Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Where do I start? [Open]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Cage of Rubies - Friday - 8:43 PM - No Moon

"...Knowledge in Darkness..."

Guardian's of the state... Iwagakure, arising as the nation everyone knew it to be and here Souji stood outside of the door... his best friend Kono Haruka, taking in a bitter sweet moment. Her mother, ill. So ill in fact, that she could not hold her 'royalty' any longer and was forced to pass it down to her daughter. Haruka, the woman that grew up beside Souji and had endured through everything with him. It was amazing the stories they could tell the youngsters that were coming through the village... the new upstarts that wanted to live the life they lived. Adventure. Excitement. Thrill. All of these things conducted a symphony on the score of Souji's life thus far. It was going to be quite the ordeal if things continued on like they had been, but at the dawning of the day... crowning their new Tsuchikage and Militant leader (of sorts). Inu Endo... He had heard of the man... even fought in a brigade that he had led... he was something special but Souji rather liked that the Daimyo position was filled with a person he knew he could trust.

And here he stood outside of her door... he hadnt even knocked yet. However, she likely knew he was here. She always knew. They had teamed up with one another since the days of the Spartan Quarters. The Days of learning, and writing... and the most dreaded homework. They sparred, they fought, they ran missions. Everything two people... erm, Shinobi, could do together. Haruka even saved his life... literally. He took a mission alone and she was the one that came to his rescue. 'Haruka, you better be here...', lifting his fist to knock on the door with three light times. Though it was a normal audible knock. She should have been able to hear it... maybe.

Either way, the shadows of the night seemed to swirl around him manifesting themselves into a white snake, that found itself sliding up his back and unto his shoulder, "Souji~ Seeing Haruka... Againsss~", the snake whispered with a slight hiss. "Aye Mazu... what do you need?", shaking his head, the snake now identified as 'Mazu' would snicker, "Oh itsss nothing, just keeping tabsss on my contractorsss~", a sneer shot from Souji before he calmed himself. 'Peasant'. Souji would think to himself before speaking aloud, "Listen... Do not come out unless you are called. I have not the time to be dealing with you... if you wish to watch, please be my guest. Otherwise, shut it." Souji's voice was stern and as black as his [attire] he wore tonight was, his heart would blacken to the shadows of Nokuzu, the goddess of the night and the one that he followed... along with others. Every 'God' had its place... religion was very important to Souji. He did not put one above another as such was way he called himself the 'Guardian of Shadows'. Now he would wait... wait for what would happen... why did this feel like the beginning of the rest of his life? Why did this feel like everything was beginning now...?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

Okay, so let's get this straight. Sitting in front of the young woman there was a book, alright? Now, the book in question was actually one that was dedicated to something along the lines of Political Etiquette. Pfffah, so tonight, the blonde female was actually indulging herself in something that she had already taken courses for and become proficient in? Yeah, wasn't that something strange. Though, she found herself feeling quite alright with this. Everyone needed their own little refreshers on the things that they used every day. Practice made perfect, but practice hadn't stopped the blistering paranoia of the mind that drove people crazy. It was okay, though. She was only crazy in her mind when she was arguing with some ethereal demon, or some crazy shit along those lines.

"Dude. I'm so not crazy. I'm you, after all."

"You're not me. Remember? We went over this. You're just some kind of creep in the back of my mind."

"That's naughty not nice, Haruka." If one read the text close enough, they could probably see the frowny face emoticon that Haru had been trying to express.

With a small frustrated sigh, however, Haruka would close her book and place it on the shelf in located on her desk. Pushing herself up to a stand, she'd wrap her arms around herself and survey the room in silence. One thing to note was how it was almost too clean. It was like the nurses and doctors that wandered around this place made it a point to make everything sterile ever since her mother had gotten sick. So what? The germs and infections didn't matter to her. Haruka never got sick. When infections attempted to hit her blood, they'd just be frozen like anything else. After all, she was almost lethally cold and still going. Pressing her hands against her face, she'd rub there just lightly as she turned to listen to the sounds outside of her door. A conversation, huh? Well, that was nice.

