Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Wounds and Questions [Open]

Sep 27, 2017
Appearing like a transparent smudge in front of the Hospital building Juko landed heavily on the ground. Seems like the fight has drained my reserves more than i had thought... this wasnt exactly as precise as i would have liked it to be... Small beads of blood were coming from the wounds that he had suffered in his fight most of the actual damage however had already healed up. Despite this Juko felt a weariness in his body and knowing that Maru had been using shadows and poison throughout the whole battle it was probably a good idea to make sure he wasnt going to die of some leftover poison any time soon. Also... that weird appearance of his... He thought back to how weird Maru had behaved during the fight and how the puppeteer had been capable of constantly ignoring his wounds and attacks.
I am pretty sure i mustve broken several bodyparts of his... and yet... didnt he even smile in the end? And then that creepy moment when his face... opened? He shivered. Juko knew that Maru had always been spouting nonsense about darkness and being evil and all that but he had never thought to actually see something so inhuman in the boy.
The sound of his steps changed when he left the gravel of the road and instead climbed the stairs to the door of the hospital. What ever had been going on with Maru, to Juko it was clear that he had to do what ever little ninja had to do. Become stronger, Juko, much stronger yet... How can it be that they've even promoted a nutjob like him to the position of an Anbu but... have forgotten all about me?... He clenched his teeth and vaguely noticed a weird itch coming from the wounds in his face and throat.
With one hand scratching his face he entered the tall building, his eyes immediately scanning the entrance hall. Few other people were present, with most of them seated towards the back area. One of the nurses gave the young seikon a weird look and suddenly Juko remembered that he was probably still dirty, bleeding and perhaps even still had the occasional needle stuck in his flesh that he hadnt managed to pull out by himself.
Ex... excuse me...
He decided to turn towards the very same nurse that had accidently granted him some of her attention. If you look at me like that you might aswell get a closer look. Maybe you can even help us... Careful not to put his bloodsmeared clothing on the white counter Juko came a little bit closer. I er... i need someone... to look over these here... The finger of his left hand made a circle in the air before his face, pointing subtly at all the small holes. I might have.. er... been poisoned you see?
Licking his lips Juko waited for the young woman to react to his statement.
I really REALLY hope i dont have to stay for long here... i need to... wait... His eyes narrowed on the woman in suspicion. Maaybe... i can ask someone in here?
Perhaps you could ask a doctor or something?.. I belong to Yukio-sama's squad if it helps...
WC: 540​
“I’m not allowed to say it out loud, but in the branch we’re always looking forward to what Maru has concocted next.” The medical nin chuckled with mock delight before his visage twisted to match the scowl plastered across Yoshihisa’s face. ”We’re currently treating more of his targets then bee stings victims, so it is always good to have his latest concoction on hand when designing an anti-venom, ensuring that he is at least some time off the streets to design something of his own to counter it.”

“Thanks again!” Ensuring that they would have something to show for, Konoha’s research department had set their sights on his latest recovery. Yoshihisa pulled the sliding doors shut behind him and set out with a steady pace, peeking a glance at the nearest clock as he passed on by: 9PM, so he had managed to uphold his month-long streak of not being home in order to cook dinner for himself, huh? He let out an weary sigh, running his fingers through his hair as he lamented the fact that his life was slowly spiraling out of control, and despite it all knew there wasn’t anything in particular he was afraid to lose because of it. Had he been raised differently, the urge to curl up on the floor and burst into tears would seem particularly tempting right now.

“Good evening, I was wondering if you could tell me whether a patient by the name of Sugihira Juko has checked in.” He produced the tiny scrapbook of ANBU permits he kept on his person at all times, knowing that while it wasn’t going to be easy to get an audience with a recent assassination target, he owed it to the boy to at least give it a try after heading off in such a hurried fashion. Guards were promptly called in by the receptionist, for while he was given the green light to see their patient, it would all be in under strict supervision from their end.

Yoshihisa, having retrieved his book was following as the guards led the way through the cramped hallways of the hospital with them eventually stopping at a door marked E-11 and giving a quick knock on the door. ”Juko-san? We have a visitor for you.”
Hence returning from the outer regions of Konohagakure, the amount of medical attention required as of late demanded a majority of her time once more. Adjusting her spectacles, the platinum mane kunoichi strolls through the corridor - awaiting for a faceless aid to request her immediate attention towards another room; the norm as of late. Truth to be told, the village itself was in a crucial state, between the missing ANBU Sennin and other oddities the strain was evident on all the general populace. In time her suspicious become a reality, the faceless aid directing her attention towards the room labeled as 'E-11', "Another feud?" Mikasa inquires aloud, only to be met with a faint nod.

