Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Where the Wild Things Go - Surutameni

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Surutameni found himself chasing a warrior with a large shield on his back and a set of blades, one of the blades he carried was an authentic Toraono blade much like "Tenka"... Surutameni could feel the seal upon the blade, it had obviously been taken from one of the sacred chambers. The Cabal were stealing artifacts, but who were they collecting the artifacts for. Ten undead warriors formerly slain by the Cabal agents rushed ahead of Surutameni surrounding him, before Surutameni could catch up he caught sight of something amazing. As the man drew the blade and shield he spun about unleashing a fiery whirlpool that turned all ten of the undead to dust. As he turned to face Surutameni he drew upon the strength of his sword and shield before taking a warrior's stance to challenge Surutameni.

"Come boy, test your stolen power upon a warrior borne and know that your fate was sealed the moment you took up one of the sacred blades of the Shinigami..."


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
The sudden flash of fire and the heat that removed the undead agents once more from their existence had Surutameni suddenly slide to a halt, his knuckles growing white with the pressure of his grip upon the hilt of Tenka. Dust swirled around the two as they faced each other and Suru changed his stance to match the man, preparing himself for the inevitable fight that was about to begin. The boy's amber eyes narrowed as he finally took in what had been bothering him about these creeps all along. The man had a sword that did not belong to him, it belonged to his family, and he would not allow it to get farther from it's own home. The man's words ripped his attention from the weapon and back to his enemy.

"Stolen!? I have stolen nothing!" Suru spat through clenched teeth, his demeanor far more aggressive than it should be for someone of his age. "You on the other hand... You have something that does not belong to you. I will have that back..." The end of his sentence trailed off to little more than a hiss as he drew his weapon, his hands loosening and becoming more relaxed as the fabric of the blade's hilt shifted beneath his fingers. He seems intent on having me fight him. Should I even bother asking questions? He drew a deep breath and held it as his mind worked. No. I don't think so. He would likely kill me regardless of any conversation I try. He shook his head and exhaled. So be it. As the air left his lungs, Suru launched himself at the man before him. Any worry or panic the boy may have had faded from his mind as each step brought him closer to his opponent.

The world all but faded around Surutameni as he took his chances and swung Tenka at his rather unknown enemy. He didn't care, he just wanted to get the other Toraono blade back, even if it meant he had to risk himself.

[spoilername="Actions"]Crimson Flash
A powerful slash that consists of all power and speed, lowering one's chance of hitting the target itself. Though if one were to hit, surely blood would follow the performer.

Prerequisites: D-Rank, A weapon with the Slashing Damage Type.

Rank 1: The user strikes a single target at -2 Accuracy, dealing 595 damage with a +5% chance to cause bleeding.
Rank 2: The user strikes a single target at -2 Accuracy, dealing 730 damage with a +6% chance to cause bleeding.

Rank 1 Cost: 200 Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 245 Cp[/legend][/spoilername]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Surutameni could almost feel the elemental spirit of the blade call out to him and as it did so he was able to discern Tangyu's attacks with the blade of flame quite easily. The shield he wielded was another matter all together. Every time Surutameni lashed out with Tenka, the shield arrived in the knick of time to stop his blow from striking Tangyu. The shield and Surutameni's reflexes made this a near perfect stand off until Roku arrived with scalpels in hand. Although pale the energy the undead medic wielded was palpable and he seemed prepared to carry out Akkuma's orders until the energy of the shield pushed him back. Surutameni would need to do something more than just lash out with his training with the blade he needed to find an edge against the Myrmidon. His shield seemed to shimmer with power and the blade responded with bursts of flame that Roku simply slapped aside with his chakra laced scalpels. Surutameni then noticed he had hundreds of small cauterized wounds where he had only just dodged the blade of flame by hearing its song.

"Bringing the head of the last male child of the steel kings to the merchant lords will net me a considerable bonus, but truly I will take your soul and use its powers to claim all the lost weapons of sacred steel and become the new steel king. Your death will bring me greatness, stupid boy, who knew that Sunagakure was hiding such items and people of wealth and power..."<i></i>