She knew it was Souji approaching, after all. There was no mistaking her teammate. Locking her gaze on the door, she'd tilt her head a bit. Why was he talking to someone? Or something, rather. . . Not like it mattered. She had constant banter inside of her head anyways, so who was she to judge? Pacing over to the door, her bare feet made no sounds to clue him in that she was there. Reaching down, she'd pull open the door and stare him down with her slate grey gaze. Placing her hands against the door frame, she'd offer but just a small smile.

"There's one hundred babies housed in a red house. The red house is located inside of a white house. And the white house is located inside of a green house. How's this possible?" She'd demand. No greetings, though that smile might have offered as that. However, before anything, he had to solve this little puzzle of hers.

Oh, she liked puzzles so much.

"Fuck, that's a really stupid one. Why do you do that to everyone? Sometimes, I wonder if you're the bat shit crazy one. Oh, scratch that. You are! Ding ding ding! We have a winner!"

*Haru is purely inside of Haruka's head. <3


New Member
Oct 22, 2012

Escapee, Escapee! The prisoner has escaped the facility, lock down all terminals that lead to possible exits and shut down every hatch that could potentially release him onto the outside world. They are not ready for him, I repeat, they are -not- ready for him!

A twist, a turn, a wild cart-wheel and a double-heely backwards handstand. This was the normal routine for escaping the house of mice and men, of cats and shrill women, whom only wish to hold him back and down. They tried to, can you believe it?; muzzle this dog! The sheer audacity, for how could one ever expect to hold one such as him back? He's born to be wild, mind you, and nothing is gonna keep him from doing what he wants to do. The first thing noticeable is the grandiose fluttering of bright, blueish black hair that seemed to jut out in the right places. The next to follow would be appealing eyes of storm, a daring personality hiding directly behind them in a not so fire way, but more like a hurricane just rising with each passing moment. This one was a wild beast, ready to tackle anything without any sort of common sense at all. Yuu didn't need such a thing, after all.

No, but you could use a lesson in proper etiquette, Yuu-Boy.

Yuu groaned out, slapping a hand on the muzzle of his companion, Savatii. ''Don't you get it, Sava? This isn't the time to be trying to cage me in! This is the time to be moving on out, to be helping me expand! We need to run -wild-, with wolves, or something! Let's bite into the flesh of this world and make it our bi-Oh-Hey-Yo!''

Savatii made it a notion to roll his eyes at Yuu's atrocious behavior, though the topic of running wild...It appealed to a certain sense of nature on the inside...

Yuu had paused in his words because he'd stumbled across some people, or rather, a person, waiting outside of a door. It was like, weird, because he was just standing there, contemplating. Oh, and he smelled like snakes, and snakes smelled awesome, because they didn't smell -good-, they smelled unique. Juggling options Yuu took a gander backwards, wondering If he was still being followed, and, for lack of thought, opted to follow the stranger. What's the worse that could happen?

Yuu, do no-

''Quiet, mutt. I'm making friends.''

He commented, slinging an arm over the shoulder of this new person, because hey, there's a girl there as well. And she has a riddle? He LOVED riddles! Awe yeah, let's show off some knowledge!

''A watermelon, blondie, a watermelon. Watah-meloaaan.''

[Hallo there.]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

Kidding me... right?

Silence... what he normally sat in in his down time. Souji sat, stood rather, in silence completely. He normally didnt move all that much until he had to. Sitting in solitude and meditation did alot to enhance his brain. Stimulate his mind and come up with a solution or plot and plan for his next move. Mainly dealing with missions, work, etc. This was one of those rare moments that Souji got... and as Haruka opened the door and spouted her rant about the houses... and the babies... It was odd. but normal in terms of Miss Kono. She had a way of doing things that was just not normal. 'Touching the buttholes of the world and beyond'... was something that she would say. It had become normal for him to subject himself to it as well. Though, Souji didnt mind. He'd chuckle and tilt his head at the riddle. And as he was about to speak on it...