A wisp escapes the Sennin's pursed lips, the generation before her swift to resort to violence. In the kunoichi's peripheral did she take notice of crimson blotches on the ivory counter tops, fortunately not in pools. Sliding the door ajar is she met with not a single figure, but a pair, "Good morning? Afternoon? It is difficult to tell the time, my apologies." she murmurs with a faint smile, in turn she bows her head respectively. "I am Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical Sennin and it would appear one of you two require aid." she introduces while eying the needles protruding from the flesh of the lion mane ANBU operative.

In the midst of thought does the realization dawn on her, "Ah, Sugihara Juko-kun!" she lightens up considerable, hands clasping together, the once drowsy in appearance facial expression vibrant. "I haven't seen you since the tournament, but your hair is very distinguishable. You were very promising, I pray your path has been favorable thus far?" the maiden rambles, recollecting the notion of wishing to recruit the young man; however Takeshii had been a tad bit sneaky with adopting a great deal of academy students into his care. Never the least, all water under the bridge.

"Looks painful, how did you exactly end up with needles in your flesh?" the older woman inquires in a perplexed tone. Nearly forsaking any manners, swiftly the pivots about to observe the other, "Another set of apologies are in order. Do you have an explanation or are you a mere visitor?" Mikasa offers as an initial greeting, her vocals warming up considerably.

"Ah, right. Let me allow me to aid your predicament." she murmurs towards Juko, lessening the distance between them. Rummaging about through the ivory coat is a pair of fresh gloves removed, an oddity would ensue. The Sennin wore a single glove on her non-dominant hand, placing another on top was a difficult challenge. Fortunately, after the internal struggle, both gloves snap reluctantly into place. "I'm going to numb your flesh a bit, I doubt you would wish for a painful removal."
The nurse looked at Juko for a moment as if she had trouble realizing what he was talking about. Then, as if she was waking up from a strange dream she flinched, went around the counter and motioned with one hand for Juko to follow. Yes yes, sure, please follow me, we will get someone right away! Sighing in relief Juko massaged his neck as he traced the young nurses route down the corridor. The typical smell of a hospital entered his nose as soon as they left the entrance area, chemicals and jutsus that only serve to clean the building from anything infectious and irritate the involuntary visitors. His nose twitched. Why cant they have hospitals smell like... i dont know, flowers or grilled meat? I guess they want people to leave as soon as possible, eh...
After a moment the nurse and the young boy had reached a small room, labeled E-11 where the young woman beckoned Juko to lie down in the colorless small bed. Someone will be right over in a moment, if you could lie down here for a moment? What was your full name again, please aswell as the poison you have been exposed to? Yes, sure. The name is Sugihira Juko, Shinobi in training and i am afraid i cannot tell you what poison that was, i havent had the question to ask after the fight.. Juko grimaced and tried an awkward smile. Shes cute but not to bright...
Oh! Right, right, please wait a second! She seemed to blush but was gone before Juko could take a second closer look at the woman.
Alone again. His eyes inspected the bland room he had been placed in. The walls where white, the tables clean and empty and the only speck of color was a small sad looking flower on the window board. There was nothing that pointed him towards the previous resident and nothing to otherwise distract him from the lasting itch in his face and body.
Idly, one hand moved to his shoulder and began scartching a row of small wounds where the needles had been. Most of the lacerations had closed already but one could still find every wound by the slightly darker skin that had covered them. Man... this is so annoying... He could feel the anger wafting about in his skull. Maru had been a thorn in Juko's side ever since they had met in the academy the first time and now that the pupeteer had openly attacked him Juko knew that this was not just onesided dislike. And neither Takeshi nor Yukio stopped him. They just let him rank up like that, even promoting him BEFORE me...
His thoughts were interrupted by a short series of knocks on the door.
A visitor?
For just a second the anger subsided, making way for hope and gratitude. Could this be my parents? I know... mother... used to work somewhere in a hospital before... Im sure its not father, cause he would probably not even have received any information on me being here! With big eyes the boy stared at the door. Yes, p..please? Licking his lips he took on a sitting position.
When the male nurse or guard at the door finally opened the door Juko found himself staring right at the Ninja that had before taken care of him in the forest before flying off. The young seikon felt his body feel limp in disappointment. Ah. Its you... can i help you... He didnt get a chance to finish his sentence.
Suddenly the door slid open one more time and a woman with silver hair entered the room. her attire showed her to be Part of the medical department of Konoha which was confirmed when she introduced herself as... The medical Sennin? Here? For me? Juko gulped. I pray it is nothing serious... Maru couldnt have infected me with anything deadly now, could he?...
His astonishment grew even bigger when Tsukasa seemed to recognize him. has been... alright i guess... The boy scratched the back of his neck, taken aback somewhat by the sudden rush of attention by the pretty lady. he thought about how he had been recruited by Takeshi and Yukio after the aforementioned student tourney and the following timeperiod of lacking care.
Meanwhile the medical sennin kept on talking to him, suddenly appearing much more lighthearted than when she first entered the room. This has been... er.. the work of Maru, Miakasa-sama. Im er.. yeah, doing allright i guess. Just the usual training and waiting for my education to finish....hehe I probably shouldnt tell her that i have since become part of the Anbu...
Licking his lips he watched her put on a pair of gloves before giving off a short nod to show his readiness.
WC: 801​
Upon entering the room and coming to the realization that his presence was perhaps not as well received as he perhaps would have liked, Yoshihisa took a seat on the bench adjacent to Juko’s bed. Much like the boy, he had very little time left for small talk before Mikasa entered the room, his eyes settling upon the Sennin for a brief moment. ”Afternoon, Mikasa-sama.” It wasn’t entirely evident if was meant to be solely a greeting or in response to her confusion on the current time of day, as he bowed his head to her in return.