His rant stopped as he noticed the flames swirling about the area were being drawn in to Surutameni as his wounds healed and his body grew stronger. Tangyu finally fought back after recognizing that Surutameni was slowly using some of his full potential, he was the strongest steel swordsman ever, he didn’t just wield chakra he absorbed and healed by channeling it through his body like some kind of super spirit engine. Tangyu struck Surutameni with a severe glancing blow to the area where his neck met his shoulders which should have rendered him paralyzed as he leapt back to prepare a finishing strike as Surutameni subconsciously absorbed more ambient energy from the heat of the flame blade and turn around a bit stronger, his physique more chiseled, his hair longer, and his scarred skin darker. Surutameni was focused and Roku was placing healing wards on the swordsman as the spirit shield prevented Roku from getting close enough to cut Tangyu up.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
The faint pulsing call of the blade within Tangyu's hands was nearly all that Surutameni focused on, it nearly matched the call Tenka had given him when he had first stumbled upon the blade. That fact only aided the resolve he had to retrieve it from the thief before him no matter the cost. The boy lashed out again and again only to be met with the metallic sound of his own sword clashing with the man's shield, and it was making him furious. He wanted, no, NEEDED to get the ancestral blade away from him. His attacks were wild and thrashing, trying his best to break the warrior's defenses to no avail. He grit his teeth and tightened his grip upon the hilt of Tenka. When Roku arrived Suru took a chance to step back a moment and observe Tangyu's action, perhaps he could use this time to find a way to best the myrmidon. Only instead of being able to watch the fight, the boy looked down at himself, his clothing cut and burned in numerous places, his skin showing only a small sign of the fire blade's bite. He grimaced but held onto his resolve, steeling his mind for another attack as he watch Roku being pushed back even through all of his speed. Suru took a moment to read the movements of Tangyu with his shield and after a particular set of motions the man seemed to reset himself and go forward again. There was always a point in which his attacks had to break, and it was in such a moment that the boy threw himself once more against his enemy. His mind was still cool and collected, his one goal the only thing that kept him going, 'Get the blade back and dispatch this thief'.

Amidst the constant clashing of steel, it seemed Tangyu had enough breath within his lungs to spit insults into Suru's face. Although, if the taunts about stealing his soul and getting rich from taking his head were supposed to make Surutameni waiver in his assault, then his opponent would probably be shocked by the fact that the boy barely even flinched at his words. It merely added to the threatening gaze that was now plastered upon his features, his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. And through it all, the fire from the elemental spirit within the opposing blade flashed about him and even through him. The power sealed his wounds and the boy's expression twisted into a wicked smile, crooked and threatening as he realized what was happening. "It seems that YOU have made a mistake." He did not seem like a child in that moment, and if that did not frighten the man before him, the fact that his paralyzing attack failed would surely cause him to question even his abilities. Instead, Suru only fell to his knees and his eyes closed as even more energy from the sword of flame flashed into his being, slowly repairing the tear upon his body. Roku's healing wards helped a little, but as soon as Suru's eyes opened he surged forward at Tangyu, feigning an attack against his legs as the myrmidon prepared his finishing attack, only to bring Tenka screaming up in an attempt to slash through the man's shield-arm.

If he was not successful, he would continue to attack Tangyu, giving him no quarter or ability to go on the offensive. Thankfully Roku had his usefulness and kept Suru healed with his wards, but to the boy that was simply not enough. He wanted this man destroyed, erased from existence. He had threatened his family and they had threatened him. Hell, they had stolen a sword that belonged to HIS family, and that was the final straw to the boy. "You brought this upon yourself, maggot." He sneered and started to cackle maniacally as he continued his assault. If anyone saw him, they would think that the boy had gone mad.

If he was successful the boy would drive his weapon completely though Tangyu's arm, cutting it off around the elbow. "Look at what you did. JUST LOOK!" Suru whispered the words mockingly at his opponent. His mind was in a fog with the energy that boiled beneath the surface of his skin as the spirit shield and arm fell to the ground. Thus, the shield was dispatched and Roku was able to enter the fray properly. Through it all, the boy just cackled manically with the feeling of power that coursed through his veins. He just laughed as the man's arm fell to the ground, and he prepped himself for another assault, regardless of the man's condition.

((OOC: there's potentially more but... no description of actions actually fit.. -_- /facedesk))[/spoilername]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Tangyu's shield and a portion of his arm hit the ground with a loud clang as the gravity blade cleaved his arm at the elbow. No blood was released as Tangyu's shield arm was prosthetic although not as durable as Yuuki's limbs which were made for battle, his left arm was simply a compartment and a sheath occasionally used for smuggling. As a myrmidon he had been the pride of his military unit till he lost his right arm to a ninja's wind jutsu. Since the loss of his arm he hunted through ruins and archive retrieving artifacts that his superiors had deemed necessary to grant him the power to become the perfect government agent. On one such assignment he had come across a mystic shield that had given him great strength and whispers of knowledge about special weapons of power from many families all over the world. He now sought those relics for himself. Having been literally disarmed he threw the flame blade unceremoniously at Surutameni's feet as the boy looked older, stronger, leaner, meaner. He no longer looked like a child, he looked more like a teenager as the flames of the blade seemed to aid him despite Tangyu's swordsmanship. Unable to suffer defeat at the hands of a noble born child, Tangyu called out to his shield for more power and as such it levitated up from the ground and reattached his prosthetic arm as the shield began to transform into large spear with a giant blade tip and a heavy blunt end. Chakra engulfed the weapon and Tangyu in turn before he rushed Surutameni anew spinning the enchanted spear about to either slash or bash Surutameni before the ancient swords could further empower him.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
The clatter of the prosthetic and shield slammed into the floor did not catch Surutameni by surprise, as he had expected just that to happen when his blade cut clean through Tangyu's arm. The fact that no blood came from the wound was what grabbed the boy's attention. He had expected blood, lots of blood but instead he was rewarded only by they sounds of fake limbs and the man's shield clattering to the floor. He clenched his teeth and stared at the limb until the myrmidon threw the flame blade to his feet, which diverted his attention just long enough for him to pick it up. He did not realize that he appeared older than he was, the only thing he felt was a reverberation of the new power that pulsed within his very being.
"Give up already." Suru spat at Tangyu as the man reattached his shield-arm and the shield reshaped itself into something shaped more for an offensive strategy. The spear did not impress the boy much, and his amber eyes regarded the weapon with a passiveness that would fit a Shinobi much older than himself. He snorted and readied himself as Tangyu charged his body and weapon with chakra. "Really? You failed once... You're going to fail again." His eyes narrowed as he chuckled softly at the older man. "Tch... Fine." A sinister smile crept back upon the boy's features as he dodged and parried the first attacks of Tangyu's spear. He didn't feel like himself, and that was an odd feeling for Suru. It caused him to be mildly careless, a few slashes from the spear nicked through his clothing and skin, only to be repaired by the flames of his newest blade. They went on like that for some time, Suru only just barely letting the man's weapon graze him before he slashed back. The two traded blows for a time, but he wasn't tiring and that amazed the boy, but only slightly.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Tangyu was going nowhere fast as he burned the energy reserves from the stolen light and earth carmot he carried before he reached for another sacred item, only to find it repulsed by the power of his cursed weapon. His eyes went completely silver as he cried out but not a sound emerged as the spear turned to liquid metal before engulfing Tangyu and scattering all the items he had pillaged except the carmot he carried which were soon devoured by the living metal. He became an entirely monstrous being completely possessed by his weapon as he advanced upon Surutameni whom had grown significantly. 'Jikayaki' the sword of flame Surutameni now carried responded to the transformed Tangyu with a deep resonance as it began to vibrate and hum before black flames began to embrace Surutameni causing him to grow to the size of a 17 year old.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The white haired undead Medical Master looked up as a shadow flashed before them all before crashing with a sickening thud. What was it? When the dust settled it would become apparent a mangled and near dead woman lay in the centre of the cloud, next came that familiar feeling of Malice and Despair that told Roku that Akkuma was back. Before long the demon showed himself and the second he did Roku quickly informed him of the new information he'd obtained. "Lord Akkuma, the youth it seems he is a relative of Lady Seika's and by extension your own." no sooner had he spoken them did he regret it, for Akkuma let out a roar that shook the very buildings around them.

Akkuma landed with a resounding thud, his dark chakra pulsed around him ready to lash out. The nineteen year olds body was covered in runic glyphs as the last of his wounds with the woman healed themselves, his hands were curled into fists shaking with rage. Those sanguine eyes burned with a fury known only to beings of his nature, roaring so loud that the sound even without the imbued chakra shook the buildings around them. "You dare to harm one of my kin?!" he hissed the words as he took a step forward the earth cracking beneath his step with the amount of chakra lashing out from his body. "You are unworthy of a name, you shall receive no mercy, there will be no trial for you." he said tilting his head as a maniacal smile crept across his lips. The wind whipping his long black hair around as the very air continued to crackle and buzz with energy. "I'm going to devour your soul." the tone was cold and deadly. Flying forwards the half-demon lashed out with a Fist of Virtue, the energy from the attack was of a purer spiritual nature and the damage dealt would be severe. But he wouldn't stop there whether the attack landed or missed he would follow up with yet another attack ever so similar to the previous except of a darker nature. Each punch would send huge bursts of the energy forwards, one holy and one evil {Fist of Virtue & Fist of Sin}. The air itself exploded with each moment a sought of sonic boom created with each punch. Should the armoured demon attempt to counter or follow up the demons offence with a reprisal he would find that Akkuma quickly vanished into a flock of crows. The scavengers flying everywhere as their feathers fell to the floor three Akkuma's stood a decent ranged distance from the warrior. Each laughing maniacally the three of them burst into blindingly fast handseals as massive voids opened up above the man.

Ten massive comet-like corrosive and demonic natured bursts of chakra, rocketing into the earth where the man stood with such force that each blast would send vibrations for miles through the sand. The chakra was not only demonic but of the dangerous gangrene nature that he could twist it. So this jutsu was in fact horrifying to behold in its devastation, it was this exact technique he had used to reduce the dragon tooth pass to rubble when he was last in Kumo. A huge cloud of dust and sand was sent flying with the blast, all three Akkuma's still cackling maniacally from within the sand cloud. "Roku help Suru!" in that moment Roku would use Occular Railgun on Suru ensuring that any attempts to strike he made would be performed much more efficiently. 'I can't wait to tell Seika I went on a mission with one of her family...hahaha she'll lose her mind.' he thought cheekily his heart was racing so fast that it would almost seem to hum like that of a humming bird. Adrenaline pumped through every sinew of flesh that he had his eyes beamed with a bloodthirst and evil that even the strongest of men would have doubts. To dare raise a weapon to one of his kin, was to invite oneself into Oblivions embrace.



New Member
Aug 12, 2014
The changed myrmidon made Surutameni take a few cautious steps back as the weapon took over the man and transformed him into something inhuman and monstrous. The younger Shinobi just watched in a mix of awe and horror as the spear and man melded into one being, though when the creature started again with it's advance upon him, he readied his weapons. His new sword was very much unlike Tenka, who's feel Suru knew, and it flared to life as the monster of a man came after him. It hummed within his grasp and released black flames that wrapped around the boy, once more causing him to feel more powerful, he was beginning to realize that there was an intense change in his physique. No longer did he feel like the small frail boy that he was when he first came upon Tangyu, instead he felt ready to face the challenge that was presented to him.

As Suru prepared himself for an attack on the monstrosity before him, a thundering crash was heard and as the dust settled he caught sight of a broken and mangled woman lying on the ground, followed by a potent sense of dread. The boy's eyes narrowed as he squinted trying to make out the forms ahead, the monster was one, the woman another, and as he looked over the newest arrival he heard the words that were so softly hissed out, and realized that it was Akkuma. The demon-man looked to be focused purely on the creature that was aiming its malice at Suru, and as such the newly transformed youth heaved a sigh of relief. I would hate to have him coming after me... The thought brushed his mind a moment as he eyed the situation once more. It did not take long at all for Akkuma to start doing something, and there was no suprise within his amber eyes to that fact. Only when Roku turned his attention back did he feel anything that wasn't the feel of the dark and twisted chakra of his newest relative.

Surutameni readied himself once again to go on the offensive as the older Shinobi was already assaulting the weaponized monstrosity. There was something about the pair of weapons he held, something that made him pause a moment and think. The grip of Tenka was solid and that blade too vibrated with new life as Suru brought Jikayaki closer to the gravity blade. As the boy's amber eyes scanned the weapons, something upon the hilts caught his attention. The slots and pins that he found looked though they could lock together, and he tried just that. Flipping the blades within his hands he slammed the two hilts together to a satisfying click, the elements of each weapon entwining with the other, the pulse of their power only growing ever stronger. "Heh...Now, this should be fun." A half-smile jerked at his features for a moment before he roared and charged the newly formed Tangyu for another round. "Let's end this, Akkuma!"

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akkuma leapt into the fray, his spiritual attack was absorbed, his dark attack cut to 20% effectiveness causing Kodate Senshi the weaponized being to be flung back as it devoured or countered Akkuma's assault. Akkuma's attacks were too swift for it to strike back before he was out of range and then it suddenly found itself facing three beings instead of just the sword wielding boy and the worthless undead. The undead had no affect on it but the Sage however could do some damage, the boy was still an enigma as he ownly seemed to grow stronger and taller as he pressed on. Something was obviously going on with the swordsman and to make matters worse the blade had denied it's request to bond, to the point where 'Jikayaki' had burned the back and scabbard of it's host body. Kodate was prepared to fend off any attacks and completely disregarded the weaponized woman that lay on the ground. Her weaponry had only recently become sentient. Her battle limbs were beneath the symbiotic being that was Kodate. With the fearless mannerisms of a creature that had no real body it advanced upon the duo ready for war.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma glared once more as he watched his dark energies be absorbed once more 'Were they sent solely to take out the Toraono?' he thought to himself before hearing Suru's words they made him smile. Though the half-demon would not allow the youth to be harmed "Suru your doing the Toraono show them your wrath!" his words were dark and ominous his tone carrying a hint of pride as his chakra continued to crackle in the air around them. The demons hands closed to fists and every muscle in his body tensed for action bursting forward his hand would glow bright red burning with chakra as he flew towards the warrior utilizing his Falcon Punch. Following through with this Akkuma would burst chakra through his legs as he leapt high into the air, flying down in a spiralling ball of fury he would attempt to do an Eagle Drop landing upon the warriors head. Aka using the fools head as a landing pad, making his eat the sand that he would soon be dying in. Leaping back one Akkuma became six as they burst forwards attempting to kick and punch the bastard as often and frequently as they could. The half-demon hoped he provided enough opportunities for Suru to get his attacks in, although he kept a constant eye making sure that he wasn't going to be harmed.

SHOULD an attack be aimed at Suru Akkuma would utilize his training from the Anbu Black Ops Corps as an Onyx Guard and place himself in front of the attack preferring to take the wounds then face his beloved Seika telling her he allowed one of their kin to be harmed. There would be no hesitation in his movements as he took the injury and he would stand there bold as brace growling in defence of his kin, a guttural snarling sound. That would make the hairs stand on the back of ones neck. "Me and mine are the reason humanity fears the dark even in the most basic of your iinsticnts." he would say, hopefully if he had to do this it would provide Suru with enough time to attack or get ready to move out of the way. Roku would stick back and cast Angelic Blessing upon both of the shinobi maintaining it, he was a medical master capable of manipulating medical jutsu in unique ways. Lets see how the would be warrior would do get out of this attack, if he could.



New Member
Aug 12, 2014
The blackened flames wrapped and whipped about Surutameni, and his narrowed amber eyes shifted their attention from the weaponized monstrosity to the body of the woman who was upon the ground. She would've been a formidable foe had she been able to move, though now she wasn't much of a threat at all, and his gaze drifted back to lock upon the frame of Kodate from behind the whirling flames. The creature's advance was slow and agonizing as it was jolted back by every attack that was thrown upon it by the demon Akkuma, and Suru was less than amused by this fact. His hands tightened their grip upon the connected hilts of his swords, his jaw clenching and the side of his mouth still tugged up in a malicious grin. There was something about the former man before him that was continued to make him feel uneasy, perhaps it was the fact that his new form allowed him to simply devour the attacks being thrown at him. Perhaps it was just the monstrosity itself. The young ninja's stance shifted with the fires as he took a step forward, taking a breath to clear his mind, readying himself for his chance to attack.

No sooner had the words left Akkuma's mouth, Suru was launching himself into action, the flames billowing back behind the boy with a sudden growl like sound that was deep and threatening. The fact that his weapon had two blade's was different for the boy, but it did not hinder his movements as he charged towards Kodate with a roar, the tendrils of fire racing behind him to lick and scorch the ground. Once he was close enough, he slid almost stopping as he changed his direction, his weapon cleaving down in a vicious movement towards the being's chest. The force of the attack spun Suru, allowing the change in direction to be made easier, and he took it in full stride, the momentum carrying him around their opponent and the causing the other blade to swing behind and potentially cut Kodate again. After his initial attacks, the flames that whipped about the boy began to die down, and Suru took that moment to leap back and out of the way, allowing Akkuma once again, to renew his assault upon the beast. "What is this thing and why are these people after us?" Even though Suru's attention was more upon the things at hand, he had to ask those questions, the curiosity was burning him up and if he didn't, it would eat at him and distract him the calmness that was needed in these moments.

If Surutameni was indeed attacked, and Akkuma was successful at taking the brunt of the damage, he would take the chance to climb up the demon's back and dive from his shoulders towards the enemy with a sinister roar. The blade of Tenka would hack downwards as he reached Kodate's frame, aiming for where his neck and shoulders met.

If Akkuma was not successful, Suru would do his best to dodge and roll from the monstrosity's attacks, attempting his best to get out of the way.

((ooc: good lord this took me so long to write... sorry if its still horrid! ))

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The metallic being rushed forward to slay the empowered Surutameni and take his sacred blades. It used its limbs like weaponry as it stabbed and slashed for Surutameni only to slam into Akkuma's black guard armor. The metallic spearhand strike surged for Surutameni's neck only to strike Akkuma's chest plate sending sparks and molten metal all over as the metallic hand was deflected into Akkuma's left eye. The divine energies assured that Akkuma could not heal the wound instantly even with his cursed seal. The divine properties of the metal negated demonic regeneration of all kinds without special assistance. Only Roku's benevolent energies prevented the holy strike from taking more than his eye. Lashing out with his follow up strike that would have decapitated Surutameni were Akkuma not there to stop the specialized attacks. Akkuma caught the second spearhand just as it shot forward into his blind spot with his teeth allowing him to keep an evil grin upon his face and a gleam of unyielding rage in his eye. The next set of follow up strikes met with Akkuma's barrage of attacks deflecting or piercing each attack as it sought Surutameni only to have Surutameni come stepping of Akkuma's shoulders to come flying off of Akkuma's right shoulder and all but beheading Kodate as he managed to ding and dent the holy metal that Kodate's neck was made of sending the metallic being flying into rubble. The ground began to vibrate as a high pitched scream emerged from the rubble causing it to explode upwards as Kodate emerged on all fours, vibrating with divine chakra it began to pulse with light as it then launched itself at Akkuma seeking to cut him in half and reach Surutameni only to crash and crater into the ground six feet from Akkuma as the gravity effect of Surutameni's enhanced sword took effect quadrupling the weight of the transformed being and disrupting the natural speed of its movement. Kodate was easy pickings for the duo now as long as Surutameni channeled his royal chakra into the dual blade, the gravity would slow their opponent and the black flames would continue to re-energize, and regenerate Surutameni's body.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma roared with rage as the thing before him began its assault with each attack it threw at Suru, it found countered by himself. To the point where the abomination almost got a strike through Akkuma resorting to stopping the blow by biting onto the arm with his shark-like teeth and holding the limb there as it cried out in rage still attempting to strike at Suru. Even with its limb caught in his mouth, with its one free arm it struck out attempting to harm Suru once more. This time Akkuma moved his body into the way wearing most of the blunt force damage from the attack snarling with rage at the wound. The unyielding rage of the demon apparent in his glare even with only one working eye. Suru leapt over him making great use of the opportunity to make a superb strike against there though, the half-demon stood and pride burned in his eyes. "Some abomination being used by the Cabbal in an attempt to wipe out the Toraono Clan." his words shook with rage as he straightened up his stance, the dust settling from the impact of the thing that had been launched away from them by Suru. The beast moved towards them intending to lash out, until it crumpled beneath its own weight from the effects of Suru's blades. Akkuma strode forwards towards the being each step causing the ground beneath him to collapse from the pressure of his chakra lashing out. Walking into the black flames and the gravity field he stood over the being a hand on either side of its neck as he held it there struggling to strike out at him. The wounded demon looked up at Suru as he placed a foot upon the abomination.

"Family comes first, all others will fall." with those words the demon began to push down with his leg as he pulled and twisted with his hands attempting to remove the things head from the rest of its body. He could smell and feel burning flesh but these he could heal almost as quickly as it happened. Feeling muscle sinew and other crucial structural components of the body giving way beneath his force, even should the man strike out cutting or impaling the demon he would continue on in his efforts until the head was removed from the body. Still locked in gaze with Suru before deciding he would give him a demonstration on what they could do to their opponents. With a sigh would rip off the head and begin to utilize a method that denied his enemies to the after life. As he stood over the body in the maelstrom of chakra and elements his jaw dislocated much like a snake preparing to devour its meal the energy around the demon seemed drawn into his gaping maw. Until finally a pure blue ball of energy began to emerge from the beheaded man. The orb could be described as an egg-like flaming blue chakra ball, in other words the soul of the one who had faced them. Throwing the head so that it landed at Suru's feet the demon lord would pluck the orb from the air placing it into his mouth as he proceeded to devour the soul of his foe. An ancient technique of his that he'd used to devour Angels, Humans and Demons alike. He was the Avatar of Chaos a Devourer of all and bringer of darkness. This monster that was Akkuma stood before his new kin with a small devilish grin as his jaw locked back into place.

"Now we must go assist with the last one.." he would say taking a step forward, briefly stumbling from the exhaustion and pain of his wounds. Standing up straight again he would take in a deep breath finding his centre once more for the task at hand. Roku had moved to help him up and the glare that had been received was enough to make the undead Mednin stand his ground. "Roku you will continue to help my not concern yourself with me." he would say picking up the woman in one hand and attempting to seal away the corpse of their foe so that they could better examine him in a more opportune time. Sighing he would continue forwards once more activating his Chakra Sense so as to locate Naoki and her target. 'This must be ended soon...I can't maintain this kind of chakra output and continue taking the damage I am. At this rate things are not looking good, granted the youth seem to be dealing fine. If I can just provide them with enough support..' he thought to himself before proceeding to where they needed to go.

"Come Suru there are enemies of Mother Suna lurking within these walls...we cant allow that now can we?" he would ask in a mock voice that was coated with bloodlust. Akkuma's bloodlust and indeed his insanity seemed infectious in times like this he wondered what effect prolonged exposure to his aura might have with the youths.

Corpse Preserver Justu Used
Soul Devourer Jutsu Used

9: Corpse Preservation Jutsu
CRPJ's Effect: Preserves A Corpse In A Sealed Coffin
Example RP of how it will be used: Akkuma didn't have time to work on this intriguing specimen he had to track the other one before he got away, with a few quick handseals and the use of his Senjutsu chakra the corpse was safely stored in a sealed coffin in the same dimensional void as his copy of the clan archives. This way the corpse can be used at a later date for experiments or for jutsu use. The sealed coffin keeps the corpse in an almost stasis like state unaffected by the effects of entropy.

6: Soul Devouring Jutsu
Link to Approval:
CRPJ's Effect: Used to devour souls and absorb spiritual energy.


Aug 14, 2014
[Well o_o Looks like I'm quite late to the party, but I'll just relay the info here a little later on]

It took Naoki some time to locate her two team members, but it seemed they'd already overcome the worst of the situation. Whoa... What coulda happened here... As she bounded onto the scene, it was likely that Akkuma had already sensed her before she even thought to stop. With a few snaps of the fingers, she sensed what appeared to be a head at Suru's feet and a body in a very disturbing position some distance from it, flinching back in horror as she realized what it was. Ugh... I'm... going to be sick. Indeed, as she'd just eaten and run quite a bit, her stomach was now churning. Thankfully though, she was able to get past the first wave of nausea without having much of a problem with the contents of her gut.

"U-um... Is everything alright now...?" she asked, facing Akkuma. "And where'd Suru-kun go?" The other figure did seem to have similar energies to the boy she was partnered with some time ago, but that couldn't have been him. He was much taller, and had longer hair. One didn't just grow waist-length hair in the space of less than a day... No that wasn't the problem. He'd be fine though right? He's probably off chasing someone else who showed up or something... Or maybe he went to go find me? Slightly disgruntled by the possibility that the boy would think she needed help against someone as nice as Takeda, forgetting that they wouldn't have known the man was someone helping Suna instead of hurting it, she stood by for a bit waiting for an answer.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
Surutameni stumbled back as the being leapt at them, only to crash onto the ground some distance away. He realized why almost instantly, the effects of his Gravity blade clear for him to see. He tried his best to focus on it and keep it pinned to the ground as Akkuma approached. The elder shinobi didn't seem to have much of a problem wading through the onslaught of fire and the increased gravity. The younger of the pair was unsure of what the demon was about to do, but he watched on in interest as he grabbed the creature's head and ripped it from it's frame.

Suru couldn't turn away, something about that primal act of violence held his attention so thoroughly that his eyes opened wide in a mix of awe and horror. As Akkuma tossed the now seperated head towards his feet, the boy let the effects of his ancestral chakra fade into nothing, and he slumped to the ground, ignoring the head almost completely. He was exhausted and he was well aware of the changes that had come over him in the midst of that fight. He glanced himself over, as his family member devoured the very soul of what was Tangyu. His clothing was destroyed, the fabric ripped and torn in numerous places, and what was still intact was terribly tight. All in all, he needed to get new clothing to fit his growth spurt, as well as acquire some form of a haircut, as the length would be sure to get in the way. His amber eyes turned once more to Akkuma as the man spoke. Suru nodded and stood, his legs shaking for a moment under the strain. He knew what he had to do in order to keep going, and giving into fatigue was not one of those things. "Tch... Anything that would be a threat to us, or to the whole of Suna must be wiped out." His expression and mood warped into a crazed and broken smirk, bloodlust clear within his eyes. "Besides... who would stand in our way now?"

The boy's expression would fade when Naoki arrived, she would have no idea what transpired here, and her lack of vision may make it hard for her to accept his changes. He watched her as she did her unique scan of the scene, she seemed put off by the violence that was apparent, and he just looked back to Akkuma and shrugged. When she asked if everything was alright and she made mention that she did not pick up on his changes very well, he approached her. "I'm right here, Naoki-kun." He smiled lightheartedly at her, not expecting her to see it, but to feel that he was fine and that even through the changes he was still 'Suru' and not someone else. Although there were some things about him that indeed felt different, even to himself.

[OOC: Sorry it took me so long, being sick took a lot out of me... ]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
OOC: Wrapping this up for mission rewards and placement for Akkuma in another thread.

The transformed body of Tangyu that had been possessed by his holy shield disintegrated and crumbled into fine powder leaving only a beautiful, terrible shield. Akkuma picked it up despite the effect its divine chakra had on him all but removing his natural healing abilities and canceling out his demonic transformation capabilities altogether. Were he not a sage his seal would have shorted out and backfired but Akkuma as a Highborne and because of this fact he could easily survive being restricted to only basic human strength and abilities which were all that remained of his power as long as he held onto the shield. Smiling gleefully despite his ruined eye he bowed to Naoki and Surutameni.

"Well it seems Naoki didn't need us, she was so proficient there isn't even a scratch on her, excellent. Come everyone let's report back to the Toraono Clan, I have a gift for my betrothed now and a tale to tell. Alert your mission handler that there are more enemies of Mother Suna lurking within these walls...we will not allow them to continue to breath the air of Kaze no kuni, nay we shall not allow this world to suffer their existence. All whom would harm my family, or so much as glare in the direction of my beloved's family will be devoured after making them suffer. This I swear upon the blood spilled here this day." he would address the young nin calmly yet all could feel his obvious bloodlust. Akkuma's bloodlust was an insanity that empowered those whom bore witness to it, an infection of the soul that could only be washed away with battle. Akkuma laughed to himself as he began to hum a familiar children's litany as he grabbed the remains of the golem limbed girl by the hair with his left hand and continued to carry the holy shield with his right. His strength had decreased true enough but not enough that he wasn't still stronger than three men. He was the Avatar of Chaos, a Devourer of all, a bringer of darkness; and even weakened he was still a monster. Akkuma paced ahead of his new kin with a devilish grin on his face. His natural telepathy sparked now and then so the kids could actually hear in their minds what Akkuma was humming... "
Half a pound of lost souls for my crown,
Half a pound of evil.
That’s the way the Akkuma gets down,
Pop! goes the weasel.
Up and down the City road,
In and out the Regal,
That’s the way the money goes now,
Pop! goes the weasel."

The trio would part ways as Akkuma head to the Toraono Clan's dungeons to hang the 1 limbed body of his prisoner up for Seika's questioning before going to have lunch with his beloved despite his condition.

Surutameni and Naoki would find themselves in a chamber with three Kuro's and a giant armored Toraono as he awaited their report. It had only been a few hours since they had left but upon looking at Surutameni, All those whom remembered how small Surutameni had been now looked at him with large eyes before accepting the change in physical stature and quickly giving him a set of fighting robes, and standard Toraono battle armor for the swordsmen of the clan. After a bit of fuss they managed to get Surutameni's hair to a swordsman of efficiency's length while still maintaining his natural look. Kuro had to acknowledged that Surutameni was kin as he looked almost exactly like his Grandfather on his mother's side save that Suru's eyes were amber gold not the traditional jade green.

With Suru taken care of, Three of the Kuro's left with Samejima to keep a promise to restore her eyesight. It seemed things had indeed come full circle.

C rank Mission rewards following:

C Rank: 7,500 Yen (Mission leader gets +1,000) +25 training points
Samejima - (Follow up mission once the news of the Storm is settled... "An Aunt's Love")

Surutameni - (Impromptu Genin Exam)

Akkuma - (nothing to tell him, he has to deal with Seika!!!) due to his take charge nature Akkuma gets half the mission award as the original mission leader was Samejima


Aug 14, 2014
Before they went their separate ways however, Naoki had something to say to her two teammates. Pulling on both their arms to get their attention, she said, "Wait wait! Um, I was talking to one of the Cabal people earlier... He didn't seem bad, in fact he and Saiga along with some others saved a bunch of people and they were all in this soup kitchen- ah! And I dunno why, but he talked quite a lot about the Cabal. Might've been because of that bracelet, but anyway! He said that it was the merchant lords that're behind the Cabal! In Soon's Haven actually, I might recognize some people there if you two haven't been... But well, I haven't been there often either, probably better to find someone who goes often."

Ending the short information snippet, she turned back to follow the three Kuro's, unaware of exactly what she'd signed herself up for when she said she wanted her eyesight back.

[Topic Left]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma turned his head down to face Same a shark-like grin upon his face and his one eye burning with fury at her news. He dropped the barely moving mutilated woman beside him and knelt to look at Same "Well done...brilliant work Same. Do not worry I will be sure to kill them." he said calm and serious tone that suggested he was very serious about what he just said. Grabbing the woman once more he would proceed on his path already planning to make his moves against the Merchant Lords he would destroy them all and ensure his new family and homeland were safe. A low blood chilling laugh emitting from him as he muttered his insane poem as he walked into madness.

Leaving Topic Post / Just responding Exiting as Akkuma would


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
The tug on his arm made Surutameni stop in his tracks as he followed the three Kuros. He looked to Naoki and listened intently as she spoke. It seems she had some success, even without fighting. Who would've thought that the merchant lords were behind the Cabal attacks. "Well... It's a start isn't it? I don't know anyone there, though... So, I am of no use in that." Akkuma's response came as no surprise to the boy, after what he'd just witnessed, what he experienced, how he felt... Very few things would surprise him. He wanted more strength, he wanted to be something more than he was. Now was not the time to be thinking such things though. Suru nodded to Naoki and Akkuma before turning away; Once more following the three Kuros. It would be a long road where he was headed, but his first stop was definitely a much needed hair cut and some new clothing.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