A bark... like a dog in heat trying to gain attention. Wagging its tail and flaring its ass up trying to get a thrill. It was cute really. They all had things they had to do. Would do... could do. Souji had his snakes... this new guy a pet 'mutt' and Haruka, something in her mind. Though the last thing Souji did not know... but he knew she was bat shit crazy at times. It was these moments that kept her sanity in check... or he'd like to think. 'Watermelon?', That answer could have very well been correct. The Seeds being housed within a mass off red 'meat'. Then the white walls being housed by the outer layers of green. Quite the mind this guy had. The only problem was the arm that was randomly slung over his shoulder. While this was obviously unwelcomed by the immediate look of distaste on his face, but a grinding of the teeth would commence for a moment as ht sucked it up in good faith... for now. Lowering his shoulder slowly though trying to release himself from the man, the aqua eyed Yukata would simply just... give his best attempt at a smile, only to be followed by a nod before beginning, "I'd say its possible because its a Mexic-... Sunan home. You know they dont use 'protection', Heh..." shaking his head, and letting out a solemn chuckle Souji's tightened body from the opposing males approach had loosened a bit and Mazu would just stare at the 'mutt' that the male had with him.

"I assume you have a name, Sir? Less you want to be called, That Watermelon Guy", looking to Haruka then back to him he wondered if they knew one another by chance, he looked familiar, but maybe he was one of those faces in the crowd that finally had a voice and a name, hopefully. It would be quite awkward if there was some sort of silence after this. Yanno, when you ask a new person a question and they sort of just stare off into space? As if you dont exist... Thats never happened to you? Never? Hmph.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

So, here they were. Her riddle had been posed and she awaited an answer with an abundance of patience. Souji wasn't very quick on his toes, though Haruka was certain that she more than likely had greeted him with the same riddle maybe two or three times before. Well, he couldn't be blamed. Riddles weren't everyone's strong suit, but she was attempting to preen Souji into being able to spout out the answer rather easily. Her arms had been crossed over her chest as she leaned against the door frame to her room. He knew the game. He had to deal with this before he could come in and sit down with her. It was simply one of her quirks that were made clear to her friends and those people that she felt she was safe with. Rule number five hundred and forty-three: Never ever address another political figure head with a riddle. They probably wouldn't like it.

Not that she'd ever forget that rule, though. She was very, very efficient at maintaining Earth Country's connections with the other countries. After all, it was what she was taught to do. Just like how she was teaching Souji right now how to think on his toes around her. . . So, where was the answer? Oh wait! There it was. It was a watermelon. However, Souji hadn't been the one who spoke that answer. Hold. Hold it right there. There was another person paroozing around the home? Oh dear. The nurses and doctors would not like this. They got a little cranky when uncleared people wandered the halls because it brought in outside germs that would supposedly further her mother's condition. Oh, well. They'd be able to clean up after this person. They always managed, after all.

"Souji, I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't use protection." The woman commented in a confused manner, "Every home needs a proper type of protection, you know." She'd wag a finger in his direction, and then she'd look over towards Yuu.

"You're trespassing, you know." She'd tilt her head. "Or I assume you are, at least. I've never seen you here before, Mr. Watameloan. However, you correctly solved my riddle." Her hands would come together in a half-hearted clapping motion as she watched Souji and the man interact. "Bravo~. Congratulations. Your prize is: Nothing." Her voice was evenly toned, so much so that it could even be considered emotionless all throughout the conversation. Strange, right?

Once the newcomer would disclose his name, she'd speak again: "And how may we accommodate you today?"


New Member
Oct 22, 2012

There, on the hind-leg, just out of sight, or probably not because this mutt was so damned big, rested one Savatii. The dog had the nerve to look actually comfortable at the situation, resting with his front paw over the other, muzzle placed firmly ontop as though contemplating. Could a dog even look contemplative? It was a far thought, one that distracted Yuu long enough to completely miss everything that was said to him by this person, Souji. Come come now, it wasn't on purpose, mind you, but..well, things happen, correct? Lunar colored iris' rose to greet the other male in the room before searching out the voice, ever mellow, of this person, this..female; Haruka. A pragmatic outlook would be delivered as he recognized her scent from somewhere before. Perhaps they had spotted her giving a speech somewhere? Or maybe in general somewhere being at some place and doing, well, something. The main point was that Savatii recognized this one, even if only minutely.

Yuu, didn't.

''Eh, what now? Trespassing? All I did was walk up here behind your buddy here, and gave an answer. I hardly consider that trespassing! Still, you can call me Yuu, If you guys really wanna know my name. Nice to meet'cha.....?''

Yuu'd give pause, looking from one person the next. Really, It wasn't his fault he didn't pay much attention to who did what around areas such as this. Hell, he was still finding himself searching out gutters when he thought he smelled some good food, so don't mind how he sees things. Savatii, for one, didn't take an amused glint in his eyes at the playful tone in Yuu's throat. Really, sometimes the rather vicarious canine wished he could rip the very spinal cord from Yuu's neck and straighten it out for him, because the child really did need help.

You bolster yourself into ones own household, and then you don't even know who they are. You are a fine specimen of humanity, Yuu. You really are.

Strangely enough, Savatii spoke the native language of stone, so he wasn't inaudible. Yuu, however, merely lifted a hand to his ear, not even looking down. "You say something, Sava? I thought I heard a hypocrite who happens to be lying at my feet feeling comfortable right now.''

Suffice to say, Savatii had no response.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Innuendo, a rather misleading word if ever there was one. If not for the fact that it was often mistaken for a crass manner but for the fact that most people were simply too stupid to get the real point of the matter. A caring young man, Inu Endo himself wasn't one to go for the easy innuendos in life but to say that there wasn't a certain irony about his life was indeed very misleading. He'd been summoned by the Daimyo, which one he knew not, to which begged the question of if a Daimyo ever truly retired. Mother or daughter, which one would he encounter? Err, with all of this political mumbo-jumbo, he wondered if anybody was ever going to look towards the shinobi of Iwagakure. They were spilling their blood in a war they didn't started and were severely outmanned on the battlefield. Heck, training too, they needed far better trainers in the academy teaching kids the techniques that would work, not the ones that were written long ago. Battles were rarely uniform now, and with the maturing of the shinobi age, there wasn't ever any going back to line combat. Nope, never no never.

Standing at the door to her chambers it seemed he paused. Was this her room or another one of those houses within a home within a mansion sort of thing? Having grown up in Arcadia mostly, the lack of a domed roof above him still made for a strange venue. Sometimes he wondered if he was starting to develop a fear of large open spaces. With nothing on but the simplest of garments, the grey jacket that he wore over his shirtless chest only kept the cool of the night off of him. His glasses cleaned beyond belief, he marveled at every jewel encrusted artifact that he took in. If only these people dared to set foot in Arcadia then they'd realize how utterly simple their buildings looked to those from the underworld. It wasn't that he was overly high minded but Arcadians had a natural way of not being impressed with top-worlders lifestyles. Homes down below could be made up of nothing but the rarest of the rare precious stones and metals and nobody would bat an eye. Here instead of a style of art, the gifts from the earth were flaunted as if they showed a man . . . or womans worth. Shaking his head to clear the thoughts away, he reminded himself that he wasn't here to talk style but to talk politics. After all, with what did a mere Jounin, decorated as he was but none the less a Jounin through and through, compare to the Daimyo? Shrugging to the crazy rambling of his mind, he knocked on the door and waited to be let inside.

OOC: Endo's look below.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Cage of Rubies - Friday - 8:52 PM - No Moon


...Every light casts a Shadow...

Good, well now that THAT was out of the way Souji seemed to be elated in the presence of the new guy. It was damn wrong to grow and gain disdain from an Iwagakurian brethren. Not for Souji, he lived and would abide by his loyalty to his country. Especially with Haruka. Which brought something into question. What would he do with all the attention she would be getting with her decision to become and take up the mantle from her mother. It was something that could not easily be taken back. Something that could not just be. . . 'forgotten.' Souji definitely felt the waves of ANBU looking after her more building a bit of jealousy within himself. Previously he had been so used to having a tightly knit group. A small squad of four maybe five... and they all had one another's back. However... Alot of their former squadmates had either been injured to retirement or had ultimately passed. So it was nothing to Souji that he would think these thoughts. Jealous not out of affection but, sheer friendship. He was normally alone. No one noticed him. Not really anyways. So, he was used to the meditation. Haruka gave him light... and made him active.

No one else ever really cared.

"Hm, I cant call you YOU... whats your name Mister Water...Meloan~", his voice was quite serious even though he had a wicked smile plastered on his face. It was awkward to say the least but... then again. Nothing could be as awkward as the feelings of all the ANBU in the area. They didnt know... but he sensed the shadows. He knew what dwelled within. Or so he liked to think [Chakra Sense]. "...I hate dogs...", Mazu would chime out breaking a small silence which caused Souji's patience to wear thin a bit more. He didnt want to worry about this brat of a snake messing up his mood. "Who asked you Mazu? And who cares about what you do and do not like... Eshh...", something could be said about his tone. He respected the snake... but he would not tolerate it.

"So... 'You' what brings you this deep into the Cage of Rubies... This is not somewhere people just... wander about. So, be alarmed that if you are here for business please speak on it and make your way out... because I have very important matters to address with this woman.", nodding he would tilt his head to Haruka and gaze at her for a moment. Why her? Why now... and why did his heart sink alittle every time he looked at her. He didnt know... well he did. But he would never acknowledge that... with her. As much as he did, he couldnt and wouldnt...



Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

My, so it seemed that such a house of the leader was popular today. Or at least, that was how it seemed to be. Though, she was certain that the watermelon boy had simply just stumbled his way on into the Cage of Rubies, or something along those lines. She hadn't that much of a clue, but perhaps the security in this place needed to be upped? It was all questionable at best. The most heavy concentration of people would always be around her sickly and fading mother. She wouldn't let that change, knowing that she could protect herself against any threat that would desire to show itself. Reaching up, her lithe hands would brush long strands of blonde hair back behind her ears and she'd look back and forth between the two males. Ah, friends furever it seemed. "Perfect, so you two have become friends," the young woman would comment, nodding her head. "I'm impressed, Souji." She'd blink a few times, then offer an almost out of character grin that expressed that she was undoubtedly messing with Souji.

More or less, that was Haru probably shining through at this point. Brushing past the two males, she'd pace out to the hall where she would make her way over to the door. Did no one else notice the knocking? No, no. That was fine. She could answer herself, anyways. Pulling the door open, she'd look at Endo in silence for a few moments before she'd place her hands together- a fist into the palm, and she'd bow her head. "Good afternoon. I assume you're here with reason." She'd state, lifting her head up to look him over with her slate grey eyes. "But we will discuss things over tea. I don't take no for an answer." She'd turn and motion for him to follow, back to where Souji and Yuu were.

Lifting her hands up, she'd point towards the two.

"I hope everyone enjoys Jasmine green tea, because that is what we will be doing. I need order here, not chaos. What better way to collect everyone than tea time?" She'd state in a mild manner, dropping her hands down by her sides. The answer was that there was no better time than tea time.