The Sennin’s presence being enough to guarantee the patient’s safety from there on out, the nurses had left the room and left the three of them alone from there on out. Yoshihisa rose to his feet, walking on over to the bed as he held out a vial with a deep purple liquid. ”A new strand of twilight venom used by Maru as far as the researchers down at Toxicology could tell.” With the greatest of care he deposited it on of the aluminum trays before he settled on the bench once more. Whether or not he served an active purpose from here on out remained to be seen. ”I initially removed most of the poison after intervening together with Maki-sama.” There wasn’t exactly much more relevant information to provide Mikasa with upon answering on what he was doing here, not that he could think of at least. Or could he?

”Juko-kun was supposed to be taken in as my student under Takeshi-sama’s last order as the ANBU Sennin, so above all I just wished to ensure his safety after what little I could do to aid him earlier.” It all felt rather unnatural to him, having to admit to the kind of responsibility he’d never had before, whether or not he could even count the boy as a subject under the new system. He remained quiet from there on out, just casting a blank stare out in front of him as the medical examination resumed before his eyes. It would take some effort to wake him up from his dazed state if there were any comments directed at him as he was lulled further and further away into his subconscious.
The discussion revolves around Dokuso Maru, an interesting point in her Medical Chief period; attempting to guide the young academy student down a path to have him plucked into the ANBU operative field. Never the least his decisions carved a path that held consequences, however the toxicology lab informed the superior ANBU to Juko of a new strand of twilight venom. An interesting choice to rob the sense of sight from the unfortunate lad, "Ah, apologies, afternoon." Mikasa responds in a delicate murmur, "It seems you will have to be last patient for the hour so I may take a cat nap." the maiden jests.

Grasping the amethyst vial, the glass shifts and twirls about between her digits, "I would state this is a crafty concoction, but that would be most inappropriate." she admits with a wisp. "You appear quite skilled in toxicity removal, shame you are in ANBU. Potentially you missed a calling!" Mikasa chuckles, still unsure to the name of the shinobi and not wishing to be rude and address him incorrectly. In the state of her exhaustion, she merely forgets the initial adventure towards Juko, plucking the initial set of needles without much thought with a single hand. The sensation of pain would be minuscule, yet the crimson blotches surfacing foretelling of a different tale entirely.

