Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The duo walked towards the gates of Sunagakure and stopping no more than twenty feet away from them. Naikishin lightly panted as he had examined the gates from where he stood, though he hoped that someone would get to them quickly. Yumeko on the other hand, was panting a bit harder than Naikishin was and just watching him examine the gates. The two were similar in height, though Naikishin's white hair stood out more than Yumeko's brown hair, though then again, there was no real standard of normal here.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

Mouko Kuro the hunter aspect of Toraono Kuro answered the notification of visitors outside the dojo. Making haste he opened the main entrance one handed although to do so took a bit of chakra as it was a six ton door on mechanized clockwork like gears that needed special amounts of chakra from specific individuals or groups to open it. As he opened the dojo doors with a hand heavy with chakra he bowed at the waist in greeting.

Mouko Kuro stood at five feet, ten inches, weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. His silver gray mane of hair had a reasonable amount of muscle mass to conceal. With a twenty one inch neck his hair managed conceal some of his shoulders even as it cascaded to the center of his upper back. Sky blue eyes with silver slits peered from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. The obi allowed Kuro to carry his honor blade in a specialized bone sheath. He wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his sacred blade Mouko Kuro wore three bottles made of frost glass with water for visitors, and last but not least he wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his personal gear without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Overlaying his anbu arm guards and leggings Kuro wore his hand and leg wraps that were covered with crimson runic terran markings. Kuro’s lion tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with chakra and the fury tuft of hair at the tip swaying in the opposing direction.

It was odd having so many visitors despite the turmoil but it couldn't be helped and the Toraono Clan had a duty to uphold. Mouko Kuro bowed in greeting to the two new visitors. His wariness had risen dramatically since the Cabal attacks but not so much that he could not still be friendly. Pulling to cold flasks of water from his obi Kuro advanced in greeting. He offered them both 1 liter flasks of cool lightly sweetened water before speaking. "Greetings travelers, welcome to the Toraono Dojo, I am Sennin Toraono Kuro of Sunagakure, may I ask your names and the purpose for your visit?"<i></i>

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

The man, who stood roughly five foot eleven inches, with his short white hair and red eyes. His attire currently consisted of white yukata with a blue swirl pattern on the bottom and ends of the sleeves, worn so that his arm only goes through the left sleeve, and the right half droops down over an obi. Over this, he would wear a black belt buckled so that there is leftover dangling from the buckle, from which his sword hangs. He is also wearing knee-high black boots, buckled at the top and above his foot, which would appear to add about half an inch to his height.

The woman on the other hand stood around five foot seven inches, with brown hair that stopped just above her shoulders, and was brushed behind her ears. She had eyes in color to match her hair. Her attire on the other hand, consisted of a green jacket over a white tank top, along with a dark skirt and bike shorts underneath. As far as footwear was concerned, she only wore normal shoes instead of shinobi sandals.

The two would soon notice that the giant door of a gate was opening in which a man would approach them, and would soon bow at the waist. The two examined him, though Yumeko would continue to be panting heavily as she had done so. They had soon watched the man pull out two flasks of water and they would take them quickly as he had spoke, though Yumeko would wait no time before she opened it and started to drink the water that was inside. She was thirsty enough that she hadn't put much thought in to actually tasting the water, and before Naikishin spoke, he would take a sip from the water before responding to the man. "I am Isaki Naikishin. As for the moment, I'm just wandering." He said, before he took another sip of the water.

Yumeko had stopped drinking the water soon after Naikishin had stopped speaking, which had left her with a flask that was only a quarter full now. She had been purely drinking the water, without much thought to breathe, which meant she would be catching her breath now. "Thank you for the water, Toraono-san. My name is Rakujo Yumeko, and my reason is the same as his, mostly." She said. She had soon coughed slightly as she had finished speaking.

As Yumeko spoke and even after she finished speaking, Naikishin would examine the door from where he stood. After a moment, he would start looking around at the general area to actually get a look at what it was like since the two were focused on getting here than they were on the view. He would soon notice a trail of small prints in the nearby sand before noticing a small, mainly white, fox sitting next to him. He would sigh slightly, as the fox was certainly one of his lower rank summons that he had recently was able to summon, though it certainly liked to appear him without the need of a summoning.



Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

Mouko Kuro nodded with a small glint of hope for his village as people still seemed to simply find the dojo, it did his heart good. As he invited them inside, "I always have accommodations for travelers, please follow me and know that you are safe here. We serve four meals a day, but special meals can be made available by request, access to other resources may take a day or so but if you have passports I can record your visit in our logs and find a way to grant you passage to whomever or whatever you may seek here. You will be under the protection and writ of my clan until you leave Wind country as guests of my dojo. While here you are subject to three laws, thou shall not steal unless a life is threatened and requires it, thou shall not kill unless a life is threatened and requires it, thou shall not lie unless your life depends on it and know that you may always tell the truth to me. I will not judge you for that is not my job. I will keep you safe and alive for as long as you are visitors to my home. Do you have any questions?"<i></i>

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

The duo, plus the small fox that stayed quiet next to Naikishin, listened to the man as he spoke. After being invited inside, and once the man finished and had asked if they had any questions, Naikishin would shake his head before pulling out his worn passport. Yumeko would also pull out her passport, which was heavily worn, causing several parts to be almost illegible. She had also shaken her head, as she didn't have any questions for the time being. After the two had gotten their passports back, they would both take a sip from their canteens, though Yumeko's lasted a few seconds longer than Naikishin's. "Actually, I do have a question. Is there any place that we can get some rest? We've been traveling for a while, and I'm sure we're due for some rest." He said, as he looked over at Yumeko and back to Kuro.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