"So come, let's head there now. There's a certain tension here that I cannot say I enjoy." And with that, she'd make her way to the room to get everyone settled down. "Yuu, you can also bring Sava, too." Of course she paid attention to what people were speaking!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Endo actually enjoyed tea, it was calming to the nerves and helped the mind to focus on the battlefield. He didn't start a single morning off without the stuff and to be sure, he liked to end his days with it as well. Looking around though, at those assembled, the basics of his training came flooding back to him. A natural talent for genjutsu, his sharingan always lay just barely a thought away in case he needed to activate his trained abilities. He remembered times in which he'd merely only have to look at an opponent to set them ablaze, or how even the toughest minds had been brought to their knees in his wake. Sure, it might require loosing precious time with his genjutsu but when he set his eyes on something, not even a rock was safe from his whims. Crushing the minds of generals far more revered than he, it was his talent with the sharingan that had helped him out of many a tricky situation. Whether it was a battle where might would have to take a backseat to wit or one where the likes of asking his other genjutsu casters to help him simply crush and dominate the minds of pesky ninjutsu nukes, the result was the same, his eyes saw them all fall one by one.

He recognized some of the faces that he looked at and indeed there was the young Daimyo herself . . . she was the true Daimyo right? He'd make it a fact to ask that question before he assumed but none the less, he was naturally on the defensive. The problem with being a sharingan user was falling prey to using the sharingan too much. It was common knowledge that nothing escaped the likes of an Uchihas sight but that greatest strength proved to be one of their greatest weaknesses. Like a moth to the flame an Uchihas desires were controlled by what the saw and if they failed to take heed of the entire situation and call off their staring gaze then they were susceptible to invasions of their own mind. Endo had faced such ones before, those that called to the spirits to aid them and who were as slippery as ghost. His typical flame igniting vision wasn't useful on them when they could shrug off the illusionary damage. No, shattering realities wasn't exactly the end all be all but it certainly made it harder to have the mental clarity to know when to better deal with not being dealt the best hand in the lot. Emerald orbs taking it all in, he refrained from the natural tendency to flash a quick look with his sharingan for fear of looking like the real threat and instead followed the young girl to where everyone would be settled, perhaps this meeting might go well. Hopefully so though because he was sick and tired of losing good men and women to the likes of wars that he knew they'd never win without proper training.

OOC: Shameless dojo training post . . . >_>


New Member
Oct 22, 2012

Ginger smiles and pleasant words are spoken between the trio, soon turned quad as a person makes himself known to the world. Though the distinct smell of another man outside of the room had reached his sensitive nose long before he had actually arrived. The point, as clear as day, that I'm trying to make here, is that Yuu was easily able to tell that the person had been here, and that he did not mind such a thing. His nose turned, sniffing in the direction of this person, Souji, and then the same was said for this Haruka woman. Their scents would mean that he could identify them at any point in time, at any place, despite them being under an illusion of some sort. The only actual way to get out of being smelt, or detected, was to bathe your scent so thoroughly in another so as to throw off the tracker.

Either that or you rush into water. That always seemed to help stall a scent long enough for a person to fall behind in trailing. His hands move to grab Sava, brushing the smooth fur away from the dogs upper back, before moving it in the opposite direction. He wouldn't ever admit such a thing, but Sava loved the attention he received from Yuu when given it, even if he acts like a little twat at times. ''Then I suppose you'll call me Watahmeloan until you come to terms with my name being Yuu, ne?'' He's all smiles towards Souji, and the new comer, and Haruka.

Sava, however, merely laid on the floor like the lazy mutt that he was, enjoying Yuu's ministrations. He released a groan, wishing for the doting attention to remain as was forever and ever.

We....mmm....would be delighted in accompanying you three....mnrrooooooon....for tea.

Yuu shook his head. Sava really had no shame when he was being attention-given. Still, he nodded his head, coming to a stand, Sava doing the same, although a bit more...wobbly. ''Yeah, we'll tag along." When they set out, Yuu'd be behind them.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Cage of Rubies - Friday - 9:01 PM - No Moon



It didnt seem too late for the little 'tea time' but everyone and even the profound yet quiet figure Endo would enter into the Daimyo's house. It was wonderful to know that he was merely lucky to be whispered in the same breath as Haruka let alone being in the presence of both Endo and Haruka at the same time. Yuu seemed kewl too. It was all just something rather delightful. However, Souji's face did not show that he was pleased at all. He truly wasnt... he wanted to have a moment alone with his friend. However, she invited the village to have 'tea time'. There were shows on the televiosion about this... 'Tea Time With etc.' Special appearances from Inu Endo. Leaving Yuu and Souji being the guest audience. Oh the fun~ Clapping in the wings as Haruka made bad jokes and... innuendos with the prime leader (soon to be) of Iwagakure. Though, that was just what Souji's sources said.

He was more inclined to believe them because... of course the shadows of Stone never lied to him. Else they would meet their maker... and Souji was the Guardian to the gate from which they would be held in contempt of of court. The Court of the most dark... held in the lowest of the low. Nokuzu... the goddess... and Souji was the one that would neck them in her name... and in the name of Iwagakure. Nodding though he didnt have much to say except, "So, Inu Endo... What brings you? There must be something dire that you wanted to speak about.", making the first move? It was out of his character but this was more for the sake of Mazu, and if anyone knew Souji they would know Mazu for being everything a snake could be. Just without the backstabbing sense. All of Souji's snakes were loyalists in a sense they 'Played for the winning team.' Souji was one with them except... he would never turn his back on Iwa. So he had to always play to their favors.

Once his question was answered he would look to Haruka and frown... but it was a smile in a sense. "I take it you want me to be Servant Souji tonight?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013

With her arms folded neatly in front of her, the young woman would walk down the hall and listen to the talking going on behind her. She'd walk swiftly down the hall, seeming to be in her own enchanted little world as they headed to the tea room. With everyone just suddenly showing up at her house, she felt chaos, seriously. So thus, the need for order was natural for the young Daimyo. So thus, she was going to work on getting these sitting ducks in a row and finding out why everyone and their grandmother was here today. Souji she had expected, but the other too? That was an off shoot that she had not anticipated. Thankfully, she was not in her P.J.s. Just some comfortable clothing that she had sitting around in her drawer.

Stopping outside of the tea room, she'd grasp onto the sleeve of a woman wandering by and whisper into her ear. Clearly she was one of the wandering helping hands of the Cage. So thus, she would hear Haruka's request and nod, quickly going off to grab the tea. Turning back to look at her guests, "You all may sit and relax, and we can wait for the tea to get here. I'll hear you all out, of course. I, however, don't think Yuu is really here for a reason, just a wanderer." She'd tilt her head a bit, looking the boy and his dog down. Well, any sensitive information that Endo or Souji might've had was not sensitive enough that it would warrant a home visit, right? She didn't think so, at least.

Then, she'd shoot her icy gaze over to Souji. "I think I'd prefer the tea in a non-scorched state." And that was all she had to say about that. "So let's all go and sit down." With that, she'd walk into the room and place herself down at the table.

"Oh snapz yo! You totally told him. Hahahah."


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Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Endo was completely at a loss for words being here. Not because of the ambiance of the place but simply because he wasn't used to being around persons so lax in their positions. Simply taking his stand by going where he was supposed to do and sitting down he attempted to be less militaristic than he typically tended to be. "So a Hyuuga and an Uchiha walk into a club . . ." Yeah, hopefully that would break the ice a bit and could completely take the pressure off of himself as the guy late to the apparent party. Tea would be good too though, he really liked tea . . . but he'd already trailed down that thought path though. This Daimyo, the way that she interacted with her subordinates, it was strange. Especially considering that he typically thought of the high born folk of Maru to be a bit uppity in their relative lives. Apparently he had much to learn still, even with owing have of his lineage to such a class. Keeping his mind focused on just these moments would be hard when there were so many mental distractions and a war to be fought.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