Frowning at the sight, her gloved hand grazes against the flesh and the puncture wounds close with the aid of healing chakra; nothing fancy and fairly standard from any medical standpoint. "Any lingering symptoms your superior didn't identify, Juko-kun?" she inquires, although this would appear to be a fairly easy treatment, Yoshihisa having Mikasa's unannounced gratitude. With another light tug another medical tool is removed from the flesh of the young ANBU operative, fortunate in his efforts to not have the flesh tugged on from the weight of all the devices. "If you wish, you can also stay the evening to ensure a full recovery."
Juko's head jerked towards the Ninja that had extracted the poison first from his body. Huh? So hes an Anbu then? And i was supposed to be HIS student now? Juko stared at the man. My... safety? Didnt you just fly off after taking the poison?... It seems like your more interested in that stuff than in your supposed student. Surprised as he was by this new unforseen developement Juko didnt even twitch as Mikasa pulled the remaining needles that he had been unable to reach from out of his body. He didnt look at her either when she began healing those fresh wounds, and barely moved his head when he answered her question.
None that i could tell, Mikasa-sama... i feel a little bit queezy but that might be due to all the chakra ive spent fighting Maru... say.... Only now did he turn his head and look at the whitehaired woman. Do YOU know of a way to... turn ones face into that of a puppet? Earlier when i was fighting Maru his face... kind of.. The boy lifted his hands and gesticulated wildly near his own face before cupping both hands before it and moving them to the side, mirroring Maru's splitting faceshell. Kinda like this? It opened and i swear, im no good when it comes to sensing Chakra, but ive been fighting him for a while and it was definately him! No Kawarimi, Gen- or Clonejutsu involved!
Now that i think back about it... he hadnt bled either, despite all of my hits... if my suspection is true then thatd be the reason for how he rose through the ranks so quickly i guess... crazy son of a... i sur ehope this was nothing more than a nasty trick of his!
While Juko was thinking his right hand slowly crawled upwards from where it had been in his lap and carefully scratched one of the older wounds. It had scarred already before he had arrived in the care of Mikasa, a proof of his strong chakra and now a light itching feeling spread from it through his body.
If that is really how hes done it.. than surely theres a way for me too to augment my body, no?...This must be fate calling out to me then...
WC: 382​
Yoshihisa would snap awake from his daydream somewhere halfway between Mikasa’s explanation, filling in the blanks as best he could. ”It are the covert skills you hone over the years, and while it is a great honor to hear these words of praise from one of the Sennin, medical jutsu aren’t my forte: I would even go as far as to say it would inevitably defeat the entire purpose of trying to heal someone.” His smile, while polite wasn’t exactly sincere, clearly troubled by the fact that he had to admit to one of his crucial weaknesses.

It wasn’t until he caught a glimpse of Juko’s surprised stare that he felt like he had to elaborate on what this entailed. ”Yes, while you may perhaps doubt my words when I say I did all I could to aid you, the most I could do after stabilizing you was to turn my attention back towards the root of the problem.” His stoic expression mainly emphasized the fact that he wasn’t seeking for the boy’s approval in the slightest, instead owing him an explanation as a comrade and fellow ANBU. After all they would at the very least have to get along in a professional sense for the time they were going to work together.

With the treatment progressing quite nicely, Yoshihisa leaned back against the wall, reminding himself to bring out the full report to Mikasa when the circumstances would allow it. As well as doing a certain someone a huge favor by recommending them. ”Hitokugutsu, the art of human puppetry.” He looked up from his thoughts at Juko’s mentions of Maru’s fighting style. ”A kinjutsu aiming to turn a puppeteer’s body into a resilient weapon in its own right. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the finer details, but basically people like Maru have piece by piece gone out of their way to preserve their bodies so that they get rid of many of the common frailties associated with ‘being human’ all the way still being capable of utilizing chakra.” It became apparent that Konoha had produced an entire generaton seemingly already fearing the prospect of death from an early age. Not that he could blame them, really. ”My apologies for robbing you of your chance to provide an explanation, Mikasa-sama.”
Yoshihisa certainly robbed the Medical Sennin of the opportunity to provide a logical explanation; although she would never yield the fact that Maru chose to begin body modifications due to Mikasa's unfortunate one revealed to him. "Not to worry, a solid explanation." she murmurs faintly, the thin grin widening ever so slightly, "Those with extensive modifications still have a core, usually brain or heart. Chakra is a difficult item to explain in extreme situations and seems to break all logical barriers we have come to understand." she explains as an additional comment to the ANBU operative.

