toraonos aid and the aid of Suna should I summon them. To protect our houses I did this...seeing as your government can't be trusted." As he finished speaking he dropped the transformation Jutsu he had been maintaining revealing himself to be mortal. His demonic energy had been claimed during his ventures into the lands, a side effect of the dimensional seal being released. One of the women working nearby gasped and dropped the vase of exotic flowers she was carrying. Akkuma moved instantly catching the vase, those eyes of his still burned with an unyielding malice. "Get back to work and do not eavesdrop...the clan will be fully informed later. I have much to do." Saying this he passed it back to her and walked over to Azame.

Even as a mortal he still had a terrible aura of monstrosity, those eyes burned with the will to see this world suffer. To make it strong once more, even as a mortal he would be better than any of his foes. "Naturally there is more that occurred within the caverns below but I wished to be forthright about my current condition. From what I understand it is merely temporary, a side effect from what occurred in the chambers." He didn't need to tell her everything, atleast not just yet. For he had many things to do yet and there were still assets he needed to deal with, plus he needed a few things up his sleeve. Most of all he just needed them to what he had done and what he would do to ensure the security of his kin.

"You know that my demonic nature is very important to's second only to my love of Seika. I needed you to know this, along with the horrors that I'm capable of..." Kneeling before her he spoke his next words "Also I must tell you this and please excuse me for what I'm about to say." He looked up into her eyes and she would see hatred in his eyes. "I will see every one of the merchant Lords dead for what they did. There is no wavering me from this path, I will accept any and all repercussions for doing so. And should I find any of the higher ups of this country and village have played apart in this I will hang them from the streetlights like I did the Cabbal members I killed in your streets." His voice was cold and rung with truth he would not be stopped in this desire. "For all of these reasons I have done what I have...these acts are noting compared to the suffering I will wash over this world to once more strengthen it." Once he heard what she would say he would continue with what had happened in the chambers.

Edited to put font colour in & and to say edited xD

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Lady Azame was taken aback at the mention of fallen warriors of history, the last spawn of Baranyx would be a terrible ally indeed. She nodded in response to the deal he had brokered and she deeply understood that at least one of the merchant lords had to have something to do with what befell Sunagakure. As he revealed his mortality she even felt a pang of guilt, whenever Kuro loses his demon powers he becomes an adorable teen again but Akkuma was fully grown and without his powers was still a well meant man. Sweeping him from his kneeling stance on the floor into the loving embrace that only a mother and a warrior could give, Akkuma would be swaddled in the womanly warrior musk of blade oils, silk, ambrosia, jasmine, and an underlying calming scent that all mother's have innately as she treated Akkuma as she would any of her sons that had pushed themselves too hard. A soft yet surprisingly warm tear struck Akkuma's forehead as he was lost within the all consuming hug of the warrior woman Azame. "Oh little Akkuma, you do an old woman far too many favors, just calming my daughter was enough but to find the tombs of 3 lost warriors, tame the spawn of the most terrifying sandwyrm in all of Kaze no kuni and lose all of your blood given powers even if temporary is far more than enough to prove your love for my daughter. You need only concern yourself with one of the merchant lords as the others are merely pawns in his game. We will debrief you on all of our known and those that THINK they are unknown enemies 1 week after your honeymoon. Until then rest and recover, I am sure either my son Kuro or my husband Kaibudo can find a way to speed up your recovery. Don't risk yourself so easily, lest you leave my daughter alone again. I do not wish any of my children to be without true love. Make sure you keep your swordarm strong and your heart stronger. Now walk with me and explain the culture within your wedding decorations." She released Akkuma from her grip and smooths his hair back in place like she would a young teen before taking his hand and looking him in his terribly soulful and pain scarred eyes as she listened for his explanations and descriptions of the wedding decorations and items his clan had brought. The best way to get to know your children was to simply be there and listen.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma could not explain the feeling that Lady Azame's embrace had given him, it invoked emotions and sensations he'd never experienced. A sense of understanding and sanctuary, in this moment he truly believed that they were his kin. Listening to her words and feeling the drop of a tear from her he couldn't help but feel ashamed, because he could not do as she asked. His pride wouldn't allow him to let them live any longer then it took to ensure the wedding preparations were completed then he would begin his journey with a trusted few. He felt calm and had a trust in Azame that she would understand where he was coming from even if she disagreed. "Thank you...your words honour me. But this is just the beginning of what I will do. I won't rest until she's safe from this entire world...even if I have to unleash the armies of hell to do so." He said pausing for in truth he had been thinking for quite sometime on a way to harness the armies of the damned, but he would leave that for later discussions.

"Once the preparations are completed I will be heading out to Soons Haven with a few trusted ninja. The Merchant Lords will never dare to cross us when I am through with them. I wish I could let them live.." If she went to interrupt him he would give her look that begged she let him finish. "In truth the only reason I'm not there right now is because I knew I should at least speak to you or Kaibudo on the matter. Only because of your words will I let them live, but I can make no promises on the number that I will kill. You need to understand...right now I would kill every man, women and child who helped the Cabbal in their attempts, who knew about it and didn't come forward." By his tone Azame would know that he was truly sorry but his rage would not allow him to atleast punish those that had caused such a terrible series of events to behold them. "Those is beings like those that keep this world in a perpetual cycle of hate. I will remind them why they once feared the dark and humble them so that they never forget the lesson I intend to teach." His voice trembled with rage as he looked upon Azame truly he would look terrifying even as a mortal. Akkuma's wrath was something to truly behold mercy was not something he believed in. Because of the loss of the Old Ways men had become weak, easy to corrupt and manipulate.

"I'll explain what we have brought with us for the decorations..." He gestured to the large rocks being placed ornately in front and along the inner workings of the dojo floor. "These stones are unique, they react to celestial energy. With great difficulty I attuned them to react to both Seika and Yuuki's chakra. They will glow so strongly it will make the roof seem as though...what is it they call it. Ah that's right you know what it means when the spirits touch the earth? What happens to the sky?" He would ask if she did not he would withdraw from his pocket a small version of the stones before him, except this one was blood red it would be obvious that it was attuned to him. As it glowed brightly casting a brilliant luminous stream of crimson red that danced above them. Placing it back in its pocket he would smile "Now everyone will be able to see a glimpse of the beauty I see in her." His words were warm and even as he spoke about her one would easily be able to tell that he was a man in love, not just any love but True Love.

Next he gestured to the chakra stone version of a veil that they had spent weeks working on, the stone is attuned to my chakra. Seika wears it as she is guided up to the shrine, the stone glowing with each step she takes towards me. I'll remove it when she gets to the shrine, where the stones will be shining at their utmost brilliance." Snapping his fingers a nearby silent and statue-like figured moved forward extending out a dirty clawed hand that held a small box. Taking it Akkuma opened the box inside was a brilliant crystal ring, the stone itself was infused with a part of Akkuma's soul. "This ring has some of my soul infused into it." He knew he didn't need to explain that any further, that act would forever leave his soul scarred. "Lastly are these flowers, a variety chosen from those saved from Kirigakure, our stop in Kumogakure and lastly a few Sunan ones. I'm still deciding on which ones though. And the armour which I found that I believe is for celestials. That will be a gift to Seika as well. Say our vows and then I will give her one last gift before we begin the feast. Than lastly we will have the bedding ceremony where Seika would normally be carried down the hall to our chambers by the men and I'd be guided down by the women. But we won't do'd be a shame if I had to kill someone on the wedding day." He said laughing obviously meaning Seika being carried down the hall by a bunch of drunken man, along with how he'd have to kill them. (Not that he didn't doubt Seika would probably kill any women that placed their hands upon him that day) The Dark Sage was enjoying the company of Azame "For us it's more about the symbolism behind the objects and the people. A representation of their love both physically and spiritually." He was glad he had this opportunity to get to know Azame, he couldn't help but wonder what Kaibudo would be like.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Azame rested her head upon Akkuma's shoulder as she listened and envisioned the descriptions. She even nodded to his wrath being unleashed upon the merchant lords. It was a consequence she could agree on at heart but not by rights or politics. As a mother all she could do was protect and defend. Retaliation was more karma than anything, whether it was Akkuma or another being or group of beings, those that had wronged her people and her family would receive all that they justly deserved. " I completely understand your wrath, were I not a vested diplomat and an appointed noble I would follow you there and demand the answers I need but alas if I am to protect my family I must remain a shield and keep my blade sheathed until my enemies attack me. It is not the best life for a warrior but an easy choice for a mother. If you can, spare some of the children and bring them to me so that I can see that they are raised properly and taught the ways which matter, the OLD Ways were the best but a small bit of the new for nuance sake is necessary to. I eagerly look forward to the ceremony as I feared my Seika was too strong to find someone worthy to marry as it had been for me years passed. I am overjoyed that my fear was unjustified. When you get a chance meditate in the dungeons of the East wards where the dark chakra flows strongest, it should help hasten your restoration. Although you are unbearably cute as a human I can't help but suspect it was the devil in you that caught my Seika's eye. We will have a dinner of sliced live raptorfish and spiced underseaweed with a trihorn beef stew tonight if you wish to dine with Kaibudo and I. I am certain he has been avoiding you till your strength returns so he could challenge you to an armwrestling match. It has become one of his favorite pastimes with a stout drink."<i></i> With another motherly hug and a kiss to the forehead that left a seal of protection upon the remnants of his soul. Akkuma would feel the blessings of the Steel Queen upon him.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma felt comfort from Azame and the joy only mothers could evoke in their children. "Yes I don't have the head for politics...I simply do what I believe must be done in the present. Usually it works out well to my advantage..." He would say with a devilish smile before continuing on. "You need not worry about the family anymore we are kin, it is my duty to watch over you all now. I will be sure to do so." He'd say in his calm tone, he couldn't wait to give Kaibudo an arm wrestle. "I'd be delighted to join you both for dinner. And I'll be sure to take him up on an arm wrestle." He'd say with a chuckle, his eyes filled with that youthful delight.

"I wonder if you would be so kind as to watch over the final preparations adding whatever you believe symbolises our union. There is one last thing that I must do in preparation. Your one of the few I'd trust with our wedding." He said before looking out at the desert around them. 'I'll find every last one of them and flay them in the street, I'll ensure none ever forget the consequences of wringing my kin.' The Dark Sage thought to himself with a dark desire to set out immediately. But in his current state preparations needed to be made, along with assets collected. It would be one hell of a journey he couldn't wait.

"Also I wouldn't mind holding a tournament of some kind afterwards...I do so enjoy seeing the various talents that the world has to offer. Plus I have a few assets that I believe you'd be impressed to see the progress they have made through my training." He said in that sly devilish voice of his, of course he would never leave anything to chance. In every country he entered he always acquired assets, to ensure he was successful at every pass. In truth he intended to have someone beside every Merchant Lord, Nobles, Daimyo, Kage and Shogun. This world was weak and it needed proper guidance back onto the right path, should any government or organisation stray from that path he intended to guide them back. No matter the method required, plus it never hurt to have an army of intelligence gatherers in most countries. He'd set up the contacts, established strong links and now all he had to do was set up a constant system of information being passed to him.

Topic Left if not Stopped
Thanks for the RP will do another thread shortly. Sorry for the late reply and I appreciate your patience had a bit going on irl will chat in a couple days when my net is up and running again.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