Kuro reviewed their passport and smiled genuinely as he placed his personal chakra seal upon the document verifying that he had indeed looked over their identities and granted them passage while he led them to a portion of the dojo untouched by the ravages of combat or terrorists where they could rest and regather their senses. The dojo’s guest chambers were already meticulously clean. The passageways and rooms were air conditioned, their were sand frescoes made by Sunaku specialists and elemental enthusiasts. Ancient weapons were polished and setup in these specially placed inside the sand designs of the chambers of art set aside for artistic display of some historic or mythic event. The walkways were made of reinforced chakra infused marble with shimmering bits of resonant chakra crystal. Students were working here and there along with hired professionals, yet it was obvious help was still needed in the areas where battles had taken place only a few days ago. Kuro ushered them into a room with comfortable chairs of that were truly simply saurian leather molded to a reinforce bone frame with flo-sand cushions that were more comfortable than any pillow despite weighing 40 pounds each. Inside the crystal and wood paneled chamber were two beds that could be pushed together or set apart. The room could be divided by a curtain for privacy as it could be pulled across the center of the chamber. A large jacuzzi tub already bubbling with soothing water was set into the far wall along with the entrance to the restroom, where towels, toiletries, and sunan cotton robes were set aside in plain view. "Feel free to explore the dojo to your heart's content, a security team will follow you should you venture anywhere especially dangerous. When you are ready to visit the village proper simply notify myself or any ranking member of Sunagakure and you will be granted safe passage. Welcome to the Toraono Dojo and may your journey's continue in good health and humor."

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

The duo had accepted their passports back, and had followed the man to their room. The room had two beds, which Yumeko had been glad that there were separate beds. Yumeko would quickly move, make sure there was sufficient distance between the two beds before laying on it and almost falling asleep instantly. "Come back tomorrow, I'm sure we'll be ready by then." Naikishin said, after having nodded to let Kuro know that he had listened to he had heard him. After having doing such, he would move to the empty bed that was there, watched the small fax jump onto the bed, curled up and went to sleep. He would move onto the bed and fall asleep.

-The Next Day-

As the duo woke up, with a ten minute difference between the two, they stood right outside of the door, waiting for the man, in fresh clothes that they had, though luckily, neither had spied on the other.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

Kuro approached readily, a little worse for the wear from training prodigies, getting through multiple sparring sessions and reaffirming the abilities of his avatars that had burned their blood powers to save the people of Sunagakure from being trapped within a series of massive underground explosions. Kuro was burning energy everywhere with little care for himself but he as always was prepared for the repercussions. Today he was extremely sore mentally and physically but his spirit remained strong as he bowed to his visitors. "Good morning, would you like to visit the village itself? We are a bit battle worn but we still have places of fine dining. I am able to provide escorts to the village itself and show you to the places safe and enjoyable for dining, we even have a few dance halls that have returned to full operation."<i></i>

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

As the duo watched the man bow to them, Yumeko would bow the same towards the man while Naikishin didn't really do anything aside from nodding. "We're ready to head to the village. And you said you're a bit battle worn, so I'm guessing all of the battles are done and over with?" He had asked, though Yumeko would nod during the part in which Naikishin had said that they were both ready. "I don't mean to intrude with my question, mind you. If you need any help with fighting, I'll gladly offer my help. A good fight would do me more good than a nights rest would do, though I do appreciate the place to sleep, Kuro." He said, as he stretched slightly, though he half expected the man to state that all fighting was done and over with.

"I would enjoy some place to eat, it's been quite a while since I've had food that was prepared in a restaurant." Yumeko spoke, not knowing how long it would take for it to be set up, though she would be willing to pass by some time by eating some good food as she had spent quite a bit of time in the Mineshaft within Iwagakure, hiding from a woman, who had eventually found her and tried to kill her with a Doujutsu technique, though she had just soon gone deeper into the mineshaft after that. Until she was found by Naikishin, that is.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

Kuro assigned two escorts a chuunin of the Byakko family and a genin of the Hyou family to guide them, both men were in their late teens and the only reason Hyou Tota was not a jounin was because he was lazy and Byakko Soto was hot on Tota's heels in his stride to be the best guardian he could possibly be and as such had been promoted to chuunin rank over Tota. The white haired youth followed by the black haired youth both stepped forward and nodded. "Your passage to Sunagakure has been granted, I apologize for not being able to grant you a personal tour but duties call me elsewhere Chuunin Byakko Soto and Genin Hyou Tota will escort you to the entertainment district and see to your needs. All your meals are courtesy of the Toraono Clan so please eat to your hearts delight. Dancing, massages, and less reputable entertainment is up to you I'm afraid but I doubt any of that will hold your interests. As far as fighting goes, here in the dojo we have an arena where matches can be arranged at anytime with medical personnel on hand. Please let your escorts know if you wish to call a match and we will do our best to find an opponent worthy of your aptitude. Good day to the both of you."<i></i>
Kuro promptly left the area and the two escorts both young and cheerful although the dark haired one seemed sleepy were at the ready for wherever Naikishin and company might want to go.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Why would anyone make a village in a desert? [Req. Entry

The two had watched as two shinobi had approached them as Kuro started to speak again. They would nod and listen to him as he spoke, before bidding them farewell and promptly left the area, leaving the two with their escorts to the village, in which they would follow them without any straying.

[Topic Left, Village Entered]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
