Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private What it means to be Sunan. [Genin Exams]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Letter to Students said:
Dear Kazuma/Neko,

As of receiving this letter you have two weeks of preparation for your Practical Genin Examination. Your in class test scores have proven you are knowledgeable enough to pass this assessment, but the Practical Genin Examination will push the limits of your knowledge to see how well you are capable of applying your knowledge into useable skills. Two weeks from today meet at the Primus’ Bulwark Gate where your chauffeur to the exam will be awaiting you.

Your exam will span multiple days out in the Desert’s Diamond Ocean so plan accordingly.

As a friendly reminder with most things in this line of work, coming to the Practical Genin Exams means you are understanding that you will be putting not only your life on the line, but the lives of your classmates will be resting in your hands as well. If you do not wish to take the exams at this time you may chose not to come, marking you as a failed participant.

I am excited to see you all soon!

Shin would let out a sigh. The last time an exam was held his daughters died, and one of them was unable to be revived. Setting his quill down he would fold up the letter before twirling his finger over the paper causing it to fold into a paper airplane before flying away to the children.

Shin would send out the letters and head to their meeting destination point early. The young man would want to make sure everything was set up and ready for the students upon their arrival and he wanted to verify that the landscape was hospitable enough for them.

((OoC: this first post is for your preparations! This may feel unusual, but each student will be allowed to bring their Dojo approved inventory and weapons. Additionally, you may list 10 items you will be bringing to help with this Survival Exam! Things that do not need to be listed are survival musts like food, water, clothes, sleeping gear. Feel free to be creative with your RP gear!))
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Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko read over the letter and bounced with excitement. She had finally made it to where she could prove herself. She read the letter over while grabbing her normal gear and getting it neatly packed into her ruck. She then thought about what she might need, or what might be useful, for this sort of exam. She grabbed her old compass, a gift from a friend of hers a while back. "Finally a reason to use this thing" she said to herself as she tucked it into her bag. She then grabbed her sleeping sack which was always right at hand given her current sleeping arrangement. After that she headed off to the general store to gather some supplies, which weren't too costly given it was these tools that would help her change her life.

After purchasing the supplies, she began to pack them into her ruck as well. She managed to gather up a few things she thought would help: A tinder box, a small knife which she thought would be good for making kindling, a pair of gloves that were for rock climbing, fifty feet of rope, and six facet hooks for the rope. She figured that given the terrain chosen for the exam, having hook points to either climb up or down might make it easier for her and her comrade to make it to wherever this exam could lead them. EIther way with her ten items, aside from the permitted ones, selected she began to head to the meet up space.

She would arrive looking far more ready than usual. A bright smile on her face and the mentality of 'We got this'. Ever since her last class all she could think of was proving herself to both Kohana and Kazuma, but especially Kazuma. He had been the one to knock her clean out and then the one to carry her to the nurses station, she needed him to know she wasn't weak, she wasn't going to let that be the last time. She was ready to prove that now, they all would see that Neko was something more than a weakling.

[WC 355 MFT]

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
As the two-week countdown to the Genin Examination began, Kazuma was filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. This was his chance to prove that he not only possessed knowledge of how to be a proper shinobi but that he could apply it effectively in real-world situations. In his mind, he was born to be a shinobi, and this examination would be the perfect opportunity to showcase his skills.

Kazuma started by gathering his essential supplies: some food rations, a large canteen of fresh water, his dessert camouflage clothing, a sleeping bag, and a thin tent that would protect him from the elements. He had all these wrapped in a knapsack he carried over his shoulder. He knew these items were vital for his survival, especially in this desert climate, which he knew all too well. Small flashbacks would happen from time to time as he would pack his things of his father's demise and sacrifice in this desert. He knew these lands had unknown horrors and had to stay alert at all times.

He went around town gathering more gear; he knew the basics weren't going to cut it, and the rumors of the deaths of some of his classmates worried him even more. After some time, he found himself back in his bedroom, looking over at the items he had gathered: Some flint and Steel to start a fire if need be, several yards of ninja wire, A Flare gun, A compact foldable shovel that had one side as a jagged edge and the other as a smooth blade, a survival Axe
A lantern, some desert goggles, a rope grappling hook attached to a rope, a small medkit, and some antidote for animal poisons

He looked over the items, unsure of what the hell he was getting himself into, but knew this was the next step in his journey to prove himself ready to be a genin.

