Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Will Work For Yen [Requesting Entry]


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]Although she had turned in the bounties on the thugs that dared ambush her, that hadn't been enough to break even. They were weaklings with barely a couple thousand yen on their heads. That wasn't even enough to make up for the fake assignment, the trap, the setup. And there was no way she would be going back to Hashima without the funds. She had promised new equipment for her clinic and better office supplies for her doctors and nurses.

Let it not be said that Mizushima Nanami was not a woman of her word.

So here she was, at the gates of Sand, hoping to find more mercenary work. Legitimate, good paying ones this time, she hoped.

She wasn't quite sure of the Hidden Village's attitude towards foreigners like her though. So she had to be wary, especially when there were news of trouble that had been brewing in the sandy city. Although that was more reason for her to request entry. They might need mercenary work, after all! And, unlike most shinobi, she didn't mind doing work that were mostly left to the hardier civilians.

Carpentry work? Why not!

Clean up? Sure.

And, of course, doctors like her should be always welcome to help, right? Right?

Walking towards the gates at a casual pace, she gave a small smile to the people leaving. So far so good. And she blended it well with the civilians, like she should. She was a self proclaimed one, after all. At the very least, even if they found out her capabilities to manipulate chakra, they wouldn't see her as a threat and give her an easier time.
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Hello! Mizushima-hakase here!
    Please let me in!
    Don't worry, I don't bite!
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

iNPC: Okayama Sakaki

Sakaki was having to pull gate duty lately ever since the whole debacle with the Cabal, and it was not something he found very exciting. At this point in time he felt he had put out most of his good work and was looking forward to peacefully retiring after a few more solemn years. However, here he was now, once more before the gates, or whatever these were now considered. The hulking man would notice from the corner of his eye a female approaching the gate. She did not seem to be anything out of the ordinary but in the same token she did seem to be watching those that were passing out from the village at the time. She seemed inauspicious, but those were some of the worst kind. Sakaki could not pass up an encounter with a female though...

"Excuse me, are you looking to enter the village?"

OOC: Poop post, but I didn't want to leave you hanging any longer!


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]The doctor blinked and looked up at the behemoth in her way.

The man was much taller than her, certainly, and was with a commendable body. Whether that body was brought about by hard work or drug abuse would be questionable of course, being the sceptic she was. The bulging veins certainly did not look good. Although exercising extensively could lead to that, they might also be symptoms of a heart condition, smoking habits or stress and...

Nanami stopped her observation. Staring was, after all, considered rude. And her own staring might be interpreted as the love sick sight of some desperate teenage girl, which she was not. Such large muscles did not... as some would say, get her motor running. She doubted anything would interest her in that way, as she had long decided she saw no need or want for sexual intercourse.

"Yes, I would indeed like entry into your fine village. I am Doctor Mizushima Nanami from Hashima Island; general physician and pharmacist. Occasional travelling doctor, if you would, and the occasional mercenary," she hummed with a friendly enough smile.

He hadn't asked for introductions but shinobi were ever the skittish sort. She felt that it would be better to be open and honest about her intentions. It wasn't like she had anything to hide. She had done nothing illegal thus far, even in her time as a merc for hire, after all.

|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Totally fine!
    Thanks for handling this!
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kimi, Katsu and Kora were patrolling the gates for wounded when they smelled a new scent. Assuming the presence of a visitor, they walked lightly over to the source of the scent. She arrived just in time to hear the woman's introduction. She noted the presence of an ANBU and inwardly smiled. When her father had finally allowed her to come out of hiding, she had been astonished by the amount of damage and things that needed to be done. She had ranted and raved at her father for not allowing her to help until he looked at her and said, "So like your grandmother." One small guilt trip over, she decided to go on border patrol.

Katsu and Kora stayed silent, not knowing if this new person would start gushing over the fact that they could speak or not. Kimi, on the other hand, was much more apt to speak.

"Welcome to Suna. You've come upon us at an interesting time. The name's Nekozuka Kimi, Mizushima-san. Looking for some work?" Kimi smiled brightly, making her whisker-scars more noticeable. Her eyes glanced back toward Suna and back to the visitor. Still smiling, she remarked "Could we see your identification? Standard procedure and all."

OOC notes: Hello!


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

iNPC: Okayama Sakaki

She was a quirky little thing. He awaited her response, and after fully hearing her introduction he would express a smirk. Based on her words and her mannerisms, Sakaki felt that this person was very upfront with her words. She held conviction in her passion and the village could use some more medical personnel on the scene. Before he could continue on further, a new person and her wild cats would appear and start their own round of introduction.

"Things seem to be under control here. I will hang back should anything pop up that could require my assistance."

Not much for words, high on doing minimal work and always happy to oversee young ladies, Sakaki would allow himself to fall into the background unless needed.



Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]As she was talking to one shinobi, another one approached. Again, she assumed it was because they were a skittish bunch and she was an unknown around these parts. But, she felt rather than saw the newcomer.

Not because of any advanced shinobi senses. No, she had started training in the arts far too late in her life to manage that without doing it on purpose.

Oh, no.

The doctor realized the kunoichi and her pets were there as an itching started to break out on her arms, the skin red and she let out a cute, little sneeze. "Wait, do you have a c-ca-achoo!" she asked the hulk, only to be interrupted by another sneezing fit.

Whirling around, she faced Nekozuka with a hand held up. "Please, don't come any closer until I've ta-ta-achoo!"

The doctor didn't bother trying to speak anymore.

In a hurry, she rummaged through her bag and procured a bottle. The label said, in Mizushima's bad calligraphy, 抗ヒスタミン剤 (Kohisutaminzai)... allergy medicine. It didn't look anything like the store bought ones though, especially when she took two strange looking pills. They looked handmade, homemade, and were closer to the Akimichi clan's 三色の丸薬 (Sanshoku no Gan'yaku) then commercial drugs. They probably were just that, handmade, considering she did say that she was a pharmacist.

As soon as she crunched through the admittedly nasty tasting medicine, the skin of her arms started to soothe and she stopped sneezing up a storm. There was a split second look of annoyance on her face. But, like her allergic reaction, that had been fleeting in nature.

"Mizushima-hakase. The proper honourific is hakase, Nekozuka-san," she informed the, presumably, younger girl. "And, like I said, I am Doctor Mizushima Nanami from Hashima Island. I'm afraid I have no papers, neither my birth certificate nor doctor's diploma. Will that be a problem? And if it will, is there any recommended course of action to resolve it? I come from no Great Village, so I am not too sure how your procedures and politics work."
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Hello, hello!
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The trio couldn't help but flinch a bit when Mizushima started sneezing. The twins hadn't even come too close to the person. Sharp eyes spotted the self-made medicine, but she was fine with it. It never surprised her anymore when she saw medics or doctors walking around with personal formulas to certain things. She even carried one that made her and her tigers less reactant to cat nip, which she took before she did anything shinobi related, most especially patrolling the borders.

"Ne, sorry about that, Mizushima-hasake. You must have quite the cat allergy to react to my girls. Tigers don't have quite the same dander as cats. Oh! I must have forgotten to wash completely after helping a mother cat give birth." Kimi grinned sheepishly. "I have known others with cat allergies that haven't reacted to Katsu and Kora, but perhaps that was mostly because they have been around them so much." She trailed off still smiling.

"Paperwork isn't too much of an issue, so long as you keep out of trouble. A little help around here in doing a great amount of things would be useful. Been helping with some of the rebuilding myself, when I'm not on duty. I see no reason not to allow you entry. Again, welcome to Suna. May the One King watch over you while you are in our village."

At Kimi's welcome, Katsu pounced Kora playfully. The Nekozuka glanced at her tigers and rolled her eyes. "As the girls have informed me, it is time for me to relinquish my duty to the next shift. I think this one was actually part of it," she stated, pointing her thumb toward the towering hunk of muscle hanging off to the side. "Would you like some company or would you rather I give you the address to stay away from?" The tiger trio chortled and chuffed. "My entire clan works with big cats as their companions. Not sure whether or not you would like to even try to see if you are allergic to big cats or not." Kimi shrugged and gestured with her head to come past the border and into Suna.

OOC: Welcome to our humble village!

MFT: WC=359


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

iNPC: Okayama Sakaki

The young female gave her blessing for this newcomer, even without the proper identification. The lack of paperwork and the vagueness of her background did cause him some hesitation, but her passion was placed towards the right area; her medical ability. If she was a great doctor like she makes herself out to be then she would be needed and the village would be grateful to have her.

"Very well, I guess there are no objections. Please enjoy your stay."

And besides, he really had a sweet tooth for young women. Never enough beautiful things to look at in this world.

OOC: Welcome to Sand, watch for worms!; thread left unless stopped.



Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
[col]As it seemed the man was content with watching over the situation silently, Nanami didn't think it would be too rude to focus on her attention on the girl. Still, she shot the hulking man a polite smile and nod before he left.

Again, she held nothing for Nekozuka. How was the girl to know that the doctor was allergic to cats? Certainly, it seemed that most shinobi were usually fit and healthy with little complications outside those acquired in the line of duty. It was often more common to see mental illness in them rather than physical illness, she noted too. Most likely due to the stress of their careers, of course.

Mizushima Nanami was probably just an oddity like that. Self proclaimed civilian who was overall, beyond her medical capabilities, average.

"I promise I would not intentionally cause any trouble. And I do not wish to be further trouble to you, as well. Accompanying me would be your decision," the doctor hummed, putting her hands into her coat pockets. "My medicine should help me out for a few hours before I have to take them again. So your feline presence may be appreciated. But I don't want to keep you, if you have other things to do," she continued with a small shrug.

Her feet went ahead, already excited to see the big city. Curiosity was definitely there. She'd never been into any of the Great Villages before. Once, she had endeavoured to at least go to Kirigakure, the kingdom of the Water Country... But then the Great Freeze happened. She was lucky that she had not gone after all.

Still walking, she cringed. "Besides, what I plan to do might be boring for you. I'm just a small town doctor, after all. Nothing special."
|</FONTFACE>[legend="[b]Out of Character Notes[/b]"]
  • Topic left and village entered.

    Thanks guys! If you still want to RP, Kimi, I'm game.
[/legend]<FONTFACE fontface="monospace">[/col]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kimi nodded in Muscle Man's direction as he walked off. She then turned back to Nanami, walked alongside her, and just smiled. "Well, if you don't mind, I'll just walk with you for a ways. I don't mind potentially boring things, it just means that we can liven things up, right girls?" Katsu and Kora nodded their heads as they set off after the two women. "If I see you again, perhaps we could go for a drink and you can tell me about your travels. Not many people brave the sandstorms after all."

OOC: Topic Left. Perhaps our characters will meet again before you leave the village again. Happy Rp'ing.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