The ocean hues glance towards the itching of an older wound, the scar a permanent stain on the flesh and Mikasa refused to remove reminders unless entertained to the notion. Choices made within the shinobi and kunoichi realm have consequences, by such logic one reaps the benefits as well as the detriments. Leaning back in the rolling chair she sits on, MIkasa turns to glance between the pair - not necessarily needed any more than plucking needles from flesh. "I am unsure of your hospital visit, Juko-kun. While it is a pleasure to reacquaint myself with you, your superior seems more than capable of providing you with support. Perhaps a potential other reason for visitation?" she muses aloud with a chuckle.

While the maiden didn't believe the duo took her for a fool, she merely failed to understand the logic behind requiring additional aid after being examined by the medical personnel. Dokuso Maru no longer a student of hers, opting to take the ANBU route where left to run amuck without checks or balances. Shameful, wasted potential to never bear fruit. Unfortunately she were positive this that would not be the only instance throughout the remaining years of her career as Sennin; hopefully the next head would be wiser and learn to place there foot down where she failed to. Hindsight a horrific item, although she took each failure as a learning experience.

Shaking her head, she clears her head, "Apologies, I was distracted for a moment. A long night." another apologetic smile is given, soft melodic vocals sheepishly drift through the air.​
Hi...tu..Hitokugutsu? Juko blinked at the older ninja. A human puppet... that would indeed explain a lot! But if its a Kinjutsu... and i think i remember those to be forbidden no? Then how did nobody notice him doing that? Swapping out pieces of himself i mean. The boy looked confused from one face to another as he slowly swung from the hospital bed and into a proper sitting position. Wouldnt any of the Captains or the Kage have stopped him from doing something so... ridiculously dangerous? I mean, just look at him, cant believe anyone actually thought it would be a good idea to allow him to do that? Then again... what if this was ment to be dangerous? It didnt seem like Maru had just stumbled on me by accident... he knew where i was and where he could find me...
Tracing back the events Juko sure did wonder whether this change in Maru truly had been a voluntary decision in his fellow shinobi.
I... wasnt sure whether all of the poison was gone from my system, so no. No other rea....
Are you sure about that Juko? Yeah, didnt think so... you know this poison wasnt strong enough to kill or harm you after this new Sensei of yours sucked out all of the toxin. Which was weird enough in itself... he said that Takeshi had sent him after you... Actually...
And why would Takeshi sent him after me so conveniently timed to arrive during my fight with Maru... its like he knew i would be in need of someone with medical skills... Actually, you are right Mikasa-sama... i am here for something else aside from the checkup. Are there any other ways to strengthen my body? I dont mean anything as intense as exchanging parts of my body for puppet toys... but more "solid" says. Juko scratched his neck as he focussed on the two adults before him. Both of them were fairly high up the ranks so he hoped they would understand his desire for a more rapid growth in strength.
Maybe something to support my muscle growth? Or some kind of Chakra-booster? I am sure IF anyone would know about it it would be you, Mikasa-sama! Jukos head turned to regard his new sensei aswell, albeit with a light shade of suspicion. And you too seem to know a bit or two about such modifications... please do tell me if you know of anything!
And if nothing else helps... ill have to hope that my Karma solves this for me...
WC: 427​
"Believe me, people often know more than they initially let on, and it is the same for kinjutsu: A vast majority have their 'open secrets', and as long as it is tightly regulated most couldn't care less with a few exceptions." He peered up at the ceiling as he spoke, his dulled voice serving as a clear indicator that anything surrounding Maru definitely wasn't going to be a topic of his choosing. And thus he was quick to grasp the opportunity to shift the conversation elsewhere when Mikasa brought up that Juko's wounds weren't deemed severe enough to actually warrant a visit to the hospital. "I was the one to recommend for him to undergo a system checkup, Mikasa-sama. If he were to be out of commission due to an oversight means I didn't strive hard enough as his superior to prevent it." When it seemed his words momentarily failed to reach the kunoichi he simply awaited her reply by the off chance he had made a misjudgement.

Juko's question however broke the spell somewhat, with Yoshihisa appearing at least curious enough to grand his undivided attention to the Seikon. There weren't going to be any prizes to award for subtlety, and yet he could appreciate someone who managed to be direct with their intentions, in itself a rare trait in the shinobi world. Casting a glance at Mikasa to measure her willingness to entertain the subject, he soon decided for the time being to do nothing more than keep the conversation going. "To label an essential part of any kinjutsu as 'toys' means you are making the grave mistake of taking the whole process too lightly. While not as explicitly forbidden as the name would suggest there are plenty of reasons for them to still be labeled as such." His brow had been furrowed into a light frown, not breaking eye contact with Juko well until he was done inspecting the younger shinobi. By the time he broke away he let out a weary sigh and slowly ran his fingers through his hair in his attempt to keep his field of vision unobstructed, all being in vain as it would almost immediately slide back in place. "Usually I have little against providing information that one would be able to find regardless of my involvement given a few weeks and the right sources. But as this is deemed a far more sensitive topic and my knowledge regarding this is almost entirely restricted to the academic there is little information, if any, that I can provide you over say Mikasa-sama."
The Sennin was placed into an odd predicament, Mikasa certainly learned of alternative methods for catering additional power within vessels; however the cost usually outweighed the pros by a significant margin. Similarly to the ANBU, the kunoichi's brow furrows, "I understand it can be extremely frustrating to struggle to find a foothold on the mountain, there is no short cut to the destination, Juko-kun." she replies in a stoic tone, "While it is true that I have knowledge of 'darker' methods, they are not one in which I can perform with a steady heart." pivoting about she retreats a meter or so to tidy up the room as Yoshihisa speaks.

"You are a hefty young man, Juko-kun, so take this with a grain of salt. During our time on this planet our bodies require particular nutrients to sustain, if you are negating proper intake while performing rigorous training your body will never develop fully." the maiden begins, gesturing for the pair to collect themselves and follow in suit. The oak door is pulled ajar, Mikasa glancing over her shoulders to ensure their company, "I have two recommendations, providing your superior finds this beneficial." she begins, "Foremost, Yuu Kenshin-san and Shinzo-san are capable taijutsu users. The pair can be found training and they would be able to provide a bit more depth into their daily habits that I possibly can." the medical kunoichi comments, weaving between the passing personnel and residents.

Rounding another bin an oddly hue door is pressed forward, swinging with a bit of a creak to give way to a spiral staircase. Not hesitating in the slightest does she descend without much thought. "This is my personal research room, we have multiple similar sized rooms for our staffing." she explains, a sudden strong sent of alluring flora. Decorating the walls were slight indentations with vases of different variety of flowers ranging from: stargazer lilies, honey suckles, lilacs, jasmines and gardenias. A few locked doorways would reside in the thin corridor, would go untouched and a single unveiled in the distance.

Various microscopes, sampling kits, and common medical instruments litter a petite table top. "Not to worry, no tests. I believe I have what you are looking for." Mikasa addresses, heading towards a drawer to rummage through various items. In the end a single is triumphantly hoisted into the air. A chakra pill, tossing the bean shaped through the air, hopefully Juko would catch. "This isn't an ordinary chakra pill, its pact full of nutrients and vitamins." a pause, "At least I believe that is the correct one."
Juko shrugged as his new Sensei spoke. That puppet body of his did not help him in our fight, as far as i could see. Im sure it has some uses in that he doesnt have to eat and such... and he didnt bleed, i guess. But aside from that he was still mostly on the receiving end. Jumping to his feet he looked up to Yoshihisa, What else could it be if not a toy... before turning his head towards Mikasa. Both of his "superiors" seemed to be somewhat reluctant to share their knowledge with Juko. Sad, yet to be expected, i guess. Still... it does mean they both have some knowledge of these things. His dark eyes pierced Mikasa's back as she turned to clean the room of some of the medical tools standing around. I wonder how much more each of us of my age could grow if they were to share this knowledge with us...
When both of the older Shinobi moved out of the room Juko followed them, one hand scratching away at the scars at his thoat. This day had already proved to be by far more exhausting than any before, yet he wasnt sure whether this was a bad or a good thing.
Medical assistants, nurses with various tools and small carts passed by the trio as they were making their way down the various hallways until they reached an oak door. The medical sennin had made a good suggestion when she told Juko to refer to Kenshin and Shinzo, however the young Seikon had already trained with the taijutsu-crazy duo and was by no means impressed by their routine. Sure, they were more capable taijutsu users than him but in his eyes they were lacking in all the other areas. However, i shoudnt forget that Shinzo can possibly use that very same Karma as me... maybe it wouldnt be bad to exchange on that topic sometime, just to see if i can learn some tricks of his... He still remembered that wave of destructive energy washing over him at the students tourney and the way it had ripped his clothing apart where it struck him.
Ooohh.... The spiral staircase they descended at the end of the room sure was fascinating to him. The chance to look into the inner workings of the medical facility didnt come often and he wouldnt have guessed to see so much of the hospitals interior when he entered.
The sudden scent of flowers without end hit him like a brickwall and he even managed to stumble backwards a step. Alright, that was somewhat unexpected. My apologies...
His eyes scanned the area, picking up the various pieces of equipment that were filling up the room. He was barely able to hold back his curiousity as he considered the use of each and every tool on Mikasa's tables.
Suddenly his eye spicked up another detail, a quick moving speck of color, coming straight at him and be barely managed to catch the small bean just before it would have hit his face. Oh! A chakrapill? We... have seen those in the textbooks of the academy... His tongue flicked out, touching the little bean before he swallowed it.
Immediately a sour taste filled his mouth as if he had bitten into a lemon, with a similar smell filling his nose shortly after. Then it was over again and both the taste and the smell vanished.
The boy grimaced at the sennin and his sensei. Ugh... dont get me wrong, but is it supposed to taste this sour? What is IN there, Mikasa-sama?
WC: 602​
Yoshihisa produced a subtle grin as it seemed that he wouldn’t be able to see eye-to-eye with his student on this particular topic. ”Everyone has the right to their own opinion.” He was not above casting a glance at the vial and the swirling liquid contained within, musing that getting done in by a ‘toy’ would at the very least have made for an interesting line on one’s tombstone. If it weren’t for the fact that he had to owe up to the consequences of this hubris he may very well have let it run its course and hope there was a valuable lesson to be had.

Upon hearing how hesitant Mikasa herself was to dabble with some of the methods available and her subsequent offer to take a closer look at the basics, he felt like there was at the very least some progress to be made without resorting to means he felt were off-limits until further notice. Following after the sennin with Juko in tow, the ANBU was treated with a visit to perhaps the last wing he hadn’t visit as of yet, and for good reason: It was a veritable treasure trove of information on Konoha’s medical research, and he could only imagine the lengths potential spies would go through to obtain it. He absorbed whatever shreds he could find on their way towards the research room, even trying to distinguish the scents from one another during the fleeting moments where they stood out. ”.. at the very least lilacs.”

His focus would return to the situation at hand upon the mentioning of the (allegedly) harmless supplements, although the medical sennin’s last comment raised a few red flags that for the love of him he couldn’t get to go away. Questionable or not, he raised an eyebrow at Juko as he inspected him for the earliest signs of.. well, he genuinely didn’t know what to expect right now, and it wasn’t like it helped matters by having the subject in question be a Seikon. ”Aside from the taste, do you feel any different?” His intuition screamed at him that chances were that when this was over, there was going to be quite the intimidating stack of paperwork awaiting him.


Sorry for the long wait and the basic post. I really didn’t know what to write about.
Yoshihisa's concern was humorous, the Medical Sennin turning to observe the distaste Juko experienced with the sour lemon head. While it was true numerous of foreign shinobi would be tempted to search for information within the petite compound, the doors were not easily pressed through - requiring Mikasa's unique chakra signature and other miscellaneous tidbits. Never the least, a chuckle escapes, "My apologies, Juko-kun, that is nothing more than a mere candy. As you have more than likely come to the conclusion of." she comments in a pleasant tone, soothing to the ears as she would like to imagine; although that was giving herself far too much credit.

Settling into an open chair, the pair would notice a few stray pressed against the walls of the petite room. "There is no such items as a shortcut, Juko-kun. Rather allow me to rephrase, the shortest path isn't always the most optimal. I did not obtain my status through shortcuts and through hard work was I able to be titled as head of the medical corporation." the kunoich begins, "The purpose of coming down into my personal researching corridors is to provide you with what I was met with at the end of one tunnel. There is no greater satisfaction then achieving any amount of your goals through hard work. Otherwise it will leave a sour taste in your mouth." she comments with a faint nodding of her head towards Yoshihisa, a thin grin follows in suit.

"I do not wish for you to be discouraged, Juko-kun, there ways to improve your capabilities through chakra training exercises. What better way to learn of them through those who mastery of chakra is critical?" pausing she would gesture towards herself, "Strengthening your chakra core is extremely beneficial to taijutsu users. I can give you a crash course in the days to come and I strongly advise seeking out Shinzo-san or Kenshin-san." she reiterates.​

Current Ninpocho Time:
