[col]Matsu walked into the school a few days after his last class with a few prospective students. Walking into his usual classroom he ushered out another teacher and students who were sitting around and learning. He grumbled when the teacher tried to argue with him. Eyeing the other teacher, Matsu narrowed his eyes and picked him up with one hand as he struggled and began to freak out. He tossed him out through the doorway and quickly the students followed. He sighed a bit and went to his closet, unlocking all the various locks and protections, before reaching in to get his chair. Carefully he set it behind the desk and kicked the other, worse chair out into the hallway. Afterward, he would lock the closet back up before going to sit in his chair. He was in his regular leathers and not his adventuring clothes. His body was still wrapped head to toe in various pieces of clothing, be it gloves and facial wraps. A hat sat gently upon his head. He would kick his feet up on top of the desk and remove a pencil from one of the drawers. This time his name would not be placed upon the chalkboard.
His chair was quite nice. It was made of some kind of redwood and seemed very fancy. Several students tried to steal it from time to time and most didn't end up getting to attend the academy anymore. His mind wandered as he closed his eyes and the students and teacher began to mill about. He did not know exactly what he wanted to do yet for today. He was quite terrible at it. Well, he was absolutely dreadful at it. But, for some reason, he kept having a handful of students keep coming back to him over and over again.
OOC: None|
His chair was quite nice. It was made of some kind of redwood and seemed very fancy. Several students tried to steal it from time to time and most didn't end up getting to attend the academy anymore. His mind wandered as he closed his eyes and the students and teacher began to mill about. He did not know exactly what he wanted to do yet for today. He was quite terrible at it. Well, he was absolutely dreadful at it. But, for some reason, he kept having a handful of students keep coming back to him over and over again.
OOC: None|
[legend="[glow=#73e29a][b][size=5]Plague Bearer[/size][/b][/glow]"]
Name: Matsu
Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O NegativePersonal DataStamina: 48,000
Chakra: 30,000
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600Fight DataBelt Pouch
-Black Lotus - Heavy
-Heaven's Touch - Heavy
Belt Pouch
-Iron Vein - Heavy
-Serpent's Blood - Heavy
-Plexistim - Strong
-Mustard Gas - Heavy
-Twilight Venom - Weak
-Blood Pill x 3
-Health Pill x 3
-Botulinum Toxin - Strong
Weapon Holster - Draughtbane, Dark Blade of Shifting Sands
Weapon Holster -Equipment[:ELEMENTAL AFFINITIES:][/legend]
[/col]Epithet: Perhaps...violence?
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Eyes: Black sclera, red irises
Blood Type: O NegativePersonal DataStamina: 48,000
Chakra: 30,000
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600Fight DataBelt Pouch
-Black Lotus - Heavy
-Heaven's Touch - Heavy
Belt Pouch
-Iron Vein - Heavy
-Serpent's Blood - Heavy
-Plexistim - Strong
-Mustard Gas - Heavy
-Twilight Venom - Weak
-Blood Pill x 3
-Health Pill x 3
-Botulinum Toxin - Strong
Weapon Holster - Draughtbane, Dark Blade of Shifting Sands
Weapon Holster -Equipment[:ELEMENTAL AFFINITIES:]
- Earth Major / Minor Affinity
- Fire Major / Minor Affinity
- Water Major / Minor Affinity
- Wind Major / Minor Affinity
- Lightning Minor Affinity
- None-Elemental Minor Affinity
- Vapor Minor Affinity
- Poison Major / Minor Affinity
- Scorch Minor Affinity
- Metal Major / Minor Affinity
- Shadow Absent