Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Where my Stoners at! [open]

Ryujin Mikana

New Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
Badassery Log
Just before noon has always been my favorite time to be right here where I am standing. About this time the sun is always at it's brightest and the breezes were complementing. Oh yes indeed this was a beautiful day much like back then. As a child I was forbidden to come here without adult supervision as it were for any place I thought was exciting and fun... moms can be such a drag! Like she never lets me do anything fun because she's scared that something bad will happen to me. Humbug I say! When has a little fresh air and sun and water and fun ever hurt anyone?! Whatevs, I rest my case on the matter. But anywho, this place is awesome! Looking out at the sparkling water pulls me in. Kind of like mouths to a flame except I'm nothing like a mouth and water wont burn me :/ but me and my sisters use to swim out as far as we could hahaha as if we could reach the waters edge or something... but we did try and we did have fun despite what we were told. Those were the days but now it seems that it's all work work work and serve the village and blah blah... *sigh* I missed them a lot... I think I'm going to see how far I can swim out to the waters edge. And who knows... I just might make it hahaaha I ROCK!|
Journal Entry

-@ the beach
-Beautiful sky
-Reminiscing of the good old days
-Bout to take a swim :)
-Marking for training!
-WC 266

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Entered by Inpc Kitsune
As kitsune looks out upon the sea she is reminded of a song her mother would sing to her. As a gypsy her family moved from place to place, never settling down. They were nomads traveling to no specific place, but just traveling. This village would be Kitsune’s first true home. Kitsune dances around the beach singing her mother’s song.

can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water?
we just keep dreaming of the land 'cross the river
we are always on the way to find the place we belong
wandering to nowhere, we're paddling
down the raging sea

who can cross over such raving wind and water?
on the rolling boat we sit, shivering with coldness
come by an island, come by a hillock,
it's just another place, we paddle on
down the raging sea

but in one morning we'll see the sun
bright shining morning dew singing
they who will search will find the land
of evergreen

can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water?
we just keep paddling down the sea, up the river
no destination, but we are together
in the silent sadness we're paddling
down the raging sea
down to nowhere​

As she danced the bells around her wrist and ankles rang with each step. Like always she mixes and illusion with her sound to further enhance her art. To those who did not resist her charm would see after images dancing with her. With this spell one would be able to see the whole dance with a glimpse as one image flowed into another. Her moves were soft and fluid like water; it was all very hypnotic.

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Badassery Log
Woah woah woah! I was so like about to remove my shirt when this like person caught the side of my eye. Woah that was a close one... I'm not saying I'm insecure about my body or anything but a girl can't go around all willy nilly showing off her goodies right? I gotta leave something to the imagination ya know ha ahahaa! But for reals, who is that and what are they doing??? Dancing? Wait... I hear... bells and... singing? What a beautiful sound! I'm not a creeper by any means but I had to get a closer look. Who ever it was hadn't noticed me so it seemed and it would be a shame to interrupt with my splashing and swimming... plus I'd rather not swim around half naked around strangers so close. I tipped toed over all creepy like as if a foot step in the sand made any real noise especially with the wind blowing and waves crashing about. I got close enough to see a belly dancer girl really getting it in. She was dancing and singing her Melody. Truth be told, I wanted to jump in and start busing some moves myself but something real freaky like started to happen! I started seeing triple of the girl! I blinked and wiped my eyes several times but nothing changed, in fact it got worst! Like, what the hell! Did I get my Mai Tai roofied? I mean, I'm too young to drink but if I did drink, I'd imagine my vision would be this screwed up... however... this girl singing and dancing was all that was blurred to me. Not the trees blowing or the birds flying by. It would have been hypnotizing if it weren't so freaky and scary! Anywho, I was not one for the paranormal... yes I said it, I believe in ghost and stuff >.> I slowly crept away on my tippy toes as not to draw attention to myself but ended up tripping on a rather large log causing me to scream like a girl... I'm ashamed.|
Journal Entry

-@ the beach
-Beautiful sky
-Reminiscing of the good old days
-Bout to take a swim :)


-Was almost caught nude!
-Spied on a ghost!
-Tried to escape
-Tripped on a log
-Screamed like a girl
-Tippy is not a word -_-
-Marked for training
-Wc 314

Dialog said:
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oh Shiiit! Ouch ouch ouch."

