Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Where the Wild Things Go - Akkuma

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012

The girl did not run very far in fact just as the smoke cleared she simply leap as high as she could launching a wire to reach a high arching ledge where she turned to face Akkuma with a snarling smile on her face as a sense of battle madness stole over her. Her body was heavily altered for battle having been partially devoured by a demon blooded as a teen her left arm and both legs were prosthetic marvels of modern anti ninja technology. Toyota Yuuki lived to spill demon blood, had Saiga not forbidden her contact with him her first target would have been Toraono Kuro, the so called good demon. Nothing a demon touched was left untainted, the demon child that had eaten her arms and legs while keeping her alive because he wasn't supposed to kill humans was proof enough of that. This Toraono would however was not off limits and his demise would suit her needs fine, the more demon blood that was spilled by her limbs, the stronger her limbs would become. Extending carmot laced blades from her prosthetic and her armored right arm. Her eyes glimmered with the need to challenge the damned and exact a small piece of satisfaction for each one she killed.

"Come on you demon bastard!! I will take your head and rape your body then feed your blood to my blades and weapons for the power to kill more JUST LIKE YOU!!"

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma leapt up onto the rooftop opposite the woman and smiled that shark-like grin of his. "Kill more like me? You clearly no nothing girl, rape me? Well aren't we just a kinky little bitch? Let me fill you in on something because you may be let down. I'm no Toraono Clan member..." with those words he ripped off the robes his loose samurai leggings all that remained. The Miroku Clan seal blazing upon them in a Sanguine red. "Your a foolish little girl, what stands before you is a terror who was never meant to walk upon these lands. I am one of the Seven Lords of Hell, Miroku Akkuma. Unfortunately for you I am unlike the Toraono, for I will take much please in your screams of anguish. In breaking your twisted spirit I will find such a pleasure most refined. You seem quite attached to those limbs you possess..." he would say trailing off as his skin began to grow and tear. Before he had stood at 6'4ft now he stood at a massive nine foot and his flash looked like an Onyx colored marble, his horns were even larger than they were before. Large leathery ash-colored wings spread out casting a large shadow before him, toxic black chakra leaked profusely from his body. This was just one of the many versions of his True Form as versatile and adaptive as he himself was.

"There is NOTHING in this world quite like me girl. Perhaps I should remove all of your limbs? Yes I think that will be fun...then I'll drag you past the strung up corpses of your friends as I take you to the Toraono's defenceless and ready for judgement." with those words he began to step forward with a few more final words he'd begin the battle. "Let me hear you scream!" with those words roared in bloodthirst he flew into handseals multiple demonic chakra arms burst fourth from Akkuma's very flesh attempting to pulverize the girl, whilst others would attempt to grab her and rip her limbs off. But he wasn't done here next the demon performed another set of blinding seals and ten massive voids appeared above them. Ten massive meteorite-like bursts of chakra that were a Gangrene natured chakra would launch straight for her. They were made of a toxic chakra that would plague her bodies abilities finding herself weak. Not to mention every technique he used whilst in this mode was dark. But the cost of being in this form was tearing at his flesh, with a snap of his finger the Solar seal upon his chest would blaze to life as it began forcing his flesh to mend.

This was the demon she had awoken an avatar of Chaos and Hate a being who would transcend her current idea of pain, he would enlighten her on the subject.

Action 1: Demonic Form
Action 2: Gate of Enma
Action 3: Stardust Nova
Action 4: Solar Seal

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
All the energy unleashed by Akkuma was absorbed by the enchanted bio metallic limbs and armor gracing Yuuki's form as she glowed with the energy from his dark attacks. The dark powers Akkuma wielded caused Yuuki's limbs and armor to transform bit by bit in response to his strength. She was completely unafraid as she lashed out at Akkuma with a supersonic slash directed at his waist only to watch the blood literally be drawn back into his body. A sinister grin emerged as she activated more of the gadgets within her limbs and armor. "I have already been eaten by a demon once, so now it is my turn to eat another one of you, the more powerful you are the stronger my armor becomes. Just tearing off your armor and screaming another name means nothing. I KNOW A TORAONO PUREBLOOD WHEN I SEE ONE!!! Killing and devouring one of you will grant me greater power than all seven of the demons I have devoured before facing you. CALL YOURSELF WHATEVER YOU WANT...I WILL ABSORB YOUR BLOOD, BONES, YOUR SOUL, EVERYTHING!!! North, South, East,West!! Winds of revenge strike!!!"<i></i> Her right arm gauntlet began to spin in a spiral motion as she channeled her inner spirit just as Saiga had taught her to do slowly forming a vortex of terrible wind blades as she lashed out at Akkuma over and over, each series of wind blades had a different effect. It seemed Akkuma was overpowering as her armor reacted in a way Yuuki did not expect. It was empowered but seemed to be fading as if something were eating the lifeforce from the pulses of energy within her specialized limbs and armor. She kept attacking nonetheless as her heart seal kept repowering the loss.

Ambiance of the Forbidden x 4
Those whom praise the wind are said to be rewarded in the end with a pint of power. The power of wind is said to be the deadliest there can be, clearing forests, slicing through sheer rock, and splitting the densest metals. This technique is the ultimate power of Zephyr granted to only those truly said to be those blessed by the winds themselves.

Prerequisites: A Rank, 7 mastered Wind jutsu

Rank 2: The user conjures a powerful blast of wind dealing 5500 damage.

Special Action - Northern Winds: The user may increase the base damage of this technique by +10% at the cost of lowering the accuracy of this technique by -2. Targets a single opponent, and has a 28%/36% chance of causing the 'Gaspless' effect.

Special Action - Eastern Winds: The user manipulates the shape of the air around them in such a way that direct the force of all attack aimed at them away, reducing all damage by 20%/30%. Lasts for the remainder of the round.

Special Action - Western Winds: Splits the damage into 4 checks that deal 20% of the base damage. This effects up to three targets, and has a 36%/44% chance of causing the 'Wind Slice' effect. Bleeding may only be caused once per target.

Special Action - Southern Wind: The user conjures a rapidly spinning current of air infront of them, giving all jutsu aimed their way a 28%/36% chance to be 'Deflected'. Lasts a full round.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 2750 Cp

- All special actions cost an additional +15% Cp cost.
- Eastern Wind and Southern Wind may be used once every other round.
- Eastern Wind and Southern Wind do not deal damage and may be used Reflexively.
- The 'Wind Slice' effect causes the attack to deal +5% base damage and raise bleeding one level.
- The 'Gaspless' effect inflicts suppression and causes the victim to pay +10% Ap to their next Action. This may only happen once per use.
- The 'Deflected' effect causes a Jutsu to lose -3 Accuracy. If it misses the user, it then targets the original attacker at -3 Accuracy and 60% of the damage it was used with.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma;s eyes flashed with rage as she dared insult implying he would lie to someone he was about to kill, like he'd be that dishonourable. "My father is Lord Miroku One of the Seven Lords of hell, my mother was a Kirigakurian woman. I have no reason to lie to you, how pathetic your blind rage is. Although you were close you see my fiancé is Lady Seika Toraono and because of this I will ensure you and your companions are punished for the transgressions you have committed and are brought before the Clan. If you faced one of them you may not have suffered so much, but I am Miroku Akkuma Devourer of all and Bringer of Chaos one of the Seven. I devour the souls of ALL HUMAN, DEMON, ANGEL and you dare WISH MY KIN ILL WILL?! I'll see that your entire bloodline is wiped from this world then I will go to every realm after this and devour those who have already passed none will be safe. The retribution I bring upon you will make the Heavens and Hell itself quake for none will have ever bore witness to such horror." his words were cold and cut through the air like blades, he didn't even flinch from her attacks as the winds slashed flesh. Laughing as her armour absorbed his techniques but in that moment he saw a weakness in it all she depended on the dark chakra.

"Hahaha YES YES! Show me your strength don't hold back! Is that all?! You brought me out here for this?" he would say as he withdrew a small custom scythe from a void, its origins neither that of man, demon or angel beings far older crafted this weapon. It craved blood, chakra and was sharper than lightning. Flicking it as he raised his arm it gleamed in the light "This weapon was crafted by beings far older and greater than anything you could comprehend. Made for slaying anything with no mercy, fortunately a skilled user can...prolong the suffering of their victims." he would say in a dangerous tone that would make most mortals whimper in fear. Black ominous chakra seeped around him swirling with a mixture of toxic dark sage chakra. "Let me illuminate you on the true abilities of a demon." and with those words every muscle in his body tensed and ripped pulsing with cursed chakra. Her last words made him burst into laughter "SEVEN?! I have devoured hundreds of thousands of demons and more humans than that, you think you stand a chance...oh my you poor deluded girl." with those final words he burst forwards with so much speed that the wind itself erupted into an explosion of noise as he slashed at her. Repeatedly over several times this ancient technique combined with his demonic abilities would deal double the damage any mortal could ever hope to deal. Each slashed aimed at her limbs every strike completed before one could blink. Not even a single hesitation was had by the youth as he continued on by following up with another strike that required complete focus and a Masters skill.

1: Draw Scythe
2: Death Touch - Independent Special Move
3: Higuma
4: Zantetsuken

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Her prosthetic left arm was severed from enduring the damage of all of Akkuma's attacks and without a severe amount of chakra drawn from another source she would not be able to reattach it. Finally understanding she was not facing a Toraono Clan member due to Akkuma's fighting methods not fitting any known profiles and the fact he had a weapon that could sever the bonds of enchanted living steel fear began to settle in. The fear began to mix with her pure hatred of all things demon related as she backed into a downed light post which was still lightly powered by lightning carmot. In desperation she grabbed the lightning carmot crystal from the glass orb and shoved it into the hollow of her severed arm causing a severe surge of lightning to run through her still living flesh but gaining just enough chakra to recall and reattach her severed prosthetic arm. She then took a kick fighter's stance aiming her right leg at Akkuma in a taunting fashion before she unleashed a resounding explosion that sounded like Thunder as Akkuma found two large but slowly healing holes in his chest and his stomach from Yuuki's shotgun blast leg. She then tore off at run to escape as Akkuma was still standing, he hadn't even flinched after being hit with one of her finishing moves hidden leg shotgun. Her left arm was slowly healing which was very unusual, but seeing as it wasn't fully functional all she could do was run, as she needed both arms to do any serious attacks on demon bloods. They didn't go down for just anything and the one she had so brashly ran into expecting a light battle was a true monster. Her left arm was actively weakened then she noticed it was starting to have a type of rust/rot. She then remembered a lesson from the master forge worker who created her living limbs from fleshless remains of her arms and legs that had been eaten in front of her by a demon. If these limbs become ill you must invigorate them with flames. There was only one place left in Sunagakure with fire carmot available, the bakery. She made a run for the bakery hoping against everything to escape Akkuma's reach before he healed from her double barrel shotgun blast.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma began to laugh maniacally even through the shotgun blast not even bothering to wait for it to heal he jumped up on a nearby roof running after her. Singing as he pursued her chasing her "Oooooo why are you ruuuning. Ooooo you know you can't hide. Ooooo you know I'm coming....and now your mine!" he would roar leaping in front of her blocking the womans path away from him, there was a maniacal gleam in his eyes and he let his full aura out. Every person within the districts would feel hopelessness and malice wash over them. Dropping his Scythe he cracked his knuckles standing in front of her. "What's wrong demon got your tongue?" he would ask bursting into a bloodthirsty and cruel laugh a sound that was known to bring fear into other demons. He hadn't been given his titles he'd claimed them and destroyed any who opposed him. Tilting his head in an almost bird of prey way he looked upon the woman before him broken and almost enlightened to the terrors of the world. Spreading his wings to cast an ominous shadow over her as he stood there a burning madness in his eyes. "You dared to threaten and endanger the lives of those precious to me. I have live by a code and I'm sorry but it decrees that you must suffer even before being given the chance for judgement." his words were heavy and joyous it would be very apparent he was going to enjoy whatever he had intended for his victim.

With that he gave her a nod before bursting forward with blinding speed attempting to grab her and launch her into the air with himself once they were air born {or if} he would throw her back to the ground using a burst of chakra to launch himself towards her before using her head to cushion his landing. Naturally this would cause quite the headache maybe even dealing brain damage but he wasn't done. Next Akkuma funnelled all of his hate, malice and despair into his right hand but he didn't stop there he put part of his soul into this attack. An ancient technique called the Fist of Sin "You will be punished for your crimes." with those cold words in an almost hiss-like tone he would burst forward attempting to smash all his very everything he was right into this womans skull ending the fight, hopefully knocking her out. If she was still alive he would place hand either side of her skull and lift her up so she could look him in the eyes. A thumb moving up either side of her jaw-line pulling her closer so he could whisper into her ear. "Pray to whatever god you believe in because your in the Devils hands now." with that he would proceed to make true with his earlier threats...
When he was done he'd make sure she was still alive, grabbing her and quickly heading in the direction of the man who intended to head towards the Toraono Dojo. Hopefully he'd get there in time to help Same and hopefully they in turn could get to Suru.

OOC: (Ofcourse this post depends on what happens so if things don't go as expected I'll just rp from wherever it was cut off in your post)

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The scythe bit into her limbs one by one severing the biometallic ties to her nervous system leaving her all but helpless as the metallic limbs liquified due to the trauma suffered from the rampant tenacity of Akkuma's attacks. As the gangrene affect of Akkuma's dark chakra finally took its toll the girl was left in a puddle of liquid metal blood that only drew back into her body thanks to the mechanized blood seal over her heart. Her right arm was protected by a mystic bracer that stopped Akkuma from severing it but it was still mangled and flayed open to the bone rendering it useless. Multiple pressurized weapons and cartridges lay in pieces on the ground as Yuuchi stared up in horror at the most powerful demon blooded being she had ever faced. She was completely out of her league, only her intense hatred of demons and their ilk even allowed her to look upon Akkuma with open eyes. There was a brief moment where she looked as if she would try to spit upon him but her body was broken and now her spirit was too. She was too dizzy from the impromptu attack to say or do much as a large knot grew on the left side of her head near her temple a small crack in her skull released a steady drip of blood like an old faucet that just wouldn't close no matter how tightly the knob was turned.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma's fury halted briefly with one thought he needed information from these people that was something his love wanted, plus it wasn't like anyone could doubt that he made her suffer. With a sigh he would exit his demonic state allowing his curse seal to continue mending his wounds. "For now I will show can live for now. There are children in danger here and I must save them." his words were serious and were coated with authority. He'd quickly activate his chakra sense jutsu before grabbing the woman by her hair, proceeding to walk head towards Naoki or Suru's presence whoever was closer. The demon sage wondered how they were doing if Bikou was of assistance and if Roku the Benevolant was making himself useful to the group. Storming towards the first chakra of the two that he could find the demon would curse under his breath loud enough so the woman could hear "They slaughter children and innocents while wondering why they are being brutally eradicated...fools." the very ground beneath his feet would pulse with each step sending out bursts of chakra physically shaking the ground. Anger would be the dullest way of expressing the depths of his rage and loathing for these people. "Should the children be harmed...just hope it doesn't happen." with each step his pace increased until he reached down grabbing the woman by one of her prosthetics so that he could sprint, making sure it wasn't one that she'd been dispersing any particular nasty attacks at him in combat. Those sanguine eyes burned with the fury of hell as his dark aura washed over the entire dojo district he wanted his foes to know of his arrival.

Topic Left w/ Prisoner to Find Suru or Same
Will edit if necessary after pm response ^-^

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