[OOC: god have mercy on us ]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
A hefty man with a soft smile would greet the students at the gates as had been arranged by their Sensei, Shin. He would instruct them to come into the carriage that would be led by horses to take them to their examination location. He unfortunately had no information for the students but he informed them that this would be a four-day ride via carriage, or a week on foot. This time would allow the students to get to know each other as they were about to spend quite some time together in the carriage with minimal stops.

Day 1

The first day went by calmly with only the open desert scenery to view. The glistening sun dancing on the golden sands allowed the students to fully see how truly beautiful the desert of the Land of Wind could be. A few other carriages would pass by the one the students were heading down one of the main routes to and from Sunagakure no Sato.
Day 2

The second day was much like the first, though the main route that would have taken the students to Soon's Haven was abandoned for a smaller side road. scatterings of broken wagons could begin to be seen at the end of the second day, most likely caused by marauders attacking various caravans. The second day felt much longer than the first due to the decrease in other travelers passing the student's path.

Day 3

The third day was when the students would find themself leaving the routes entirely. Passing through the wilderness of the Desert Expanse the students would begin to find the sand slowly shifting from a golden hue to a more crystalline clear. The specs of stone rubble and quartz that made the sand would begin to shift and change to diamonds themselves. The power of the Sunahoshi Clan, the founders of Sunagakure no Sato, held the strength to shift and change this world. With powers that were similar to Kazuma's this clan was able to control the environment and weather that surrounded Sunagakure no Sato and could conjure massive storms that caused the sands themselves to shift and change but some unknown force, lost to the secret library of the Oracles, would cause these controlled storms to evolve into the Diamond Maelstrom that plagued thia part of the world for such a long time.

Day 4

Shin would be waiting for the students to arrive as he sat at a large canvas tent that was set up in the middle of the Diamond Ocean. He had a single table with a tea set waiting for Kazuma and Neko with a spray of sweets across the table as well. Shin would be sipping on his tea as the students arrived.

"Well hello! I am glad to see that you both decided to come to the Genin Exams after all! Please, take a seat, have a cup of tea, and some sweets. I have plenty to go around! Before the exam starts, do either of you have any questions?"

As Shin spoke to the students the carriage driver would take the leads and begin to head back to Sunagakure, leaving the three of them left out in the wilderness with no way home.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
After loading themselves and their things up into the wagon, Neko looked to Kazuma with a smile. "So, have you ever been outside the city walls.. like really outside not just the perimeter?" She would wait and listen to him he nerves clear on her face. After some more idle chit chat she would look him over for a second in debate before saying, "You know.. I appreciated the help after class that day, but I want you to promise me something... While we are out here, we help each other, but don't make it easier for me okay? I want this just as bad as you do, and I want to earn it the right way, not from pity."
Day 1
On the first day of their travels Neko dumped her items in the back of the wagon and set them out on display for Kazuma to see. "This is what I got for this, plus rations and water, all that fun stuff." She pulled the compass out and showed him the direction they were headed, "this little do dad will do us wonders out there, also this one" she held up one of the facet hooks, "so we can reach highground for sleeping.. if we go near any of the rock formations that is.. and we should because.. well water and food and safety." She was worried she was seeming too eager or too bookish in this moment, but it was also the first time they'd been able to talk to each other without a classroom setting.
Day 2
Neko would look at the remnants of these caravans with a true sense of dread. Not too long ago that could have been her or her mother that had found the bad end of a kunai. She was clearly distraught and turned to kazuma, "I don't think I've heard stories of raiders in a long time, think they might still be out there?" She asked less in a nervous way, contrary to her outward emotion, it seemed more to be a question of genuine curiosity in regards to his thoughts on the matter. She was scared sure, but also still showing her true excitement on the matter.
Day 3
"WOAH!" Neko exclaimed, "Look at all those, this has to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Kazuma look." She would point to the sea of diamonds, her eyes would light up with the purest of joy. At the end of the day, Neko was still kind hearted, which meant that when nature provided her with something so beautiful she couldn't help but to look. She turn back to Kazuma and give a quick "I definitely am brining one of those home, I gotta. To at least remember all this. All we are going to do! I think we got this..." The smile on her face was beaming with a small hint of red on her cheeks, maybe it was just from the sun but either way, she turned back to look upon the sea of gemstones with a huge grin.
Day 4
Neko took a seat but was hesitant on the tea and sweets, "I think I'll wait until after all this to enjoy such things Shin sensei. After all tea is a diuretic which can make you dehydrated, well not the tea itself but the.. any way thank you, I will take one of these though." She picked up one of the sweets, preferring a harder candy to leave in her mouth than the softer variety provided. She opened it and popped it in her mouth with a smile. "I have never been this far from the city before", the smile only grew as she spoke, "it's very exciting."

She would assess the surroundings, the way the tent was set up, how the air felt, the smells, anything that could provide her with any sort of information about the environment that they were going to be surviving in for the next however many days. Neko was a smart girl, but survival wasn't all about things learn
ed. It was about the application of those things. She had her doubts at first, but now being here with Kazuma she felt confident again. She needed to prove herself to him and Shin sensai, but more importantly to herself.

[wc 709:1064]
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Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma began to load his things into the wagon along with Neko, his nervousness was apparent, as it had been some time before he ventured out into these sands since his father's passing. "I used to come out often with my family, but it's been some time; we used to go way out" he could sense they both had their nerves on high as they began their journey. Sharing bits and pieces of information about himself, she then brought up the class the other day. "I have no intention of doing that; I'm going to try my hardest to pass this class, I don't think you need my help either way," he said with a smile "No pity from me, I didn't help because I felt sorry for you, I felt guilty for my actions."
Day 1

Kazuma watched as Neko dumped her belongings out into the wagon, an assortment of tools and rations that should help. Kazuma packs much of the same, so food-wise, they should be okay. "That compass should come in handy; it looks like you're well prepared for this." He decided he would do the same, reaching into his knapsack and showing her the items he brought, some the same but of different varieties, like his water canteen, food rations, and tent. He showed her his flint and steel "In case we need to start a fire, though we should be careful where we camp at night," He reached in and found his ninja wire, bringing it out all rolled up into a neat circle "So we can set up something or even some traps if need be, who knows how long we will be out there", pulling out the shovel and opening it up from its collapsed state. "A shovel for burying food," he said, using his finger to highlight the edges "This side can be sawed, and this side is like a blade....if need be, we have to use one.". He continued going through, showing her his axe, his goggles, and a lantern "Nighttime might be difficult without some light," he would say before showing her his own hook rope. "I also have this medical kit, should we get into some issues, there isn't a hospital out here and I'm not sure if sensei can even help us if we need it, some antidotes; this dessert....its a really dangerous place Neko" he would say as a word of warning.

Day 2
"I'm not so much worried about the raiders as I am about the animals that live out here. They say sandworms once roamed around here; we need to promise each other if we get into a fight we cant handle it, we run, no looking back" Much like Neko he had a poor experience in this village; his family was torn apart in these very dunes they were heading into. He was lucky to have made it out alive, but now, with his training, he was hopeful he could handle any task along the way. He attempted to think of a strategy in the field of what he could do, he had no idea what this exam even was so planning was a bit difficult, he looked over to his packed-up knapsack, hopefully, it would be enough to get them through whatever was to come.

Day 3
The days felt longer and longer on this journey as each passed. The beautiful desert view could barely phase the boy as he was locked into his mission, but who knew what they were doing all the way out here? Traveling by cart for several days meant they were long past the village. Nekos enthusiasm for the flora was a welcome distraction "Let's try and find some while we're out here!" he said, trying to forget about the task at hand for a small moment to enjoy the camaraderie with his new friend. Each day he would eat what he needed to keep his energy levels up and rested, the following day would be the beginning of their exam and from what he heard, sunas exam does not take it easy on the students. "Before we get there, we should discuss some of our abilities in detail, I think were going to have to work together on this and it would help if I knew what you excelled at, our introduction in class was stopped short." he paused for a moment before continuing "Ill go first, I can use most elements at least a little, but my specialty is utilizing my Storm jutsu" in saying so a small orb appeared around his body "This little guy helps me on the field, it has a lot of usefulness. I can also hold my own in hand-to-hand combat...but I'm sure you know that already" he said slightly embarrassed for having hit her in the classroom. "What is it you excel at? I know you mentioned genjutsu before," he asked trying to asses so he could strategize a bit before the big exam.

Day 4
On the fourth day, they finally arrived, seeing Shin greeting them with a nice spread of candies. He invited the children to join him and indulge, with his hood over his head to protect from the sun and his knapsack strong around his right arm he bowed to his sensei and took a seat at the table "Yes Sensei, for one, what exactly is this exam about, and why all the way out here?" he politely declined to drink the tea and partake in the sweets as neko did, she did bring up a good point about it being a diuretic, whatever that meant. His reasoning was a bit darker, his last encounter during the class with Neko showed him that the enemy doesn't play by the rules, and the exam could have already started. He was cautious and alert as he sat there, unsure of what was to come their way.

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Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Shin would grin as his students arrived and began to enjoy some of the candies and sweets provided. ”I am glad to see your travels were safe. There is a very specific reason that I have brought you both out here for your Genin Exams. I watched the class that Kohana presented, and while she was far more rough with her tactics, it did acknowledge a few of my worries.“

He would look to Neko as he sipped in his tea. ”I am concerned that you are relying on your mind and ignoring your body.“

His gaze shifted to Kazuma. ”On the flip side, your might is incredible but there may be concern in your mental fortitude to see through deception.“

He let out a sigh as he set his tea glass down. ”Mother Suna, Land of Wind, the Village Hidden in the Sand. Our home has many aspects to it but one relying truth remains. This desert is not to be trifled with. The heat is taxing on the body, the mirages distort reality around you.“

He would slowly arise and stand on his feet. His face was sullen. ”I am so, so sorry to do this, but this is what is needed to be done to verify that you both have what it takes to survive in this world.“

He would raise his hand into a two finger salute. ”I’ll see you back home at the gates.“ And with that Shin was gone. The tent would vanish and all traces of their sensei would melt into thin air.

The students were alone. Left by themself in the middle of the desert. It would be a matter of time before they either proved themselves as Shinobi or simply faded from existence in these ever shifting dunes of diamond sands.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would sigh and stand up from her seat, "I had a feeling but.. The commentary was a bit unnecessary..." She knew however that it was right more than it was unnecessary. All the commentary on Neko was correct, and something she needed to improve upon. She looked to Kazuma with a small smile, in contrast to her normal one, "So now we need to devise the best plan before we leave this spot. We have a seven day walk, give or take depending on any issues that come up. If we..."

Shin's words rang in her head, not just the comments about herself but about Kazuma. They needed to help each other absolutely, but they also needed to refrain from relying on each other. "Kazuma, what's the plan you think makes sense?" She wanted to have him take point, she was fighting ever urge to plan the entire thing out in detail. She needed to show Kazuma that she could play as a team and not an individual, Shin sensei too. She took a deep breath and looked around the area for any extra supplies while listening to his answer.

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma joined in Nekos sigh with one of his own: "Of course we get stuck out here alone." The senseis word rang true with Kazuma, he has had some issues before against genjutsu and fighting off illusions. The previous class was an obvious example of that. Neko had looked over to Kazuma, asking to devise a plan; by her calculations, it was about a 7-day walk. He nodded in agreement with her. "I think we need a plan as well; we know what gear we have. We should be okay as long as we don't run into anything too bad out here."

He adjusted the hood over his head and reached into his bag for some goggles to protect his eyes. He replied to Nekos question about a plan "I think our best move is to find some high ground; we can scope out the landscape and see what our best route is." He looked around for a potential location and pointed it out. He stopped for a moment in thought before looking like he had an idea "You have a compass, right? I think we came from that direction," pointing slightly off of the direction the two children had ridden in from. He looks around a bit confused as he does so. Everything seemed to vanish around them out of nowhere, leaving him a bit unsure of himself. Maybe he was right about me not being able to spot things easily, he thought to himself before awaiting Nekos thoughts on his idea

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko pulled out her compass and tied it to her waste with a small piece of string. She then held it in her hand and gave a momentary stare. "The days won't be the same, but if we use reference points we should be able to track our way back with relative accuracy. So the last day we went South, meaning North is the first bit of our journey." She looked to where he was pointing, "actually Kazuma that's exactly right, look." She held out the compass to show him that it was almost exactly North in the direction he was pointing.

She gathered her belongings up and gave a sigh, "Well, we wont change direction until we get to the edge of the diamond ocean. I guess I'll have plenty of time to grab a piece of the sea as a momento huh?" She let out a small chuckle as she finished her sentence. The days were going to be hot and rough, but she was happy to at least have company for the exam. She thought about how she'd be handling this on her own and that was a less than desirable outcome. At least with Kazuma, she had extra help for anything that came their way and extra eyes to spot things along the way.

"If I recall, there was a weird puddle thing not too far out. I bet we could make it to that before night fall, though staying close to the only source of water out here might invite unnecessary attention, so maybe we try to make it past that point?"

[wc 265]
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Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma smiled at Neko's proactiveness in finding where they should go. Fighting isn't all there is to being a ninja, after all, and Neko seemed to really have a knack for these kinds of things. "We definitely can; as long as they aren't too heavy, we should be fine grabbing a few," he said with a friendly smile. He knew the journey was a matter of willpower and proceeding forward each day.

"I think staying by the water might be an issue; while its good for us to have a nearby source, it can also attract any animals in the area," he stated with a concerned face. "We definitely don't want to face any creatures out here." Looking around at the structures and dunes surrounding them, he points to a higher-up dune, which should give them some insight. "Let's get a survey of the area." He said this to Neko while looking in the direction of the dunes, "We need to know whats out there." The concern should be seen on his face, his dangerous past in these desserts weight heavily on his mind.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the children would begin to face the long trek back they would come to the realization of their first challenge for this exam. Securing their location safely. If they were to make their way back to one of the oases in this area they would surely encounter numerous animals and monsters that call these sands their home.

A few hours would pass as the students would make their way to a source of water, traveling at a slower pace than they may have liked due to the instability of the desert itself in this region. As the sun set the duo would quickly find a dire need for warmth. The sun, while in the sky, provides great heat which caused the landscape to nearly go baren as the surface nearly boiled, but at night, when the sun has set, the landscape would become frigid. It was at this point that the duo would see the shimmering lights of the stars reflecting in a nearby pond. barely large enough to be called a pond, but it was water none the less.

The trouble that they found though, the Oasis was not unoccupied. A seven-foot-tall figure stood along the edge of the water, bending in half to reach down and take a drink. At a distance the identity of this form would be near impossible, but its form was clearly larger than the average man's. It would reach up and let out a large caw into the sky, almost like a cry in pain.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko would watch the creature from a distance whispering to Kazuma, "I don't want to fight that thing, its not a smart fight injured or not. Maybe we can sneak around it, we have water for a few days, there were more spots to stop at along the way." She thought for a moment longer before the idea light bulb could literally be seen exploding above her head. She held up a finger and spoke again, "Or.. I can cast a few genjutsu and have it confused while you rush in and fill the water canteens. It'll buy us an extra day and it might help us practice a little of the technique we wanted to do in the class we had."

She looked at the possibly wounded creature once more trying to make out any and all details she could. Caws could mean pain, certainly, but not knowing if it was that or an all clear for more to come this could be a risky plan. The lesson from Kureji Sensei was kicking in, about when to fight and when not to. This wasn't necessarily a fight they needed and it could result in Kazuma getting injured. Point is, either way it wasn't a good plan.

"On second thought I say we use the cover of night to slip past. Even if it is nocturnal, it only will see movements and shapes out here, so if we are careful not to move when it looks our way, maybe we can sneak past?" It was a hopeful plan, but she didn't know if it would work. At the very least it would prevent a fight unless absolutely necessary for the pair of students. She knew that it was going to be a challenge, the exam, but for the first night to provide such a dilemma was certainly a tough call.

[wc 308]

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
Kazuma watched the towering figure at the oasis, listening carefully to Neko's whispered suggestions. The creature's mysterious appearance and uncertainty about what it was doing contributed to their cautious strategy. Neko's initial plan of using genjutsu to confuse the creature while Kazuma filled the water canteens seemed daring, but the risks weighed heavily on both of their minds. The creatures cry of pain complicated matters.
Using the darkness to sneak past the creature was the new plan, as neko had reasoned that if they reduced the amount they moved when the creature looked their way, they would have a better chance of avoiding detection. Though Kazuma was unsure about this approach, he decided to let the more analytical person in the group decide what their path was.

Reaching down into his canteen, he checked his water levels. We could top off; it was a long journey, and who knows when we will have access to water again? He thought to himself before nodding in agreement with Neko's second idea. "I think avoiding it all together is our best move too, we should find a safer place to make camp for the night," he said, happy to be avoiding the first conflict. The sheer size of the animal put the two at a disadvantage, and avoiding conflict would be their best bet given his partner's lack of battle experience. Though now seemed like the tough part, they had to sneak past this creature in order to find some sage ground. He looked around for some place to set up camp, some dunes or maybe a cave but he could not see anything that stood out. "What do you think Neko? with these creatures out one of us needs to stand watch"

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko nodded, "let's not get too far though, maybe it'll leave with the heat and we can get some water before continuing on." She looked at the thing fighting the urge to attempt to check on it. She hated seeing something injured, human or not. But this exam was about them surviving as a team, not her skills as a healer.

She pointed to and outcropping that had dunes on three sides, "that place would be good. I read about burying fires and we could do that so we aren't seen but still don't freeze.. it.. it's really cold out here at night." She shivered uncontrollably, the temperature had dropped significantly with the sun. She had gear but had forgotten about that crucial fact. Now she'd be stuck having to stay close to a source of heat at night every night.

"I can take watch first, if you dig the hole you can rest and then I'll wake you half way through? Or at least my best guess at it." She let out a small chuckle but covered her mouth as to not let it carry into the silence of the night.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the students approached the outcropping to set up camp for the night they would find that they weren’t the only ones to find this suitable location to take rest. Bundled up in a small pile of brambles and regurgitated matter sat a large nest, large enough for both children to sit inside of. Within the nest the two students would find three eggs, about six inches tall and must weigh a few pounds. Though it was dark and the visibility was low, the children could easily spot that one of the three eggs was cracked and it’s contents seemed to be partially missing with the exception of the small dark pool of ichor within the white interior. The medically trained Neko, even in this darkness, would be able to recognize the dark liquid as a small pool of aged blood due the aroma in the air.

A loud thump followed by the sound of crashing water could be heard from the oasis. If the students turned back to look at the large creature they could see it’s outline now laying in the ground, partially submerged in the pond itself, unmoving.

The night would go silent after the calls of pain ended and the water settled.

That was until slight cracking sounds coming from the nook. The eggs would begin to rustle ever so slightly and their outer shells would begin to split.

Kazuma and Neko would find that their exam, a test to see how well one could survive in the desert, may quickly be more complicated than they originally assumed.

The rest of the night would sit still. The sparse sounds of the restless coyote yaking in the distance would be a long forgotten memory compared to the chittering and chirping of the two baby Sandrunners.


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko's eyes went wide as she saw the bid drop, and even wider upon discovery of the two hatchlings at the nest. She because almost stoic with excitement, just vibrating in place. "Kakakakazuma.. thththose are.. bababababies.. little hennies, lil babies.. oh my GAWD"

She had never sounded like this in all the classes, trips, any time anyone had seen her. This was in fact something entirely new. She was overjoyed and stimming in a way foreign to her. She was instantly climbing at the nest and calling to the birds.

"Hey lil ones.. I have some scraps for you.." She held out some food she had from her rations in excitement. She knew exactly what these were and what they were good for. "Kazuma.. these birds are going to win us some extra credit for sure. Especially with Shin Sensei. They're endangered, and he's a bird guy from what I have heard so.." She smiled and looked at him, "looks like we have some friends now."

Santaru Kazuma

New Member
May 2, 2015
As they neared the mountaintop, Kazuma came across the giant nest. Instantly, he became worried that if this was that creature's nest, they wouldn't be happy that they were intruding. The smell of blood was near the nesting grounds. The boy was still unsure of what creature would have a nest this big, but given the desert environment, it most likely wasn't friendly. He quickly looked around for the owner of the old blood spills, watching as Neko also examined the nest for her conclusion. In the distance, he heard the final sound of the creature they had seen before. Kazuma watched in the distance as the gigantic creature fell to the water in the oasis. Their initial fear could now rest, as it no longer posed a threat to the children, or so they hoped.

One of the eggs seemed to have been attacked at some point. "It looks like one of them didn't make it," signaling over to the half-crawled egg, the child looking a bit sad as new life had been snuffed out before it could even begin. Even the hardest of hearts could feel this situation. Just then, the eggs slowly began to crack open. The cackling continued as the creatures began to make their way out. To be safe, the boy reached down for his kunai, unsure of what was to come. With a ready stance, the creature appeared; it seemed much friendlier and cuter than anything he had seen in the desert, with its golden feathers and small stature. "I'm not sure about keeping them, but we can't just leave them out here like this." A kind smile would come to his face.

Nekos excitement helped bring a smile to the young, worried boy's face. He relaxed his shoulders and stance and watched as the young girl helped the birds in their first moments of life. Kazuma also joined in by going over to the other bird as she fed the first one some scraps from her pack.
He reached into his canteen and grabbed some food in a small pouch, promptly smashing it down into small pieces and pouring some water inside. It wouldn't replace its mother's food, but these little ones needed to eat. "There there, little one," he said as he petted the back of the bird's head, pouring some of the mixture into their mouth while trying to keep them warm in their first moments of life.

"It looks like this night is going to be a long one." He said to Neko, "We still need to set up camp. Should we set up a tent over this nest? These little guys are going to attract a lot of attention. But this should keep them somewhat safe as long as we are here." Snuggling up the small bird, he reached into his bag and began preparing for the long night ahead.


Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
As the students spoke about the newly found nest of baby Sandrunners, it appeared that the two lowered their guard, and unfortunately for them something was watching them. Launching out from the sand nearby a seven foot long serpent, covered in knife like spines, would lash out at Neko, it's fangs landing on her face as it's spiny body would begin to try and wrap around the girl to squeeze and slice her body into pieces.

With this new found threat to the students Shin would raise a curious brow, he wondered how they would be able to handle something like this. The Ridgeback Serpent was only a D-Rank threat, but even something like that could be deadly for Academy Students, but if these children truly had what it took to be Genin they would come out victorious, he was curious how much Neko new of this threat, as the story teller in charge of this exam completely made it up and was willing to allow the children to make up any fun fact about the snake they wanted. But until he felt as though he saw everything he needed, he would wait for the students to continue the exam before issuing a final verdict.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
"Kaz.." Her eyes shot wide as a splash of blood leaped from her, the rapid motion of her body being pulled with the lunging creature. In a moment what was so innocent and simple became horrifying and terrible, in a moment.. Neko's shock didn't even allow the initial scream to leave her lips before being slammed and dragged off as a potential snack for this monster.

For her time slowed from a mix of blood loss, adrenaline, and utter shock. The flashing moment of red hitting Kazuma's face and then just blurring motion burned in her mind, while her body began to burn from the rapidly slicing and piercing blade like scales now coiling around her form. Her mind was lost, her motions weakened by the immediate blow, and her eyes filled with the absolute horror of realization.

If she didn't do something, if she waited for Kazuma, she'd be dead. She attempted to block, her body being pressed in on itself and torn as it went. She screamed out in pain as it tore through her arms, the block only preventing its inevitable slicing of her vitals. Blood can from her mouth as the scream was forcibly pulled out of her, her eyes now pinned in the overwhelming pain that was rushing into her. The warmth of blood, the ever present tingling and shooting pain of the stabs, She was losing the fight.


She looked to Kazuma, her face filled with dread, and screamed out "I.. I AM NOT DYING HERE! I WONT LET IT.." A sickening crunch followed her scream of defiance as the body of the serpent tightened once more and the air from her lungs left all at once. The motion was quick, there was nothing that could be done by her or Kazuma to change what had already happened. Her declaration felt like a fleeting wish more than a true statement of fact. Her eyes looked to Kazuma once more, as the words attempted to leave her mouth.

Whatever it was, they never did leave her mouth. Her moment came and passed as the creatures gapping maw slammed down over what little of her poked out from its coils. The moment was long where it stayed in that place. If Kazuma had any hopes that this would change, it would be a safe bet they left him in that moment. The air was stiff and heavy, as the silence was almost screaming in those brief moments between it all.

There was another sudden banging sound, followed by a small burst of air. In the time she was struggling, she had gotten her hand up and loose. While it may only be a small jutsu, when done in rapid succession, pressure burst can be quite effective. With nowhere to go the air and pressure built up in the creatures mouth until finally, it gave. The beast released her as its head now had a hole burst through, both her body and its now lay in the pool of what was a mix of their bloods. Neither moving, neither clearly breathing, just still and silent.

[wc 514]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