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Kitsune stop in mid-song as the sound of a little girl screaming interrupted her music. She looks to see a teen that had fallen over a rather large log. As Kitsune’s footstep freeze the illusion stops with the sound. All of her images dissolve as she stand perfectly still for a moment. She then cartwheels over to where the woman had tripped. Kitsune was like a child despite being in her mid-twenties. As her bells rang she casts a healing melody and Mikana should find her pain fading away like magic. In fact that is how all her jutsus works. She always casts her jutsu through the sound of instruments. It was how her parents taught her and they called it gypsy magic. With a big smile the pink haired woman greets the Mikana, “Hey there that was quite a trip you had. Are you alright?” Kitsune was always happy to see a new face and always liked to make friends quickly. Making friends quickly was the only way she could make friends at all as a child for she never stayed in one place for very long. “My name is Kitsune what’s yours?”
Badassery Log
So like where was the tax payers money going if not to keep our beautiful beaches clean, like come on... Oh yeah, it sort of pays the shinobi bills ha ha but still, like why am I tripping over logs? There should be like a weekly cleaning crew or something! I'm going to file a complaint... yes, that's what I'll do. Anywho, after my nice trip, pun intended, I found Casper the pink haired ghost hovering over me with a smile. Well she wasn't like really hovering but standing over me and turns out her name was not Casper either but Kitsune... close enough right? But yeah, anywho, she didn't seem all ghosty up close, in fact she was like a normal human hipster girl in my opinion. Nice smile, great hair, the works... no homo. After dusting off my shame I returned the politeness by giving my name in hopes that this ghost remained friendly. I was much too young to be hunted ya know hahaaa. Still, I did have my curiosity... needless to say my fingers began poking Kitsune. Hey! Say what you will but I never touched a ghost before! This is one for the books!|
Journal Entry

  • -@ the beach
    -Beautiful sky
    -Reminiscing of the good old days
    -Bout to take a swim :)


  • -Was almost caught nude!
    -Spied on a ghost!
    -Tried to escape
    -Tripped on a log
    -Screamed like a girl
    -Tippy is not a word -_-

  • -Decided to file a complaint on the city
    -Met Kitsune the friendly ghost
    -Poked Kitsune the friendly ghost
    -Kitsune is squishy
    -Marked for training!
    -WC 250+

Dialog said:
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oh Shiiit! Ouch ouch ouch."
[Kitsune] “Hey there that was quite a trip you had. Are you alright?”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Yep, I'm good. However, the city will be hearing from my lawyer."
[Kitsune TFG] “My name is Kitsune what’s yours?”
[Ryujin Mikana] "My name is Chunnin Mikana and I'm going to be the strongest Iwagakure has ever seen!
*promptly follows are pokes*
[Ryujin Mikana] "Say, your pretty friendly for a ghost ha ha aha! I was expecting rattling chains or sharp fangs for blood sucking or something."
As she pokes Kitsune she laughs. “Hey that tickles.” This person thought that she was a ghost which was too much of an excuse to play around. With a single step her bells around her ankle chimes and she casts a short blur jutsu. Her body went all pixely like she was slightly going out of phase. When her body returns to normal she inspects her hands. “Sorry that happens sometimes. Staying in this side of the threshold is not easy. I must admit I’m surprised to find a person that has the ability to see ghosts as soon as I crossed over to the other side.” She knew a perfect song for this and will liking break into song if this person asks why she is here.
Badassery Log
So like ghost are like us or ghost R us, ha ha ha I like it, sounds catchy! But yeah, like this girl, I mean Kitsune, she's like, ya know... a ghost but she's like solid and stuff. My finger didn't pass through her like at all. I didn't know ghost could like leave their plan of existence and like solidify in ours. Well, I'm not a ghostologist or any kind of expert of sorts but I would have never thought such things were possible! Hell, until know ghost didn't really exist to me anyways. Like, people have claimed to have seen the dead but never once did I ever believe them. I mean, how could I believe in such a thing. That's like saying zombies and werecats exist. Like, how ridiculous is that? Anywho, living proof of a ghost popping into our plan of existence right here. Heey, I wonder if it works both ways... could I enter her world the same as she entered mine??? Transcending time and space to another world would be so bad ass! Kyoko and Koyoko would be so jealous! I had to know more about my new ghostly companion and why she was here. A secret mission perhaps to save her world from evil phantoms hell bent on destroying everything in their path... It could happen!|
Journal Entry

  • -@ the beach
    -Beautiful sky
    -Reminiscing of the good old days
    -Bout to take a swim :)


  • -Was almost caught nude!
    -Spied on a ghost!
    -Tried to escape
    -Tripped on a log
    -Screamed like a girl
    -Tippy is not a word -_-

  • -Decided to file a complaint on the city
    -Met Kitsune the friendly ghost
    -Poked Kitsune the friendly ghost
    -Kitsune is squishy
    -Marked for training!
    -WC 250+

  • -Conversing with a ghost!
    -Realization that I'm awesome, again!
    -Wc 250+

Dialog said:
  • [87.29.01]
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oh Shiiit! Ouch ouch ouch."

  • [85.00.01]
[Kitsune] “Hey there that was quite a trip you had. Are you alright?”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Yep, I'm good. However, the city will be hearing from my lawyer."
[Kitsune TFG] “My name is Kitsune what’s yours?”
[Ryujin Mikana] "My name is Chunnin Mikana and I'm going to be the strongest Iwagakure has ever seen!
*promptly follows are pokes*
"Say, your pretty friendly for a ghost ha ha aha! I was expecting rattling chains or sharp fangs for blood sucking or something."

  • [85.70.01]
[Kitsune TFG] “Hey that tickles.”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oops! Ha ha!"
[Kitsune TFG] “Sorry that happens sometimes. Staying in this side of the threshold is not easy. I must admit I’m surprised to find a person that has the ability to see ghosts as soon as I crossed over to the other side.”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Yeah, I am pretty amazing ha ha ha! So what brings you to the world of the living, I might be able to help? I was once the Iwagakure tour guide back in Central Maruishi!"

“I am her because I received a letter.” How in the world someone sends a letter from one world to the next, she’ll leave it up to Mikana’s imagination. Could you imagine how much it would cost and what would you put for an address. Kitsune then proceeds to sing the supposed contents of the letter. As she sings she of course dances causing the bell to chime with ever step.

Dear my love, sweet morning light
Wait for me, you've gone much farther to fly
Shine bright morning light
Now in the air the spring is coming
Sweet blowing wind
Singing down the hills and valleys
Keep your eyes on me
Now we're on the edge of hell

It was a love letter and according to the song the writer was waiting on the edge between this world and the next. However if this is true, where is the lover? After Kitsune finishes her little song she takes a big sigh. “It seems it took me too long to cross over. He is obviously not here. I don’t suppose you have seen a man out here waiting.” Kitsune had just the man in mind if she asks for a description. The was one she met at the proving ground just a few days ago and they seemed to hit it off quite well. If Kitsune is lucky maybe this girl knows he man and can tell her where he lives. Kitsune would love to give him a surprise visit.
Badassery Log
One, two, three, and just like that I was almost like hypnotized. Well... I was hypnotized by the short concert that I received. I could hear sweet melodies that were soul touching. Was that good? It was frightening and beautiful at the same time. I have never experienced such a mixed emotion and her song was drawing it all from me. It was a love song, poem, letter, whatever and it was nice. I was sure to give a standing ovation though I was already standing. Really, it was something memorable. After, my new pink haired juke box explained more of why she had crossed over from the great beyond. She was looking for a man. So a man sent her that poem. Could it be that her living boy friend's love for her transcended time and space and the realm of the living in order to reach but a few words to her? That is so romantic! No really, because that word isn't apart of my vocabulary. I found myselk teasing her about it just a bit. It's the sort of thing that usually happens to me when I fancy a boy. It's to be expected when your the youngest of three sisters. After a quick laugh, I gave my word that I'd help her find her man. The jerk sent the letter but was no where in site. Did the letter not have a date and time?|
Journal Entry

  • -@ the beach
    -Beautiful sky
    -Reminiscing of the good old days
    -Bout to take a swim :)


  • -Was almost caught nude!
    -Spied on a ghost!
    -Tried to escape
    -Tripped on a log
    -Screamed like a girl
    -Tippy is not a word -_-

  • -Decided to file a complaint on the city
    -Met Kitsune the friendly ghost
    -Poked Kitsune the friendly ghost
    -Kitsune is squishy
    -Marked for training!
    -WC 250+

  • -Conversing with a ghost!
    -Realization that I'm awesome, again!
    -Wc 250+

  • -Received a mini concert
    -Felt feelings never experienced before
    -Tease Kitsune
    -Wc 250+

Dialog said:
  • [87.29.01]
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oh Shiiit! Ouch ouch ouch."

