Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Where the WILD Things Go- Samejima

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Naoki's sense of judgement was almost spot on. The monstrous bear was wrapped up in battle with a large serpent of eerie design. It held the bear at bay but it seemed they knew eachother and it was a true grudge match between intelligent angry beasts, the bear and the giant serpent are arguing despite the bear keeping his eyes closed to resist the serpent's genjutsu. Manda and Bikou rumbled with one-another as the Cabal Team leader Takeda readied his responsive armor to prepare to fight his way out of Sunagakure only to find himself confronted by a young blind girl. He powered down his weapons system and proceeded to look for any other pursuit before approaching Naoki. "Pardon me young lady, my name is Takeda. Do you know the way to the Toraono Dojo gate? I need to apply for a new passport and get ready for a mission."
Naoki could hear his lisp and his heartbeat, the man was calm and seemed to believe Naoki was harmless. Then again her size and her being blind would put most normal people off guard. If she played this off right she could gather information on the Cabal.


Aug 14, 2014
Uwah... Not even tired after running like that...? Naoki observed the man's heartbeat, comparing it against her own. Seems like the man wouldn't be an easy opponent to outrun in any case. Nngh... I don't wanna have to fight just yet... Can I talk to him maybe?

"A-ah, Takeda-san? I haven't seen you around here. Well, I guess I can't see anything anyway..." Naoki giggled, rubbing the back of her head with her left hand. Then, gesturing ahead, "Of course, it's right this way! Though, um..." she pointed at the two animals fighting it out, "I-is that snake yours? Could you maybe tell it to stop? Um," she paused a little, thinking back to when the bear was summoned. "I'm pretty sure Bikou will stop attacking too, once he senses the danger's gone. Pretty sensitive to that, y'know, after the recent... attacks..." she tilted her head down a little, wincing from the memory.

She would remain vigilant but outwardly relaxed throughout her speech, making sure she didn't make any sudden moves or twitches to alert the man to her actual level of skill.
[spoilername="If Takeda moves to attack"]Block with Initiative
A basic technique that utilizes an offensive taijutsu into a defensive one, allowing one to absorb the damage needed.

Prerequisites: E-Rank

Rank 2: Reduces the damage of the next offensive damaging attack equal to 3 times the user's Basic Attack damage.

Rank 2 Cost: 80 Cp

- May only be used twice per round.
- Can be used Reactionary.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Takeda shrugged "That snake can't be controlled by anyone but a woman, he comes out whenever I am threatened but I have no power over him. I never expected to see a giant bear in Sunagakure either so I am certain the Serpent God just has a grudge against him like he does so many other giant animals I have come across with him in my armor. By the way has anyone ever told you, your voice is enchanting, I bet you can sing, can't you?"<i></i> Takeda had a 5 year old daughter, she had been kidnapped while he was away in the military. He returned to find his wife murdered, his home burned to the ground and the missing nin responsible were from Wind Country, according to military investigations. By the time he had caught up with the kidnappers his daughter had been sold and he never found her now almost 5 years later he had come across a blind girl in Sunagakure that sounded exactly like his long lost wife and was almost the exact same age as his long lost daughter. He couldn't raise a hand against Samejima if he wanted to such was his longing.


Aug 14, 2014
"Hmm... Well then it can't be helped..." Naoki herself had no idea how to call Bikou off the snake, and hoped that 'the Serpent God' was the snake's name, though Bikou himself did seem just as powerful. "Ah, um, this way please." She led him towards the Dojo, confident that there would be people there to stop him if anything happened in any case.

Alright, so I know he's trying to run... How do I get him to talk about it... Naoki pondered this, and the last question the man posed took her by surprise, causing her to stop in her tracks. "Eh? My voice? Th-thank you! Umm..." Is it that obvious? I should work on controlling this too... Uh, but how do I answer? After a moment's hesitation, she answered, "I um... I don't sing much. Mother does like it when I sing, but it's kind of hard to sing for her right now."

She meant due to the distance of course, but the way she bowed her head in homesickness may have caused a misconception.

[edited for fixing metagaming, leads to same result]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Takeda was completely entranced by Samejima as the battle between Bikou and Manda raged on with the area becoming overly cold from Bikou unleashing a blizzard and drastically slowing the massive serpent down only to have Manda react with a set of earth jutsu to drag Bikou further into the underground realm with him to escape the blizzard's cold, their battle raged on but the shockwaves caused Samejima to stumble forward only to be caught by Takeda's hands as he held her up to keep her from falling, shielding her from falling debris with his own armored body. "The serpent god seems to really be having a true battle if he is doing this much damage, let's get you somewhere safe young lady I can worry about my passport later. I know a soup kitchen I used to frequent alot has returned to service nearby. Would you like something to eat?"

If Samejima could have seen Takeda's face she would have been able to note the tears welling up in his eyes as the emotions of his mission and then running across her took its toll on his somewhat marred and abused psyche. Had he not ran into her he might have been able to reach his destination. Being so close to him Naoki could make out the shape of bracelet that was humming with otherworldly energy.


Aug 14, 2014
They're really going at it over ther- "Whoa-" The girl took a tumble, but the man caught her before she hit the ground. Reflexes fast too... I'd be in trouble if he didn't think I was just a passerby... Naoki straightened up, aligning her head to where she figured his face would be judging by the sound of his heartbeat. "Ah, thank you..."

Food? He was just headed to the Dojo... Why'd he suddenly change... Then Naoki had a thought, one that could possibly have endangered her current situation. It didn't seem like he knew I was after him before... Did he figure it out...? Naoki tried to think fast, masking her indecision about his awareness as an indecision about having soup. "Eat? Um..." Maybe he thinks I know something about all this? But I still look like a normal kid, so that doesn't feel right...

Naoki fidgeted a little, thinking about her options. "Well..." I don't really know anything, but it could be dangerous to just go somewhere with someone I know is trying to escape Sunagakure for some reason. "Mother said I shouldn't..."

It was then that she noticed the bracelet, which she felt was out of place here. What... what is that? Some kind of bracelet? "But well, I should still show you where you wanted to go, and you seem nice!" It feels funny. Should I ask about it? "Also... I am a little hungry." I'll need time to ask him without setting off any alarms, have to be careful here...

If Takeda was still so inclined, Naoki would follow him to where the soup kitchen was, hopeful that there wouldn't be any fish there at least. She snapped her fingers a few times absently, hoping to get a clearer picture of the bracelet. "Ah, don't mind me, I do this sometimes to get around," she would explain, if asked about why she did so.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Noting that the girl didn't have a stick or any other device he smiled at her ingenuity of using snaps to locate things around her by lessoning for echoes. That would definitely work well underground but with all the fighting going on Takeda simply held out his hand and motioned and asked her to take his hand. Since she couldn't truly see she probably did not know her way out of the dojo although many knew their way to it. Few save the actual clan members or families that frequented the establishment actually left through it. With the maw gone Takeda was at a bit of a loss on how to find an exit now. He remembered the announcement by Toraono Kuro and then all the fighting and a large group of the Cabal's men, women, and leaders being captured. Now it was up to splinter cells like his to find a way to report back to the Merchant Lords of Soon but none had made it out alive it seemed. Takeda pushed his mission to the side as he looked upon the blind girl. "The soup kitchen is a bit of a walk to the North end of the Seitch, I doubt it will be hard to get a seat, there are nice people there but you are right, do you have family nearby? I can walk you to your house if you can describe where it is or I can call one of the patrols to assist you. If you'd rather have something to eat we can go to a place that you know of it would make you comfortable, my treat. I wouldn't want to be improper with anyone's child. That just isn't right even in a cave like existence one must have morals and manners."<i></i>

Takeda was very easily handled and it seemed that the longer he was in contact with Naoki or the relic the easier it became to alter his mental state to a docile, kind temperance. Were Naoki able to see the bracelet around a chain hanging around his Takeda's neck she would notice it was obsidian in construction with silver metallic runes.


Aug 14, 2014
To my house... That's not going to be good. "Mmm, but there'd be trouble if I went back this early... I'm supposed to be out on... on an errand." Naoki corrected herself quickly, about to reveal the fact that she was supposed to be out on a mission. Actually, I don't even know if he's in the Cabal... He's pretty nice. I was supposed to be looking for Cabal members after all, should I go...?

But then she felt the presence of the bracelet again, its shape somehow telling her that it was not created in this world. If someone's trying to bring something like that out of Sunagakure... "It's okay Takeda-san, let's go to that soup kitchen! It's been awhile since I've had soup anyway, and learning about new places is always nice."

After tilting her head briefly, Naoki would take his hand, holding it like she would one of her parents', if they ever had to hold her hand. Warm hands are nice. I should ask mom to take me out to Soon's with her again when I get back... It was normally what happened when the sales at their own place were slower, but she remembered how her mother's hand felt in hers those few times she had to bring the wares to Soon's Haven and a storm loomed on the horizon. She'd never held her own father's hand like this though, only when she needed help getting on and off the boat.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Takeda became more and more malleable as he walked with Samejima, the obsidian bracelet slid free of his inner pocket landing eerily within Samejima's hand. As soon as it touched her flesh she could hear the light persuasive singing of sirens, they were calming and soothing. They promised everything would be okay. Samejima was very sensitive to sound and with her chakra control she could tune out the effects of the bracelet as easily as she identified it. The obsidian bracelet was a type of prison charm not that Naoki knew that but she could see it magnified a special type of calming genjutsu that made people think of good things and associate even the darkest nights with fond memories. If Samejima could see she would have been able to notice that Takeda's eyes were tearing up as he missed his daughter so much he could almost have simply picked Samejima up and put her on his shoulders and simply skipped away happy for a moment. Takeda had no chakra control so he was completely at the mercy of the bracelet and the assorted gems he carried. As they approached the soup kitchen, men and women looked up and smiled at the sight of him. He was apparently a local favorite in the area, the chef making thick broth from fresh sides of sandwyrm beef which was actually a delicacy but had been brought down with surplus supplies from the Toraono Dojo and handed out to every restaurant so brighten the hearts, minds, and spirits of Cabal survivors, along with filling their bellies. There was a great round of cheering as Takeda sat down as people regaled on how Takeda and his teacher a guy named Saiga had pulled them from the rubble or taught them martial arts tactics and moves to protect them from the roaming rioters that had escaped from the Obsidian Palace. They were all very grateful as the saw the small blind girl they quickly cleared a path for Takeda to take her right to the main bar in front of the stew pot where the smells were the strongest and the food the freshest. Men, women, and a few children came and patted him on the shoulder, they could see the tears in his eyes as he passed a hot bowl of sandwyrm strip stew with spicey noodles to Naoki before sitting next to her and making sure her napkin was straight just as he used to for his daughter.


Aug 14, 2014
You can rest now...
It will all be okay...

Naoki heard the soothing voices, she heard them loud and clear... And she was very much tempted to believe them, had she not immediately gotten suspicious about voices suddenly popping up in her head, subconsciously blocking them out with the control she had over her own chakra. Who... what is this? It only started a bit ago, after... Her thoughts went immediately to Takeda's hand, but it didn't start immediately after she held it, only after another object made contact - a bracelet.

Is this what that thing does? Tell people that everything's going to be okay? What kind of use would this have anywhere in a battle situation... There was still something off about the whole thing, and she wasn't about to let it go. I don't wanna start off with the bracelet I think... But how do I connect this and wherever we're going... Lost in her thoughts, she also lost the timing necessary to be surprised and ask about the bracelet naturally. Realizing this later, she would mentally facepalm and attempt another way.

Hearing the stories the people told her, after walking into the soup kitchen proper, she nodded and 'ooh'ed and 'aah'ed at appropriate intervals, taking in the information. Well, now there's no way he's with the Cabal, if he's helping survivors... Though Saiga isn't exactly a common name... Is that the same Saiga I got this ring from...? Somewhat confused as she heard the people's stories, she ran through a number of possibilities.

1. That there was another Saiga who was helping those that the other Saiga had hurt.
2. That Saiga, who was a known member of the Cabal as far as she knew, had switched sides.
3. That everyone in this room were survivors... on the Cabal side.

Naoki certainly hadn't come here before. That last one seemed completely possible after the battle she witnessed between the shinobi of Sunagakure and Magnetica plus one, which showed her that people don't truly switch sides all that often.

"Ooh, thank you..." she said, having her napkin straightened. Indeed, she wasn't used to eating with napkins at all, as she wasn't a messy eater. Her mother made quite sure of that. She kept her suspicions hidden under layers of acting... and hunger, as it was the middle of the day. "That smells great... What is this?" I can get to the questions a little later right? Maybe something'll happen if I just talk to him normally, it doesn't seem like he's a bad guy...

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Samejima quickly discovered that Saiga had a special demon hunting unit consisting of six people of which he was the leader. The people in the area weren't Cabal just people that had been helped and protected by Saiga's unit and his hunters. The soup turned out great and the rice was flavorful too. Multiple families had been protected and spared the worst of the Cabal's acts of terror through the actual military aptitude of Saiga and his teams. Takeda was Saiga's 3rd in command and after retrieving artifacts from the Obsidian palace his mental capacity for war had deteriorated to where only his reactive armor and protective instincts still functioned. According to Takeda their primary contact was a Merchant lord in Soon's Haven but he couldn't recall the elder merchant's name. Takeda began to have visions of his long lost daughter again and slipped into a quiet slumber after Naoki finished her meal. She could find this place again pretty easily and no one seemed to be anxious to stop her.


Aug 14, 2014
From her very lax pace of questioning, eventually Naoki was able to gather intel, seemingly without arousing any suspicion. From what I've heard... Naoki was relieved to know that she wasn't in a hive of wasps or anything, and relaxed a bit. So is that an artifact too? It sure isn't a normal bracelet. I might need to take that back, but... At that point, Takeda was still talking, and she was distracted by the information about a certain merchant lord. Whoa! He's okay with just telling me that? She thought back to the first time she heard the voices. He must be pretty out of it. Is that the bracelet's doing? It's not safe to just leave it out here like that... Regardless, she stored the information about the Merchant Lord in Soon's Haven in her mind.

"Thank you for the... meal..." She lowered her volume as she noticed that Takeda was asleep, judging by the posture and lack of reaction. She thought to try and think of a good way to slip the bracelet off Takeda's wrist so she could bring it back... quietly.

It was pretty loose earlier, even slipped into my hand just now. I could probably just kinda tweak his arm a liiittle bit to get it, and everyone else is just talking so they probably wouldn't notice. She stood up and walked over to Takeda's side of the table, getting behind him and preparing to get at the bracelet while people were distracted.

At that distance, rather close to the man, she was able to get a clearer read on his expression as he slept. She wouldn't have understood it, but it was a look that seemed to betray his earlier visions, one of loss and a sort of wistful bliss. It wasn't the look of someone who would steal just for the sake of it. They had bigger plans for those artifacts, the ones that were taken, and she would need to help collect them anyway...

But not this one. Not yet. She couldn't bear to take something that seemed to be calming him down, with that unguarded look on his face as he slept. And... and maybe he can help us! He already told me a bunch of things anyway, who knows... right?

"Thank you for the treat," she whispered, walking out rather quickly and nodding and grinning her way out of any conversation people pulled her into should they do so.

[Topic left to rejoin Suru and Akkuma unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
