Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Who hasn't partaken in a little bit of Black Market?


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Okay, so Kyōki may have had other plans here in Sunagakure other than meeting with his other half's old man. And precisely, it is here, in the Black Bazaar. He had a nefarious idea, a way to fix this body. The mind part is unfixable, as he and Kureji are one now. But for what can be done... He would let out a fit of laughter before composing himself and thinking on what he'll need to do.

Even among the dirt and the criminals Kyōki stood out like a sore thumb. His plan was to cure him and Kureji of this crystal problem along with blending in with society. But he wasn't going to stop there, oh no. Even the powers of the Chaos witch has its limitations. What he is going for will make him stronger, more powerful. And even more crazier than ever before.

A creepy smile crept onto his face at the thought of such chaos he can sow. But in the meantime, he would carefully make his way through the Black Bazaar until he found himself at a place no sane person would want to be at. A dead body market. Usually their top paying customers are those who are either dark sages or human puppets. Kyōki is neither. But that isn't going to stop him from finding the best one to use. His other half, Kureji, is no stranger to the occult and cursed or dark chakra and forbidden arts. All Kyōki will need to do is dig into the memories of his other half to get rid of this body.

Even in dark dealings, money is everything. Yen was exchanged as he found the one suitable for what he thinks will be a suitable replacement, and then would store in in a forbidden type of scroll that allows for the carry and preservation of bodies.

First step, complete. Second step. He decided to get his hands on another dark book. But this one will be different from the one Akkuma had gifted Kureji before the great betrayal. The madman would grin as he would finally come across the type of book he was looking for. "How to get Possessed by a demon for idiots." He was no idiot, but he preferred the faster, easier way to get things done. And if it means following a step by step instruction from a book that has a title meant to insult the reader, then so be it. The book even came with a list of demon names, such would be bad if fell into the wrong hands. Oops, it already did. Kyōki's hands.

The madman would realize than once everything is done and over with, he won't be as musically inclined as he once was, but that is a sacrifice that is going to have to be made.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
You call this a corpse!? I’ve seen stuff run over by trains that were glued back together better than this sham. I’m not paying a single Yen more than what I asked!

An eight-foot tall, long and loose haired blond in a beat up labcoat was arguing with a corpse merchant. His eyes were mostly covered by rose-colored round shades that altered the colors of his heterochromiatic irises. Despite the argumentative tone Tama had used on the merchant, a playful grin of fuckery was glued to his mouth. The scientist knew full well he could argue anyone down here to chump change, no matter what they were selling, because no one could stop him. It was there that laid the distinct difference between the two local mad scientists:

Akkuma was a devil who honored his deals. Tama, did not.

The number of times he had screwed someone out of a lot of money was a lot. The more recent venture tied to Sunagakure which had him popping into Medical to flirt with his old flame paid a hefty sum; and he continued to make dividends off of it. With Shin gone, his chakra signature no longer in the world, the contract that bound Tama spiritually was null; well, at least the bad parts were. He could act freely and go as far as blow up Suna without anything beyond the normal consequences if he so desired now. Of course, that would be stupid, so he simply just leeched off the money promised to him monthly to pop up once every couple of weeks and preform some miracle surgery. It had been six weeks since he had given a child the ability to walk again, and he was flush with Yen and free time.

Your asking price, dammit, I might as well just give it to you! I have to make a profit somewhere, you amoral crackpot!
Puh-lease! As if Wei taking over didn’t just make it exponentially easier to dig up graves - you can’t fool me! I mean, I’m a free traveling man ya know. I could, just go hit up the bigger black market in Soon…
Fine! Fine…just…take it. Dammit, I swear you’re going to run me out of business,” the merchant relented finally knowing damn well how right Tama was.
Hey, at least you don’t have the Uzu Tax anymore,” he said, flicking a 100¥ at the merchant who caught it and grunted with agreement as he lit up a cigarette.
No shit there. Made paying off my protection a lot easier. If it wasn’t for your ass, specifically yours, I’d be making a profit this year too.
Eh, can’t have it all. Well you can’t. I can, but, that’s cuz I’m not some lame body merchant NPC.

The man threw a spare body part at the scientist as he cackled and vanished with a strong breeze; the corpse he was buying went with him. About thirty yards away, Tama reformed with his corpse in tow, hanging over his shoulder in a black body bag as he followed along the normal path he took to get in and out of Suna. Along his way, he caught the eye of something neat - someone else had a corpse. And they were pretty! The gears in his head wondered what was causing the blue crystals on their skin, and curiosity begged him to understand.

The Ryuu instantly appeared near Kureji, with a chipper tone,
Eeeey, that’s a nice smelling one you got there! Rare. Planning on something a little…crazy?


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
"Hm...?" Kyōki raised his eyebrow as a stranger appeared next to him. He pondered on what he had said and then would let out a small fit of laughter. "How interesting... Even the criminals and filth of society choose to avoid me like the plague, my own physical appearance and maniacal type of aura drives even the most harden criminal away. Yet here you are. You are not like the boring criminals that litter this place. And I feel as if you're not like the tools that call themselves shinobi working with the Village. To even take in some small talk with me..." He would laugh once more. "You are no normal person, I can tell." He would say with a wicked grin. Though behind that grin, he would think things through carefully.

Whilst this man carries himself differently, he reminds Kyōki of memories within Kureji's mind. Specifically when it comes to both Migoya and Akkuma. This guy definitely carries an aura about him that could very well mean that he is a big player. How big of a player, Kyōki doesn't know. "You could say that." He would finally answer the man's question. "So tell me. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting today? I am Kota." A lie, or rather... A twisted truth. Kureji was once Kota, a long time ago, before he had the promise of being a ninja, but that information is behind old files of a mental institution. That and there's probably a thousand other Kota's in this great big world. The words of lies would go out of his mouth as smoothly as a quiet night out on the ocean. And even so, the name for the body of the original Kota is lost somewhere on a different country of the many times that he has... what to call it? Switched bodies? Took over new residence? Eh, it was sometimes a little confusing for Kyōki to keep track of, Kureji, his other half, is more adept at the whole body switching, body snatcher or whatever you want to call it thing.

He would stare at the other man, wondering if his presence at all seemed to have any effect on the man in terms of unnerving him. Did he expect the other man to give him a real name or a fake name? Kyōki thinks of the latter as that is better to keep identities a secret for some who make their lives using the dead for however they wish.

Ryuu Tama

New Member
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
There was little catches in the air. Like tiny bombs going off atomically. There was an air to the man carrying a body like Tama was that attracted the giant towards the psycho; not the opposite. What most would avoid rattled the mad scientist’s curiosity. The look of crystal encrusting his flesh, and the unseen manipulations of space drew him like a moth. Besides, every time a bit of reality tried to transform itself near the Hybrid, he simply commanded time to reverse and remained unhindered by the oddity he walked alongside.

Tama, Doctor, Ryuu Tama. I have…way, too many other titles,” he said having no problems dropping his own name. After all, he didn’t bust ass across the desert reversing death itself to not have his name whispered among the lower castes.
And of course I’m not trying to avoid you! Those that do live their lives by fear and prejudiced! I,” he punctuated this by placing his free hand over his heart, “on the other hand find you quite fascinating! Do they have a name for the disease afflicting you? Looks kinda like, Tetrashock with a blue variant. You handle Chakra Crystals raw? I mean, I’ve met crazier than people who enjoyed rubbing chakra crystals on their…,” he cleared his throat, “…selves. Not that I’m judging,” he finished with a coy wink.

But I would assume that since your carrying a corpse, you’re perhaps either looking for a cure or another body? As it so happens, I am known for being able to cure anything…ya know, for a price.

You never knew who your next customer could be, was Tama’s motto. Always the snake oil salesman who actually sold miracle cures, he enjoyed playing the field wherever he could find money.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