  • [85.00.01]
[Kitsune] “Hey there that was quite a trip you had. Are you alright?”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Yep, I'm good. However, the city will be hearing from my lawyer."
[Kitsune TFG] “My name is Kitsune what’s yours?”
[Ryujin Mikana] "My name is Chunnin Mikana and I'm going to be the strongest Iwagakure has ever seen!
*promptly follows are pokes*
"Say, your pretty friendly for a ghost ha ha aha! I was expecting rattling chains or sharp fangs for blood sucking or something."

  • [85.70.01]
[Kitsune TFG] “Hey that tickles.”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oops! Ha ha!"
[Kitsune TFG] “Sorry that happens sometimes. Staying in this side of the threshold is not easy. I must admit I’m surprised to find a person that has the ability to see ghosts as soon as I crossed over to the other side.”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Yeah, I am pretty amazing ha ha ha! So what brings you to the world of the living, I might be able to help? I was once the Iwagakure tour guide back in Central Maruishi!"

  • [83.00.78]
[Kitsune TFG] ““I am here because I received a letter. Dear my love, sweet morning light
Wait for me, you've gone much farther to fly
Shine bright morning light
Now in the air the spring is coming
Sweet blowing wind
Singing down the hills and valleys
Keep your eyes on me
Now we're on the edge of hell”

[Ryujin Mikana] "That was beautiful..."
[Kitsune TFG] “It seems it took me too long to cross over. He is obviously not here. I don’t suppose you have seen a man out here waiting.”
[Ryujin Mikana] "Oooh! So Kitsune, has a boy friend! Ah haaahaha! Kitsune has a boy friend, Kitsune has a boy friend! Ahh that's cute, don't worry though. I haven't seen anyone else around here but I'll definitly help you look for him. No problem. Whats he look like and did the letter happen to have an address on the back?"
Kitsune blushes a little as Mikana teases her, but retaliates with her own tactic. Kitsune walks around Mikana looking at her closely and as she circles she asks, “So, my little guide of the living world. You look like an attractive female. Are you saying you yet to catch a mate?”<i></i> Kitsune then smiles coyly. She had to admit she was having quite some fun with this one. “Anyways the man I seek is tall, dark and handsome. He is my guardian of the night, the shadow to my moon and darkness to my light. Two souls destine to be together so much that not even death could stand in the way. Long have I dreamt for this day to pass.”<i></i> She stares out to the sea in a daze. Her mind seems to be elsewhere and she stays it that state for a while. It was a sound of a bird that flew overhead that broke her out of the trance. “Oh sorry about that. My beloved’s name is Yukata Souji. He has black hair and lean figure that I like. As for an address I do not know and time moves differently between our worlds, which makes it so hard to cross. A day here is merely an hour on the other side.”<i></i> With such time differential like that, it is no wonder why the man might have quit waiting for her.
"Wha wha what! A MATE???! Oh jeez, um... my hair isn't... I mean, I'm not... no! I'm too busy fro anything like that, I mean like... I have to get stronger!"

I don't know how red I turned at the question but Kitsune got me good. I don't even know why I was so embarrassed by the question but didn't anyone ever teach Kitsune that it wasn't nice to tease people. I tried to shake the over whelming feelings but had no luck. No one has ever embarrassed me to such a degree besides my older sisters. They tease me all the time but one day I'm going to be the strongest ever, then I'll be the one teasing them. Kitsune took a break from making fun of me and told me a bit more about her beloved. She spoke of him with such high admiration and every poetically I may add. Yukata Souji... Had a nice ring to it and sounded familiar to me or so I thought at least. "Wow.. that is so romantic... believe me when I say this because romantic isn't in my vocabulary ha ha. His name rings a bell but I can't quite put my finger on it. Well, no problem! I swear that I'll help you get back to your beloved no matter what! It's the job of the future Tsukage to keep everyone happy... from this world or the next! Shall we begin our search? I say we head over to the The Spire. Since we have a name, we can search in the village's directory."

As fun as it was playing ghost it was time for her to get going. “I would take you up on that offer but my time her is severely limited. I do not belong to this world and as sad as its maybe to leave before seeing my love, I will be alright. I shall continue to wait for him.”<i></i> With another ring of one of her bells she disappears from sight. It is going to be interesting if they bump into each other again. She had a feeling she will get in trouble, but she’ll cross that bridge when they cross it.
[left topic]

Current Ninpocho Time:
